Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1969, p. 8

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mcwnmnm Continents ilbout Stomach Acid moflm am Dear Dr What toodl hm too muuh Ieidt My system has too much Icid and dont know what toods to leave out oi my dietMt This axe too much acid ought to be abolished Used in generality like my Iyetem hu toemueh add it means abso lutely nothing Even when used corneahat more specifically it unitin doesnt mean much This column has orrmented on this balm and tor quite time was nuance became the too much acid phrase largely disappeared tromouestionh But as the day pm suppose we TELEVISION PROGRAMS EMA EARN BUFFALO ronouro 11mmsz TORONIfl ll DAMEMN 12 anranaonouaa IAiURDAY JANUARY 25 EVENING we In iiiudI ulereet ervm rm HEW Huw iTrum ILnuu Valley Day rtecvm in usxtuw Jiibwhm nLdur omr ahunmnm Outdoor Hountry slut lull Iva ucou GuiI tllovilnl wine or mu lt awiaa World or um Lucy ucampiou MR Grifllth Elm smith 10 Edd sitrm um eNm aPorter wuner 1Duuw Thonu iiiNew nolnret iCountry crue uNrn nuke my ado Gtlmio film WM HM on and tire Fig1min tIiy son oTm 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lZOhildnn the liifalnlllnenhi Elgrld 0n urer l2lttvllould You mu can3 Beilcre gtan Great War liHom xoehier SUNDAY JANUARY is name Hull Cruisin 71le jut Giinte irmn trope in lZTWIY he 9Pll9y Duke In World no um ifiuttlut none mm ewe gringo en ar oo tragic New spedi Lfifiim when toenu sen Hmuttaera Brethere no on tiMovie zsme Allen 12111 AM man or Noise enmre Heanciaude Kiiiy Back to our evnumee warm 100 Country neomue Ben eu suiiivln uEduutioalfor 1431 uo Primern zFilm mo Lfienlle Ben zMothersrlnLIW 1H gLfiilvmn Sing or Dream ol Jeannil Heat or Probe fineran AM rtune the nut hivemi 55 mo rtnomu 3mm iflilsdété Hewitt aw ey crispyin 451 Ccntury PW uundzr Amer meyr PM moo Lynfiat i353 740 We mm At Showdown at Mt nun rzrommy om Show Izztts Hunter ilPeyion rim aueu MORNING VIEWING MONDAY TOJRIDAY aoo oJo 1Dick cmtt zrom show Cards 1211 Dusss gt striker sirrm lama WM tcxue Kangaroo earvo Hemnllitv hunltlflilv or the Air unoein nova 11V0 nroum 1244 Alien tAnay Grliilth anmny Thom rm 112 Alin Rom mm Hus Judgment fimfil lEns Auen no agilan do Wu uncx olWeeh Fem Harmon alum mo 7Dilillll Ior zHouywune enum anomver Room gioconeentrltien tiiiksizhim lFFflwdgme liBeloxn Noon inEiVO cnu Helene unis ouet Schools aasveriy 3111mm iViONpAY JArvuAnY 21 amnqu 1145 VJ itNrwa moo snimcaeun use me 3315 14mm ann Lemon mm 93mm lTlmeOuttor 5le hed its Not on Ladch Ewen World iIhiavie IGutdlu Light It Hm iaark Plan tCormtlnn st no 12uovre 7Datinl Game zMiko Duutiu iiower over 9Perrys Probe r4+rzsemn1m London ltPerrv Mason Tomonow Haiendar 7191 mo too ion orunutonss tM WM ML await tiLuciilo aux Hum 5mm mo 7Genuhi Hospital 1inauxuration armi in conflict mat Ln Li iv re lyl our th all Dont Ill puma lLove Is Man SMmmaoiNl Bring Your smu Snicndored ram Loomuh Tam Alon IMeetThhMllihh hwenker 17 Sex 7Newiswcd Game MonnAu JANUARY 21 events onoctors Dlnrv ut For no air no un zum arunn Emmifl summoning mo hailmfrty timing oi Love they eTrvuth or c551 re Hrnet ecuar Burnett Lott MILDBerviiu nit Take Thin 740yxilliiflne rsrmsu Grim ones ilHere Conn11 Iodo aMovle anon sAeim rz mot waited On my erelm sum Voyager 1r Drum oi llkan iihluck and ran Jeannie szoc snhait iiia neon kinfiguration fiflifismoks on nun 3131 vm LAvriun Wm tPerry Mllun Liorest lung 741 Love Lucy mown inn Martin aneou ind Martin seam liPierre Burton an 12min Hui use I1Movis1 zNews Weather WhereTha stamina tsoev Blshon vnets Martina mid Movia nwnrre At aan me lady Spy tiieres Lucky 117 Lil liTruth er veeyton Placel 111mm Consequences EmuNtwnufi i1te Big Clrcull i1 As We See it MW 1100 aNewr Hohnny Carson Jleang enovia snick Van um iA cry torn an wvflowlhned Streets Ramona Berton DAIllniverIiiv or the Hum at We Iliovlr so to Welhter sport ion old reIderI Ind Illa new oneshad at late the mid no tion bu been popping up again Women have some sort oi trcuhle with their hair or cos metics and beauticilm or lrlrnds my reply gilhiy that theres too much acid in your system 0r people the various kinda oi stomach distress and Jump to the conclusion that Its too much acid Sometimes it may he that duodenal ulcer may benefit mm the use at antacid pills to reduce the acidity oi the stomach Not prevent it entirely in reduce it he stomach has tgodcontlin some add to digest Again some other stomach distress can result from too lit tle acid and the answer is to treat the patient to more pro per acidity in cases in mid the Hood genrdoeiy become too acid thats very serious audition Just Knitting some food or other cannot possibly help The patient needs detailed examinee lion and tests not some Iort oi diet gimmicks Another Hutch miflmdeisiuod notion is that aniduious or sour iruita or loads are going to make the system acid By and large they dont Citrus truits or primipai example leave an alkalinenot an acid residue aitcrthey are di gested That Is true oi many others Doesnt tellmc how he tor she came to decide that the trouble om acid in the In tom but its quite likely that it wamt medical dlIgnoiix Whatlflneedeistnpin dovrn exactly what the corn1 piaint is and then find the new er cure Guessing that it is acid and giving up some iood orothuimtgoingtedoa blessed bit at good Dell Dr mum in hair coloring dangerous Some say it causes poisoning Others lay it causes brain damage ll to shouldnt women be told ERl Yes guess women should he told but it would be better it theyd stop lislening to every wheny old scare story Hair dyes do not cause brain damage Nor do they cause poi soning with this exception Some skins are sensitive to can tIln kinds Therefore smart beautician use patch test to see whether client is sensitive before applying the vIrious so iutims used these days to make women look other than the way they really are lye heard these pulsating and brain damage stories to ycers but never found man at evidence to support them ex ceptea just saidakin irrita tion is sometimes problem Note in Mrs 1D moral or St Vitus dance mouthing from some cases at rheumatic icver corrects listii spontaneously In levy years it leaves no liter ciiects Rheumatic ievcr can however CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER South dealer East Vcst vulnerable NOBTH amen IAGA OKIE 415 WEST EAST QAQJIOB 862 QJEII 93 oioaat 4K2 moose sown UKJOE 949182 ¢AQ763 The bidding South Wm North Eu 14 Dbie am Opening lead queen oi hearts The bidding by the opponents irequently iurnishes dcciar with valuable guideline to the best method oi play For exam ple consider this deal where Wests overcall enabled declar er to bring home an optimistic slam gt West leads thc queen of hearts and South laced with wide choice of plays decides to credit West with all the missing hignh cards because of his over cn Accordingly he win the heart with the king and leads back low club West goes up with the king and returns club to dummysjackt His clubs fully established Souths only remain ing concern is to avoid heart loserr Spuming the possibility of ar ranging heart ruit in dummy which he realizes East might be able taoverniii declarer turns instead to squccu He draws tour rounds oi trumps and cashes thc AQ7 oi clubs to produce the ioiiowing position North QK Aa West 3w 4A are VD South 105 The load oi the eight oi diar monds puts West out oi com mission He cannot afford to part with the ace oi spades so be dis1 cards heart Declarer thereup on sheds dummys king ot spades and wins the last two tricks with the Altl of hearts Note that ii declarer wins the opening heart lead in dummy in order to take club tlnésse at trick two he cannot make the contract In eiicct declarer has to fly ualize at trick one that squeeze will occur at trick eleven if he wins the first heart in his hand nnd returns low club Once South passes ihis admittedly dit flcult obstecic hehas smooth sailing irom then on REVISE STORE HOURS MONTREAL lGP The provincesm liquor outlets will close at noon Saturdays and 33 Montrealarea stores will close Mondays in new regulations ed iectivc next Monday the Que bee Liquor Board announced Thursday Until now em liq uor stores remained open until pm Saturdays Others were open until noon while others were closed all day OFFICE HOURS romaine In on warm The boss set wonderfulexample for me new his wife on budget and took away he keys to the car yDIiILY CROSSWOBD ACROSS DOWN Lustrous Covering fabric on 5Part at abeach chair back Anglican ought dean boat BOYS 10 Division nickname In Great 4t Gene or Britain Grace 12 swamp 3me 1L Reluse point grapes Getout fir Dutch 01 town commune Wing mBOY em or is Oatzich extremity like bird Passing In Childe mark Harold LL Bucket null for cool 21 Pronouns 13 Game of 221mm cards fiche 25 The East 21 Liv coal 29 Ellllcll 30 Monasteries an Inth bundle 35 Train crossing also 34 Search or facts no consume 88 Sweet one eon 39 Scarce item on rainy day Small flat boat 44301th 46 Between hue and Lite 48 Bough 49 Stitchld 50o Glril If Elfll nnnn WIIHIEIII ILCanepus gm Sachs £5 33 E5 N5 ghost EYELL mExtort 9° 5355 money IALE 5232 20 even LA51 hinted R5525 as into rem Ame scone 31 Bannertee 22Most expensive so Bruaque 2Accepls tempgiant readily Juneau 2LWarpyam 43Geewidxt 25 Epoch 45Meka nearest choice grains mltoepitai at Bogus coin worker 355mm nbhr HES mm Mb 10 Sim El existta so in ssttoWILoA OtnOFTUWNTD In vtsnunzMntER In to FEEL amt Bern1 mounts SOMENEVM wsratma tint LNTlLTHtS is FORflLT BUT wHy as 6N figfkgfifivv lt VILLAGE HALL STAGE ITS nmosr NtNE WlNGEl WILL BE 15 HE LATE For no BRiNGlNG DANCE YOU CORSAGE Ill war wear Evans wn VENT up Discuss DISCUSSION BLONDIE onervuelvou DONT REMEMBER HALF THE TllitiGS YOU 70 WtiKlS MORE AFTER YOlIR SICOHPvDWBtE llme WT METHOD 5070 THAT LITTLE BULK 300 renown nahPW mm or memorial nusue us ID VOUREL WNOWMMNG lt iiavzauaehlwsu gt us ll In

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