Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1969, p. 12

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ll TIE BARRIE EXAMINER TREAT JANUARY 51 l4 PUBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL l969 DOG TAGS me the 969 mouse Englhdlmfeaimfmddfi ammonium mimic the Muslim AlmhlA WWW Variety aunt Handy Plan BEE EWARTimmhleys Service Station EON SEOOURS BEACHHunters Grocery Sore CHURCHILLJam Cellini Store CRAWFORDDorms General Store BOILY HWY 21 SHilton Simona Senices LEFROYA Comic MINBPS POINTMimis Point General Sore PAINSWICKCampbell General Store TilORNTONGolds Guleral Store THE l9t3 RATES ARE AS muons Male or Spaycd Fimale $500 Telltale $700 On or after llieli day of April owners or habourcrs of without 1569 tags which must be all will he diarged under the provisions of Bylew No to the Ls of April loos Ibo rules will bcns follows Subsomiui Male or Spaytd Female $700 Femlc $900 Phone Nlmbers don at securelyattadiedlomm 634 BRIDGE Animal Control Officer Animal Control Officer day mono Residence after hours Lib1m Animal Shelter 12 TENDERS TENDERS TENDERS FOR GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL 01L Scaled lenders in envelopes pro lidcd will be mcived by the undersigned up to PM FEE BUARY 10 I969 tor the supply of approximately 90000 gallons of gasoline and 20000 gallons of diesel fuel oil ovcr tunyear period Specifications and lender cnvelI ones may he obtained from the City Clerks Office Bl Collier Street Barrie lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted STRAUGHAN City Clerk PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS ROSE nannlsou IT Collins St Phone m4 chartered Accountants samuri is nose CA Trustee In Elnknnilcv FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEY FUNERAL HOMEif suennlon SERVICE AT hIODlJIAIE cosr Convenient rum to waislcy st him most PETHICK FUNERAL HOME Chapel of Thoughth Service 2+HDUR SERVICE 121 Bayfield Street Barrie 7282 Birth Announcements maximum Cards of Thanks 175 words per word additional words he lu Memoriain no verse Verse per count line extra Coming Events CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 72824l4 classiried advertisements and non ces or Ibesu page must be re ceived by pnl day precedlnl publication or noon on Saturday with thuexcepllvn or Cissstrian plsalsv advertisements which must be In by 1290 noon nicczdlnn day BLIND small aux streams charge of so cents made for use or Examiner Box Number Idlnllly or Box Number users is strictly confidential Replies Latter Boxes will be held only in days after last habitation 2LWORD lvmmmnl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING cash Discount Rates span Fall with in days out or two Insertions ac pur ward Trim consecutive in scrtloris Me an word per inser tlun total mi six consecutive tlnm 41 gcr word nei mm lion total $57 lilulllplc insertion maybe mama cabinet to uncann nn when satisfactory results no lned in per cent Additional silage it nut paid within scven muons on eonunmoNs All ahnne insertion orders are Accepted as convenience tn the advertisers Therein the Classified Advanlslna Department requires nil advertiser to kindly rccnecil their advertisement immediately after first Insertion In order that my arm or omissions may he rclt ported before cm In order that nan may be rectified for tho fol lowing dav publicationhlhn lanc rle Examiner Is rcsaanrlhic rol only one incorrectly printed inscr tion or any advertisement and then only to the extent of aorllon of so that involves the mlsprlnt Errors which do not lesson the value oi the advertisement are not ellzlhlo or correction by mlkrgomu The Harrie Exsmlnu reserves the right to cissstsy ravhc or select my want ad Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to Advertise Each day new wants arisebringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you ge re sults After many yoursof ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomcrrowds the best day to start your od and every day lathe besi day to advertis The home Exam iner Classified Section 723313 TELL MORE SELL MORE When you place your Articles For Sale ad in The Barrio Ex aminer keep these points in mind state What item is Brllild nume Condilion Aoccssorles and attachments Specificallnns Prcions usage Upholsiery Finish Agc Cclor Make it easier for the prospect In buy Remember the Articles for Sale classification is the Peoples Market Place MUSlC lESSONS JESSIE ERYSON Teacher or Ylsno Singing Theory Pupils prepared for axnmlnlllam of lip Royal Comnutory or Illusic Toronto All rude and ARCT Iuadcrn methodsstudio 27 nrndiard St 72341 ANGUS ROSS an El R058 SL Barrio 73577 Iltreugiisxteicdx Music Teacher in in the tutorin nIn signinguntil other schoo alarm EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH Engagements Marriages and Death RATES 40 words Parliament lit ll Glance By in CANADIAN runss THURSDAY Jan 30 1569 The majority Liberal gov ernment easily defeated Con servative and ND nonconfi dence motions sealing its polilt ties on uomploymeut Fin an Minister Edgar Benson indicated there will be sevaolooncessions in govern to ment legislation onstate tax ation Prime Minister Trudeau said he has no objection to public debate by his ministers ion economic policy and hous ng Indian Affairs Minister Jean Chretlen said is hope of in troducing legislation In Jennv cry or an Indian claims com mission wlilnot be realized Senator Daniel Lang Ontario told tile Senate na tional debate on NATO may be an attempt to bypass Par llarneat and rally support for Canadas withdrawal from the I5rnember alliance Fluorine al The Commons sits at 11 am EST when Finance Minister Benson will present proposed legislation an estate taxation The Senate is ad journed until Tuesday Feb at pin TO PRESENT PLAY GUELPH GP The Muse qua of Mlde play based on the life of Oscar Wilde will be presented at the University of Guelph Feb 58 the university said Thursday Theplay writ ten by Joseph Addison of Loin don 0nt will he presented by the tunlversltys drama depart men my EXAMINER WinInns PHONE mono PATTERNS THE TEEN SCENE liy ANNE ADAMS The hlgh buttoned military mannered ccatdress is making the teen scene in his wnyl Sew it sleeveless or with dash lng cuffed sleeves now Printed Pattern 1945 NEW Teen Sizes 10 12 14 to Size is bust 32 takes3 yards 35 inch fabric SIXTYFIVE CENTS 55 cents in coins no stamps please for each pattern Ontario residents add cents sales tax Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to Anne Adams care or The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ontario easy sew styles in our New PallWinter Pattern Catalog Plus free pattern coupon 50c Newl instant Sewing hook Snvs hours cut fit sew mod crn expert way Over subpic tures Only $1 PATTERNS NEWEST Pillows By arson animus Smocked pillows easy and fast to do Usevelveteen cor duroy heavy cotton silk New smocked pillows they are smockeon the wrong side of fabric Pattern 7269 trans fer directions 12 in mundil squaregltltéybolster mlf CENTS Coins for each pattern no stamps please to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St Toronto Onlgrlo residents addllc sales taxFrint plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS Giant new 1969 Needlecraft catalog over designs to choose free pat erns printed inside Send 50 cents now New 50 Instant Gifts fabulous fashions toys decorat or sccessories Make it today give it tomorrow ideal for all occasions it cents 16 Jiffy Hugs to it crochet weave sew book so cans Book of 12 prize atghans soc Bargain Quilt Book basis beautiful patterns 60 cents Museum Quilt Book patterns for 12 superb quilts so cents Book EQuills for Todays Liv ing 15 patterns 60 cents REPRINTS lfyou would like to have re prints of any news pictures take by our stuff photographers please call at our Business 0ft lcc We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Short on time Marchulclr comm uom Coldrs Prominent On Redskin DClY gag ny HEATHER SANGUINS SHARON smote The Senior Ghls Basketball team won against Park Street 0131 Thursday and secured their position In the sanllinnl play offs The Juniors lost against North 25d Redan Day the day Cele trslitcs showed their true colors or paid for it Friday everyone was to wear the school colors red binds and white or they were fined cards for their lapse of memory That day the boys basketball teams met Com woodTho Juniors won 3111 tying for first place in their di vision Intermediates won 7145 aided by the efforts of Gunner Delaney and the California Dreamer The Seniors despite the loud amen of the will encclcstwlthaeloscLHzln hardqalnytd game The day was completed with the GAA dance The Sunday Calendar played in cmdty crowd The spirit of Redskin day lingered on in the WAA quick look alwnd proved this when you were faced with ban ner from which mlan kept his eye upon all SHORT COURSE If enough will an interest ed short course is going to be run wllhln the school to teadi the usage of the audioviola aids to students This would one Ensrvlrw scour sculptutlng Also hh year special the way an ins stabbed up nudity and is the time be lnsulc you and left out of soulying one The winter carnival is fast ap ploachlng llilthough Causal wont tutor float its homd that we will take part in the ice dance is bdng planned for the Carnival weekend The dance will feature Utilc Censor and II OthuLs More on that later Floor Hockey Kiiling Game ByLYN GMNDY Ind GARY LALONDE liigh again Once again hole we are re memberlng all that we can of prime importance is the fact that we must correct an error made last weekThere will be no dance at Eastvlew this week On Friday Coilingde collsgiatcs basketball team will travel here to play our boys so the school is being used for something else letting Ille dance out There should be one coming up soon though lis we told you last week lntrospects are being ordered In Eastvicw Enterprises all this week You can cither pay $50 now and $100 lateror pay the entire amount of $250 added by us in case meofymlmath geniuses couldnt do it your selves now and save yourself the added time and bother of making another trip to the store Tickets for Central Colleg lates performance of Oklaho nm are on sale In the hall dur ing noon hour This production wlll take place at the end of Fehninry and were sure that you all want to see it as much as wedo APPLICATIONS OUT On nmday the Grude 135 were giutu their applications for University This is such major decision that were me most will be held until the last mom ent in case someone has change of heart or marks 0n Fens there is also another great surprise in store for the big Grade 13 On this day we will write two more tests almi lar to the SATO test that we wrote last year The one in the morning is either three or sit hours in length and the one in the afternoon is approximately two hours long Put black mark beside all you lucky Gradcvlis Of apecialliall to all those of you Who have been in bother ln Mrs finches for that book that you lost in September The lost and found has now new location It can be found in the Ierpnsos and is hours FLOOR HOCKEY Tish is something that must said for something that was seen on WednesdayFor those of you who think that foodioll Is Masher Sport all the old saying goes you aint seen nothing yeti If you wish to see the killing game to end all games go watch the next door hodtey llama with fihc Grade 12 boys playing The game seems torhave no rules as for as how hard you can rain the guy with the profit so beware Thepuck can be pick ed up kicked beltedx sat on knelt on and so forth but you mustnt take your hands either one off the bmomsttck that you are using for stick Thats no no Well that Just about does it again for thisweelrIOnce gain dont forget about Feb 14 In case were are Illose of openmostnoon Too Llllii Vie Vandargusl with ball you who havent heard that is holiday for us Must gal llye now coat check next to Eastvlcw En NEWS FROM NORTH Sée Basketball ChampiOnships Byflndn Ilunls and Jim Thompson Whats up North It looks like Friday will be big daylor North Both the junz lor Girls and senior Boys play off against Central collegiate for top standing in district basket ball The girls have it pretty well wrapped up already with head start of 17 points over the Cen tral team Last Thursday they won the first of tntalpalnts ser ies game 251i They should take the chanpiunship hands down The game to watch will be contest between the senior boys night We prediclsomn exciting basketball so if you can pos sihly make it why not take trip to Norths gym and cheer our guys on Wed like to see that trophy in our case in at previous game agalnst Al liston last Friday the seniors fairly wiped out their opposition with score of 5630 for us Dennis Turnbull made twenty paints in that slaughter The In termediales found an outstand ing player in Jim tiny but still ended up just two points short up victory Along with the Jun ior win it was rather success ful encounter Changing the sublect to some thing quite different and it certainly was different the senior assembly You dont get to see anything like that too often The grade 135 packed lot of originality into 45 minutes of home made jokesme the laugh in style Party to the soap opera solo it was nothing less than weird wild and won derful Floyd Partridge as master of ceremonies conducted proceed ings admirably well despite ctr cumstnntinl difficulties word the whole thin plnln funuyl GROUND HOG lie page 83 of Horizons Nine autof class ify the genderias male What do you think wasiust of North and Central lfridny Biisnaonoru HIGH More ExaminatiOnS VJllSt Around comer By Kim CYlllNGlIAllI Bordenrhoomed as 31 this week On Monday and Tucdsay the Bmdcn Rebels the lwys basketballrteiim not the stu dents scoredvlcturics on live out of six games agaius Celi tinl and Eastview the only loss being junior This was by one point to Esstview However the tear ls that student activity will soon step down arminlmurc because exams are right around the corner By Feb 19 the usual displaynf ink stained hands perspiring foreheads and war Tied frowns will appear in the school for lo day But dont despairBordeuit can rest assured that school will com mence immediately after exams are done Luckybreak ell Tonight the 315i saline dance is being staged in our fair institution oflearning and everyone is invited The Tymc and aHalf will entertain Itll be $125 with on SA card and $150 without Dress is casual and the group is billed as rest so we hope to see you there from 830 till 1230 Our drains club is busy Search ing for play to start work on As soon as they find suitable one theyll be auditioning pram ising young thcalrc peaplelol the parts Good luck drama club we hope you get the neo essary support wanting nudvor point of in tcrest for stud tsAs It stands now no one With an average ol uvtr 50 percent by the end of the past termwlll be exempt fromwriting their exams Every one start hrlnging apples for the teachers and keep your poses to the grindstones withluck ao nne willbe writing in June Eli cept the Grade 135 poor souls who still must have 60 per cent to be exempt On the lighter side orthings we find absolutely nothing Well um the students council has decided to have Miss Val entine contest There will he one entry from each class and they will be judged on talent per sonality and style The council will choose the girl of the day and bestow upon her the great title of Miss 1969 Plug now Next week well continue with more episodes from the scrolls of BBCI Thank you Thomas muchly MAGIC BOTTLE Hello have just few things to say this week First IWlil in form you about recent ae complishment of ours The Malt Shoppe committee som2mem hers and portion of the de pendents hockey team took on the task of cleaning Buildllig 70 in which we hold maturity of our dances This entailed washing walls and waxing floors Thanks for the cooperation on the part of all those in often dance only other thing left is to re nd you with the following memo about our coming dances Jan l=rlli Campus Club 3301 Fell Fltil7 T70 is booked therefore dance will be held Sat BGeurgin Strait at T40 Fri ltCampus Club Sat mam dance tliuell Building int 13 Tombstones at 1170 Til next week shundy Kennedy mun runssuur Scientists say that the air pressureon the planet Venus 75 times greater than may be on earth got into the air alitlle too late as Torn Greene 33 had just scored for Central Collegiate in their 4542 less to Collingwnod Collégiate lnstltuls Jun 24 The ELMVIILE HIGH The week of flan In endcd on rather sour note in the view of many at Elmvale High Including members of the stall final wom was receivedlrlday that the school term is definitely to be extendelby all additional two weeks thisfmm our distin guished Minister of Education Mlliam Davis Student complaints arising from this include mainlyeless time for holidays and less time to work at summer jobs The latter may as aguite legitimate complaint for those of Grade 13 planning career in University starting knows of thefinanciai problems they face Some students will consider Friday Jan 14 in an even poor date set for the receiving of Christmas exam reports Any solderIt of any school will rean the anxiety of that moment as saw wins in Basketball for both Jabsmediate and Senior glrls teams against Bradford Wednes day afternoon The boys teams had little to be proud of how ever as they were severely trounced by the unbeatable Stay ner teams Itgrievcs me to ad mit that stayners senior tenm triumphéd over Elmvalel 96 an unheard of butliipparentJ lynormal mrgin for thestay herclub There has beénsome specula that of Elmvnle can muster such anéieperlenced team 15 it the fault of the players Is school and team spirit lacking Is it lack of larger gym where girls same time instead on having just one or two practices week next hilt everyone the heartbeat quidsens moinon Mover thé ofdanlm astowhy school like Steyner of comerablesize to and boys can practise at the closagams saw the lead change several times before Collingwood fiilnllyvcémc out on top Look ing on are Gary Show and flick McArtiiiir 21 Examiner Phil to WeeltEndsy 0n Sour Note lls Extended ierm Confirmed It makes you think doesnt it Wcare trying to remedy the last ill by using occasionally the new public school gym for prac tic alter shoal We are grateV fill to Mr Archer the Principal for granting us tilts privilege In summing up shall simply say Tho bad Elmvale Remem her your motto Ad Altivrn Ten dimus which means Strive for the Highest and try harder next limef erlight bechuserit was also the Snell one lately storkthnt is when the stark departs Its limefcrtthflccmeWagan Hostess to arrive with gifts for baby and helpful infor mation critic new mother But since the stark out numberihc Hostess WEI conlo Wagon needsspnileu to help nut stock spotter In your neighborhood our Most csseswlll appreciate your help and so within new mothers To report siork sightings cali NOTICE To EXAIIIIIIER fillilSCRlBERS CARRIER Miss your If your Barrie Examiner eorricrhss notnrrlved by pin pieso phone 7282433 and copy ofThc Examiner will ha dellvrred your home by pan VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS Jr TRUCKS There is no charge for thissorvlcei Dorfially Circulation Manager To CONTACT THE EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPARTMEN directly cal 726a6539 830 to 530 Mail In ErIaini up to 200 pmSnt tIIIIRIE EXAMINER

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