Ltndya Accordion School sex Wcaring his drain or otttce LTod Brent president of the Barrie Rotary club stands with two newly inducted members ENTERTth and rtdsiting group oiilotara inns lrom Jamestown New NEW YORK VISITORS Mt of ML Brent are George Davies and Stan Cohen The caught the only list in an ava hint to llshlng on Lake York Thencw munbento the Rotarians from New York Simcoe tExaminer Photo Many Barrie Borden Students To Compete In Music Festival Downtown Toronto laces mass invasion by more than 28 000 studan including large delegations from Barrie and Base Borden trom across Ont aria in mid February but nobodya reaching lor the panic button These particular stu dents are music makers and the reason for their assault on ior onto is the 26th Annual Kiwanis Music Festival at Greater Tor onto the worlds largest annual musical competition Gompeticg lrorn Harrie will be Nema Knczomwskl Stan ls randt Sandra Lynn Laniord emma Van Ameisvoort liar go Central Coilcgiate choir astview secondary school hoir Barrie Sax Quartet Cen at collegiate brass ensemble Central collegiate born quartet de Anne Ramsay Susan heck ett Beverley Maxwell Richard NixonJerry Robinson and the cue be Scott liiLDougail David Gregory Kevin Howbold Val cri Friesen Susan Smith Stacy llird Susan Jackson Marie Gil lespie Gall Delbert Susan Smith Bernice Merrill Cheryl hicGiven Alison anon Debbie Hodges Heather Johnson Shar on Pratt Steven Smith Drew Peitier Craig Scott lleathcr Fraser Colleen Clark Francis Ann Lnbelie Beth Barnier har bara Cameron and the Base Borden collegiate bands Competitive sessions or the lasalestival begin on Feb and continue at live separate locations until Feb 22 dailycx ccpt Sunday The Festival will be oliicleliy opened on Feb at the Toronto Dominion Centre by Dr David Oucbterlony act ing principal of the Royal Con servatory nl nitrate in Toronto The opening ccremony will he the highlight of reception at which representatives at the 14 Toronto area Kiwanis Clubs Base Borden competitors will ms litth iwsariira which sponsor the festival will Predict SIiOvvCr Rain welcome the to distinguished musicians from Canada and the United Kingdom who will ad Judlcnte this years competition The latest available count on the total number participants in the 1999 Festival is 29690 largest in the 25 year history at the competition They repre sent lull range at achievement and talent fromtoddicrs who are still foot or two away irom being able to roach the pedals on piano to accom plished proicssionuls who have already established growing re Putations in the world ofmusic in addition to the always in lormatlve and helpful adjudicat tlons and the pride oi placing ilrst in their individual classes they will also be competing tor more than 8800030 in scholar ships and cash awards with which to further their musical education Toronto Kiwanis Fos tivals have over the years at tracted some Canadas top To Follow Cold Night Snow or rain is likely to hit the Barrie district Saturday the Toronto weaflrer oliice says Clear and ralhcr cold wea Liter is expected tonight alter todays cloud Little change in temperature is lorecast tor Sat urday low temperature tonight will be is rising Saturday to 32 it was 39 outside the Barrie Ex amincr at noon today IIffltthilt 0P Forecasts issued at 530 am Synopsis Temperatures in southern Oourio are not emect ed to rise much higher than the mid 30s today under cloudy skies clearing trend will to all of Ontario tonight Snow Windsor Toronto Hamilton Lake St Clair Lake Eric Niag ara Western Lake Ontario iiiostiyrioudy and cold today but ten sunny periods this of ternoan Clearing and rather cold tonight Saturday variable cloudiness and likely period or snow or rain with not much change in temperature London Lake Huron southern Georgian Bay Mainly cloudy and colder with low snowflur ries today Clearing and rather cold tonight Saturday variable cloudiness and likely period of snow or rain and not much change in temperatures Winds west to northwest 15 to 25 today bflng fairly cold temperatures becoming light tonight Eastern Lake Ontario Hali or rain is expected in southern burton Mostly cloudy and not Ontario Saturday much change in temperatures today Clearing and rather cold tonight Saturday variable cloudiness and not much change in temperature Chance of some show or rain late in the day Winds west to northwest to 25 becoming light tonight Forecast Temperatures Low tonight high Saturday Windsor it 35 St Thom la 35 London is as Kibchener to 35 Mount Forest 15 31 Wingham 15 32 Hamilton la 35 St Catharines la 35 Toronto to 35 Petcrborough 15 32 Kingston 18 32 Owen Sound is 32 Trenton 18 35 10 32 Killaloe rated developing musical tal enta Pianist Glenn Gould sing on Lois Marshal and Theresa Strata violinist Steve Staryk are among the recognized stars who have periormcd betore Ease tival audiences The Festival is organized and managed by the Toronto Kiwan is Music Festival Association which draws its support from it Metro Kiwanis Cuba The Fes tival la community service project aimed at providing young musicians and vocalists with incentive and encourage ment Far from being tund reislng cliort the Festival re quires substantial ilnanelal sup port from participating clubs Morathan halt ol the annual budget which runs in excess oi $50000 is contributed by the clubs eachot which is assess ed on aper member basis The computer age has arrived at the garage The management at Jackson Motors decided to tear down their old building on Bradford Street and erect new garage and new car display Mmi In the process at choosing the equipment to he installed in the repair shop the company decid ed to set up diagnostic clinic for checking the health of car engine The facilities beinginstalled include computer that is pre programmed to check out cer tain operations of cars per ltinslrolra is North Bay 10 Sudbury Earlicn Sault Ste Ma Kapuskasing Moosonee 10 10 10 ERSSESEEES llrmnins mome wmwammghmmme Grade and students than Grove Public School are from operation of the press at the Barrie Examiner agrossed in watching the deals were amazed and be The siu taruornrs fwarcnjns Paass norms Vldcred withtheir commas tion at the huge and noisy newspaper Examiner photo iweighted prices quotedhy the machines which print the daily CITY New rne enema EXAMINE New Computer llge Reaches Automobile Repair Business spection lane will enable Jack Dairy Commission tenderable Ski Conditions During Weekend Weekend skiing in the Barrie area should be good ski resort operators report Mount St tool was closed today while the operators groom cd slopes tor the weekend Hone shoe and Snow Valley most good spring akilogi The outlook tor Saturday and Sunday with an expected mow lall is lor good to very good conditions Former Girliriend Larry Robert Mills term erly ot Base Borden now living in Hammon was gien sus pended sentence and one year probation yesterday in Provi dal Court ltlills had pleaded guilb to wmmon assault arg last Dec 12 The charge was the re sult of an episode at the home at Mllla ex flfllriend whom he hit alter quarrel Made Indecent Telephone Calls larncs Edison Barry liiday 17 student in Aliirton plead ed guilty in provincial court at Barrie Thursday to charges oi making indecent phone calls int Sept to The youth made total oi it calls to shanty my woman during the oncweek period The calls were traced by Bell Caro adn using equipment recently installed tor this purpose In addition amharge at petty hell was filed by Bell Canada or 75 cents Three ol the calls were made long distance and charged to another partys phone number Judge it Foster adjourn ed the sentencing oi the youth until Feb Careless Driving Costs Him $54 Judge Foster Thursday lined Donald Orchard oi Angus $34 for causing ahead on collision Jan Orchard rleaded guilty to careless dr ving charge in pro vinclal court yesterday Although there were no inlur ies in the collision to damage resulted com the accident It FRIDAY JANUARY lormance One lane of the new garage has been set aside tor checks Cars will roll onto the lane and be out hall hour later alter 150 different checks computer printout will be handed to him when the chedr is completed ind the tomer can then take his car wherever he likes to have it re paired Orv Jackson said he enpects the diagnostic clinic to be work ing by the end otgiiebmary The equipment is being installed by the Canadian aubsldnary oi an American manufacturer Kent Hall an employee at Jackson Motors is now taking special one week course in the United States to landliarise himself with the equipment The new clinic will be the cab one of its kind north of Toronto The three stage in son Motors to give car the government seal or approval when it is sold consultant will be on hand to explain to customers the information given by the computer FARM PRICES romnro cat Wholesale in retail carton eggs average department oi agriculture as at Vdrdiesale prices to country stations fibre cases quot ed by committee of wholesale egg dealers extra large 4344 Large 4344 medium 414 small 36 37 29 Butter prices la carlots buying 39 score oi buy ing to score at selling 65 SKID00 RENTALS rainy Fun raring Snail Rent Shidoo Enqulriel Invited Phone trains CAMPBELLS SKIDoe RENTALS lidmits He Struck Leon Perlrd tleiti chair man of the winter Carnival draw committee sells his first two tickets to Mayor Robert Bentley and Betty Terry New Boss Borden service men have expressed alarm over deicncc department proposal that wouldhold back pensions until the age at sixty Present policy is lor armed lorccs personnel to receive pen sions as soon as they retire iromthe service Auditor General Maxwell Hen derson has tor number at years brought to the attention at the Public Accounts Commit tee cases ot young men leaving the armed forces and receiving immediate pensions He said yesterday that 1401 men tnder the age alto have retiree lrom the lorces in the last threoyearc The annual cost at their pension beneiita was 52018000 ton ol the iorces has worsen contestant in the ca rnival nuccn competion Winner at the lucky draw will pick up 11000 The beauty contest 30m ssnvrcrnrn Alarmed Over are To Hold Back Pensions He cited the lenses of 59 Patrick Newlan PC An year oldgettlna some annual napolls Valley imported outi Cnetlu Mild Med on Spiced he re lb tier Whale ly styearoid getting sum and 29 year old getting $1060 These beneï¬ts should he pad to them only when they become so the auditor gen eral said This appliedto pub lic servants and other in civil ian llic ltlr Henderson said Integra ed the problem but it exisb ed bolore that lths agreed to questionioific late or the Delense Depart ment on their submission to Cubnet wipingout early pen slons Maybe they should bring along remitting articcr said on PREMIUM BUY FIRST CARNIVAL DRAW TICKETS Iic Ih 12 SAVINGS effective ACCOUNTS loidonminimtm monthlyboionces which usually attraria more than belles will he held at the Holiday Inn Feb at 650 pm Examiner Photo page Approx lb avcraget ALL DUTCH ARTICLES 20 Oil Regularï¬nes Red or Blue broad Bee Fronts titer Hinds sac Sides 56o Cut Wnppeoh Erma and Delivered cannrs MEAT MARKET nwy tortanner needed gt Interest February istiQéfl TOï¬DNTDibOMINIDN The bankywheré peopiemoke ihediiierlence