Am roll SAL ARTICLES WANTED OAIDBPtneII wanted in NJ um um ro Auiomorlvl BUYWITHCONFIDENCE AT BA 0111 MOTORS The Low Price Leader gt an Isr with at its INII Contact mfxdom with out ellI nilaim silver II chill Alum cihr mwlnbdé all and ï¬rmly hell isum up WINTERIZED GUARANTEE RECONDITIONED QUALITY CARE 30 DAYS MAJOR MECHANICAL WARRANTY 10 OOWN TERMS TX SUIT MODFSI BUDGET noon ted or rionoonilzuito all on Im indium leader in it rolls mutt ms To planning box big cm cylinder mm tractor any title on tbl 1967 ideal clndyawio red ï¬nial matching interior only 000 miles $1 it mm Cannot tlzhsolflroztndxwh 12 tires rem8111C FordGIx lhisotltstladingavtolasqui DOGlP I962 pod slut and clove motor ltltoroaihw power steering and brake ladioWhiinaiIIridaheeioovelx auditorsilwltnoonmt $215 Immmngmm trig maroon literlor Dont mn this value Uccnoe 11m gitrid lfl cash it Ruth Gor Ford Mom door original black linkh red Iataior to C10 In M9 Wm 55 I967 btr six morli1olllaticuttite with pathos the pan mu $1465 has becll given sluice new licence m1 BOSTON 1mm Pontiac door Vanpom Iutomatic new mono as mob so ui white wall tires original blue iinish ml hing interior car ï¬gmï¬gghmflggt or the discriminatng buyer Licence 5771M I435 Altstin 1100 door economical cylinder new motor eusulm radio mustard ï¬nish saddle tIll interior as new throughout Period second car Licence mil Glev Belatr sedan cylinder motor Mantle mile whet more new brakes Hill is one owner ear with low mileage Dadtbluetiniitwlthroatdtingihterlor liiceoeemoeti air GIKWAN Shepherd DO ea or III normres strontium ctrlupin Ill TBIE one TIE571 PUREBRED PUG PUPS 33 Icltvhlml allI so 1966 i964 onlllm short hairsd pointer $685 low price altv non sen mu reducing out seats ortsiml italic rem iinish new tires Fantastic talus propagating licence mil ROM TI lrurnationai Carryall Big For the aporurninded person hen lsstaiitthatwilltliiyvurheeth hillwindawsuiiamtmdiots ct been cylinder motor snow tires Licence X51113 Mercury doorllarlMP motor unmade pour steering Imhrskumwoladrï¬nidliltsstbemtobeapwedatcd am 16 lmiy opassenzetRamh agon at autotnatic radio power meeting and brakesdroroe root rack netted mm or II Gemlrl IBM haired Points weeks old hunt ins and Illxl rsiephens mm mm oulilty puppies It ronioststivs Heel no In our business men we put tor than we have you mind when you In 1963 I962 ti 962 $645 $685 ymmmwr out Ln ind struts writer Original paint low miluge bloom max $785 muryvlfuiionm Only Pagoda missions TmtilvAéltSE ohmxx 139 no one OWNER10W MILEAGE CARS ï¬lvsnfhionl AL to omwtn shuptxerd works or 45 BRADFORD ST 7282220 wofliblisirlni 113 nod watch this toema snowmobiles ISNOWMOBIIES 4ARTICLES FOR SALE FARMERS MitKT t°°i on is WE You havent tried Show MI mm 13le hwy Emmeglflfwl it ï¬vï¬h€$ ED SEED GRAIN bit swarm my gt wee it motifs it h2iiiltii°uitittitf noise mm alter on MENS ski out or ssh or neIl Double lrack HKDotltx use simple start is ï¬rifilï¬kiebrolstimlifiifwiiï¬ LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BOLENS DIABLO lwnzhm1lorwlu piece uni Phone Imam en um Mb new demonstrator alloymobiles Fï¬fflï¬iï¬jï¬ï¬‚vflflï¬mf WWW ti MONA TAX Edit WWW DUvmo 71w TIIVO York and Landrm sow tor nus two to tam min stratid 064473 inlmtjmeï¬ï¬armhorï¬ulgggesflh rsioobons steam it ARTICLES FOR SAI sfinn lnmuo siiuiufsi iiiisï¬emltéssliniii urihurisi SKI RENTALS mgombls trains strand 000 NORTHWAY RuG SHOP and ma our olouanu are mm mm its Trailers suits Iwcaterl bootl MPH With Ind overNol nil arm goggles etc CO LTD ï¬ï¬jrlï¬i lilioï¬ï¬lisuisrét Mm For your reservation call The house oi tine broadioom 59m Pg Mia ggubiggflvigggfogangkgggw hcmllallts all sizes and prices taste CONTINENTAL INN HALE priced st 1119 bileit vinyl Wm WM mow Room 29 WE AND IMPORTED sosntsh recliner usual mail it Lfl BROADIDOM $993 Amusement1min aavlll st LlVESTOCK WANTED SNOWMOBILING 67 Collier St Phone mun 53 gï¬gllggï¬lréf 00 acres at Portage lhlls halt RABBITS WANTED DROP It hum MM mall or BAKING lid hatter Ill sixes way betlleen Millesills and holsterlmt dnperiel lIlest Ibrc th it Del 1° FM Ml Hwy 90 s11 Simcoe pond is ami Tent no Awnlnz 11ml iiimusde onniol LMEEE Wm WM Rentals or own machines mr1setilt redwood chlnet model Hoe beveram available clips in We PE£GE$E Ad 7234637 or misï¬ts relc honc lzsms tor lurther an on RAN Hood Italnit Itall tillll inch dull writfol electric lire olm Commsmial ire cxtrhgtllsh er Telephone Mildue ellnus tor ssls low White sudboard lcxlmplc JAE House or JANUAIIY Furniture Show will COS Pay outrhast trons nueriy Beddlnl 39 box mrinl and maths setI oomoiste with headboard Uruli retail price 71195 new low low to lient 5995 at Alisndalr iludtlaro Purrll Available atlllnie Ballninthlim titre store Gowsn St Prion ness Dime HEM WALNUT chest or liiver IIItware 51mm Sewing Mloillries Portabl with our drawer month old model me tin only sea Map 51350 iiahneiette blankets and chlhet mo F111 ballot or slnsrr ouiiiod twin bed mattress covers Dodge Fever Contest Nothing to $2 each Telephone 7230609 buy simm or park 7257960 THE ALL NEW SNOW CAMPER HERE IS THE ANSWER to the hunter fisherman sports vrilan rhowmobilertile racing butt it sits ou skis You can sicep in it eat in it stay out ol the cold winds and best of all use it all year round itnrmno til ti icï¬ï¬ mlLd it in sort Illncl smotm see It This weakend dock insrrt ciotllinr Ill tat realised tor January cicanncg rm KNQTTY PINE All in excellent condition TeiI olilot tor Singer mdua relor Con phonr mam text Notnlns to buy Singer SPORTSARAMA asrrh litmo com collection or nlo rar run Highway 27 Mldhurst there inronnluon teis hone tu gt 72114111 0951 alter on No sir on please QUANTITY ot restaurant equip ment or sale very reuonlbll also two freeze two rrrrisrrators and stove tslophona rad1m 11 THE SEASON To ADVERTISE NEW 1969 two Mil 1d hihsiectflcillugkiwlgg on one eec tro ï¬mge ï¬lephoale 11111 wall machines lose it hpsti Doe load 19 hp skiDon iudn Ind Marina telephonic swan 27111115 FIRST We are skilled in our Service and will give you my EXAMINER WANT ADS raonz malll Prompt Attention CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE rtasrsliths ENNG LAND SURVEY hthtzrtrheiitmirnr snucoa that somatic chm CARPET CLINIC ehmrinr repairmlnslde nrnutalde MAINTENANCE wo rusraatre nil work rsleobons Professional carpet and uphill 545 siery cleaning IN YOUR HOME or in nu MODERN PLANT 252 HURONIA RD PHONE 7234761 Ancms Maintenance flood maintenance Ll food Mectlorl om ll you experience mil JANITOR SERVICE mama so alun cleanlu or FRIENDS um urn an PAINTING IRONiNG on Service mom is SNOWPLOUGHING DECORATING Ind deliver moose gt lNTERlOE EXTERIOE BUILDING CLEA ER dress 99 Nat WNW M151 Also sign painting call its own is never Ieit home lotl Allindlle Ind dill11M M116 them are parties and 1m anyulns or mom svsninrn European experts VAN NOORTWYK is tun places to go Choose print BUILDING W35 or checks plus solid 111 Rose Street maria DANCING 35 b1 Pnnted Pattern 4864 NEW nmaiion Painting and pumps 1132 mum maï¬mamng Childrens Sizes 246 Size inlullepeadable Service has coat 1y yards 45inch fabric NORTHERN SCHOOL sbis rites 7mm Brlcitworit repairs dress 354 or DANClNG Rouse Paintlal interior and mm 1M1 Metro Licence No Em SIXTYFIVE CENTS ios cents takes pleasure in announcing Eflvflvrmï¬wgv Eattau or Calicnilect int lam tr tile opening otitr new studio at ll co 119 pa case owsn Sim ALUMINUM SERVICE 33h3912sï¬7x mtflliiigréfmgman ALUMINUM lNSULATiON plainlySleNaMEJtDDltEss miï¬ï¬‚iflmdem J3 T9 amy usmmg aw ILOWING Imonm Sch aligninhnna Adams Regular price $45 JANUARY ONLY 535 Basement SS Windows $12 PRICE lNCLLiDES INSTALLINGU 81 ALUMINUM LTD RR No Strgud QMii MOVERS lurllltm movlll Classes or adults Fitness and exercise slim and trim Feei better in few weeks Free aptitude tests given intile home at no obligation Your teacher Lloyd Gabriel is choreographer and has danc ed on such TV shows as Show of the Week Pig and Whistle and many others to ï¬lm to motion saso liiï¬flfiixim CARPENTka care of The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 50 Front St Tomato Ontario Short on timei More quick easy sew styles in our New FailWinter Pattern Catalog Plus tree pattern coupon 50c New lnstlnt Sewillg Boo Save hours cut lit new at cm expert way Over 500 pic wnvm rates how or Murrow novatlons remodelling and general contractinl new PAVING PERSONALS mm YaglG ADULTS chlikm NEW Dmflc PARTY it moan motions Fix lnlormatloo call 7151250 otter 130 p111 um um Whitman it am In IDIEM lirl mu an me miss rulicn Venn 13 11 $333 ago 11 ans sitcom it doauthblel Ml at It lbelvlgflflzryltm NM ll hum PM Iim main or Indivpitdull Cf Ki Dunlme Cl or For sushi odes 7st emu cu John sism arch uniinitials Ontario Itll no RWMI 01 Any debt beam in my was mas Ill dais JIauIry 21 ton vita out ins rrlllea content An AN Hi tour Inn Telphapcuhlwi NURSING HOMES CLEAN 5ch can II II ut tnuusiitnrmm I51 mall Iliad Hun RN WOMENS COLUMN Perms SPECIAL tom 1101111135 WEDONLY WICKS BEAUTY SALON ts Duniop St West new DRESSMAKING gt PERFECT FlTllNG GARMENTS Made by Europcail Trained Tailor Dreumaker Choice from North American and European Duigns N0 PATTERN NEEDED W5 STROUD are SIZES 32 T046 Unrivaiied lorpure warmth deep rich luxury Knit jacket tor sports casual wear Jumbo knitl Ute big ncedlcs strands knitting worsted Orion Sayeile or ISBN tittywool Pattern 7H6 llzes 3234 36681042 4446 Fm CENTS Coins for each pattern no stamps please to Aiice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ontario residents Irid at sales tax Print plainly FATTERN NUMEER NAME ADDRESS Giant new 1969 Needlecraft catalog over mo desisasto choose tree patterns printed inside Send so cents now New SO instant Gifts fabulous Iashions toys decorat or accessories Make it today give it tomorrow ideal for all occasions 60 cents 16 Jiffy Ellis to hilt crochet weave sew hook so cents Book o1 12 prize alghans 60c Bargain Quilt Book than 16 beautiful patterns 60 cents illusst Quilt Book patterns tor 12 superb quilts so cents Book Quilts or Todays triv ing 15 atterlls 60 cents to HELP WANTED SALES Hairs AGENTS to prosnote sales Coplpaw car Apply ill work experience to wil inns1th uttbltshtd line to rrii additional line 11 Fishing Tackln and snortian Goods Territory Ippinximateiy chhencr to Toborniory commission huts Gems Reddlill Pleasc Ipi to Iwith st salt starJ Limited Jae Creek Unv Ir shout in men 1311 you lOu res us or man over to 11th5 am we ptricllcc mulled Cash bonuael Air nlsll saw Pris Amen icIn LiablitlnlliCuu Box 1107 Post 111 station it Toronto 17 Ontario MALE FEMALE PHARMACISTnil than los modI om progrcsslvn nlrrle store 14 workinr conditions to hour work stun truck rrisp oils Manieri turn only 81 gt SIGNS 3RCKWQRK ltailaniilrxegeraï¬kgtkharrm Awfligvf aruclr black lions work tin Work guaranteed as ed mt commons Truck Lettering places Irld ehlnnsys poor work terrific furniture and Jigm wxm rnlmttio it now demo or 9723091 134 asst 1m pliance bargains 151 it ï¬zflgï¬wn no mo writs Box asrrts minim ritv mailman WANT ADS lama ï¬nd 10 Apply nousunrnt mulled to look hudrrn yrs Engagements Marriages and Death Birth Announcements maximum to words Cards of Thanks 195 words tsdditiollal words t2 per word FEMALE HELP lo HELP WANTED fl slim mama SAMMY JANUIm insts Til W113 iiaaithhasalleawiorlilos pitaiflousdtuperstthem WIMOW mamapplicmï¬li ensued indenting QUALMOAHOivSGrIdIiDedr button or In valent mï¬mtloo of sod ewesIan ooto MAID tor litiri TIiMoM moms nuanqu soorsottos mum ll ï¬ll mu illwiiï¬oo slmt nut liter month as live in or out nl I2 MI Eilsit um 71 Item mom liter mo pal altar Irma wanted to 1m in Also mm homework 1minu tstiiai BEE LINE ha loamy us igsflwbdwm fear ad in subsist clu moot Br nusbio nodsn ut iirnsrt tllns work ma ï¬lm lotus Thornton Te iiiom or its rooms mIAMnI operllor requir ud ror IuLamoIiw nuts complnil unsrienced pnhrud Ius xenon owe outta write barrio Enabler MOTHER helper nlllblo and or viii soil lo ustswï¬rianl unin an ilhorwï¬tmukst some brtueen 1114 run in Int mining bllddlllpï¬lilll need halo In alrrls no surrounding diatrch sin look inr tor one who are lnlelelted in osrnlnn mount Iplr or full time Phone me or an Inlonileu llrl Mnlml Morrison phone EMPLOYMENT WANTED nrmuos int and PIperhInI Ill deendlblcnsuvlce litIon IbII rates Tito915i Luau mom wui babysit innsn in my horns any or evo nln antll bsoy wslgosns list milet ms moist RELIABLE mother ï¬ll hlbyall dilir home to um llldls°el DH For runner worn tlirpltorla an Monday to nnilloflnmdyo IreI Telr ATTENTION courteous Intlilllcnl and Mel all Grsde XII continualI I11 dellu looking Ior Ill opportull ly to cull hind or schoolsponsor t° °ttiniift earl inll 1115M MIN ext r91 in low1 who silo4101 1mm taster Il LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTIERS in the Estate of JOSEPH WWE Deceased All persons having claims against the Estateui JOSEPH LOWE late at RR No Ora Station in the County of Sim coe who died on or about the 13th day of September 1961 are hcreby untitled to send particu tars at same to the undersigned on or before the 10th day at February 1969 alter whichdste the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the und ersigned will not be liable to any person oi whose claim he shall not thcn have notice DATED at Port Cfcdlt this 8th day of January 1969 Joseph laws In Administrator with the Will Annexed By his Solicitors PALLEll dc PALLEIT Lakcshore head East PORT CREDIT Ontario REPRINTS it you would like to have re prints of any new pictures take ivy our start photographers please call at our Business 011 in We are curry we cannot SALESMAN for Feed and Clap Products of those products in Simooe Ctluoty Good salary and beneï¬ts Must have experience in lines mentioned ting giving mullet information on education and MR Simcoe District CoOperative 259 Innisffl Street Barrie accept phone orderl to tan11 operators POWER muons oh connlmons All shori insertion iron are accepted as convenience to III sotmum Thlrelon tha clusuhd AdvertlJln Deplrtment requires an Idvlll to kindly recheek their Idvertsemoni inunedlstsly liter lint trurrtionln order that say srror orronllnlons 12in he re ported belore Int in order thst JIraI may as rectiï¬ed tor the toi iowtnl dIv nubchlion was an no less lnrr is rssoonribis in only on mommy printed tours tion or an unusual and thus only to an outlet portion or so thI lnvo the rniaorintlrrors wh do rill lessen the rains at the ssvmlement not eligible tor oormtions by marroads ran BIrrio Exlinlnel reserves the right to oilnlu reml or rulct soy HOSPITAL HOUSEKEEPER $11650 $13100 per week pledon oi the mm in Calm or In equivaleiu course Several years responsible experience in build inz or institutional denim pro viola distill use at Mods materials and tinned demomtrated ity lactilty in subunit and 5m Imodhlowledzeolthe Ino bn maintain harmoniom relation iltpd with RA and Lrlineea mud may apply in Ilitlnl to Mr 1mm stunts Administrator limit Oeupxuooai Colin am BOX HO 3AM maria PPI ammo Ohmic ltIIdy volition TRY EXAMINER WANT APS MALE HELP will DEATHS Royal vmurtï¬tolaiu till last is JanuIn Doria outiiiiirr btiolro trite its his moo murmur Hutber lamb of Orangrvllie den tho the or ssih bolts illrs 50°F wot ants ital soon asusi land of Burle Private funeral nml it iï¬r am In cased rmuio INA lllllllg the Victor IllflDllIl Barrie rt IIJ siIiluIry it me storilnl Knobs beloved hubus or tau IIdyI cuntfl to mm Audrey 5111 than it Am amiss Ind hIn lira Jim Hunut In his 72nd llth At hmel Home Blylizlidu Biff comm Monday ili p111 interment an Illu Union Ce In Ilku Bl Hmrsdhnlllohl 01s Gtflllm aleh run would bs apprecilud KIN MN nurse AflhurSflddlnfll at an hours Ann on Ms anu IA 106 Benin Klnlori wave busotnd ot nomin littr our lather or Scam bl Iinlorr Vllill brother knelt VI Iain vl1ck GilflyI WIiker at II slant11mm llsrry and ammo Janos all at loronto and sort or anomtonllultinr tl tn lama hitterl Home is Bradlcrd 8L harm or IeMel on lioness ll porn Inluwem Nltlnl Union Ctr mien MachinisiTOolmaker Local indium requires mall wertcnccd in tattle work grinding and general imi mm good backgmumi is delinile Islet but there is an opportunity lot mall with basic knowledge and tile willinylcss to learn day to hour week ttiil ranxdpt company bcrlciits in writth MACHINIST Mus he experienced in lathe and mill work and be able to work from blueprints Steady employment RIGFAB STEEL LTD Lindsay 324570 You would contact hIle leaderillp Iblllty Ind like lo earn extra moricv sir llintslt at asyahora Hotel Timely sisnulrv to Iron lo p111 cuss anod wovkini condition and to pay non llarrte truck mechanic wanted oiv Chlricx ltsson iIclt otors loo android street stating partlmurs to POST OFFIGE BOX 6000 CLASS MECILANIC FRONT END SPECIALIST For new modern and null eouippcd silop Highco uilgcs Apply Charles Mason Jackson hlolors Ltd 100 Bradford St Barrie TELZVIBION lewloomln required tor ihu Btlcebrtdln us to take charll or all TV service in ielolhl TV tr Appliance Starr SalIry open Color expcrlence II necessary Vrile aox F11 Barrie Examiner ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES tCASH RATES inhiemoriam an verse Verse per count line extlai Coming Events BIRTHS ms13H tlill re why to Innounee nsa baby boy Todd Fde sli cilacl on Wednesday January 21 1959 lint it St Josephs Hor pllvtl brother landon Ontario may loi Nicheur vnlLLINconr To Sit Ind 11 Vlflilnwufl nu limi llsa Murdock lighter Anna Marie at Wed Germany on Mon day December is loss iN MEMORIAM gt mun in low my dear wile uisabo mdlrlory oi who pass rd lasy Jan 21 lead Two tired eyes are slurp Dvo willing hlndJ are For am who uttered hr too much is resting in Go will You never Ilifl flood For per note To one by 10 inns in tilt as well could hairs uld loodbya lot so welL 4min moons by ller nui bsnd we te volt toms memory oi our dear mndmother Elizabeth rorbes 21 loos on how Iho pmed 1wa patient In thy sunning lamier When no band could give thee one God ths Saw my SIdiv helper or the ilellxrs pain and save thee assoc missed anti over rememb ered by the gnndvhtldren tonnes our lovlnl mllnory oi mothxgr Ind grandmother who passed my January 21th 1963 Dearly loved and 1minsiv icinrnibrr er aes Ind Hudson Roy missed by naught forms dear moth passed Ve ilId old ln loving memory or our nilboth Forbes who Jan27th loss mother with heart of Who was more to us than wealth iurliold Without iareweiis shelell asleep with only memories or hit tilkeep 11y bovlnliv remembered by theisni sowm 50an who passed away Jl no or lilervln is me our 725 oï¬nm sttu seine with ladllua And secret turs lllu Ill Whtt it No one mralts to lose you will ever know When we In no and lonely And cvsrytlullo goes wrohs we seem to hear you whisper chrrr tin and carry an Elcll thus see your view You seem to smile Ind my Dont cry Well inset SIdH atom only Ileepirll lin someday lnLsl by wile Edith and MEICAL dear huabInd who pas onel 111 memory of oittglvlile lletcalfi sed MTIV January 25 loss sit and thinlt oi him when III iii alone no memory II the only crirud that cries can sell its own We ivy on the willieRdoak men III other thnl decay HIV IOVO lOl him will Ill lich And mid never amy GOH MK IOHDIMH Kit rulslrin lovtnx memoryot our Eur mnlherrCtlierInez5Tliafli ll pom lull slut Ian dear mr remembeer by his wile he too oscph taiher lrasir who leitlil February to 19 or izfnltln the treasured pm iovl memo Instill holds ssily missed by tints hollpsc Mars keep lt dear last with Dave and rsmiiy also Archie Noreen and mill CA liuNrlzlt our friends RDS 0F THANKS ll thanks to all sh ELmIId or the cl lite received at tile shower iloc Ill Saturday January ll the Slrotld community lisu Doll nuid mill crate Hunter TRY EXAMINER WANT A175 PHONE 77131415 our Veronlcs PearlM st And rsws Hospital Midland on mm any lInuary as loss Vsrontu Pearl arty beloved wits o1 wuustn lists oi Midland in her 11th year Dear mother or John or BarriA lotr mndmothu or Paul In lecifl Rcslim at the steam Furlonl Homer so volrity atm Barrie hiricrai ml Sstunily Janu Iry 25 Broncth to St MIryI Church min or rcqulem mm It in Lin interment StMI11I Cunetery nonmwicK George Henry Pensunnuishrhc Hospital on Fri dsy January 14 1963 in 111 year Harry Borthlvlck of Elmale belovedhusband or the late Jennie litaicy Resting It the James Lynn Funeral Home annals slur pm SIlllrflay ior runrral ser llca on Monday Jammy 21s om Temporary enwmhment Elmo vale Cemetery Chlvd COMING EVENTS ONTARIO HUMANE SOCIETY BARME BRANCH ANNUALMEETING TUESDAY JAN 15169 PM in the City Library iiail All animal lovers welcome Conic and find out how your branch operates Wil They Christian Science Monitor recolliliielitis you read iyouriooai lielvsltallcr Your local company keeps you in lollned oi whats happening In your clearcommunity events public nestln stories about people in your vicinity test you cant lfllIv shouldntdownhill HOW WE MnNilDIl DDMPLEMEIIIS YOUR WEN PAPER The Monitor speciaiius in analyitn anti inleipieiing national and war news with exclusive dispatches ironl one oi the largest news bu rash in the nations capital and ilom Monitor news expert in to overseastountltts and oil 50 states ii iii MflNllDRIIS PAPEI litE WiiiilE FAMILY WILL iiiiilV The christian Science Monitor tine Norway Street Sosinn Massachusetts USA 02115 rims still my Murillo subscription tor the period meshed below sirloin SUsssllmllll ma us mats at homes seso Nlm so