WEATHER EXAMINER TELEPHONES Cioudy windy and cold with armistice 1366539 rnowllurrics and local snth Guided Advertising mam roualls Saturday Low tonight Allotbcrbeplrtmentt With Your No10 Prime Minister Trudeau tlcftl accepts bouquet of flowers from representatives FLOWERS FOR iiiUDEAU of Credtoslovakian refugees atottawa Thursday Making ithe presentation to the Prime Ilfinisler arei Dr Jerry Bellla hens lAW REFORM Bill Pledges To Oppose Any M0ve To Divide Bill Into Segments second leftlllimi liuresova CarmenVVanovs and Vironlka Crgulova rightt tCP Wire pholo Saigon Representative Arrives For TctlkS PARIS AP VicePresi dent Nguyen Cao Ky returned today to supervise South Viet nams delegation to the Vietnam peace talksjnd said the Saigon regime is slncereand ready in the hope of achieving just and Peace can be restored as soon as the Communists aban don their scheme of expansions by force the Saigon leader told reporters Ky and his wifewere wel comed at Orty airport by rank ing members of the US and so Threat By PM Unjustiiied OTTAWA CF Pressintnn was somewhat frivolousin sions inlfl Prime Minister Tm deans private life dont justify his implied threa about pos sible eheclrs on the private lives of reporters Director Joseph Scanlon of Carleton Universitys school of journalism suggested Thrnsday Mitt in speech to the Ottawa chapter of the Canadian indus triai Editors Association Mr Soanlon said he takes seriously the prime ministers statement on the subject to reporters in London The pnme ministers com plaint was not that the press printed scandal or that it was ummrrumst China and Fortnosa control was made state can thOlSCO lReutersh ofitstype ever attempted inaocInatehesaid but that it prying into his affairs Mr Scanlon said he could understand person in public life finding this prying armoy ing especially if he made point of keeping discreet bar rier between his public and prilt vote life find it hard to undemtand inthecaseofapersonwhobas exposed his private lite and in fact in my opinion used it for public gainand ï¬nd it hard to consider that this intrusion however annoying it might be is miething ratshmdd pro voke the kind of implied threat that Mr Trudeau made in Lon don and take his throat very serious CAPSULE NEWS PM Wants Ties With Formdaa Hanoi OIFAWA OP Prime Minister andeau said today the go vermment hopes to be able to have diplomatic relations with both Vatican Broadcast Backs Czechsuicides VATICAN CITY AP Vatican radio broadcast praising the Czech youths who set themselva on fire to protest Soviet at the direction of Pope Pauls secretariat of Sub Sights Airline Crash Victims nos mesons Rollers The bodies of two of or persons missing in the Scandinavian Airlines DCacrash Jan 13 were sighted Thursday on the ocean bedby march submarine Police Hold 420 At State College Police rounded upalotaloi mdrssrdcotsnramamiveenoirclementofanoncampusrally staged by at straintin San Francisco State College Aviation Organization Still Dillided homer or membercouncil of the Interna tionai Civll AviatdonOnganination was to hold its fourth extra ordinary session today still divided on Iebanons complaint against lsraels attack on Beirut airport lastmonth French Transplant Intestines rams nr floodplain or hitestineswas iretanned uBaristmspitatWednesday itwmlearnedtodaThis lhefirstsochopezonioninmand reportedtobetheaecend gt Report Saigon delegations including the man Ky once told intimates he regarded as father Ambassa dor Henry Cabot Lodge Ky was premier of South Via nam at the time at Lodges sec ond tour as ambassador in Sat gon in 1967 The two were on the best of terms badge this week replaced Averell lIar rlman as chief ofthe US dele gation to the talks The South Vietnamese vice president will exercise overnil supervision of his delegation but will not sit at the conference table as negotiator The first substantive meetings of the Vietnam talks open Satur day morning at the internation al Conference Centre am happy with the pro gress Ky said in his state ment Once more Iwish to af firm that the Republic of Viet nam is sincere and ready in the hope of achieving just and lasting peace and ending the war Blaze Rages In Winnipeg WINNIPEG CF major fire was being fought early today in downtown Winnipeg business block in lobelowzero temperatures and high winds Six stores were reported burn ing on the east side of Kennedy Street between Portage Avenue and Graham Avenue The blaze broke out about8 am CST ï¬remen were ham pered by winds gusting about 20 miles an hour C5111 Out Dark Aged Grand an more Examine Jurr lo High Saturday l5 Ste pg NobMore Then it For Copy 11 Page PRAGUE CF Thousands of Czedroslovaks many sob bing tiled past the closed coflln of Jun Palnch today while p0 lice moved into key positions to put down any ontiSoviet demi onstmtlons fhe coffin of Poladr who set himself afire for the cause of freedom rcsicd alongside statue of Jun llus who died at the stake in defence of truth in 1415 Abernathy Backs James Earl Ray ATLANTA Ga APt Rcv ltalï¬i David Abernathy head of tire Southcnr Christin Lcadcr strip Conference called Thurs rhy on Americas oppressed and ictimlzed to come to the aid and defence of James Earl Ray diamedlmheslanï¬ng of Dr Martin Luther KingJr Abernathy who succeeded King as president of $610 said he stands behind Rev James Bevel the official of SULC who has offered to defend may HAZLEHURSI Miss AP as ive cleanup operations began today in central hiississip pi where tornadoes killed 29 persons while carving path of destruction across three coun ties The twisters roaring in from the West Thursday morning irr iured more than 150 persons and left approximately one homeless Damage was estimat ed in the mlllious The first area struck was predominantly Negro settlement just outside south Hazleburst in Copiah County The tornadoes then moved northeastward into rural areas of Simpson and Smith counties Utility crews worked into the night Thursday to restore most of the electrical and telephone service Hazleburst spi al alone treated 123 persons Many oth ers were taken to hospitals in Jacksonand Brookhaven Soviets Derive Into Shooting MOSCOW Reuters Top Russian security men were today still trying to unravel the riddle of schizophrenic gun man who fired at cavalcnde of cosmonauts 1n the Kremlin Wednesday twriparagrapb report on the incident by the Soviet news agency Tass Thursday night said an investigation was under way The Communist party news paper Pravda today carried the Tass report on the incident at the bottom of aninslde page The item was simply headed Pravda made no other reference to the shooting Mystery surrounds every 354 poet of theapparent assassina tion attempt Who was the gunman There was no official hint of his identity and foreign minis try spokesman said only that he was schizophrenic and gave no further details riorortrs conmcn Unorftcialaources offeredcon tradictory descriptions Some said he was so years old others said he was 20 One report said he was policeman walk in Space and another that he was soi diEr Whom was be aiming at The official version was that he fired at black Chaika line otulne ar ryi cosmonauts Mattien Georgy Bercgovoy 47 Valentina NikolayeveTer eshkova 51 her husband And rian Nikolnyev and Alexei Ieonov at the first man to Wm may wwa The Examiner TODAY Ann panders city News2 Classified10 1112 Comics7 Deaths12 District5 Editorial4 Sporty8 ThentrH TV Mellon7 Weather2 afraid of and knew were POLICE STAND BY Honor Martyr lfugc crouds gathered in nar row Zelcmy Ulire the lmnmon gcrs Street to enter the main building of diaries University whom the Loliin rusted hiem bers of the univeoaty faculty stood near the catafaloue youth opened Bible and began reading started sobbing and had to be helped away by companions Small children knelt and placed flowers near the coffin among their tiny offerings to profusion of floral wreaths The zlyearold university stu dent set fire to himself on Wen ccslas Square lan rd in prohst the Soviet occupation of Czeer slouakiawlie died three days later The coffin will be on View through Saturday morning Then students planned mas sive memorial observance in advance of private funeral serv ices Saturday afternoon Studentvléaders middle ex pected 400000 students in the capital for the ceremony Pnague radiosaid the leaders told the interior ministry they could not guarantee time would be no incidents Plan Massive Cleanlip After Mississippi Death TwiSters About 200 homeless persons spent the night at an emergency centre set up at the National Guard armory in Hazlehurst recurs Trus orirnrson TORTURE Cries CORONADO Calif APt The captain of the Pueblo says he eoruessed to spying after bloodchilling mental iorture and then tried to drown himself in bucket of water Tears streaming and his voice breaking at times Cmdr Lloyd Bueher told navy courtlot inquiry Thursday that North Ko reansfinally broke him by threatening to shoot his crew one by one in front of him and summoning the youngest sailor and saying they Wotlid start with him Buchers account of the terror endedAat least for hawhis public appearances He goes be fore closed session of the court today to giveelnssified testimony and will be followed the navy said by RearAdmiral Frank Johnson commander of us navalforces inJapan at the time the Pueblo was seized year ago Open court sessions are scheduledto resume Wednes day After describing we con Iesscd Burner said Thursday Sometime during the night attempted to Suicide by drowning myself in bucketvot water in my room but was un able to accomplish this Mentally was quite dis turbedhe said partly because of th embarrassment he thought his confession caused the United States The typewritten cordessio said Bucher was an agent of the US Central Intelligence Agcney that his ship intruded into North Korean waters and that he ours frying torbomb Korea And realized they North Koreanslneeded me alive more bran anyone else in the crew for public appearances Cart was corri ing He couldnt eat or sleep for several days Bucher said be cause bawas haunted by the war Its just called Alr so Paris Students Battle Police PAIle AP Some 150 stu dent rebels wither quietly during the night frcm Frances newust university after police buttlrai other rebellion students for five hours in the lotto Quar ter of Paris PARIS CF French and Quebec ofï¬cials were expected to sign later today an agree ment dealing with ctroperation bytheir two governments in work on possible telecommu nications satellite The work might ï¬rst take the form of joint study of the satel lite proiect sources here said French observers were busy discussing whether such Fran caQuebce agreement would be in keeping with Canadian consti UITAWA GP Justice Minister John Turner led off second reading of the govern ments massive amendments to the Criminal Code Thursday in the Commons by calling them the most important and allem bracing reform of the criminal and penal law ever attempted at one time in this country The Myenrold lawyer said the lmolause trill dealing with abortion homosexuality lotter lea drinking drivers guns and other matters was of deep so cial significance which In the course of time will affect the lives of most of us perhaps each of us in varying degrees Eldon Voolliams PC Cal gary North sought to have the Commo instruct its legal com mittee bring in four separate reports on the bill This would permit Mrs who agree with some portions of the bill to reject portions they could not accept Speaker Lucien Lamoureux Work Together 0n Satellite tutional provisions for federal provincial jurisdlction out more pressing consider ation might be whether an ac cord would violate 1965 agree ment between Paris and Ottawa about which subjects could be dealt with in accords between the province and France Expected to sign the new sat ellite agreement are Foreign Minister Michel Debre of France and Education Ministcr JeanGuy Cardinal of Quebec Chromium nae centre poses with his civrlI Keys at Tuesdaysscssions of Navy board of inquiry in iancaunselcr EJMiles llar San Diego Calif rite Navy vey lefty and his military counselor Capt James who took the picture made it available MW Budle nquiry thought that secret information decideid sign thereonfegion or on the Pueblo had fallen into be shot Bucher said hewas Conununist hands log the ship told spent two minuteson The court warned Bucher the floor and rcpeatedover Wednesday he may havevlo and over love you limp fated regulations by surrender love you Rose Euchers voice bivke at this Iheymnde me kneel on the point and his wife nearblI floor Buchersaid Thursday subbed He said North Korean he nick At the end of the two min named Super Colonel or Super utcs he asked rncto sign Euch scorned desperate or suidlsaid wouldnt lie You have two minutes to told guard at my side to move ruled his attempt out of order While it couldnt be done at this stoge ho indicated it might be accomplished later in the bills progress through the House hfr iurncr said the govprm ment side would battle all at tempts to divide the bill He added that he believed the bill was approved by the Canadian public in the spring federal elec tion campaign and the ensuing Liberal victory in June David Lewis NDP parliamen tary leader said his party might amendments later but would do nothing to block the proposals from be coming law They Iwere long ov erdue but at the same time he said they were rather inadequate andvmust be considered as only starting point Mr Turner made if clcar that the government stood behind every clause of the bill thus ruling out free vote The govi emmeat was bringing the law into tune with the times Dealing with the clauses per mitting homosexual acts per formed in private by consenting adults Mr Turner said the gov ernment was not condoning such conduct Nor was it promoting abortion it simply was permitting it under restricted circumstances where the mothers health might be in danger He said the amendments also meant tougher gun law They tightened control over the availability and the use of fire arms Amendments dealing with lol terie meant local option within prescribed limits The amount and extent of them would depend to great degree on provincial authorities was in his fourth day of festi mony today describing the capture of hisship the USS Pueblo just year ago by the North Koreans US Navy Photo so when got shot and the bul lct passed through my head he would not bcbit Kili the son of bitchf Buclrer said North Korean shouted The gun clicked but it didnt fire had fully cnpected tobcshot But when the slide was drawnback presumably to insert another bullet did not hear anybullet hit the floor and damn We know it was game they wore playing