Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1969, p. 5

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warm as Sttso he PLANS tor 0m Agriculture Societys loco tall lair will be discuwd at meeting at Oro township hall at fair grounds Saturday Bernail McKay lull president and Norman Stoddart scactary will pro sent reports on successful 1568 lair Oro Iall lair data badr into Ittc pioneer era of the township Examiner Poo to Call Meeting To Plan 1969 010 Fall Fair MITCHELL QUARE Stall Annual meeting at the the Agricultural Society will be field at the Oro township hall Saturday it was announced by Norman Stoddart secretary Presentation at reports and election of oiiiccra will high light the meeting Plons also will be discussed or the 1969 fair to be held next September We hope there will he good turnout said Bornell Mc Kay president oi the society which sponsored successful lair last September hir Illce Kay succeeded Lloyd Fletcher as president at the organization which dates back more than 115 Years Various improvements were made at the grounds last year and plans for more will be dis cussed Joe Levison and George hiocKny are vice presidents Directors include Keith Sand erson William Clark Wallace Rey Howard Campbell Gordon Woodrow Neil himiven John Currie Lloyd Sampson Doug Crawford Ross Currie hi Tudhopc and Jack Sm Associate directors iildude lvan Clark iicifivcn Bill Crawlord Roy Campbell and Barrett hiuir LADY DIRECTORS The lady directors include Mrs Earl Soctt Mrs Mc Kay Mrs Roy Gray Mrs Jim Pearsall Mrs Met Jomleson Mrs Vie Hart and ltira Gll Lloyd Four junior directors in clude Tcd Ilcvison David hic Cuaig Garry Sanderson an Norman McKay Mr Stoddart has been secre tarytreasurer oi the society for it years New Member Praises STAYNEII Stalfl We were very much impressed with the way things were handled by council at its first meetings said Councillor Pearson Spell man youngest oi four new members who started serving their 196970 tcrmsealiiar in lhe morvh native of Kirkland Lake Councillor Spellman has lived in stayner as at his 27 years We consider Stayner the best place you can find anywhere he said enthusiastically predicting the town which has grown only Tlightly since its advance to town status in 1688 now is on the verge of development The present sewer project will be costly but when this is com pictcd Stayncr will be in posi tion to really advance it was suggested The towns fine loca tion near the Blue Mountains and close to Wasaga Beahc makes it popular tourist centre industrial development as well as more homesand businesses are expemed to follow the corn plotion oi the sewer project which has been estimated to cost close to $1000000 Commanding his colleagues for consideration shown him as new member Councillor Spell man said he was much interest ed ln Staynor development and welcomed the opportunity to do What he could to help Stayner Hockey Club Pilot Is Enthusiastic STAYNER Stall We have aelub which we ieel is good enough to win the group it we get lair shake of breaks laid Ted Vancise manager oi the Stayner intermediate lhockey Lions which currently is engaged in keen battle with Elmvale Phelpston Hotelmen for Iirst place An enthusiastic booster ol the club himSelf Ted had high praise Coach Jack Maloney and his charges for av determined battle Port McNicolI Pair Impressed lit County Council PORT MONIOOLL Staffl New reeve of Port MeNicoll Bruce Doekray said he was im pressed with the opening meeting oi county council Reeve Doctmay represean Bolt McNicoIl along with the new deputy move Jack Zum mach Mr Zummadl is serving his third continuous year on counciLEarlier he served four years The two new members replac ed former reeve Albert Calvert Kilo retired after 71 years coun service and former deputy move John Reedy Reeve Doekray is serving his lirst term on the village council tiflllitli or oil iii lino SiillIlllIErrltlllllSlli Over Team which has made them leading contender or Georgian Bay loop honors lIt was good teamplay and consistent checking which made it possible he said quick ly adding further word at com mendation for the noteworthy goaltending oi the popular Don Wardle Son 01 county warden Arnold Vancise Ted lives on arm four miles west of Slayner When he was asked his views on farm recommendations by provincial committee he smiled hesitating Iy for brief moment as it in deep thought and then replied leave politics to my dad am very much interested but he knows theright answers much better than do Ted said he found Nottawa saga pleasant place to live and he also enjoyed his Stayncr trips particularly to hoc games when the Lions win We are having an excellent season and the Measure winning often he added Siayner businessman and sportsman BillKeith is presi dent of the Slayner club and Art Pool pharmacist is secre tarytreasurer Mike Smart also is on the executive and the team haslthe support of the sponsoring Stayncr Lions club The Lions are scheduled to visit Midland on Tuesday Jan to and then play hosts to Elm vale Phelpston Hotelmen Wednesday Jan 29 dIIIES iii IIIIIIES ElliliIS ill IlIIIIES rfillib tilt Width World Champion Donald Jackson in relies ltiiitlillis lei runes TWO FULLHWEEKSJAN 2i FEB 10 EVENINGS TUE WED TIIURS MATINEES SAT PM SUN and PM PRICES $5 $1 $300 $200 OPENING NIGHT SOLD OUT JUNIORSIS YIIS UNDEIIIIALF PRICE TUE WED THURSuR IMz SAT It SUN AND PM SUN PJII MAPLE LEAF GARDENS so Carlton st Toronto Council At Stayner Au enthusiastic sportsman he is curler at the Stayner Gran lte Club and keen supporter of the Stayncr intermediate OIlA hockey team Councillor Spellman considered it priviliege to join council at the same time as Dr Ives and Oscar Bellamy also new members Reeve Oehm who moved to councils second highest office after serving on the hydro commission was lourth new member EIGImI YEAR Mayor Elmer Darity started his eighth year as Stayner coun cil leader native of Nottawa saga he has lived in the area all his lite and is wellknown iarm implement and machinery dealer Besides the mayor and reeve the council has six councillors including the three mentioned and also Councillors Harry Math ers Allister McDonald and Ken neth Kerr who were returnedin the recent election Councillor Spellman was ap pointed chairman oi sanitation and bylaw enforcement Ht said he intended to fulfill his duties to the best of his ability Dennis To Visit Eimvale School ELMVALE Staff Lloyd Dennis coauthor of the Hall Deonis report on education will visit Elmvale next month He has accepted an invitation to speak at Huronia Centennial El ementary school on Thursday evening Feb starting at gtoclock Mr Dennis will outline his studied views on the aims and objectives oi education in todays world It will be an open meet ing with everyone interested wel come to attend To VISIT LEGION BRADFORD tStuafll Serv ice bureau otiicer Itsv ersy will visit Bradford Branch 521 of the Royal Canadian Ieo gion representing the Onmlin Provincial Corrunand on Thurs MILE murmur THURSDAY JANUARY 196 INNISFII NOTES To Be Established BIILG8 In an Interview following his appolruxneln as chainnan ol the cmlnly sdiool board John Mc erlough the year old member mm Midland said that one the first things they could ex put would be kindergarten Innistll mail had blocked this step In education for the very young claiming that the asst is prohibitive Nice when the local board planned to in clude this type of education in the township the mound turned down the of additions needed to make rooms available Even committee mundl tabled report copy of when we have in our tile uhidi was intended to convince the ptlolic mat the township was not ready tor kindergarten Strangely enough most of the propaganda included in the report was gath ered and tabled by two at the township top officials the clerk and deputy clerk both of whom are raising young families and would be among the bendicinr tee Imrn kindergarten However now the board chair man haa promised that this brunch at education will become part of the county units In nislil with its nuw additions hopeiully reorh tor use bythe end of the present term will have some spare room avail oble which no doubt the small try could use Plans previously suggested milled tor haltdays so that children at tender years would not be required to remain in class ior long period How ever all plans will be in abey once as the new board will make decisions new PAYASYOUGO payasyougo suggestion by Reeve Mirane would place load on the shoulders at the present taxpayers who would be required to put up the posts at the expanding SdlWis needed ior the newcomers to the township for the next decade The new comer will enjoy the advantages of the growth and will would it be more feasible tor the rate payers of todayto shouldu this load so that tho rlsi genera tion would find fact has paid for They would perhaps predate and use their church es more it these were not at rmdy built and paid tor so why the schools on the same SIS AIII TERMINAL Tampas new air tenrunal will be one or he rnmt modem when it is really for use next year This intuition is depot ior Air Canada whose planes at this time at year ply hack and forth like meet oars unloading and re loading severat time day with bookings sometimes dilticult to obtain Planning tor the new ter minal darted in 196 the year when one million passengers paged Urrough the airport tor the lost time The project has been deeply researched with Ideas borrowed from other major cities and many innovations add ed The $678 million iacility will include these features 2500 space parking games on the top three levels or the terminal building with room to expand tour eleyatom to take people trom their cars to the lobby rcmotecontrolled electric buses and seating 125 to take pass angers from the terminal build ing to one of tour airside sat ellite terminals when they will board their plane Each of these satellite terminal will accom modate it parked planes The space of one floor oi themain terminal building will be as big as lourcily blocks This will certainly be something worth seeing FIRST ROBINS This week we saw the lira big group at mbins swoop down in our section Florida prob abb their first landsiglt alter leaving Mexico or Central Amer ioa 1000 miles from where they have wintered They stripped the red berries from all the holly bristles in our and before going on to teed on more elsewhere other birds here do not seem to bother with this berry so the robins have real least The local parakeets which Lv rec ly here do not seemto mind the invaders This morning on our early uolk we saw the first porpoises this season cavorung quite close to the shore Museum Board Appointments member of Bradford council Ior 20 years Deputy Reeve Fred Cook ehaimran for past year was reappointed to the Simcoe County museum and arehves board for athreevyear term by Slmcon County council yester day Other appointments to this board included Mrs Douglas Day of RR New Lowell county president of the Womens Insti tute tor twoyear term Mrs Donald IIarVie oi Harvie Settle ment past county presidentI tor one year and Mrs George Holt ni Thornton or three years Along with Mr Cook county council appointees included Reeve Fred MacLean oi Totten ham for two years and Reeve Ralph Dalton of Tay for one year Coleman of Banie county treasurer also was ap pointed tb this board LIBRARY BOARD Stewart Page retired ag ricultural representative was made an honorary member of the county library board in which GASLITE oularsr Polynesian Dining Room TAKEOUT HOME oeuvran WHITE TOWERS MOTEL day Jan 30 it was announced by Belanger secretary COMPLETE SHOWS CONTINUOUS SAT FROM RM 700 it 900 119 Donald he has taken close interest for years George MaeKay tor mer Oro mere George Lisk of Beetoo Sunnidale Reeve Lloyd Pridham Elmvale Reeve Cecll French Port MeNicoll Deputy Reeve Jack Zirnurlach and ltlacdonald were other tomry appointments Simcoe Colinty representatives to the district board of health appointed were Vasaga Deputy Reeve Fred Marti lnnislil Reeve Joseph Cochrane Match edash Reeve Russell Creighton and Bradford Reeve Fred Cook Oro Reeve KL Gillespie was appointed to the SimcoeBarrie Childrens Aid Society along with Bradiord Reeve Bruce Stewart itay Deputy Reeve Thomas Robinson Flos Reeve Frank Coughlin and Warden Vancise as the county represent alive JAN 2112713 morningsscar hm Here comes motlon plcture excitement the greatest adventuri goily WWlWWhm My lmunwnlrmmuuma hon1mm noun Pprformancas at and 1130 daily MATINEE FRIDAY JAN 24 AT PM Tickets available at 1m perlai Jones Stationery and Jacksons Grill Admission Advance 3150 at door $175 PANELLING PRICE PANEL Duracoat baked on finish random grooved selected Pacitic Mahogany plywood panels reg 535 NOW 419 and panel reg NOW 359 HOW TO BUILD REC ROOM KITS FREE AT BEAVER PREFINIsliED PANELS SEIILPTIIIIII by EllliNS The dramatic beauty at deep embossed woodgrains enriched with extra u1de grooves speaks out in Sculptura Plywood Panelling Prrmanant Beauty With Genuina WeldWood PANELLING 50 Panel Fag 680 NOW $550 RIGID INSULATION PERMFOAM Ideal for rce room walls floors and ceiling1 htwelghi easy to cut ti panel 189 Polythene Mlclol MOISTURE BARRIER Ah economical and etiective moisture barlt rier for basement walls 500 so it roll only 369 mammal11 MASONRY WALL PAINT Paint on moist ure toctien and o1 on basement walls 200 sq it cover age per gal Rec Room Cel Innglxtures Recessed Ceiling Fixtures For Bright Cheerlul Rec Rooms Selection at Beaver ln cludes woodgrain and copper in small and tar ger sites as low as I9 canons AND want STRAPPING SPRUCE Spruceonly so Ln Ft or PAINTS use THE near roe LESS canons LATEX 1365 gal CILTONE run Reg 1080 gal CILUX rrsmon times has ms gal SWING INTO ACTION WITH BUDGET ACCOUNT lZ9 Bradiord new Low PRICES Sh Barrio 10 50 ix Panels Reg 1150 NOW 1050 EA panels to choose from Avocado Glazed Hickory and Natural Hickory VELVETEX willie CEILING Ill Beavcrs Low Price two coat while quality Domlar tile tongue and grooved tor easy application Price 12c per squarelfoot STARDUSI WHITE callus TILE Micro perforation keeps noise down beatltiiully prelinished white reasy lo apply edges Reg Valua use each PANELECTRIC RADIANT HEATERS For rec rooms and hard to heat areas Safe radiant heat no tans no exposed elements silent op oration guaranteed for years CSA approved As Low AS 3595 Only 3695 Ln Ft ONLY im loner not gt ONLY 16 51 of Keys 123955

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