Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1969, p. 3

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ltsLzs Blininl linron or THE WEEK Barrie Mayor ol the Week Brian hforris ol Shanty Bay and Aid LesJolliffedook over the issue of ThcBurrle Examiner in whiehhfr 101 titles election was made ol ficial alter recount Brian said being elected Mayor of the Week was quite an cxpcr lence and really fun He and Cd wouldnt want to be the mayor its great to ob serve the municipal govern mmt process but lm not politician Examiner Photo LAW AND GOOD GRACES Lands Association For Showing ilm fly SGT RALPH BERRY Dorrie Police Dcplrtmcllt Many agencies are at work doing many types of things for the benefit of the community these days Some of our tradi tional methods have had to be updated to meet the needs of changing socioty The churches have been under pressureAn change their methods of reach ing people too very large and important happening took place In our city this Week The Harrie Mir nisterial Association is to be commended for arranging the showing of the film For Petes Sake at one of our downtown theatres Upward 01 2500 men women young nd uits and children viewed this picture and its impact on most of those who saw it will have longreaching and salutary cif cot on our community and dis trial in day when realism how ever pornographic and suggest ive is portrayed through every medium it is refreshing to view film of the calibre and mes sage of For Petes Sake police department will on derse almost anything that will reduce community tensions and head off trouble in the maidns Thoseof our department who attended this showingrated it excellent Perhps you may feel report ing of such matter doesvnot belong in column of this type think it docsand ill tell you why police department is cm Dloycd to protect the commun ity from those who would be cause of seltishness and greed impatience or anger live outa side the tnlv it is expensive for the city to protect itself against itself One way of reducing the cost of police protection crime de tcctien and nwrehension of of tenders is to attack the root causes of crime and lawless ness Any legitimate method olr teathing man what his prob ems are and how to treat them will certainly help to re duce our need for protection One such method was the film aforcrncmtioned Whatever 500 people paid for tickets they were well worth the money and the whole of our area will be the better for its having been shown here oneran Bill and Problerri1=icicing City The political fallout that sur rounds maiting of tax bills oc cupied members of the civic on eratiorls committee this week when they dismissed the numlt ber 01 bills that would bciscnt out City treasurer Doug Jagges asked the committee for some direction He explained that the county board of education would be submitting its requirements to city council inltlarcb We would iikeio know if you want one tax bill showing the murde ma1 tax and the education tax or it you want to separate tax bills for each item sent out Mr Jagges added that it would cost between five and ten thous and dollars to send out separ ate notices AldDorian Parker asked Mr Jogges why he thought thecoma mitt3e would want to send out sepamte forms for municipal and board of education taxes iThcre are certain political con sidcratiflns you may want to con sider he replied Board of education officials are working on the 1969 esti mates They will submit the bud get to the city the first week in March and requisition the mount ol money they need Director of education Jack Rarnrny explained how the board at education obtains the funds it needs Vedrow up budgek for each school then consolidate them and produce budget for all the schools in the county He continued We then deduct the amount given to school boards by the department of education in grants and go to the various municipalities for the rest of the funds An act or the provincial leg islature instructs boards on how to assess each municipality for its share of taxes The board of education bud ment of education Howeverthe department doesnt have the TALKS T0 RESUME NIAGARA FALLS Ont vCF Negotiations betwee 500 king medlbers of Maul 165 international Chumioal Workers Union and Cyanamid of Canada Ltd are to resume Tuesdayvfor the first time since dregmen walked out Jan side of the building is near ing completionand the com mittee responsible to the get is submitted to the depart board power to rule out any item un less that item is being paid for by department grant The city can object to the aount the board is asking for but there is very little they can do once the budget is present ed Dy law the citys required to raise the money through tax as Some of the oamtal expen ditures are items the city can control in roundabout wayr Construction of new schools re quires the approval of the On tario Municipal Board The city can make representation to the OMB it it feels the board of ed uoation is spending too much on the construction of school large proportion of school expenses represent sat aries The board will soon begin to bargain with teachers through out the county on new wage lev els memorandum to the 32 sollool boards that were consolia clan to uealt the county ida board instructed them to hold the line on salaries Several boards were preparing to meet with flleirAearherS Hocher all salary discussions weretmzen to give the new county board an oworblnits to organize arms Conviction Sunday The new builrhng congregation for the building hopes to have the furnishings in place for mass Easter Nine Crashes Occur In City Man Is Injured Slime road conditions due to sudden freezing temperatures caused rash of automobile ac cidents in harric last night Only one person William Doo ovan 53 of 109 Queen St sus tatned injuries brine accidents were reported ltfr Donavans vehicle was in collision with vehicle owned by Ed Gamer 11 of Shanty day at the intersection oi hlake and Johnson from property damage was cstiriatcd at 00 other persons involved in ac cidents were Robert Graham 43 of 101 Nelson and Jean fiirkotte of as 0ttaway The two vehicles collided at the ln tcrsection or Sophia and Bnyiicld at 720 pm Damage was ms The vehicles of James 111 1r win 713 of Warniea ftoad and John Chalmers 31 of Minesan collided in front of 156 Victoria St Damage was $150 George harbricl st at 53 Campbell Ave and Harry Ad derleyv7l nt ta Sanlcrd were involved in an accident on Essa Road Estimated property dam ago In the vehicles was $100 car owned by Donald ll Hagan of 21h St Vincent St was struck by an unknown vea hicle causing $150 damage to Mr liagnns car The accident oc currcd at 921 pm in front at the Bayshore lloiel Another vehicle owned by Daryl Walton or Collier St was also stnlclr by an unknoun vehicle at 1010 pm causing sin damages Mike Park 23 of 52 Glcnwnod Ava was involved in an acci dcnt at itiulcnstcr and Collier with Herman Goidenbeld 49 of Palnswiclr Damage was sits Ronald it itowell 22 of 151 Gunn St hit parked car own Ed by Jack St Clair 130 Napier the accident ueeured in lront of 195 Dunlop St Damage was $1001 At the intersection of Dayfield and Sophia vehicles owned by Kenneth Sklnner 22 of Stroud and Marjorie MCQuay lb of Ore Station were involved in cola lisiun causing property damage of $80 snowmobiles lire Permitted 0n Highways Snowmobiles may now cross and operate on the shoulders of all provincial highways except freeways the transport depart ment announced Friday Under tin original legislation which bccnme effective last Nov snowmobiles were not allowed to travel along or across any highwa exccpt few listed in speeitie dulcs The ne mendnrentytothc snowmobile regulations still pro hibits snowmobiles on the travel led portion of the highwaythe part used byvcars and trucks Snowmobiles may travel on the shoulder or rightofway provid ed that they are operated as far away from the roadway as is practicable under the circumlt stances the announcement said On those highways where they were permitted before snowmo biles may still be operated on the roadway itself Persons operating snowmolt bites on highways need no driv ers licence but must be at least Iiiand carry liability in surance They must produce ew idence of insurance on request Freeways where snowmobiles are still prohibited are Ottawa Queensway Queen Elizabeth Way Highway 27 south of High way and highways Ath 401 too 403 405 and 406 local GENERAL MINOR HOCKEY DRAW special attraction or child ren during Minor Hockey Day at the Barrie Arena Sunday will be draws for bicycles between games There will also be mystery draw after the open ing ceremonies at 355 pm All draws will be made on child was tickets only will replace the present church on Mulcaster Street Fittildtl lamp vTMaw when Ed Turnoclt representative of the BillyGmham Associa tioa second from left was in Barrie the last four days to help members of Mlnistcfial For Petes Sake at the lm portal Theatre Standlng next to hirTumock arc Rev Bob iliilock ileft ltirs Nell Math well nnd0apL Dave Howell representatives of the mints terlal association htnretban 2600 people saw the film The movie was brought to Barrie through the efforts of Minis terinl Association corruruttee Members of the committee are Minlsrrnllu ASSOCIATION Sponsors FILM Lea Cooke Bruce Owen Capt Davc llowell Mrs Nell ltiax wclt ftev Verne litack Rev Richard Holiidity Rev Bob Hiliock and Bernie Smith Ex aminer Photo Association present the film CITY NEWS THE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JANUARY 25 19694 Seek Special French Classes French spcakingCanadians in the county who want their children taught in their mother tongue have petitioned the board of education for special classes recent amendmwtdo the Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Ac ullaws such petitions providing it can be shown there are at least it Frenchspaaking people in any given area The board of edu cation is then obliged to set up special classes in which sub jects are taught in the French language or show cause why the courses should not be taught The legislation is the result of an attempt on the part of the provincial government to better meet the language and cultural needs of the provinces French spcaking oitircns ARE NOT SURE Board 01 education officials are not sure exactly how many Frenchspeaking people there are in Simme County How ever the board has Set up sin ding Frenchdanguage com mittee Its members Alvin Gravelle Ray Garliupy and Mrs Thdrna Cockbum all have varying degrees at fluency with French Mrs Cockburn was chainrran of cammttce that made oral French reality in Barrics public schools The public school board supplies teachers for both its own students and those of the separate school board The standing committee ap pointed thisweek will be augs mented by our members to be elected by the Frenchspeaking ratepayers in the county The board of education is in the process of completing plans for countywideelection The fullwmrnittee will aid vise the board on the policies in teaching courses in the French laguage The provincial legs lotion ensures that the com miitee will be heard report must be accepted at each segue lar meeting of the board According to the act The board shall consider any report or recommendation isubmitlcd to it by the committee and shall not refuse its approval without having given the commit tee the opportunity to be heard by the board Jack Ramsay director ed ucation will meet shortly with Alvin Gravelleand Romeo Asselin of Penetang Mr Asse lin Wrote the board and that Frenchdnngunge com mittee be established AT PENETANG At the moment there are use than 503 students attend ing the Pcnetang Secondary School studying French and his tory in the Frenchiancuasc The committee is expectw to mire recommendations to the board on ways and means of meeting the educational and cultural needsof the French speaking pupils it is asked to advise the board on suitable sites accommodation and equip ment needed to teach the French language to advise on the appointment of the required teaching supervision and admin istrative staff and to help in the establishment of special classes for adults in French language secondary school gt There isa sedionjin thelcg isiation ecently passed permit ting te board to make avail able the committee such per sonnel and services as the board deems necesary for the proper functioning of the com mittee The attitude and concern of both board otieducation this tees and the administrative staff they have hired ensure the development of the French lan guage in the county Few of the administrative staff eak French but most of them have expressed the dermal learn Mr Ramsay saidrécentiy he would love to take one of the immersion courses and learn the language thoroughly However Mr Railway has to plead that he just hasnt the time to study French His day is occupied ensuring that the rights and educational require ments of the countys young pupils arernet As an extension of its Youth Awareness Program North Cola legiatc is sponsoring parents nightflhthsdny starting at 145 The meeting which is open to all parents of teens in Barrie has been organized to acquaint adults with the program The program was 1n the plan ning stages last March when considerable interest was shown for the problems at drugs at an assembly at North Collegiate Permission for the endeavor was granted by the collegiate board during the summer and the first meeting was held Oct 16 The youth oriented program was formerly titled the Dnlg and Al oohol Seminar bill the scope was widened to include all names of social and behavioral prob lcms ol youth Particular em phasis is still placed on the dan gers inherent inthc cse oldmgs howeverx LillilITllllléfs Elmvalei Rink Goes To Finals lnuis Turners Elmvale nink of Ron trankeorn Cecil Tin ncy and Peter Vollett qualificd tor the Ontario Associa tion Conscl tinals yesterday by beating Oriitia tub straight games s7 and so Orillia was shipped by Dave Reynolds who had Blake Uren Jim Adams and Bill Vnrley They won Division 1013 honors Turners team won 10A at Base Borden on hiondaywithout los ing game Elmvale beat Milt McArthur of Creemare in the final Provincial tinals involving in rinks will be held at Londons Ivanhoe clubstarting Feblti it is doubleknockout competition Winner representOntario in the Canadian Brier finals at Oshawa starting Maroh North Arranges Parents Night mathematics teacher at North Collegiate is the coordin ator ol the program the first and only one in Ontario Onpnrents night all facets of the program will be brought out Guest speake Audience partial invited and for this purpose panel at local professional people will be presentuDr ft Delan cy will be moderator Members of the panel are Dr Isobel Cole man associate medical officer of health forSimeoe County Wildman assistant crown attorney Rev David Proctor minister at Collier St United faurch and president of the Barn rie lifinistcrial Association Ber nic Smith well known Barrie youth worker Glen Moore pro gram coordinator ando rep resentative nf theSimcoc coun ty schoolboavrd either Jack Ram say director of education or Angus Maccay superintendent of academic affairs Bob Qayr TRY EXAAHNER wnnr ans PHONE azaznl interlaced From the small home owners to the large indus trial eomplex years of experience are yours Contact the trained people at SARJ raw43 21 Collier SL Barrie FARM PRICES TORONTO CF Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Friday large 56A medium 535 small 421 Eggs Wholesale prices to country stations fibre cases quot ed by committee of wholesale egg dealers extra large to large 46 medium 43 small 36 scar 29 Birttcr prices no at Dairy Commission tenderable earlots buying 19 score 64 buy ing torscorc selling 65 3BARRIE sra FOODS Fur take out call 7263050 ma uradfnrd St qfislt wailpr CARPET Outdoor indoor CARPET Installed for only home and show you taste VIIIIII Annual Wednesday PHONE 4283213 STAYNER 25 Nylon Carpet CANADIAN neural HEALTH ASSQCIATION Barrie Branch Meeting January 291l969y 800 pm lIBRARYfHAll GuestSpenkerr Mr John Boys some MODERN lounl Its problemsin the schools of todnyfl WI Refreshments sHor AT HoME seizvtceoutvl Featuringillll range oi carpet including gNylon 10096 wool Trilan Acrylan Fortrei Propylon GEORGIAN BAY SERVICE 100 Dllpont installed with underpadding 573 Sn Shop At Home Service Our representative will call at your full range of samples losuit your lulli lIllllm

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