DISCUSS BUDGET Ill WEST GWILLIMBUBY Council at West mbury will be giving preliminary al tenlioo to 1969 budget soon Deputy Reeve Orville Hughes lcltl is discussing prospects with Reeve Kcilh Langlord Fire protection ls prnvldcrl trom neighborlan Bradford Examiner Photo Medonte Ponders Regional Ideas lllOONSMNE Stall Lille Innislil chumsetli and most other Simeoe County municipal ities Medonte township is lol lowing wait and sec policy regarding probable changes which may be iniolvcd in new regional government Reeve lngram Amos who moved up to leader of the council earlier in the month and colleagues have shown in terst in the possibilitis men tioan by the Ontario minister of municipal nllaiis Hon Dar cey lichcough but so far in this new term have been busy uith more immediate problems The proposal made by ltlr llcheough earlier that any in lnre municipality should have minimum of from than to 10000 population would mean llled onlc would have to amalgamale with at least same at its neieh bors Medonte ofï¬cials were invited to attend regional development meetings at Midland there have been discussions bout mutual problems which might be involved ONCE TDGETllEll it the wish at the people ol Medonte is to be carried out it would appear the majority seem to Javor amalgamation with rural neighbors with mutual problems rather than join ur ban centres Readmission of tile village ol Goldwater which was once part of Medonte would be an exception old records show Medonte iii the early years oi county ad ministration was united with tour of its present rural neigh bors namely Tiny Tay Match edash and Orillia townships With the return of Coldwatg Medonte could meet the mini mum population stipulated by joining Orillia township The later however faces the pros pect or losing more territory round the new city of Orillia by further annexations within the next law years MORE LOGICAL Amalgamation of Matchcdash and Toy would appear more log ical Matchedashs administra tive headquarters are now at North River The township has year lt round population of low er than 400 but enough summer residents to boost its voters list to over 1000 names Tay township hall is located at Victoria Harbour another vil lage which might be included in new administrative divi sion Reeve Ralph Dalton heads tllellay council and Reeve Carson Keeler Victoria Harbour village Goldwater Reeve Ernie or has said if his village has amalgamatc with any ol Aneighboisiitwuldpreler to re turn to hledont Pii0M0TliD Pie Marven George Home transport operator with Caii adlan Forces Station quther has been promoted to corpor al Hels the son at Mr and Mrs George Hume Pine Riv er Annie Members of most councils have been somewhat reluc tant to express their views Icel ing they would be ina better position to do so when rcgion al government policies have bccn clarllied Speeches given by Mr McKcough such as at Oshawa where he said regional government plans will be an nounccd for Oshawa Waterloo Niagara and areas north and west or Metro Toronto by early 1910 have been followed with close interest here as else where MEETINGS URGED It was suggested that ratepayi ors and their represenattives should give some direction and guidance concerning their de sires rather thnn wait for the government to do it or them such as was done in the trans formation of school administra tion lrorn local and area boards to two county wide boards Those who have viewed the time to act concerning re gional desires is at hand since the warning was given to eupcct ealy action in early 1970 as indicated by Mr McKeough One suggestion discussed was that various questions should be pubmittcd to the electors or special vote in deciding their wishes Others have argued the county views could be obtained at the county level but more wide expression of opinion by ratepayers generally hasbeen held as more desirable LARGER TAX BASE Need for largm tax base or municipal tinahcing has been one of themalor reasons given or larger administrative areas The provincial government pro vides much of the linancing ol municipal administrations through grant system and small municipalities are con sidered lnleconomical modem conditions After being united at one time Tiny and Tay separated from Medonte about 1869 and tllen hlakhedash and Orillia inwn ships followed The smaller units ol administration were considered acceptable in horse and buggy era but the general argument now is that these are outdated under todays condi tions DISTRICT BRlElS ELECTRIC CONVENTION COLDWATER Stall Cold waler will he represented at the annual convention of the On tario Municipal Electric Associ ation in Toronto March to Council authorizes member ship in the association hianonrnnbllns gtMOONSlI0NE Stall Road problems are to be given early attention by Medonte municipal council Reeve Ingram Amos heads the council with deputy Reeve Horace gtVasey the second county council representative Councillors include Boyd Miller onetime ree Lytle Johnston and Dan Woodrow WILL PLAN FAIR COLLlNleooD Stall An nual meeting of the Collingwond Agricultural Society will he holds on Wednesday evening Feb at the Hiawatha restaur ant at Collingwood Plans will be discussed for the 1969 Great Northern exhibition Siroud TopHosi Credit Union STROUD tStall Good pro grass is being made in arrange ments here or gala night to mark the 25th anniversary or the Innislil Farmers Credit Union on Thursday Feb 20 Annual meeting will be held on this date at Stroud cemmuu ity hall and this will be lollowcd by an entertainment and lunch Strand womens Institute will cater lor the lunch NEGOTIATIONS FAIL BRAMFORD CPl Nego tiations aimed lit settling con tract dispute betwccn l75 work ers illll llyers Co at Canada Ltd collapsed Wednesday with no indication when talks will re sume The workers are seeking higher wages thlsnmoviewwith scepticismrleel New Models Viva has added two brand new fourdoor sedans to its model linbup for 1969 Now you can cniny all ofVivns outstanding luxury and performance features plus the extra convenience ollnurdoorsAvailabln in tbcDeluxcnnd superluxurySL series the lourdooiinorlels bring Viws totalmodcl lintLop to six thrcc twodoor Medallan estate wagonand the two new lourtloorscdansJick yours today in at Siayner mark centennial In 1972 STAYNER Stall With sewer extensions only one at human civic improveman Stayner is following three year program aimed at making its 100th anniversary as an ill eorporated municipality in 1911 an outstanding year Mayor Elinor Dority lano im plement dealer beads an active council which has started two year term during which it in hoped to make muchpmgressi The town itsell has population of around 2000 but sewérex pansion is expected to aid de velopmeot ElGllTll YEAR Mayor Dority is currently serving his eighth year as coon cil leader He is also member or the town public utilities com mission which also includes Blackburn and Douglas Walk Bi Former Commisinner Pete Dchm is Stayners coun ty council representative while councillols include Ives Oscar Bellamy Allister hint Donald Pearson Spellrnnn and Ken Kerr and Harry Mothers NMIAWASAGA STATION located in popular Georgian Bay tourist ma Stayner has history as community which dates back to test with the ar rival ol the Northern Railway line The community was mark ed on the maps as Nottawn saga Station and later become known as Dingwall The present name in honor at pioneer nom ed SutherlandStayngrmas adop tcd in In Mr Stayoer however wasnt the first settler Old records show he wrn Aodrnw Coleman who arrived the year alter the railway line was extended Mr Coleman built an Inn which was popular place with travellers in the pioneer era The miminlty deleloped and by 1972 it was large enough to hemno incorporated as vil lage Sixteen years later in 1668 it became town With more attention given to settlement in other areas Stay ner has not grown as much some We County centres time that time but with the IIBY sewer system and expansion other services there is indi catioolhat considerable devcl oplnentds liker within the nut luv years win the Blue Maintains na their slriresorts in the nearby area Stayner has yeah mun tourist business Beetonl Rotarians To Marl 15th Anniversary Oi Club HEEION Stall Members at Becton Rotary club have bccn discussing ptanslor observing the 15th anniversary ol its chan ter night Sponsored lay the Bmdtonl Rotarythe Beetnn club receiv ed its charter on Feb 1931 at the community hall Some 270 Rotarians Including large groups from Bradford and Barrie ot lended Others were llorn Rich mond Hill Newrnarket Orillill Weston Mount Dcnnis Leasillc Bracehrldge Gravenhurst Itur ora Huntsville Sunrldge Port Credit North llay and Chnplcau Charter leaders or the Becton club were president Norman McDonald Vlcwprosident StanI icy Douglas secretory New Power Now you can choose lroln three Viva en glues Standard engine is reliable and quietrunning and produccsan economi cal 57 hp An optional engine thc9o ups the power output to yo hp and an exciting new loan clc Overhead Cam Four option with 84 hp hnsbceri added tu vim power lineup for l969 Come in for test driven Every Viva has lo make in nature mark it hit IE MARK or rxcrtimce Frank Lac sengcarllvotarrru Dr Homes directors Dr Stanley hchelvey Clillord Riley Dr Frederick Spearing Jack Nodwell and Fred Parsons otllercharter members were Waller Bell Ernie latte Kennlh Gould Elwood Corbott Jack Sullivan Lco Cntnnia Peter Ur hnnski Fred Dale Howard Lav in llarry Baycrolt William Bel lry lilliam llnbinson Villium Coburn Roy Dovall and Earl Hammell Kale Aiken native of Bee ton opened the meeting with ra salute to the norm lorm ed club It Downer lllPP of Dun troon wasartng the speakers Nevv OptiOns Order either the 90 or moo engine and it comes with highperformance packageincluding power from disc brakes and special 4J2 rear axle Disc brakes can also be ordered separately with Vim standard engine on any model Want automatic Aurreaspeui fullyautomatic transmission is ayail able Standard shift is sporty 4onthe floor Its Viva or lowcost options in 69 $1951 rcrs suggested minimum retail pliccoi aVlvu Standard and ttclloslcr at DISTRICT NEWS Cookstowin Fair Plans Underway COOKSIDWN Staill With WilllEd lildey reelected presi dent Agricultural Society has started on plans tor in 1969 two day exhibition Datei tor the lair Prldoyand Salulday Sept 12 and la have been approved Ron Cook and John Selle amvlce presidents and Mrs John Selle the new secretary Various proposalt lor the toss lnlr which will he the lllth Inlt nulll have been made Sulky horso racing long teature will again be held on the closlng day of flu lair which also will have another standout livestock show pony show and Jersey par ish show OWIESTRA CONTEST Plans lor the Ontario oidtyme orchestra contest will be discuss ed at special meeting to be announced soon Gordie Tapp ol Burlington wellknown television personalily was master ol cere nionlcs last year when Bill Bur nett and his orchestra lrorn Vookstolm non the old hylrnc competition Floyd Sillito and the Perth County Playboys ol Stratlord won the 1968 western music com petition whileVGordon Grills and and more All stair dard the Road Rangers IND All won the novelty class ll last years procedure is lol lowed the orchestra contest wfll be held at the curling rink on the Prid ol the week prevloul to the la This has yet to be decided along with other datlfla for 1969 EXCELLENT TRACK With an excellent rulky traclr tho lair is certain of good program of harness rating again it thewcather ls lavoroble Collingwood horse Success Girl owned by Russell Irwin was winner at one at the feature sul icy eventsol 1966 Elmer Trim blc and Ron Pielrard ol banlo and Everett Edwards of Phelp ston also shared in the rulky racing money Cookstown horse Lndy Fion ence was another winner Reports showed the loss lair was well patronized The atten dance or the orchestra compe tition was good although down slightly lrom the previous year RECORD FIGURE United States exports to South Alch in 1965 madlmi record ï¬gure of 380000 Van Ddhnlomdam lulu Viva is small car thats very big on safety featuresfront and rear side marker lights backup lights dual master cylinder brake sysleih with Warning light com bination shoulderlap belts for driver and front passenger and three sets of seat belts in back energyabsorbing steering column atyour Pontiac dealers sedan with heater Price includes delivery and handling charges Federal Sales and Excise Taxes Provincial and local taxes and liecnseare not included The Villa Deluxe models 51 models and Estate Wagon are available at slightly higher costs Sea your local ouihorized VauxnalIFoniipc dealer BUICK in PHQNX noises