Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1969, p. 11

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soil nerdsis or at the Mnto REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MOVING Dont ialget to trlprier your LNSURANCE and 11 you need extra coverage of any kind sen STEVENSONS ii DUNIDP 51 1161501 LOTS FOR SALE hell am Iota ritu yhl1 ans 5w up nus OPPORTUNITY DEALERSHIP AVAILABLE AQUACAT The 11 sailing Alli boat his said 6500 uniialn years Now in Canada and earn ingon strong with Kindle dealers lllcltlsive fraodse available Can be handled by persons not now in business and can be most lucrative Oar tau SHLLEY mustangs LTD Bolt 50m Vancouver Boat Show Ian 81 Icb surplus Opportunity Vrri IIIch bu barber shop plur room apartment mt end or 15 private rrlr Teiwhoar == ZAPTS FOR RENT THE WILLOWS 155 Dunlap llost centrally located bdrn maisonette for rent Upstairs downstairs Balconies or Patios Divided washroom Over mo sq ft of space Stove fridge washer dryer Electric heating 5140 per month Phone 7284541 ONE bedroom Iplrlment or nnl nair riot and Imve enppued nli Izoior miniu couple or wo ur plop Availhie ehru ary llnt Telephlane mist THE KEMPENFELT Luxury haw bulld rid Ihl only lew Ieltmlzlidsl bllh ru electric llu log street Telephons Tiamt 0N3 bedroom artrnepi harlo zsflt on Igem en en Drlvr rein or III on te phone ill106th nrllpprrr lPAClOUS modern bedroom apartment rtovr rctrideratol bll eony Itvalllbll February mt cud Telephono mom ONE bedroom hclted sprrtrneot Avlllabll Echnlrry ms parhins and pinyin stove reirl errior and laundry ilulllucs Supplcd Iciea Ditth Vlldtill oNp bedroom apartment lollcon tained litllriilrv iacilltles love and retridmtor private entrance pulp in store to business Sinnle ale couple crii ayeninlr ah LUXURY tivo bedroomdmrlment Every conceivable oonlcnlcnea arDlt Arne entrance hroldioonr through out ltovc and Iril he bath 5119 Irate laundry $125 monthly Con Iaet Petcr lonlon mm tuthsrtEmpsitmdntrvaiIroIe lm medllklt CEDLIII rooms Ind bath roll conlllned Pdille il trance treat hydro and water part 1292 95 monthly Adulir only no ONP BEDROOM basement apart ment or rent 15 monthly stove reirl eraior and utilities Bullhead eonp telephone mom for tinth er partieulnrx 0N3 BEDROOM apartment with aluve refrigerator heat and prrit Inr iternpentelt Drive no pets tele phone mam alter not as rUhNtsIran brsement loaranent or rent Close to downtown and hathhm °rin° rn open Tradsor my cm nzpltoorl apartment tor rent stove rnd reirigerator Centrally located No pets as monthly Av gzbid Fchruarv 20 Telephone Now in eiiect reduced ninter rates rm one Ind llto bedroom prrnnent VSOIIH wllh hrlrehtes everything supplied except tcle hone This Is modem new build llz In quiet residential am hut cd with nature wonderhrel natural Ills Call nv relasman 17 Car ton heal EAhtp motor STORES FOR RENT GENERAL STORE or rent well eoulpped vlclriltv at Barrie For inrthcr Iniormrtton write Box it harm Dunliner HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSE nesrcdanvntown hrrrie budrazgsmx gas heating telephone murmurs possession large hedroom house Ito arylicid street or rent szso onth All loll TiaTrot lg FOUR bedroom house in an exclu aite residential area baths par tially rinlshedrcoreation room For indecllon call Joe Dirracoio 7150667 nannoonlsz brthr hm yard Near slams Plan on Billie rtreht Children wclcome slab monthly Aillllbld Immediately Telephone Timid Tlanitaorl house near downtown ficheted newly decorated Avril last NEW hanuooltt houseior rent in miles south or Barrie $115 mom this close to schools Avrliable Febriler 15 Write Bux Rab rte sixminer HOUSE avallhblo from him to July Modem split levtl brie bedrooms on Wya Itlver inst north 41 minute sits per month Tell phone 3751112 Elmvhlo evenings oNE hhnnoont nonso roe rent uv 14 room kitchen hrurroorn hr ERIN mg It mm leplrpiy rser or on All510$ IIIEPU HOUSES WANTED FURNISHED Apartment or hours wanted to rent or July Ind Au list Reierlncu Ivllllhlu In Box rtz Barrio manner YOUNG buJIilcuIlurr with wlin Ind itchy recently inhalerred tpisar rdolllrca or bedroom hours to rent call 72 out dayr or its All nicth slt ior Norman en TRAILERS FOR RENT TRAILER for rent In Angus ioo monthly General 15 feet One inild welcome Puilyiflumlshed Telephone TilTsda alter purl NEWSPAPER PAGE MATS February Telephone mm RENTALS IROOM AND BOARD controlsante reedarmist ti cal Dilute no world lfcwzxm up mold at mm Lvorvuoutts tor at In ereeueat 800V Mold WOIIIMAI 50nd rulltl area NIH reeled HINDII II III II uh la trimy lllwhom vault arterial soundb l°trao tltrt rltllly all eoorrtl1 and Iunchrr satin ed rulauull atlanur drip Ill be EDI MEIR Ill Dlh HI lit II lkh TV NM torthi iar shin sorterr elderly mil TIIIODDII Tlml ROOMS TO LET LmHNONnfl DIE pr rlimitre street or elephant ml ultras ciuh hrrnlsned room and kitchen ouirl neatlemrn control location Telpliant titlion roost tar nrlt cnitrall too it wlth portion laciiluu lento mh preserved so Illry strut or telephone Hits Ished Including 23 on abmd pallnl iaclllllel Trio phoa 115066 LAN brlnt iurpishod bedroom with private bath on emotioni room at reasonable nII or rteadily employed person tree para Inx telephone motto Ital himth from room lull Elle or two men slush buds blocks from downtown Ielwhoul maid OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT hluosh files or rent All facille up inclillgd Available IJnmndlltI ly Call Apnlolr maul AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE can SIMCOE MOTORS Ior AMBASSADOR Tililn SL molly VOLVO KITCHEN AND SON 178 ESSA RD mzm PRIVATE list anlllc door cylinder tornado excellent corp dtion Priu llwl Telephone 715 TMI Mina Ibie rIl power lid cubic inch llr otin rnllrs automatic spin miles Telephone 7mm thrllrlls powered al conditioned low mile arr new tires excellent condition Telephone mwd evenlnrr DIRTYCAR TRUCK lptlrlnr shlmpno melon cleaned nllrllltl tvsx labs rersonrhla lies Klee Kar Servie models to VOLKSWAGEN dcluxo loan cones persect cpndlllnn Licenced tor loop Tully ulpmd radio etc gala mlitIJI TCIEPMMAML 1968 PONTIAC Laurenttlrl door ntoynalie very good cond non telephone Coourtown test Clmv door eytlndcr auto matte radio irlr rhnpe on plates sloth Telephone adopts WRECRING lolitpev piseayne cylinder lillldllfl All runs to sell Telephone 41th or motor tsrl Trrurtrlahnlho door Itud to white with red Interior sloop orlrlasl miles excellent condition now tlltl new exhaust system and Irrnsnllsslnn iully punred Telephone 7mm atler on too rancth convertible all Polt ner equipment Iovv valieaxe new tires Also root rInrnlnunr box trailer iiInoh wheels uoqvls otter pm TRUCKS FOR SALE rsss too PDRD dump with toot side ratb ideal or term operation or combining Telephone 45mm liter pm AUTO REPAIRS rum TransmISSIon Lid AUIomaIic Specialists 38 Mary St 7183241 sNowmoaitss SKIDOO 169 AT RONS Snowmobile Centre Sales Service Parts Accessories 151 Iiiiin St 7287592 POLARIS Snowmobiles SALES AND SERVICE ALBERT KELL AND SON COOKSTOWN Alli4442 Allis Chalmers Equipment MOTOSKI Salts and Service Repairs to all makes EAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE ll Toronto Sl 7266440 SKID00 VALLEY TRAILS not moswooded trails NIGHT SKIDOOING RENTALS or your Dim machine Coiled available nth Lilia Vespra north of Snow Valley Road leI now 17 hp Telephone 4162 this SKID00 Super Olympic la hp manual met with twadmaclrlrld lnllcr and rhow post pinsextras total value shops er rte1th reuonr diclota 1969 SKID00 18 HP rhlentn enoor altlcsl1aragu etc It mo mania or lay 25o Pllli ledfraJ alid tervlnIIII lax ADWW aurinu Olllce Thr autumn min site 12 Idenr tor Inlnli ev MM tnllattly telephone Mind IOoh lluar Coiilhgwood lsso CIlttidLall convert nnconn oiem and radioconaoin ms usroth tor ante sdohr lolly dala hardware nrrniture Gowrn st phone Titsm2 MENS sNolv aoorra all llzule Incl price flus Snowmoblle trail wantollto hn Picasa teie no Trio1639 FRUITS dc VEGETABLES POTATOES Fort aALE nunrper Dill tabla stack also number twol Telly plloiln lronois slranrhnn AUTOMOTIVE SNOWMOBILES sononus mien homflk 00 Vllh ETIIRT 05 on DITIE Isloutlines mistrial or tron Er ms ltirgbdnofllflllfl ARTICLES FOR SALE PIANOS NEW MANN it RISCII Also Good Used Pianos Free delivery and tuning law ui prltcs anywhere H7 Bruce Sh THORNBURY Dill 5195991713 Open till pm daily SKATE EXCHANGE NEW AND RECONDIIIONED Buy Sell Exchangs Repair Skates MARTIN RENTALL CENTRE 457 DUNIDP ST BARRIE Open Monday to Saturday730 ml to into purl Friday night until pm NORTHWAY RUG co LTD The house at fina broadiotlhr Remnants all sizes and prim DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADIDnlI 67 Collier SI Phone 7251311 Iar machine 25 two ilsh huts To ephone tansou bi Ind and pm we DOUBLE hrrdcln Int dltlon set or single hrrneie gilt In rood eondlli yum Telephone LIL it Alt 132 of =an Inch new se mm or no Telephone at In redwood crbinei modcl like new ma telephone ulhu clothing tor ai st babys clothing Indy Ill1 drawn Manonon prta HOUSEHOLD furniture lor sale Itttluicsipiglnses filmvlril toulp Mm urn nre telephone fix DILRSWAGEN lim 560x15 whiio lreli iuireiean piece kitchen or dlnlna room suite hionde wood ix lendlna tablc upholstered chaira Telephono mas NEST or trbies iron lloor lamp rnd bed and Illturn Wrought Iron airldc tron dry Firestone Lira xrlJ nearly new with Mllcl tot smrll ear Telephone 7261013 alion wrinnt use an cit $111mPrice sip Tcrcphélal cruel htncntlc lullll and monitor one veer old swinger washing machine In acod workinr order ilII bottom utllltv trailer suitable inr skldoo lnllque dinlnx mttm train will =rl or lrlde lor smaller size stomp alter pun 3417155 clamor tor gills hits new re rerso minds hr iTtgcphorIe FIREPLACE and stove hardwood mapll birch oak uh cut to your pressure Delivered 7mm hcia VICTOR Television port ables and cabinet models mti reduced icr lululrv dierrannc rill Eliot cormsxlngrr rigrye Psevcr Corl It arrrta nitmo SN OWBLOWER hp rilite with tire Telephone strond storm thorn hahy clrrlsge used months excellent condition plus and while sin or best alter or will trade to stroller and Illaw cr chest mam coloring iglhhlrelmiorull Sbild wnu oruretrntol telephone 71am WINDOWS hire It l0 Incline by it If other Ilc 12114566 litter 400 um camp SPECIAL leatnra tor thruty week end shoppers Cowbsoiv prtlcrnhd scatter ru t2 by nicer to clear at at Auandaie udtlare Furniture 510m cown st phone alum sith iur srie wxiz ply whitocrrdponrd IexrrnnlrIAot lo hen House tor sale eie Available at arrrip Extinlpcr hush hers mute RESTAURANT eollleEnI lfll lal soup kitchen mUk shatter hat sandwich machine dishes etc All 136220 condition Telephone no altar lit hotn rervlce errpcts up hoisttlJll drrperles Irtert Iabrlcs army Tent and Awnlliii Izsdm KEAthG lid hrttcrles Ill sizes Anth Zenith Dealer illeliryl Pharmlcy so Dunlap 71mm SINGER Sewing Machines Portabi rnodei Tao inr only via Also cabinet size Fill ballot tor Singer Dodge lever Contest Nothing to buy Singer ot lsrrrtem7yso nlxoo TACIIOMETER IIite new Mrc roo Junior It lluxe Shotgun shall loader with extras like new setotLk it LKTAI 65 It as ll on ItthTznlAN PIANO the sale no right good condition also Snare Drum uIlh cymbal snd stand lclc phone mms COAT or ARMS noNtT ml seeing this attractive iiorrl patterned sold and chair Priced to clear or turbo during our annual elearrnce rate It AIIan LADYS worm Coats on ry in trim is to 16 Girls sprin coat in very reasonable Dre tlunsilv good maternity dress Till6573 1mm dulrr stub clearance price $1395 Childrens Snow SulLt Ill sires Tom to or regular 51995 clear er regular steals clearance prico srzr Dtllrlov aorta Ltd Barrie ANOTHER rpcellt purdrase irorn silver armorial Dunlno MAPLE syrup rinklnx equivalent lymph Cellar Nunnic skldno tor Iain Ito lllta new Irur wrrrrniy Tale mm utter pm he IRli EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE intuit vv phone cookstnlvn saws PERSONALS way FIGHT Winter Enltly it thh In old tashioncd sleigh rule 121 am litter pm more walllud dullv ironr ath coll ccssion Vcspra to arrive downtown ill02m by 715 arn Telephone no AA 17 you have drlosine prob Inns and rvrnt help phone anytime mom or RD her 52 Barrie INCOME lax miurns prepsred tol farm business or Individnri uiue will it lrlddzoinunlo Westlh or eye hrlriand tlvrllilcy ndpeiirln ulnl For IPFarntmenI plans 125 rguglmty The lntorroalion call 3231 MAKE AN Impression In clothes tinned the Belly hrlto Way Doom lill soon at sinrcoe Plaza 103 Risk st Barrio Telephone Tiephat homily run day every Sunday horse drawn slelgll rides tubing atattnu ctc Gates open at noon non per tarniig rrnsed 12ml WOMENS COLUMN Goverpment Chartered Sellool Thorough training In all brail CLEAN cumpptdn new avrupdle in Horne ARTS FOR SALE DOCS PETS JOHNSIONS PETS TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES AND SUPPLIES no Cailord Street ANGUS Open Evenings 809 MohirL 36 SIIuNllY meson nrr iiii°ti Ramiro pointer lcnrrie tnIi trained and one Weirprn and mic rrl trained All rdiah ilennrl cub Resistor whoa Tunic POODLES DACHSHUNDS anaillv Burvltl rI compeltin prices or are our business Vhtrlln films as 1or them hive you to eenvouare one step II aund 12s hurlyr liidburrt Ht DOOM Trimming Profeulorill lroololn breeds pickup and delivery ill animus socpberd puppies for unit purebred well old drrk brown with bird ml Very good watch dons Lotsins EEulAN shepherd puor rerlrtmd months old Champion rtre icic Dhonc 7151 FARMERS MRKT PERSONALS BUSINESS MEN Ialtreoted invle mum hoes each Ida im us to it Ln leistrode l0 HELP WANTED TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER WANTED SIMCOE COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Requires Immediately cappbie qualiilcd teachtr iot Intermedi ate Silo at Our Lady on New Lowell OnIIrio Acting Principalshlp of this room school could be awarded to interested applicsni Minimum for standard one is H700 Apply in visiting in BIACXDOIIAolJ uperinteii chi Separate Sellooia Box 172 BARRLE Ontario TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mMII 10 HELP WANTED hartan tritium ntmitr JANuAhl sl loos lt INTmin Trio and urban ocuadahir tea luuou InhI ill lullI Ill MOP and sit dadohie Aw LUNA Plus all new mu la 11mmde Guru cl Ienrinr enroll out dmlnirtrl va lna lavoliln vs owng 1v curllitod IllIN FEMALE HELP HAPPY NEW YEAR Havaryoti bk dreams for Vlm blnllnu of your own illth AVON can make those dreams come true Write Elizst Publmullar P0 Box Barrie call mossr uuAIsu babysitter wanted In the at Vlnml and Shannon Swt orea days tween Telephone DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultry mcn are choosing Dekalb Pullels Started readyttoIay and dayold chicks For service or thp on your poultry problems cull CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY IItiill LTD STROUD 1361511 SILOS Poured concrete for all storage needs SIZES 16 T0 30 DIAMETER Now servicing Nelvrrratllct drill Barrie districts Write to Box 21 Sharon Ontario LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Iiousns bolrdod box rlails Exch 17 Urban lent care Reasonable tadins strand HOE WANTED and overNot method WANTED TO BUT will boar around zoo In or the urn or one also to York plu lor rare tele phone tillilo alter 5130 more tosteIn cows tor rate line now Also Holstein hclrer cal ves and no siercd llolstcln bull months on Apply Itl Itiamn Dlldioh SEED FEED5t GRAIN HAY FOR SALE Lsre nrnuiv van oration telcrlhoulx lsitdis coltN lrrItt nuaptity ot crib torn Thumu Kozak RR slme Colhiephmle slsmmt FARM MACHINERY it EQUIPMENT WAYNE aaATTY Pro PATZ SALES tit SERVICES Siio unloadcrs CaItlo Feeders Barn clcancrs COMPLETE INSTALLATION RR STROUD 4363717 HANK BROWN Delavai Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line oi Dairy Farm Equipment Supplies Rania Holly Hwy 27 Withm DEERE BULLDOZER to BACKHOE tn cxceflcnt condition telephone 711143095 or rppiy at lot Shirley Avenue lthlilIN mlihcrs complete with pump motor and pipe line tele START YOUR WEEKEND with soothing Sauna DAINES have 2prlvate SALINAS Open Sat ll am to 10 pm DAINES SAUNA BAIHS PHONE 7137111 HOE DOE VALLEY Privata parties ar LEARN HAIRDRESSING chcs of beauty culture GEORGE Pm Beverley heddin st box spring DEEwmsgggégnEssmG snowlioner motor on rate 32533 ifixnltedvvllufiagnlityfnfi lg WORSLEY ST 72 61 newer ml Tritium 12169253 Allandale Hardware Furniture zsvlsgdmifidmgnflkkgfilkpu hsshli SIOII GOVIll SE Dim ITUer Telephone imita alter did pan ARTICLES WANTED FERFECI mimic SKmADDLER oar chins usqu turnltnra GARMENTS Made by European Trained Tailor Dressmpkor Choice irom North American and European Designs NO PATTERN NEEDED 4363015 STROUD NURSING HOMES can tor the eld monthly rtes rlv at turn SALES HELP 8c AGENTS AUTOMOTIVE PARTS SALESMAN To call on car dealers body shops general garages service staiions etc In local area soil ing automotive hardware body clips holding rods chemicals shop supplies and fast moving small parts on oommlslon basis Excellent training pro grams Opportunity for id vnncemont Late model car nec lSSIll For immediate interview call any time TORONTO COLLECT HUNTER BROWN 116 7675550 Send resume In confidence to Box F45 Barrie Examiner YOUR DIV bull Hill cl limb distrlhullnx larnoor turn elut ltv hlwlelnr ProduoLl ror intonnr tlan will RthlLln Dbrpl Ari gooo wot hicheiren 5L Montreal IF or in month Interests uu you Intcrert us openinr for mrn over to in DInll area No ex prrlenee required cash bonuses Air mill It Sean Fret Amer Ican Lubricants co Box 1707 Port ll Simon Toronto 17 Dnlulo Owing to our recent expansion the dunand hrs boon so great sales personnel Usual camptilly holiciiis If you are aggressive and sales 9392251 MACE HELP APPLICATIONS WORKING CLASS MECHdANIC FRONT END SPECIALIST For new modern and well equippcd shop Highest wages Apply Charles Mason Jackson Motor Ltd 100 Bradford St Barri CLASS truck mechnnie wanted Good wovltinn conditions and top payAnpiv Charles illsoul Jaeit son Motors loo Bullion street harrie MALE 3t FEMALE rIrAhMAClsTFnil limit or mod crn cronrcssive ham1e nore ideal working conditlohl ll hour week Write sax F12 RatIII ratother I2 TENDERS NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS OE Sealed Tenders tlTItil apeoiilcatiops may be obtained by calling at or Engineer at the above mentioned FNAM 1419 wt in unlitll Salesmen GIRARD 4355531 Alliston 7WoreGORD MacMILLAN DON COEFEY SALES LTD NOTTAWASAGA VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Invites For detailsyrite ID NOITAWASAGA VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Clo POGUE SECRETARYTREASURER NEW 10me Ontario porition AWIV In ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OG HIGHWAYS ONTARIO ROUND WOOD POSTS SUPPLY CONTRACT NO SAN DISTRICT OWEN SOUND on forms supplied by the Department for the above Contract will be reoeiveri by the District Engineer Deport mont oi Highways 1450 7hr Avenue East Owen Sound Ontario moo Noou momta Tummy FEBRUARY lBlil toot rtlormatiop to Bidders Tender forms and cumin The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO IAIYSIITIIII Ilnlld heltrhic rar lurc woman mum whth mother pores thump own unha portauon Telephotojoists hAleanrn mulled livein on ml Mk Ind Inc for irrn tilcr Maturation telephone Tieitch alter Ml uni lrmrt mulred In Anglia wrekly Telephone moon alter all and bushy street arcs duyr run any llnxh wanted to live In Abzlllnmo Ironwork Telephone 04 rMchh mind or nurse Ildl required the to Expertlnnd terred Apply to Innimtod in Home In IIrnn mass WANTED dry rare tar year old boy In bospltrl masorno weekendr and to II shill Isle phone 7MVlu blIIrlcn 10 In and pm cilAhlaltlutlAlD required Vary tIeIn and responsible poleons only xeeueni wrrds no Alien Writs Box harri Lrlraltltr PART llmn teller or lert tor Di hank oi Nova Stone in Arlnll shouidhe experienced Apply In person or telephone tum YOUNG flrrlIIIAMulrd to Ital poly person Iu linlop street RECEPTIONIST for rear eatto ol rice itlilst bl apt to type short hand and hooneepin Ir Ni asset can rrr Rose mod Is Mp street hertie Salesladies and our Iargé volume oi sales that we urgently require FIVE minded telephone tor appojnimalt Schomberg for EMPLOYMENT FOREMAN No1 Experienced MAINTENANCE MAN Eltéceileht salary Company benefits APPLY LAKEVIEW DAIRY Barrie SALESMEN WANTED experienced in Erna illulllnlry re quired right awry excellent remnn TOOLMAKERS TOOLMAIEIIS required Immedllt ely Irv mlnnladturer In the automrr tive Industry Good waxer Iml excellent Irltlgl inherits itth to Clriodlan riator Lump Co Ltd or erli Tumour Atrloiidrrlva ptrts than required Eiwilif °aéfiih¥ii en on Perry Automotive In sophi street West ilRUCK driver required older min pretarred This will be avemlrletll crsuil to rerr Automotive to Sop ia Street We CEDIll POSTS or TREATED by mail addressed to the District address crltlayl Arid which nippllld Phone DAMS l4 PUBLIC NOTICE 10 0114 PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE TOWNSHIPS 0F 0R0 VEPRA AND LNNISFIL THAT ABUTI THE CITY BAR RIE N01117 OF APPLICA TION to The Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation oi the Qty gt of Barrie for approval ill Bylaw to regilllto and use padded auaut to Section so at The Planning Ad TAKE NOTICE the Council oi the Corporation of the City at Barrie Intends to apply to 11 Ontario Municipal Board pur suant to the provisions of Sec tlon of 11rd Planning Act or approval of Bylaw 6N pas red on the 13th day oi January 1989 The Bytan and and Plath flip the purpose an iect tit the Elllaw and stating the lands aliected thereby is printed below Any person interested mny within fourteen it days alter the date 01 this notict send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the City oi Bar rie notice oi his ablation in approvnl oi the said laylaw to rather with statement oi the grounds oi such objection lile Ontario Municipal Board may approve oi the said By law bill before doing so It may appoint time and place when any objection to the Bylaw will be considered Notion of any hearing that may be held llli be given only to persons uho have flied an objection and lib have left uiih or delivered to the Clerk undersigned the ad dress to which notice oi hearing is in be sent The last date for filing object ions will be February It 1968 DATED at the City oi Barrie January 23 1969 STRAUGHAN Cin Clerk Box in BAILRIE Ontario BilLAW Ntiiimdh all Bylaw of the Corporation of the City at Barrio amend laylaw 1880 WHEREAS It is deemed ell pedletlt to permit the building oi Swimming Pools in resident ial arerss and to regulate the location thereof NOW THEREFORE the Coun ttll oi the Corporation of the City of Barrie enacts as foi Th lowsv jl THAT Section 613 oi By LTTIV WbFTafiiended hyaod log the following 613 ti SllllllDB Pools permitted by this layLaw but no part of any Swimming Pool in tram yard shall extend above Ihe surface of the ground or be closer to the lrorit or side lot lines than the minimum dcplll 0i LlIEIlDXlt yard or width of the side yards required for the main building erected or It be erected thereon iil zone THAT Section 6212 pl By Law 71360 be repealed and the following substituted therelor SJIJ LOCATION Except as may otherwise be provided herein all accessory buildings in residential zones not attached or connected ltll tllh main building and Swirli mirlg Pools shall beiereoted In the side or rear yards Accts sory Buildings erected til the rear yard shall be at least tone foot clear of any lot lure except where double garage ls divided along the property line Swimming Pools located in side or rear yards shall be at least lone footclear oi any lot line THAT Section 725 01 By law lbw be amended by add ing the following thereto iAIld Swimming Pools See Sections 51 and 5111 THAT Section 753 of Sy Lalv 2880 be amended by adding the following thereto And Swimming Pools See Sections 613 and 62 THAT Section at by Lalv last be amended by adding the following thereto And Swimming Pools Sce Sections 61 and 6212 THAT Section 833 of By Law will be amended by adds ing the following thereto And Swimming Pools Set Sections 613 and 6212 THAT Section oi By Law 2m be amended by add ing the ioilowing thereto And Swimming Pools See Sections 51 and 6212 THAT Sectionijj of By Latv not be amended by adding the allowing thereto And Swimming Pools See Sections 6131 and um THAT Section 883 oi By Law 2580 be amended by adding the following thereto And Suitliming Poo See Section 61 and 12 THIS Byalyaw shall come In to force and have eiiect im mediately upon the final pass ing thereof subject to the ap proval oi the Oniario Muhlcip Board READ Iirsl second and third time andiillally passed the thirteenth day of January AD 1969 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE Bentley Mnyor Strangllan Clerk The layLaw If upva will permit the erectlon oi antim ming pools In all residential toned nreas subject to certain front rear and side yard rc quiremcnis but prohibits slnle tures above gratic in Any front yard Him that ll LEGAL or Fm Illa which data Illa Nat with regard to the claims of which the mtice designed that have the widersigned trill liable Io aluperson of and they shall not thal DATE It Brodlmd this dry at Janunry 1599 EVANS it EVANS and Street West Orlrtario sci or or Execution of $9 Estate at Phoebe Jane Gib hr srééii 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday February at DJ sharp or CLARA DRAKE at VALLEYS GARAGE 16 MAPLE AVE BARRIE acrossfrom the Gray Colleh Tormihalt Sale of household furniture in eluding electrical appliances and soma antique pieces Terms cash No reserve as Mrs Dralte has given up her homo JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer WAKlil for full list Jan 29 AUCTION SALE Saturday February 22 at 1130 pm sharp for ROBERT PARR At Lot 20 Concession Espa Tounsllip lat ivy Village Sale oi high class farm machin ery bay min straw and household furniture Including many antiques Tillins cash No reserve as the lam is soid JERRY COUGHLIN WATCH for lull auctioneer 5i lesday ANNOUNCEMENTS ENGAGEMENTS cordial merrier il lnllburice in Theory lenevlve hornrdttte uddesi daughter or Mr and Mn burden Grudrile oi atldland to air rim Sidney Money son to lie and am non slump ttoney oi hit Barrie marrtxe to trite Place sate ruddy Fromtry loos welder In st John virnuey DIlurnh nusi ma lirind Mrs Itov iron or nanta are pleased to Innourlce the enmetnent 01 their drnehter Cheryl lo creen ion or rlr run like mull alrleenfikdr arrrie xe place on my Tabularv 14 loss at It Marys Church harrie urinalsImus air and Mrs John hurdle oi ivy are pleased to announce the rntuoment nt their daughter lire to Itlr Vilnis an era son or nlr and lira rippers at Toronto Thu marnap will teta pirce on Saturny lehrrurv was at oclock at st Johrllruo an Lutheran churdr zoo 3m ll AvenuI Toronto DEATHS norm rd turner sudden the hoyai Victoria Hosnlul hlrri mi ngulflsdsley rlllllluy one beloved wife or wruiatn Thomas oi Crllp hunt in her Tend hear mm there or princes Mn Hodlrorli ol orrlyhoyss Ittunren tans lvaa Calrnsi Midhnrst Arthur or Cnlg hum Heron iitlrs Prank heldl luv herton and Joan inns Ciamtc Brown or vraey Also survived grandchildren Tort Im ctrudrcn pear sister or vernr titre Hany Dawsonl Elmvzle and Velma Mrs Mes liarrlsi Grenlel Ritalin It the SICckIcy runerar Homes Worsiey Street harrte serv the chapel on Friday yann at 130 pm Interment arm tin ton Cemetery rilwru Mrs TiarenoeAt tn hranttord acnerai hospitalon Wednerdry January loss in her shit year Grace Vlnrllircd Loveless rternhcr or the rhea riethodlrt Church the orrleII pond an esdeclally active In ellildrenl uork Beloved wild pt Clarence il Train or Lincoln Avenue Brlntc lord Dear motltrr or Brianai harrie and Elaine oi Ottawa sir ter of Rev Lloyd Lovelefl philadelphia Humid policies London Mrs it eh lttCieIator Funeral Home nrant Ave arantrord servtac sati unis at In the me Ilfcurr odls Chute North Park Street hev Paul Irwin otiicirtlny ln terorent harrinelon Funeral grnurrd ltlcntortrr the the Canadian cancer Soc cty rpprcelrted CARDS OF THANKS +H CIIIPCHASE wish to expresll my sincere thanks to themeny triendr and relatives for an their cards rims and Itlndnesl durIrIx urva recent rtrv In hospital ctty Chipchasr IN MEMORIAM nmclInLin loving mcrnowoi my dear nurosnd order on lry MIIK c3651 who passed away so sh Its sweet to Imow well meet again Where sorrows In no more And thnt the one loved so well Has only want hriore EItivtayl remembered by wits Jew rialCAme twin memory at nun hurptnd and loving trader Joiner 111ch who passed rm yrnurrv it till sroly missed and em socialism ed by his wire trend and nib COMING EVENTS BLIGHivfi VBINGO Every Saturday at 234 pan COMMUNITY HALL NEW SOUTH WARD Gill St at Bond 03le rhY EXAMINER WANT ADS more malts

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