Colwood WHILE THERE are four Ge BayLeagueintntmedr was slated for to mentor the game whidi looms as molar attrmxioo of the cutting week in this nineclub loop has flmvules fast Phelps tco lloteimnn doshlng with Star nersgold and black outfitted ismm Linus Firstplace in1 the southern acctlon could be at stake in this nrucialgalne which 1110 be fhcl at the Stayner arena it the match on their home iecJ stayner officials and play ers are cautiously confident vpa Icularly If they are success tiiljlo an effort to postpone rcheduled visit to hfidlaiid the inight bolore The latter was scheduled for Tuesday Jon is shouldnt have to play the gtt before meeting the Elm volé club argued coach Jack hflloncy on behalf of his team He feels it this game could he wide so his charges could be fresh whenlthey are meet ing Elmvale they Would he cifch to win with any breaks at gt flta original schedule then has Stayner going on toOriilia on Thursday Jan 30 but since the Lions took the measure ot Ken Johnsons squad to the tune of tol at Orillia couple of weeks ago Coach hfalnney isnt particularly worried about this contest Bucks McDonalds Sundridge Beavers are slated to visit Stayner next Saturday night and then the team is Sup posedto play at Parry Sound on the Sunday afterward Thats crwding in the games too close ily maintained hfaloncy Ivith much apparent concern as if his contention for couple post ponements needed jns tion In any event this series of games should prove real test of endurance for the high fly ing Lions who hope to wrestle the group honors from the de ierlding champion Elmvale club wontarm SECTION lbad us Parry Sound Shamrocks with Ron Orr amnion and other graduates of standoutv club of season ortvro ago are slated to visit Elmvnle tomorrow in what looms as an other standout attrauion for fol krwensolllarry Adams hockey gtadiahnw v0rillia goes to Ea Borden Sundridge plays at lilidland and Bracebridge visits Powassan in othar contests scheduled for to morranL With the teams sounl entering the home stretch of the league racewthese games are all taking on added importance Staynerand Elmvale currently are tied for first place with 27 points each Midland Flyers are ParrySound icontinues to lead the noldhern division WHILE Just tillage or water is standout sporting cen pointed out to county council re cently The East Simeonldiral Hockey League live club circuit currently plays its hockey games at the Commun lty Centre and it is hoped to By PAIJL VAN NISPEN gt Collingwood Seniors virtually eliminated Central Collegiate Redskins from the Georgian Bay Secondary School Athletic As sociation playoffs yesterday at ternoon when they edged Cen tral 4542 in game that saw the lead change at least four times noting by THE CANADIAN mass Ontario Junior APt St Bath 2110 1121415350 Montreal 22 4113910543 Petjhorough 2111 515512447 Hamilton 2114 alarm Niagara Falls 2011 014216440 Oshawa lsao 518219535 London 1417117017535 Toronto ismalsslooas Otpalwn lzm 613117134 Kitchener 294 121219115 Itexults Friday Peterquugh if Niagara Falls Ottawa Kildlener Odlawa Infantile415 Toronto London natallo Senior Pt Blrril 21 3171111245 6611 23 015010 44 with 17111117 9635 011M110 1616 0144 142 32 1516 162153 31 1210 1134 16015 10211110114921 Woodstock 523 1115211911 mottowe ti oarlo adtayn partial schedule anon Friday Wm agenton rrie il Mvtlle Coilingwood Gottlpmlllao Gmel Tonight atKingston ï¬llinawood at Gait Game Sunda Kingston Bellnvflla in third spot following No victory at Ortllia two nights ago gested tha fewel than not people Cold ire as Item Ernie ltfiller IERYwEXAMINER WANT Abs IFTIIzvaAqun moron seminar JANUARY 15119 olsililci sports Stitlltltlllwtlr iGanienrln Spotlight Iv BILL CURRAN eventually get artiï¬cial ice or this civic project Goldwater has been the home of numerous standout hockey players in the past Sonny Ian ning played for Boston Bruins in the 205 Now highway roads supervisor or rceve Law rence Dcvine was standout hockey defenceman with Clce lland andother team in the American league Coidwaler it sell had team vi ich reached the intermediate semi flu 515 back in the eventful year of 1933 Besides Devine there are still quite few veterans of this clubut Ernie Millers home town ilerb Stevens the stand outlgoai lender is local mer chant cenlre Keith Robinson is funeral director and George Kingsborough is ha rdware merchant George was de felnce stalwart with thatnotable lib =COLDWATt2R also hus been the home of other athletic cham pious George It Gray who won the worlds shotputting champ ionship in Ireland late in the woos and held it for 17 years was Goldwater nuiivc lic eords showed from llltfl Io I902 Gray competed in 105 athletic meets and won first in them all younger brother Joe Gray won the Canadian shat putt ing championship one year and another brother John Gray was skilled scutlcr who won events at Barrie Orilha Collirrgwood Midland and elsewhere The greatestsculler of he district was Jacob Gill Giilttl ur father of the current Irugby czar Jake Gaufnus who held the worlds sculling champions ship from the time he defcatcd fim Staubury of Australia in notable contest on life filler Thomas in falls until 1901 Another famous athlete from Coldwttlcr Hurry Gil won the athletic championship of Amer ica in truck and field meet at Boston in 1901 ltfr Gill lived during the luttter part of his life ncar The Narrows where Lakes Cnlichichiiig and Simcoa join plaque in honor of Jake Gaudaur is located near the Gaudaur bridge which splius tho Narrows Another plaque honor ing the late llarry Gill also would be well merited Old timers ntColdwater al so still speak with prideof the achievements of the latc Waller Knox who once lived at nearby chocrloni Knox lie eame all round athletic cham pion of Canada when be com peted at Toronto island in 1909 Later he competed in meet at Scotland in which he added the all round championship of Bri lie was coach of Cana dian Olympi athletes for some years Reeve Miller was un doubledly when he sug villagcs of its size on the continent have pro letcs as Coldwater RT FANS who like car mg on ice should find trip to Bobby Orrs Owaissa lodge near the Norrows interesting for tomoer The British Aut umobile Asso on will behold ing their eighth annual event on the ice in front of the lodge colonel cages lonely Eliminatd Central Seniors For first time in five years Central seniors are in third place and have to win their remaining games while powerful Coiling wood has to lose all theirs The intermediate and junior teams revengeil the Redskins Iyilh scores of 7345 and 3121 over their Collingwood rivals Realizing the importance at the game the Redskins com pletely outhustled Colliagwood to establish halltime lead The second half proved to he cliff hanger with the lead changing several times High scorer for Central was rookie Tom Greene with 16 points while Zygmunt Szewezyk netted 12 points for Coltingwood The Intermediates led by de fensive standout Steve Simmons wasted little time overpowering the Collingwaod crew Central outchustled and outplayed the Cavaliers establishing 37 flhalftirne score in the second half Collingwood became tired and confused allowing Steve De fancy biz net 20 points Glen Wade to get 17 and Ernie Baum garten 15 points VGallacher was the top point getter for Coliiugwond with 20 ECentrpl Juniors revengedan early seasnil defeat at the hands of Collingwnod by winning this time led by lanky Leo Koopmans with 20 points and Rob Mitchell who scored Central complete ly dominated the game racking up 23416 thirdouarter score Collingwood came within whis ker of tying the game bllt their shooting became and remained erratic for the retrininder of the game gin other high school play yes terday North Senior Vikings maintained their grip on first p1neeby crushing Alliston 9732 Allislon phone naatn duced as many noteworthy ath fly DAVE IIENSIIAW Exlmlner Sports Editor Barrie Flycrs bounced King ston Aces a2 last night before 9N fans at the Barrie Arena to move back into first place in the Senior league The Ftyers were obviously up for the game butthcy suffered short setback when Charlie Convery scored for Kingston at 052 of the ï¬rst period Corby Adams with help from Dave Ferguson nndPctc Pan agabko came back less than minute later to tie the score Bob Collins scored the only other Kingston markeriof the contest at 811 of the period thui the Flyers started to take control Jon Weeks stored the tying goal with just over minute left in the first minutes Boll Forhnn showed off the form that earned him ll berth on the Canadian National team In the early 6th when he stole tiic puck in the second period and beat goalie Neil Perry for the winning goal Forhtin streaked down the ice and cut in front of the goalie then flipped the puck over his shoulder as he cut in front Minutes later Ilalpl Kasouan salted the game away with similar wt in front of tlic Accs nctmiudcr Wayne Weller and Brad Houston set him ilp for the goal The Flycrs nutsliot Kingston 145 In he second period and 2041 in the third period as they returned to their mlfiSCltSDn folIII Fanagabko got the second un aoa FORHAit scones WINNING GOAL on BREAKAWAY lvers Bounce Back To First assisted goal of the game in the third pcriod when he stoletha puck from Kingston defence IIIan and flipped it between Pat rys pads Dave Ferguson scored twotn slow in UteJitSt period Both goals came when he got die puck streaked to Perrys left then backhanded lt past him Bob Delcourt got the only long shot goal of the game with at seconds left Panagahlm and We ler got the puck back to him on the paint and he blasted it to ward the Aees neL Newcomer Wayne Cheesman nhqiurcd from Orillia Terriers played good rugged game on defence Ile cleared the Itces from in front of the Barrie net and led drives into Kingston ter ritory lie was robbed of goal in the secondlpmod when fdsduot of leg and was bout to cross the Kingston goal line when Pony spotted it and grabbed It UWW dicesowl nil lered albroken nose late in the game Rick hmlin the Wei burly defencaman added 22 min utes to his leagueleading pen alty minutes total whcnbe was assessed rnlnutesloca 11m penod strap 119 breakdown was tidal slid ing ï¬ve Intnuteslauh for fight ing and spouting and an auto matte looidsconduct Rod Gra him was mad fighting maior ftvwas the outbreak at the gameï¬ln whichonly four men werofsent off with pcnaL ties TORONTO CF Thclt werercheors for two new cham pions and tough competition for an old one at the Canadian fig ure skating championships Fri day Roger Uumae 14 of Sudbury ML and Julie Black 12 of Sarnia 0nt took the novice FIGURE SKATING mens and womens titles by unanimous votes or the judges lntlie senior womens class the tedious compulsory figures almost turned into an upset of defending champion Karen lilagnussen 16 of Vancouver She lagged behind in the first five figures and then turned in Roger Uumdei Julie Unanimous Choice Of uldgfes an outstanding performance on the lust to shade Linda Calhonetto ls of Toronto last years runnerup and Cathy Lee Irwin III of Toronto who placed fourth in the senior sin gles last year Five ofrthe seven judges placed her first after the last rt Bombardier Ontario Ltd has unveiled new ng machine the highly modified Eagle Twin 399 cc engines mounted back to back pro duce 65 horsepower The most distinguishingfeature of the machine is the higher aerody namically designed cowl that allows engine room The Eagle ARRIER MISS Thar e1 If your Barrie Examiner carrier has not arrived by pIn please phone 7282433 and copy of The Examiner will he delivered tnyour home by pm vVIiIIEYfIAXI DRIVEYOURSELF cars TRucits 31 55 HP BOMBARDIER EAGLE unvriliiii will probably compete at Mos pnrt this weekend it is also slated to appear at the Katy aItha Cup races ill Peterhor ough Feb 22 lt 23 and at the Barrie Winter Carnival races Feb 15116 The mitéhine will race in theopen modified and factory experimental classes spokesman for Bombardier notice To EXAIIIIIER SUBSCRIBERSi To CONTACTTHE EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT vow directly yaw stressed the Eagle is not family machine but was de signed for professional drivers It is not known atthis time whether the Eagle there are two prototypes in Ontario will be made available to the pub lic Last year highly modi fied 16 horsepower SkiDoc was clocked at 30 miles per hour call 7266539 V8510 am to 530 Mon 19 Fri and up to 200 pm Sat BARRIE EXAMINER Fhar9° Ile JM Donnelly Circulation Managor Irwin led with hits Carbonetto second and Miss Magnussen third to Point standingsliiere 1039 for Miss Magnussen 10332 for Carbonettu and 0631 for 11 WinnH The that radio means that even small differenceslin the gi freexisltlttng Monday ning may winor lostthe crown Compulsory figures and tree skating each count so per cent in points towards the championship DISPLAY EASY STYLE The nnvice winners both led their classes in figures and free skating Both had nneasywatb letic style Peter Penev of Toronto placed second In novice menrciass with 4776 points to Ulirnaejsjétu Skip Gmfl17 figure After hub lliss of VanEouver as thtrd with The National Life Assurance Comp lay Canada is pleased to announce the iacentappointment of Mr Royce Martians District Managerfor the Bariif Brillia Muskoka area Apro1niilent insurancesales exii tive KeyedMartin is widely ex eheed lnallphases of the life in of life and health insurance an group and pension plans Wigsth Commas Nerdhornagamalslahzat pm when Waodstndt As visiL This is dqnartuie from the aural Sunday game time 1n other 2am last night Gnlt Hornets lost 61 to Odlha Ter riers in Gillian while at coiling wood Dairvllle Oaks squealed out in decision to move into fourth place and It Bellenile the Mo Hawks dlunpad Woodstock A5 31 George Vail Grant Moore Gary ltnlroy John Hall llfoe Galand and defencemau John Ctiasewwstd shared the 01iula goals Defenceman Larry Zilt lotto had Galts only goal BOAT IN COMMAND At Collingwood before crowd of 345 strong netminding by Harold Boat Hurley ea abled Oakville tomovo one point Ahead the Kings into mirth place Hurley hlodtad so bilingwood shots while Jack Price bob SUMMARY Period Kingston Convery Graham Brown 52 Barrie Adams Ferguson transgenic 130 Kingston Collins Clayton 314 Barrie Weeks unassisted 1836 PenaltiesyMcCloeklin 13 high spea fight misconduct and Graham tight 412 Reid tint 1006 gt Secptidlerlod Barrie Forhan Iunassisted 645 Barrie Kosowan Weller Houston 9101 Penalties Delcourt trip 12i05 Third Period Barrie Panagablto unas sisted 323 Barrie Ferguson Weller 9130 Barrie Ferguson thdiuhs Panagabko 1402 10 Barrie Delcourt Weller runagabko 1936 No penalties SKOTS 0N GOAL By Kingston 15 11411 By Barrie 12 14 Attendance Announcement giprofesaional advice on how the recent changes in the Canada Pension Planiandï¬heproposed changes to the Estate and Gift Taxeswill affect yourplans for retirement and the financial security of your family why not cahdtoycaMarï¬d at 7288095 Pole and Bob Hawkins shared the Oaks scoring Clair Alexan dcr and Fern St Onge replied lbr the Kings The Kings lost veteran loe lfnle in the third period when he crashed heavily into the boards and was carried off with dislocated hip At Bellewlle lilo MoHawks kept their playoff hopes alive by handing Woodsth their 23rd loss in 29 starts The ltfollawks omb rd Woodstock net minder Brent Sonny Penning tan with 53 shots including in the ï¬rst period when they opened up lead Bob Taylor paced Eelleville with three goals as Lorne 0DonnellDavcy Jones George Godslln Wayne McConnell anti deicncolmn faalt Wilton added single scores Bob Iomchiclr managed Woodstocks only goal In the second period HELP STAMP OUT STRANGERS None are quite So alone as thn stranger In town or the newcomers to the neighbor hood Remember your last move howyoutelt as the memos van pulled away howyou more than hallwlshcdyoud never come Spare your new neighbors feelings soon as these Let thnWelcomeWagon Hostess bring greetings and gifts to make them feel at home Help stamp out strangers Call Welcome Wagon today roome ROYCE MARTIN 3m Show