East dealer Nonnl no Aaaau okqtoru nur nanr can con vroar viran nrrqartr aaasoe sour Kyaaa aaaaa aaaa The bidding me south rvm North to crazy distribution earrm lance IN Z1oday Show rzatr nut gt rcrnt Karlatoo Iunivoraltv ol the Air llPopcn no oatomtaa metro N10 zmvcm Court econuct 1Dilllng or Dltcmner noonr Mo it izmo oareta School 150 zrrm Grillln Mircannon Gourmet kliousz Party rr um Luci lliiarcl 410 s+11naervniu dGililflna ratad 7Fiitrtonel whlovle mot Wanted on Voyage llliuck and you PW Zlnaumratlan conunuea srralr master 4Perry Manon srnrest nangzn vx Love Lucy llLucy izFuntstnaer sso 2Whata My Line ownera Itr At 71 Spy llTruth or aunaequencee ti rrAa We See re auto 4Newr oizNewr sniek Van rm rtaewttcned llleo Eaton one 9Newt Welhtu Sparta 12 Heaprely iliLNewl ewe BLunchenn nm VJawchlaed BWornanl World 1131an at Home 1215 llCarLoonl irrzo aPnncyl 1225 vNew mo znu Dnullu rzsearcn For fomnreow IFunnv You Should Ask penum ltLucllie aeu Lao vvlmnla Graham Izw zaierv crimn iZWeaker Sex 4Llnkratter snow or Love Lucy lilluul 425 7Newa use un lUlllillns island TlelinLItonca khlnvla Fools Rush In iiHuea and Yall amo sMtrter Ed 4Prnv hlaron sstaenet Robin Hood 11 Love Lucy ixanme aau glï¬artonns wnrlr My Hall SAhbntt Cusicilo 71 Snv llvTruth or Consequence 555 ttNewa Weather Sports 600 LLNawr rruo iii no are cwsy rNewr sLuncheon nrtr taawiteheflw omens or rrntnxo rt Horne 121o dPnneya IMD Iv zinkr H+11Senlucglqu To Paar rm nan CONTRACT BRIDGE 3y JAY BECKER Both sides vulnerable Openinglcadface oi spades Highcard point count is un questionably usclul measuring rod ol the value or hand but its high degree ol accuracy in balanced hands must be large ly discounted whenever there in For example consider deal mm the match between Gmal Britain and the United States in 1953 When the Bri tish held the NorthSouth cards the bidding wcnt as shown chst led the ace of spades and that was the last trick or thc dclonsc Doelarer rnlled the club continuation in dummy cashed the ace of hearts nail ed heart rulicd club rolled heart crossed to dummy vnlh trump and rulled still another heart belore claiming the bal It is true that North had 10 points and South only but this didnot stop them making twelve tricks Point count had little to do with the result The NoahSouth dis Nb cud marrow lMeet The aiitlara Banle one Wild Oatl lllllnvle 1d Tum 7Make neat Nd Luau 1Chlidranl Doctor zoo 211 or nur um tnm ta aranv Jwefloredhialnt er 1Newtvwea Game TUESDAY JANUARY EVENING OElwitehed one uPlern Berton zMum run an rec am LN an obell 7Newa llllnder Muck BENang Weather nor llllilu ure Fm rzrna v511 1NYJPP ae nu snetaemntaw 71pm rat Einiiuiin ifriménun 313 it 9W1 iouo arr in Nun LN lNwl $33 we ï¬tï¬gfliflflm 425 inn flGorner Pyle usuc tLancar asun 130 11min Squad 3Hon Palace Hnev Billion azoo Movie icned Shelton iguana snout ov azto rPlekun 0n uui Hutt screen so oaewiuhen 12mon inen skerton The saoesat 71 Takes Tenet ilNYPnv WEDNESDAY JANUARY 29 AHEENGON rï¬nnny You should irnanser and meter arllntrtones llLlrcllil nau JsAl Th World 100 Sltlo $03th 2101 neta Deal ra nn 2Day or Liver 764 nil flights ILove la ARMll thgnfheon DAM to Ch Humlow lalnl rr in Four in row this lrom are Helene rotl oaevertv muwuu MONDA JANUARY 21 EVENING llMnhklyl otrvnatde 1211mm 910 100 IZCnrol Btunut zrmer Hanan All1r sMy Iarea soul 6Tmth nr Conse lrlbutloa rm wild and East Wdl total II highcard points produced only one trick No raids and II singleton were more than thoy could cope with At the second table with an American pair new North South the bidding went mi 80 it Here too the stain Vina reached despite shortaao at points What the deal demonstrates is that the all Important lador In bridge is how many tricks you take not how many points you have Piayera who crnphlav in high card points and ignore or undervalue distribution are bound to have tbeir corneup pance lrom time to time Voids singletons long ruiLs and inter moshlng emit play maior rein in the outcome oi most hands these lactors is selling himself ahorL Point count ir valuable aid to bidding but good ludymnt careluily exercised is an even more valuable lactor INJURIES HEALING MIDLAND Tax Qt lim linli an oil millionaire and motor racer is recovering nico iy lmm injuries sullercd in Nov race at 12 Vegas hospi tal authorities here report llall who was flown home to Midland with lraotures and other inju nea alter the accident now is in wheeluhalr lie was released from homtal the weeks ahead of schedule TELEVISION PROGRAMS nurrnno nannrn nurrhno ronorrro aurraw rononm naraum rnmuonouon lIiORNlNG VIEWING MONDAY T0 FRIDAY 1inch Cantt ouurr aa 5mm mo km iPznanaiitv llRohln mad thgmvï¬m 9Dannydu mm im 11114 ï¬niliéï¬lg 15 Am $13 in nln 11inch cums IClrloon Playhaun ankoma Swans xiicmurtmnm tiiiksltiai WHgm rinaion Nona 1153 ilNown moo ecarot anraatt and anyone who disregards li0 coon imam LosingZWeighl Is No Simple Mailer FirIt ta rerler at three artl cleal Dear Dr iaaatuu am trying to lose weight and have road articles on at yoursell to wetzhtlooa programs The authors say that by eat Narnia foods you burn no mom colorta dlgï¬iim the lood than you nonmiiy would 0M article said hardballcai on has 80 calories but that your body binned up it calories di gesting it it said that apples dramas and grain cereals do the slime it sounds too good to ba taut also ï¬nd that about week balore my menstrual periods beam my tired and de pressed and my appetite is un controllable so eat more than ever but never eel satisï¬ed gain anywheru lrorn to punk and then lose it is tins uncontrollable hunger all in my head or my mother sass or in than logical reason lor itl7 MS 11m are at least three im portant weight pmblonu in this one young womans letter and can predict right now that Ill remain on this general topic or the next two or three days losing weight is not simple problem Reduced to simplest denominators it you use up mom alorios than you absorb in the term at food you lobe weight it you eat more than you use up you gain thern Wth to you that rest of the diet sound good they go because there are inescapable flaws in talk about other problems that ltlis MB is having in her an tempt to reduce cause gained too much weight when was having my baby nuance rev away erv HHtlfl Corna 1030 nnau sAam Helonv Sflflla IX Dfllm 0f thYPD Jeannie tghoat rm saute um Hm pygmyr ml Mum Wow and Martin 312 Emu Lilon ma mean lflfluflc HI llMflvle ENlll WIIMI Whm RI Sldflllfl Hflly bishop Didi 7MOVil Ii LIA FHIHI Lucky llHOI LL 7Yeyton WIN 12Male om no wane The Big cum $00 11 2MOVI Hohnny CHIN 2ie KWM ron CJILIIEIKE 5410 Husberry up kuniverlity thc 7310 All The Elli EMGVIQ euan Sky Commando TUESDAY JANUARY AFTERNIQN rémh Gran iiuw thar rem ea Wynmlnzt SW and 2Docton cihe Guldlzar Light scoronatiun st Nevtc more ram thalovlo Lummi $31 dial and country 114 mm flcalendlr liAs the mo WW ZAnolhtr Wand iITaka so begunEifth her as mum in climate zYnu Dont 1224 or him magmlnrlï¬ ram ora rreae arira Hohnnv Carson sGlneuna way asnatlm Champion shin llMovle Suvld Gllnldl me svlend rm rï¬Werke Sex in JNcllywed Gama But acurally doing it is not that easy lhere are at least dozen ways that reducing diet can go wrong There are also pitfalls like trying on llnd some easy way to reduce without allort or think ing ltau appealing nonsense about loork that burn up calo ries is one of them Sappose you ate nothing but eggs opolm mazes and grain wreak or law daysall you wanted them You could keep yumell nornisbed withom dil lieulty and even gain weight Yet according to the bum ingapcnlmies theory you shouldbo losing weight One way to reduce successluh ly is to stay away from these gtrmnlckdlos Some at them are pretty tricky and norm oi thby do so only as long as they distract your attention lrom what you are really doing ihama the numlrbumcd ditï¬ involving grapeiruit at every meal Thats gimmick loo very much similar to the tech nique magician uses on tho stage You am so intent en the grapefruit that it ecver occurs Ibanply limits what you can eat These trials diets coma and go They come because lay them But meantime tomorrow wcli Dear Dr Thosteson BEA have trrible stretch mam My husband says be has talked with doctors and theyve told him that with proper exuciae woman nan get rid oi the scan lstiristnret tlaohwlong does it bahtTil dxElttrer your humnd la nu you or somebody was ding him No chemise in the world will ellmlnattt stretch marks lads In color eventually but themarks re main Note in Mn H111 Diet lor hiatal hernia ls tor all cal ptuposex identical th an ulcer diet wiaieh is wiry your doctor put you on an ulcer diet Council Changes Hellyers Plans WIFE WI member or the Northwest Terri tories council got lost action Friday alter criticizing Trans port llioister lieliyer and accun lug personnel of his department with scutlling an icebrcalrer proposal Five hours alter charging that the transport department had deliberately scuttled the propos al Gordon Gibson read telegram in council from hlr Heliyerlhe Minister promised new trials iara prototype icclt breaker built last summer and tested Dec 1546 When the proposal was llrst unveiled at council session last February Mr Gibson had said it would keep Arctic waters navigable yearround opening the way to large resource devel opment Hesaltl Friday that iriala at his prototype had been man oeuvrod by transport depart ment marine personnel into looking ridiculous Mrss Canadian Universrly Queen VATERLOO Ont CPD liava Rodunslry brown haired 19yaarold beauty lrom Calgary won the Miss Canadian gnlversity Queen pageant Fri ay student at the University fol Calgary she won over lleld at so girls lrorn universities across Canada The pageant was held in connection with the annual Waterloo Lutheran University winter carnival Blonde Camilla ilirner 20 of Dorval Que who attends Blsh ops University in Lennoxvilie Que came second Third was Heather Quinn 21 an Ottawa blonde who attends IIleGill University in Montreal Among the iudgeswera skier Nancy Greene oi Rossland 80 and Toronto artist Harold Town NEW SET YEARLY ï¬rst salesman but 1lbet unity caosswono Think contend arerlahod with animal mum LMananickg antelope name Expecmd Adaughter ad Abiea or onea lrtcnd nephew Leave out Alaskan Photo lawn graphic Errplay tpparatus 81m I4 MOW yielding Eella rubber 1on on BElvea or hnrua neck shelves I5 At home 12 Dear a1 Shipa Ital owner 13 Broadwa 19 Common group ending 20 Amerloan Indian 22 French coin 25 Particles 26 Carder Treelined driveubbr 29750 min with jewela 43 SenorRas llfltmativo a4 Anglo Saxon surf SE Dldllzflla Book t7 the Apoery phn poaa aanueurou ao Learning 1033111 41 Elbe Halbuury ta Meadow DOWN Space at wanderer am defends laia net in all dome gentile 13 Author the AN man or Preai dent 1a Habit 19Cnn Ar auma 21 Click beetle 22 Festival Saharare aaawea 23 mum menu 32Wondy thenr 24 Common Maliclnnd verb turn 37 Cattle gear 27 Taverna 38 alumnus 30 shade 3km WI mlInn Intelmum The elk sheds his antlers anlt nually BLONDIE luru JULIET aortas SECRET AGENT DONALD DUCK GRANDMA HENRY BUZZ SAWYER F1333 secm has sent me now MW W5 HES REALLY ERNEST FEW Immwnemmormns lli Mill um MAY M311le MM MURDERunIsFI ns DEGREE permwe nonemws IF mu NE am cant ASSIGNMENI is more mew LET wrroa cows 10 KEEP ME NAWENING mm BECAUSE sue wouwui COMPLETELY TIEU ME TO VISIT HER DARLING BUT lD ENHER MIT UNTIL asst WE WERE SIMPLY MADE FOR EACH Fur HIM mnu THE COMPUTEP IN W5 OFFICE SUPPOSE YOUï¬ HEARTTOLDVOU SCII 0H MOM looNr BE 50 OLD4 FASHIDNED on rm Sudha m7 mm so EARLY IN THE MORNING mammoon mammoth DOVIJNIIREEPOWI mTHWREmW ll COLD BREAKFASSM IDON DARE MW W6 DUDES uusr £065 THE ROM AND COULD Bum IN AW MINLITE TIIERVKNME PLANEVIILLFNITWT NEW NIGIITWAWADWMEXS Mniï¬libl EUTiliENDRPtllNEME WthEVER REACH HIDENleiTWILL IE WED FRDMTilE PLANE RT SOME PLACE WHERE iilERE ARE SIGNAL trains WELL VKNOW Yamr TEACH an or niwe new 535i mite