iernsteil in learning French and lttltilill SA DENIS tiigtltt Cltillrfliitfl of com nliltoc ni Franco Ontarians Eromh Across Ontario il otnrnmnnt committee Ircnch rtlltllrv ill On Monday recommended that Ontario conclude agrou mrnts witli Qiiehec Franco not ottlzr Frcllchspoaking commur nts ill tlit world he 18month study which it 107 recommendations to Minister Willium silid that this anti other tn could moan certain snciilocs for hath English und Frenchspanking Ontarialls not it added that only hy such means roultl the 5500 Fran coOnturiaiis he girrii the place ill Canadian society lhoy wort guarantocd at Confederation We dont have enough rc sources to pull ourselves up by nlti houtstrnps committee chairman Roger St Dtnis said at hows conference We dont mind going to Franco it we can find help there in St Denis said he hoped tnrrnore regular and frequent aid from Quohoc and suggasted English Ontarians might want to reciprocate by giving hand to Englishspeaking minorities in Quchco PRESERVE CULTURE llr Donis said til report is not aimed at shoring French down llnyoilcs throat But he said preservation of French cnl lure in tho province would be on or if large number of Eng lishspeaking Ontarians worn in were interested in Frcnoh nlat tos Tho committee sat tlp ill l957 by Promior Roberts put high priority on rccommcndationl that the On government as Irolish FrannoOntarian coon oil to one to cultural promo tllil sorti Lia council would have tho Santa legal status as the Ontario council for the arts and would its own management and answers questions at nuns unilcrrnce in Toronto ullcr prcsunting his committees re port to Ontario on The commitlcc ilan rooom mondcd CilC establish Fronchanguagc riuiiu and tuto ision stations throughouttlio pmvillcc wlinroror there are sufï¬cient numbers of French speaking rtsldonls It did not say what number wore nccilcd to warrant such programming lritliin community Frenchspeaking residents in southern Ontario do not It Fr llcllllfLleaée ttlcvzs it sort lhost in southwcslurn roar VLLle lCPI rtie amalgamation of Port Arthur and Fort William may not he as smooth as some officials nail hoped Do ticKoougll Ontario tuillctpal Affairs Millistcl on nonnco Monday that the two cities with the townships of hlcintm and No Ing rill bo dissolrcd Jim 137 to mm new on as yet unnamed city But protest Eotlcr was tril mczliatcly fired off to Premier ltabarl and all members of the future from group calling the Fort William Taxpay er Association The group numbering about flat Fort William city coun cil ll no authority to proceed with the amalgamation afterrc sidcnta rejected the ullion in two plobisoitos The letter signed by Presi dent Arthur Fish said The onlyiway to rectify this undemo Zratic sitdatiollis to have the poople docidfl the issue for thornsolves by ntn Mr McKeough said the Lake hoad will be incorporated as city Aug 1909 to enable the smooth nprration of local gov gut and be dircofly rt to the premier on Ell in Ontario CP Wircplitltol Discuss Plans To Aid istcr William Davis centre The report asde for govtni mcnt aid for Frenchculture areas lCCDiVO neither TV or radio programs fhc report said that Fruiall culture in Ontario is at on do trcmely low level and that the FrilncoOotarian is at cross roads tin can continue to isolate himself as he has so often been forced to do in order to retain his identity and in so doing his personality may dwinine will prtsilrc regulatiqu for the holding chelions for the first mayor and city council hesaid it is oxnectcd that this olcution will be held on Sept 15 1959 Hair color Still Asked 0n Passport OTTAWA lCPl Your Citllll dian passport will still require an ent on the color of your hair it any out officials say you wont hLlV to apply for new pass port before tho normal iivcycar period if you dye your hair or make other changes as growing or shaving offa board moustache or sideburns And if you think you are at Iractiveor even if yoll dont yon can submit color photo graphs for your passport picv tinu Officials gave some consider ation to elimination from the passport itself of this color of hair entry on the grounds that dyeing and wigwearing are ernment on thechangoovcr date of Jan 12iBsBAlsv BRAND BAcon pretty routine now among in no mun oxiulmzn Accused Hijacker Says He MONTREAL GP Alben Twin wanted inthn United States for allegedly forcing the paid the pilot to fly him there Dltro rush the pilot denied chartered in pronto plane lruitt said in an intcrricw But paid the pilot up extra $58 to take mu them into n5 virrrreslrltnt Aibcn Barkley He has been detained hero by immigration antholitia who say he may have entered Cnnoda illegally truitt said he had hired the aircraft last year for $30 and as southrm Florida Once in the air lruitt said he offered to pay the pilot extra for book fnlitt said the pilot ngrcer DEVICE lmuifnr noon Oliveros confirmed that truitt nicd that hcagrcod to fly to hold small explosive device at pilot of private plane to fly cheqnc was for too not $58 rind him to 01b3 said lttonday he that when they landed in lea Ithe channel was conï¬scated by In Key West Fla diaries SW Ofï¬mk nultrs cLiim he flew him there Wuldnt 00 voluntarily said and did go Cuba him trying to trucethe cheque he gave the pilot him $106 for the use of the air Twin 35 55 grandson the port and that he never collected byCuban officials and lrispt in solitary conï¬nement for 28 days ndththemeportull Tmitt said on rdodtcflutmnpas grim his destination the pi ot wngwflcighmTusew der Mario in Havana and early this month the ship stopped at Saint to flon Chba whore Truitt said NBw way he planned to gather maltrial sion to go ashore and was undcr the lmpMSiDn that as an American citiren wuld untcr Canada without complica had given him cheque but do tions and more freely Truiu saidhe rccntcled tho Cuba Olivtros said that Truitt United States from Saint John and later rocrossM the border WEDNESDAY JAN aid Way ulte evident we were going netherl wanted to or not Dlircms said that tniitts asked back but they Olirelus 26 mil said his lawycr is Olinms said Cuba harried 17 he was going to charge the ori nal night to soilth Florida truitt was taken into custody He sald lie was given pernits dents who will receive informa tion and be able to question the machines memory bank for other data as constant diy in the flight didnt rcsist when he said to go to Colin said Olivcros cars on city streets in record numbers and officials across the courtry ore perplexed over what to do about it health hazard Konnulh Brown Louis MG building commi or said There are nbont 5000 just sitting amuntl Lakehead iimolgamation lilay Be Roughor Than Expected Day Of Classroom Lodurer Gone VicTOltiA tCPl The clays of tho classroom lecturer are numbered Professor Go Crawford researcher with the Ontario institute for Studies in Education said Monday He said in an interview while attending the Canadian Confer once for Research in Education that now machines and teaching methods are replacing thetcach or as dispenser of informa lion Soon there will ho little use for teacher who stands up in front of his class with doors lesson he said rectly confronted with the infors mation using machines such as television and video tapes which can introduce him to top world brains and replace the tradition at classroom lecturer Dr Rgasdale another discussion that computers be able to establish special learning environments for stu women 1IziAt YORK tCE CREAllIl tBSPURE PORK SAUSAGE ztBstiioMiMAni rARM STYtESAUSAGE astoundMiro VEGETABLES us BRAlsniGVRiBs cussion is maintained ante Meatsi 333 Bavï¬ellst 12867715 tint back of thé pilots head dur tried not to go but he made it him with hijacking CarSiIlreilbandoned In Record Numbers Across New York City NEW YORK AP Ameriwthe city and the numberds cans are abandoning their old growing at an alarming rate They an eyesore and and floin trucks were iunkcd closed torturing on the latest instead the student will he di Ontario researcher told panel ncar htontmal where he was de taincd warrant for lruitt was is sued Oct 24 in Florida charging The Automobile ManufacturN ors Association said its latest figures showed 6000000 cars in 1956 rampartd with 4200000 cars and 5830th trucks junde in 1950 If no didnt haul them attay our streets soon would be clutl tered lh junk said David Sinallroo streets commission or of Philndrlplda where 20000 cars are abandoned each your Detroit has 12 policemen as signod the specific duty of TORONTO CF carbon 07 trusee in bankruptcy for Prudential ï¬nance Corp Ltd ts expected to report on the lat tel5 financial situation to its 6500 notoholders next month tilddoll Clarhson Co president says the intact mall iogdateforltlcmimtism tain bu it will be sometime in Fobruary It may givetho ottLn clamor ous notcholdors their first over all timv of Prudential since it mllnpsw in November 1966 with an estimated $24300th owing them searching for abandoned cars Thcy harvested H000 last year In New York 30000 ï¬brin ilonod vehicles or about 4000 more than in 1967 wore collect or itilfiEii Many Amulicttd commnnitics have laws against abandoning vehicles but they often find them difficult Bind impractical to enforce COMPLETE Mr Biddell says he can give no details of the moons con kills in notonce But it is ex period to ounment on the cent sale or two Prudential as set the Muir Park Hotel and Faeries Carbon zind Ribbon 00 both of Toronto The two safes realized about 500000 tho tnhtccs say But most ol this will be needed to repay bank loan taken out by the Clorkson Goshorlly after Prudential foondercd Cloritson borrowed 5630000 to finish it Windsor Ont apart STflitJlt Rlinllcntiii Jltll 27m rEB 3th and Clarksoin Co Trustees To View Prudential ment building be Goyeau owned by Peerless Carbon The building was adyprtised for sale Matty but no offer was consideltd satisfactory ch trustees now an consider ing other was of disposal Prudential minded mar ago in tondon Ont broke up in storm of creditor wrath Bite defaulting on some Interest pay mcnts to creditors of its trus tecs at thc lithe Metropolitan Trust OJ TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE 7182414 EVERY DAY Low PRICE lllllCRlN Aurisrrnc Compare at 149 Vines VAPOR For Chest Colds IRog 69a cotton TOOTHPASTE Reg or winter fresh Family Silo Reg 25 EVERY DAY Low PRICE WELLINGTON tr ANNESTS EVERY my Low PRICE EVERY DitY Low PRICE OPEN BATHROOM TISSUE ECREST rooriiBAsrt FACELLE ROYALE Rottsz EVERY DAY Low mica Reg $l49 EVERY DAY LOW PRICE TOP noun Hair and Shampoos tAVORlSp MOVllTHWASH MON and TUES 71M 9L ii RM FAMILY SlZE rsm Reg 169 may DAY gt towpmcn 14 oz Reg L29 Reg L35 EVERY DAY LOW PRICE PRICE ouR SPECIAI rnlcn NDlES vi NIVEAV Riot Compare at L49 3sw Reg 500 ELIZABETH AllDEN CDSMFTICS WED and SAT THURS and ml BABER TOWELS DECONGESTANT COLD CAPSULES 0U SPECiAI HEATING RAB EVERY DAY LOW PRICE EM FACELLE ROYALE nous EVERY DAY Low PRICE BlJFFiRIN For headaches colds and muscleaches 100s BAYER itch control