Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1969, p. 4

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Published by Cinadinnmwsnanern Limited 16 Bayfleld Strut Barrie Ontario gt VWIlllam Talir General Manager McPherson Managing Editor SATURDAY Mrqu IS PAGE Weill Publisher Youu i=le vr snaps nurses UP CAN PLAY REFEREE Tbo Concern over the future of the family farm and also small independent business has been reflected by Simcoe County council action in asking the Federal go gvernment to reconsider proposed amend ments iothe Estate Tax Aot The county councillors feel that some of the changes would work to the dis advantage of farmers and small business men who desire to transfer their farms ticular handicap inihe case of farmers 50115 said the county resolution la that the $10000 onceinalifetime gift provision in the interest of maintaining thefarm in the family would be re moved There was also understandable con cern over proposal to reduce thea mount of annual gifts not liable for tax The taxfree provision to We isof no help to farmers and businessmen be cause when the inheritance ultimately goes to the children the rate ls higher the resolution added Ilhe almostimmediiteresponse shown by members of Parliament to repre sentations made over the suggested changes at least reflects diversity of opinion on thmr advisability DrVPB 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jan 25 1049 Foxes plentiful in this district John Gmling of Sophia St West went out for 15 days and trapped 26 red fox five racoons Essa and Vespra townships not far from harm County Engineer red Jones announced that two new bridges would put Simcoe road budget for year up to $323400 Kiwanis Club donated u$l500 for new building at entrance to fair grounds Essa lid Fire destroy ed Webb Bros service station at Pains wick Courageous work of community bucket brigade savedhome of father Alvin Barrie Examiner opened new Ioffices in Wilson Bldg at post office Isquare Council approved $100000 budget for county health service President George McConkey Manag ilng Director Howard Naphiali and Trea surer Bud Fisher were delegation tto County Coundl re budget for Child rens Aid Phyllis Marshall built up big radio followingas vocalist on radio and out first record She is granddaught er of Mrs Williamllolllng of Donald St Barrie Chittick honored by Ford MotorCo on retirement Co paco Recreation Club held dance at ills sonic Temple with Bob Powells band providing music Dr and Mrsliobert rDelarrey returned from NorthwestTer ritorles were entertained in supper dance in Royal York Hotel by Barrie friends Girls of Barrie Ovenden College will present Patience Gilbert and Sulli van operetta at Trinity Parish Hall di Ted Twisx reviewed activities at Loss Of Family éSerious ECOnomiCally OTTAWA REPORT Ultra barrio ilixamim Cabiné by return mceouou UllAWA 125Mimism tau must challenge of restoring fiscal in NEW called fuby Bob Mn senior ndnlster in the Punou cabinet He was alti eialng the firel prolliucy of the Penman era flint minty partly lemdihoyurxoftbobld carboh and Pearson confronta Hon on the bustlnzsuhen both hadntriod tn oulbldwldl other with promises to the elec mu And warns green lgno rant and unthinking voters as Illlld that we had the choice between two Santa Clauses el tber of whom would pile on out of their gift nth endlm good ies midi welfare promptr mtional hullu form what dies pnd centennial pnrtlea We never stopped in think that Santas mlr was in fact our on wallets Not Dielean her not Pearson but we the taxpan were to be presented with the bills The remit is that today the federal government finds luelf connrlltied to enonmus expel dituruvldi In exorbitant built in nnrnral gmtil And the prov incial governmenu were sucked in by Ottawaor is black nhlled the right uordtlo Join in rovailed abatedcost pro This II selection of edl terms on current topics Jrllo lied from the vlren umge prua of Canada Montreal le DerolrDe spite re aicd demands ho hlrlrapol inn Toronto school board to date has relused lo satisfy the legitimale desire of Renehapechlng parents for French secondary schoolt Tho board simply want to add Frenchlanguage wings to existing unlllngual English rchools We sincerely bolleva that Torontos school authorities donot have phobla about French but they arenoi ink ing into account the press rious posltlon of French sur vlval in situatipn such an theirs Simply adding Benchlanguage wings to English reboots will not create or businesses to their sons The par DOWN MEMORY LANE five skunks and two mink in lunisfil line Rynard the North Simcoo member dwelt on the important role of the family farm in the economy of the past in stres singthe view that obstacles in theway of inheritance would seriously hamper incentive toward iarm expansion and improvements Drullynard felt justified in contending that this bill would des troy the incentive to save While helpful this proposed change is unlikely to give great deal of comfort to farmers and others who had hoped to see present regulations in the matter of transfer of family gifts remain The plight of the small tanner in the present economy has been causing ln creasing Wide variety oi sug gested solutions ranging all the way from moving half of Ontario farmers off their farms to setting up government agency with absolute control over food producflon have been advanced While well intended the complications and far reauhing effects of such solutions could be grave indeed But concession such as onceina4fifefime $10000 taxfree property gift of storm to his son wouldnt have any noticeable effect on the climate needed to main laln language ar threatened In curl What is needed is ch ool solely for French Ipeaklng rludenlr This is not question of creating ghetto The Frenchupealrlng people do not want to isolate themselves But siudentswill never be able to broadenlhemselves in French unless the entire school atmosphere in French TheGlobe and Mail raid halfmeasures will not nuiflce to resolve the disad vantages affecting the mriorl ty of young Frenchspeaking Ontario residents in educa tion Vincent Prim 111 Moncton LEvngeline Wherever he goes whatever does Pierre Elliott Tru deau has had the gift of mak ing headlines ever since he entered politics It appears that journalists are inclined to watch what he does rather than listen to What benaya As for under standing this seem to be out national revenues and would be prodJ the all ial incentive tofarmers It should be maintained Ferguson of St Andrews Church addres sed Kiwanians on Robbie Burns Nigh Rev Ernest Lewis of CdlllerUnited elected president Victoria Home and School Assoen General Manager Emerson Swain repo District Coop sales over million dollars in past year New registrar University of Toronto is Joseph Evans brother of SimcoeColinty Warden Charles Evans Bradford He was one of famous Evans Bros hockey team six souscube late Thomas Evans KC Since people are living longerCoun council heard recommendation for dition to home for aged at Beeton Audrey Gray county librarian said book discusv sion groups would be organized in new program Rt Wor Bro Robins paid official visit to Kerr Masonic lodge was welcomed bythe WM Stewart and officers Barrie Flyersdunior hockey club have three cousins Cari Don and Paul Emma playing on forward Barrie Fiyers Junior team coached by Hap Emma Pauls father whipped Oshawa Generals 01 as Sid Mc Nabnery sgpred three goals Barrier top skiers Billy Craig Jimmy Fisher and Helen Livingston completed course at Blue Mountain Scottish curlers tour ing Canada lost to Barrie rink of ship Harry Armstrong Cliff Elrlck Emerson Swalnand Wilber Harris at Orilila Norman Clarke installed president Chamber of Commerce Captain Paul Meger of Barrie Flyers out for six games following ice fracas at Salt Two Gait players also suspended President annual meeting Chamber of Commerce ried that Simcoe Consi er for example the lpeecb he delivered ad lib to rnemborrci the Foreign and Commonwenlth Press Asso ciation in London The iournlllrta present in stead of lingering over the npeakerl thoughts fuolr plume in describing his oponattltudo and his way of replying to questions The answers themselves passed unnoticed for the most part Alid yet his speech was not without impedance That in why if may be one barrio smother rs Bryfield street Barrie Ontario Authorized ar second class mail by thallium Offie 118 wille will an or payment postage in cash Return Postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Smutory Holidays excepted Subscriqu rates daily by carrler soc weekly $2600 yearly Single copies Inc By mail Barrie $2690 yearly Ontario 31500 yesr motor throw off 518 year Oul aide Ontario 20 year Out side Canada British posses rlonr 25 year USA and forelEn fill year National Advertising Offices 425 University Avenue Toron toLMo Cathcari Sb Mono rea lllernber of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau Cirotdations The Canadian Press is ex elusiver entitled to the use tor republication of all new dispatches in this paper cred lied to it or The Associated Press or fleulers and nirolhe local news published therein Mi isters On The Gravy Trajn Today all government in Canada pro together spending morethannopercsntolourna tlonnl earnings That means that the average Canadian in working from Jan nome unrking from Jan to some time early in May In puy Inca only what on earn in the rest of the year will be orus to on food binning cloths insur anw raving and fun for our selves and our fondly The nudeu govemnent is trying to cut back on this spend lng For armpit by mddehly curbing the sum it gives to the province to pay for new health centru and by cutting off mm vrhlrh were in the pest given to municipalities to provide winter join But Ottawas spending is still spiralling in other ways When will the meek and unquestionlng taxpayors of Canada rebel Stu dents revolt separatists protesi workers strike oven postal em ployees walk olf the lobwhy not the taxpayers The endless elflvintery or our governments is lshng for nonpayment strike by the taxpayers Just as the American poet Walt Whitman described nearly century ago Where the popruncc rise at once ngalnst the neverending audacity of elected persons RllzYAT voun cosr What nurlacily well finance permitted to express wish we would likelo see our col leagues paying less attention ulthoul however neglecting good copyfl lo the rensntion al side of ilr Trudeaunnd ppplying themselves or the Information of their readers in the aspect of his personal ity lhni islilrely to bring cer tain solutions to our many problems Jacquevlilluu Man 15 Prcmier Dozois is right when he says the selection of sit for Montreals new internation nl airport represents fone of the most important decisions the federal government viii ever have to mnlre 11 political climate in on province once again is compli eating the situation it is reported that several lndus tries and related services that would establish in the area of the proposed airport with on estimated totalvalue of about tl09090900tzl prelgr not to take risks iii Quebec aird LETTERS TOVTHEEDITOR BDMBING ALT Doar Sir In regards to the Paris peace talks think they should be called elf and the bombing should be renamed by the Amer icans At gent expense LthAmer icuns called in 90 per cent bombing halt then complete bombing halt end gained noth ing in return All concessions have been made by the Amer icons none have been made by the Communiéts Anyone should be able to see that the Com llnunists regard the peace talks simply as step tocon our South Vietnam With the bombing halt the Communists have been able to move more troops into the south and repair bomb damage done by the Am ericans before the bombinghali The onlypolltical settlement the Communists wouhi accept is Viet Cong coalition govern ment As this would lead tos mnunurust take over or the south this settlement is unsuit able Even if political settlement suitable to the Americans and South Vietnamesewas reached which ishlghly unlike it unuId mean nothingfor the Communists regularly break greements they Sign Therefore as the peat talks aredoomed to failure and are costing the American great military dismtnle the var should return completely to tho battlefield Yours sincerely nth hféPhemon no Oro Station IN ANEW SUM Eyes 520 plan pm Orch and Mezz tom lirch and Baice 50 Middle Bulcorvy $350 Roar Balcony $75 liox Office Open ll am QUEENS PARK Minister Edgar Benson pausing mlmmmnxm °9 pocket in the My In it has bosom fuhionnblo in unused in the liaise or Com mutiunbwtthohodnn mom have urged people lint has rat to in 1mm II in Could not to spend freely Establishment Train in But what mt ofgenrrwie are define The Establishment in he and his colicme setting or rennin meslest mo can the people in carrier Grin thinkot our the high road to Reporthasdisoloudnldr sclmnticltlslmr boa hir deoau has Bul incurring theoristence of ceased the salary bill for The mom chrparen stnffio MW1yearvvhercgs tal establishment the educa eeven year ago his Mason tinnnl shbllfllmflll the lohn Dielenbnker ran his prinfn ury eahbllstmnt the whole ndanterlalstalfonw7m nppanuu of government other cabinet Ministers have right at the top there litS nit Ilxiustlled to climb grunt ride all estebllsimenu the bust xu ous gravy no establishment represented Work hiinisler Ari being has by the dumber Commerce Chamber Keeps Eye VOngNew Legislation disclosed tllntllcsource Minis tpr loe Greene the counlry boy from Arnprior Ont Spent atan $1000 on rcdecorntlng his office sonic people lnIirn priorlive in homes unseen than less than lhnl Senator Poul Martin spent $1400 an bookcase for his office Finance liinsler Benson installed clothes closet and other trim ming for 553 Justice Minis let himch iuvl covering for his office door ecL 005 um And so on That was your moneybut their elfrontcry There up limo when our elected representatives were more housewifeiy urth our money THE QUEBEC PRESS snvsr would rather scllle on the other side of the Ontario honI der This could make Ollnwn lean towards choosing lho area west or northwest of Montreal and ncnr Ontario while everyone knows the Quebec government insists on the region south rind theist oilhecily is certnin that constrth flan of Ihe airport will have considerable eflccl on the ecflnom or the rovince blontrealLn PresserActing Creation of zone of actlv lty in the area from Montreal lo Sherbrooire and from St John to Quebec wouid contribute powrrtully an protv pcrlty and burst the scpanilst bubble if Quehecr economic situn lion conlinues lo irnproy and ti Quebecarscenshl profit lrom Canadas ly they will not try nationally pmlncdaliy and The Ontario Chem of Com merce is now tidying the mile of in min In the overall busi ness canblishmentby issuing an advisory to its membursllp on ieglslntian pending in them tarlo ledslsum The chnmbers idea is that its some members In no commu nldes luOntano should under rtand some of the legislation vmposel and protected so that those Interested in any specific Item of legislation can make mpfiscntntlons As the cham bers legislation builetln slam after bill has been given sec ond reading ill the legislature it becomes difficult for group of any lrlnri to make effective representation which will signif icantly alter that piece of logic lation It BILLS LlSlED finds advisory the Mario Chamber at Commerce lists more than 30 bills prlvaie hllLr ninendmcnta to existing legislation vhiohnre either at the first or second reading stage of the legislativeproce dure Thechsn1ber says about this fEvery organisation interested BIBLE THOUGHT sunr nck cleanse the lawn rain the drill cut out dart reel ye have receivedl trod give in ewl0l Give and it shall beigiven unto sou The lordlovnr cheerful giver Support your churdr and the causerof Christ srnvuui the world in eternity you will be glad thnt you were in affecting lodslatlon mun bo nilieoough informed and have Iuifleient amen to legislative dovelonrnentr no that effective presentation may be made It the new Aprodctable reaction is that under rain to put down hfi neuwoper and say the ugly word low trying to define loblll lsllkahylnxlodefine fireb ublishrnent finalnnd obvrma point In this and ltr question llsmt the Gunther oi Commerce the lune right to inform lta men hers end suggest they make lhelr lieui known to the gov emrnenta the rtudcnts who badger bully and bulldtno their Finn Willde and every bodyalithe voyupthellne to the minist erof education REPORTS MORE SALES UllAWAlCPt Chain store lolurose by nearly ll per cent last November from the pre vious November and were esti mated at WARM the Do minlon Bureau of Statistics re ported Thursday All types of chain stores registered in crease ranging from 46 er cent for variety stores to ml per ccht for mens clothing 0123 con MISS JUNGLE QUIET San JAN 25 Amellclfl Groups nan Friday Jin II THE CAPITAL IReeordinl Sim oi Cool Jerk and Soul Brother and Soul Slater gt FRIDAY FEB THE BIGGEST YET 19m FRUIT GUM COMPANY fciUiPAv Couchlélilng Beach Park Phone Trust Co rind of the Trust cnnflscntion ovum ENTRE FRONT 8n VONGE TWO WEEKSI JANUARY 2110 FEBRUARY an vYBOLGERq jvcomev and Production Directed nndrStnged ny AGNES or MILLE HumThurs fitsr wen am Sat blots agood steward on earth nrale Ren puinto Jun 20 Esiaievlaxll ni To Confiscation rononro or Ramsey presidentvof Guaranty Lions love Companies Association of Can hdndThursdnycdbrllildedltlllp prod ew ern esae an gliglnxnea as nothing short of 111m Addressing his companys nual meeting Mr Ramsay said all voices In our Canadian community should be raised in objection to the proposed dis seminatlon or all pools of pri vate capitalln capitnlvhun gryh capilaivlmpan society He said the proposal toglve tax relief on estates left to bus bands and wives was tnxdc fennent not tax exemption In the longerrun as be tween parent and child or from generation to generation the aggregation of gift taxes nudges tale taxes as proposed amounts to nothing shortoi Vcoufisca lion gt appreciates good food and goodservlce Remember turn to arrange for the next banquet or dinner Youll be amazed nthow amazing our service is groups of into several if hundred For complete nfonnalion 11728519 near assoc WING nucoé Every Monday or 800 pun SPECIALS JACKPOT 24 NUMBERS FOR $240 SHAREJTHE WEALm Admission 50e 14 HIGH ST Above NilService Clanrs 0vrl0001nns Cmadu 3636633 MUSICAL MER mo st50 $500 $550 $350 00 $125 $275 $300 $125 $200 5225 lo Mon to Sli eatingiatfi so do Moose and Eikbnd every other club or group who Holiday in whanils your for Build at in to Barrie Eilcrremeurr Aouu stereos gt Now SHOWING PM GenoPM unnum mm runm le JIMl5

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