Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1969, p. 2

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VERSA THOMPSON nurs ing manhunt dont think strapping lain good idea dont approve of straps twigs or pointerI think the tradi er is apt to lnlurc childI hand can remember being cracked over the knuckles as girl and sure dont think it should be allowed think strapping is very ar chaic ld support any gov ernment official who wouid try to make strapping illegal There certainly must be an other way to discipline child ren Strapping just maker kids want to rebel ions EANDRA nuance housewife dont believe in mapping children in school should think teachers couid find good meansof disci plining children without re sorting to strapping cumr snonrr student DonouThinkStrdp Be Usedln SCthls ready AUltEL nanr oasistnnt supervisor rceliot dont think teachers timid use the map Teddi are there to teach not to dLscipllnehHow ever if discipline in re quired it should definitely be nonviolent form WALTER PERKINS re tired uiink we should leave strapping aloneI it is Children behave better if they think something is more to keep them straight know did as boy HAROLD hIcBRIDE bush Worker was never sthooi teacher but Id think strap Ping would hun the hands of children think teachers should find better way to discipline the children than MRS postwar chrrr housewife Quite frankly think strlwifll mild coin tlnuo dont believe in apn iag the rod do think ItrIp ping rhould be done with dis actionmaybe it should be the My tho principal Im all for it hut9 itIcKAY house wife dont think ammo should he allowed but do think some kind of diadpkne is necessary in the ocbooln It certainly doesnt dolll good to discipline children at home if they arent disciplined at final as JOHN GRANT rubber wor ker dont think strapping should be allowed in the classroom Corporal punish ment when employed should be used in the home dont think its right for stranger to be pounding your not city bylaw that would make more than 600 home businesses land other buildings in the city legal nonconforming uses will the given public hearing in Bar ric Feb 27 The hearing sponsored by the 0ntario Municipal Board will give all those affectcd by the HEW bylaw the chance to support or oppose it The legal nonconforming use llabel means that if the owner ship of the property changes its ufliflellt use cannot be maintani ed but will return to the some znning as other properties in the area For instance name business nloeaiod in residential area if it worersoid could only bcused ran private residence by its new owner anomalous The regulations also mean that buildingr on the property could not be expanded withoutspccial Sauthority from the citys com mittee of adjustirlcnt If the buildings burned down they could not be replaced for tha Ilama function The bylaw is designed toelim innte 628 special use zoncs in Jthe city The special use label FUN AT lawsatanic Irv roadshow FAST TAKEOUT SERVICE OpeaDIlly flll midnight Friday and Saturday fill fun in identified specific properties in the city whose use differed from the general zoning in their area and allowed their continued use for the purpose in perpetuity The old bylaw meant that we would zone property for special use suehas warehouse if the owner went out of busi ness or sold the property the only permitted use would beior warehouse even though in the interests of good planning this would not be the proper zoningi said Ken Peck secretary of the planning board The Ontario pal Board was concerned that we were en couraging situation that was poor planning he said ACCEPT SECTIONS The new bylaw but became necessity when the board re fused to accept sections of zoning bylaw mo whichpcrmitted the continuation of thespecial use zones in September planning board members condemned city council for the manner in which it informed private citizens of the nonconformin use bylaw Everyone wrthin 400 feet ofI special use zone that under the new bylaw will become non 728094 HorrievBusinesses Affected By Byldw conforming use receiveda copy of thehylaw However all maps to aid an owner in deciding who lher his property was affected were included neither was there any explanation of the meaning ofrlcgal nonconforming use ex cept to any present use of lands is not being affected as long as the same use continues Mayor Bentley said the impli cation that the building could not be replaced if destroyed could building ARE FINAL PLEASE PRIN rhoNn Favorirra snorir WHERE aniruovcp It 1251561 jeopardize the insurance on by Teachers Find The from of the teach ain what they mid alien to be incoming to raced ptflc widen mry released laytho Ontario Secondary School Tuohers Federntlon teacherI ratnbehw doctors lsnyerl and other profuoaahpn the lounge totun pde However they do rank above and librarian in go Thu nirvry war carried out for the mootpart in urban mas One cumming expect of the report war the unexpected high ratio young people gave teadtcrs Sixtyone per cent of then interviewed Ind under 75 uld school teacher should keep up with modern develop Design Of Sr City councils planning and development committee agreed Thursday to recommend an Im rndmcm to city bylaw re qulrlng ltn parking spaces for each unit innn apartment build ing The proposed amendment would allow minimum of to parking places regardless of tho number of apartment unita The committee meeting called by Aid Roberta war held in connection with the into Housing Corporationl plans to build ecnlor cltlmu home in horde Wlalkers Is Transferred Film Service 0t library LowersMembership Rates ltuI year the Barrie Public Library Film Service has low ered its membeniiip ratee no Says Ottawa Protects CPA HAMILTON CF An air line executive said Friday smalb er airlines are grovelllng for ex istence while the federal gov eminent protectr Air Canada Ind Canadian Pacific Airliner from competition Kurt Pelffer director of traf fic development for Nordair Ltd of Montreal told local service club that the govern ment watches the more lucra tiVOlll router in Canada so that the two big airlines would not be exposed to the terrors of competition He said acme regional airline bought highpriced competitive equipmentsuch ll turbine or let powered aircraft and then found themselves in an immedi ate deficit position But when they tried to expand into heavilylpopidated areas they tound the routu occupied Canada or Canadian Pa CARNIVAL QUEEN iONTfST wiurra CARNIVAL QUEEN ENTRY roaM RULES cmurs mgrinseam unsr 3E1 mans on ovcn nasmcnrsor among COUNTY MAan on sworn AND SPORTSMINDED ALL ENTRANTS MUST an wnnmo T0 cormv wrrn urn CARNIVAL Quccu comm comminc mas moons nacxsrous NAME IN rum ADDRESS All entries to bcvyaent to WinterCIrnivll Queen Content co ltlrI Evertun 212 Crawford at Barrie outrun nu entrial must he mum by Eebruary 1m For informitlon rcgarrlinflmteot telephone Jone Burton cific Airlines Between Doctors Librarians Would AmendBylaw To Permit aarunnn rowan Is not Public image Iy sum Mm sun windy John Smith WWII 167 mu Rood Barrie formady Gum chill celebrated hII 92nd birth dnythlemthwfthvhk Eestdce room out meat lhlr was opposed to the overall image of teachers as dedicated but dull people The NH slid All over whelming percentage of those interviewed agreed that the toaebcr war probably second in importance to the doctor in the community The trouble In that this opinion seemed to go no further than lip service The teacher was described an more important to the commun died 9° lty than mos working groin Only dociorr were laid to be Sgtmimw more cnIclIl The report added Br that The contraditlon leads one Wm to believe that having once Ieh Frm nwlcdgedlbeimportancoref the memfignb Ind teacher the public il prepared Md or 19de cm rm Scotland in on it flwmmi on WEI at moltenhem west of Bolton in ten At 12 be left Idtod mt ed congaA ohihtory telcgmnr from Prime Minister Mean and immoral mow mm HblatherDonaald Cannon Citizens Home no AT McMillan Frank Hersey and acting mayor loillffe ulro agreed to recom mend Amendment to allow approximately 454 square feet of space hr each unit The by law new state that each unit must contain 500 square feet of space Although the Ienior citi unr unit are rmlller than than required by the existing bylaw there In additional specs used in community lounges laundry facilitler sick bay and washrooms At thattimegnlnwu nnwitb In flu sud scythe called turkeyr vdng that cut cavern toot swath left lor tn following womenfolk to tie into dream with straw bonds In the winter nliese my pic eat and moved by ml Ileigh up to Grand Valoy in cm hither Townlbtp which on Just being opened up rm Mr Campbell ltwn wild outm trywlth hem wild can and to want would make your hair Itand on end Most of the oteartngdnd building wu done by the Bee method of mm of neighbors lh clear the land all the goodlumbor would be cut out beforehand then to or so neighborr would come four or more expert tourism mid be called moisten Ind then would then In captain draw on equal number um All set with as much exdtement II It ball game the turn mild then make race to no wind oould clear their usually mad wlde rtrip across the eectton COST or nonaca During the Boer War he bought spine of the buthorsea in the Manager Cold temperatures in Barrie will continue Sunday with vari able cloudiness and few elm flurriea Wunda will be north 20 Toronto weather office pm diets low tonight of zero and high Sundayof 13 Ir Noon temperature outside th Barric Examiner was 14 Synopsis Occasional snow forccast for Northern Ontario areas today while in the south few snowflurries nan be ex pected Heavier snowsqualla whl continue near Lake Huron and Georgian Bay Tempera tures will be on the coldlgide again Sunday but with diminish ing winds and some sunshine Windsor imdon Hamilton Tomato Lake St Clair Lake Erie Southern Lake Hmn Ni agara intro Ontario Halibu ton Windy and mudi colder with variable skies and few suowflunries today Sunny with cloudy periods and continuing oold Sunday Winds westerly 25 to 40 today northwest on Star day hoflharn Lake IIulon Salliin ninunlca noworirn make our films and projemora aynilable to the general pubilc For allow cost an individual in the area can borrow 16 min sound films Our drilthena films and Walt Disney cartoons are in great demand for birthday and other childrens panties Many families can also spend enjoy able evernngs at borne watch ing some of our travelogue on Hondinar Ireland timeout presr and various other coun tries For the alder in the fa mily we have an excellent in structional film that is of in terast to both the amateur and advanced skier One of the new films avail able throuyi the Lihrary for the next three months is The Aged Land This isz minutea in color and is an imaginative ern Georgian Bay Cloudy profile of Greece windy and much oolrler with LINDA IQfIGHI snowflurries and local snows ab Thefiegular OfficerTraining Plan Is for bright young men looking for meaningful career You undertake complete university education with degreei aris sciences or engineering plus ingReauit you graduate as walleducated with In officers the Canadian Armed Forces Act now because we begin selecting candidates early in the New Year Eorjull information visit CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 25 St Clair Avenue East Toronto outaflo Telephone 66564 THE REGILAR OFFICER TRAINING PLAN Royal Military College of GanadaKingston ontarlo Royal Ronda Military College Victoria at College Mllitaha Royal do SeinNaan Que canadlan Universities road auto friends and relation be Noah er phn well plaque from helped hi father with an farm Mr His92nd your cmannc ifiDsu Road many of aiurdiill holdr wall plaqiio IreIIt I150 to ma auditor buyer in Flesherton for use in thewlr In th early 1m he became president oftho Unlth Famorr organization which oration in onion lots of ouch ttena an hour mm figs dam Ind salt for Iarrnerl to bag to their own orders Beside being member of the school board bowaa mad umberta time when new mdr bad to be built corduroy moon with lemme logs and dirt from the ditchee thrown aeroar the top His wife died in lll and he moved with his flrnlly to hur chill in ms to the fem now owned by Allan midway III started his Sandy Lane delay In Churchill and Lefrtw mar reli inl Misctom 40° quarts of DISTRICT warrior quail today Variable cloud ness with few anowflnrries and continuing cold Sunday Winds westerly to 40 todry northwest to Sunday Sault Ste Marie Sudbury North Bay Northern Georgian Bay vlimanamti Atgorna Ouch rane White River Western James Bay Cloudy with OCCU alonal snow Ind much colder today Mostly cloudy with snow hurries and continuing cold Sun day Winds westerw 15 to 15 today northerly 20 Sunday ttawn Montreal Cloudy with sunnyperlodaandlafew tiurric today lhnnlng cold with winds westerly 30 to 40 gusty Sunday mainly clear and cold Winds wasterly 7o on tonight high auray Windsor is St Thomas 15 London 15 Kitchener is Mount Fore lo Wingham 10 Hamilton in 15 RESIA morning of potatoes Kentucky Fri when you buy angel of Ken ken plume oar NIHS lakeview has Mounhr To Tourism ROA5TLEG osboak with dressing and upplo sauce ssrr STRorOGANOFF upor lilteo hot rolls choice vegetnbles deuert and borerla Special Childrenis Menu Mon Tremors srscmi iLa5ALAo rites Ienttohtmbylremierlohn mm or Ontario congrats kiln illIll on his and birth Baker Photo milk daily It ten cents quart plus fruits vegetables and prob try with his van and Chris the horn which he describes an be ing bulky old follow Befm he moved to his preo ont home he mowdto Ioiiendll iseot where he took up ur pentry and Ipeat one Iununer making homo bread for locll residents Mr Canniballe children an Mb ourguy Seven of Troy Ont Donald Campbell craniumn Mn Find MW Tum Florida Kenneth Coho bell Barrie Mn Beatrice field with gem he now refill and Marsh Oanmbell nawn Stroud airler HI bee rneny granddiiidren and some mo grandchildren More Low VTempercitures UPIedicted for Barrie Toronto 15 Peterbomugh 15 Kingston is Owen Sm nd If Treth lb Killaloe Id Muskoka lo Sault Ste Mario 1ft Kapuskasing 10 White River 15 Moosonoe Timins DRUG mafia REMANDEI OWEN sown or Four youths charged with narcotic of fences Thursdayhad their case remanded to Jan 30 John Zip pel 17 Mario Mchrmoot l8 both of Owen Sound and Joseph LaFlarrurie 19 oIVSauble Blanch Ont are diarged with POSSESP sion of marijuana Bob Jamie son 19 of Owen Sound in charged with trafficking in nar cotics URANT bassist ad Chicken BUCKET on tucky Fried Chic

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