Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1969, p. 18

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ARTS FOR SAL NORTHWAY RUG co LTD Ibo house of ma brondloim is all silos and prices DOMESIIC AND IMPORTED BROADIDOM Collie St Phoao 151311 II bola MN euoc gt no ierinr drcpeflu Illut lISrEn rAitMllts MilKl LIVESTOCK 50 SALE was mid that Is mm man Hg wad shad aflilfi salt odrummm Tilcam rim utter an irnl inn Almlnl mm mm pollva zone cordonrd chlflwll lor nic Purim blur or gall 1MP smote mi Mountin 01 mini Sunfl ssuninr nun nus odious mn ski ouim for nit it ng Em glam unit moon ham nu prierd nt silt black VIM 59ml ndlsisr uniI null at 110596 worthnhun at landls Haxdwln nirnliuro Bown st Phonc mus mustntrs and Batbimlll Alia mania lswlnl inuhlnenlioor pols Mrr innmission ind other parts yor stock rlr Televhonn Wits amlltn TAB with mount it end tour LEIIIIII Also uni Vlbio Neptune mew Bunma aid oiiieriu nli mu rliulh zenlln Dealer If Pnnmey do nunlnp numosmmn lnr hie Kelvin mirmn sin sin Teicphuno 1cmle household rurnirnin for silo len new one car ol Idul lor rith nos elephono inner phi 4090 REPLACE nn itoiio hirowood insole nlch our cat to your rulesure Delivered ifsim canon until one large with iiiturner sdnuer drcxser sunl or Metallic minno and miss rouoh nil in flood eundldon Ind reasonable 7166010 iaiior and mo in our eirirnnen in Ibnllnuu with tth inurt Ixe sols and chair at 3191 en 1eried retail pflLI 517950 At AlllndllI llirdwue Furnitun store Coma si phone moms 9KIEOric pllr Glsieln Ill1 ver IIncl CalidIunn alsoWrinkr WHIP our mldiinc repeal riect cori dllion Telrvhnlin 42 i7 ORGAN MANUAL tawny Broclicrit condition uner prnirionone widow hum rho ulpmcnt innrnpoo basln ind stunniqu chair Which ille gins mirrorr 20 L23 For stair inlornintlon telephone us IuoNrNG beard wooden record lhlfls iniqzhono tableshair Nul ainiion walnut Windsor typo oluirs root wldo venetian blind yiainiit end tinie mason on spie neiler niinost now nuiir mlIIL with fun you windows size 10 aqua hrinesnuidr dress luu cnnri Telephone moon REFRIGERATOR Genesid Electric alsn ncat lamp kit seirpnone izmis ror lurfhrr particulars jimmy Furniture Show roeciii survng frfm Dedvcriyt nodding Xszifi In mainsQ coninieto wliii headboard Usual reins rice ions now low low 05 Minnain Hardware ihrrur re sum Gowln strnonc hm CONTINENIAL bed or rule with box spring Ilid mums nicer lrrit condition Telephone citerod figh oon cook stove for sale in root gunman tin Airo iirne round dining table rs Tnlcpiiom inxlts transit excellent comi ton Owner hss no further use Tblwhono 728ml alter run humid orgnn or air small rise in ire IWNXIInI4I¥y Tele yhono ANTIQUE COLLECTION Desk mords wuhstand clwed sootis touet sets rteriinr sliver milk glass eninz nioustschn cups andeoiournd glass etc Prints Tolcplwno assess Million aster mi smash sewing iiichines Pprtnoic modrl or only 505 Also uhiiiet am Fill inlict fur singer Dodge Fever Contest Nothing to buy singer o1 Barrie lad7060 LCJA vxcmit Television port aoios ind cabinet modbls gretly reduced for Jonunry eiennncr Fill biiiot ror Singer Dodge Fever Con test Nothing to buy Slngrr nl Harrie mom CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY use GALION diesel grader Vpiow mow Mail 500 or best ouch gresently ocxttd iii Ushridge rou onta walnut 542m SWAPS lwnp ma SklDIiIdicr ammo niio lo its used 25 hours new uonditioii for inato cls or Ior boltnlciepllune 45401 ARTICLES WANTED noon rule wintedz5nuli corn blnatlon or other tync rue mltabic for storage nrrecords and vain nhies Contact Tony Keene mom bnn chino III wire riirnitiire riiver cracks trails Antiquecum 2W Dunlap 7255194 ccoruma wnred nu tines III sires especiiiiy chudrcns wear fificmity ladys is Ind up no noan wanted ior 1961 Pontiac reisplioiie 42mm utm pm fL tumu industriii type front end lender to to Ford or Frinun tractor that have hydraulic on tho bucket Taluphcne mom oeroro 711an gt FRUITS VEGETABLES lips sor oale kocie Con union 0m rcieonone Tialoin mean bring own oohhinun No sundry sales 32 pass PETS guard Ihort linired pointer our ie also cerium snort untied pointer Icmlic Iull trained and one WrImIrarier nun nuie art trained All Canadian Kannel lub Regisund Telephone 716m summit lcruie Gendin short haired Pointers week In flock Ielwhonrmvml mm mm TOODLES DACHSHUNDS galw Sigma it computation all In our bullnefl ion main hfor Ihml hflc in Sifters mwifilii3n 7M moneys mum IGERMAN SHEPHERD mini rmntruold $10 our mndult ciilnusnur no reie pnono mom rigour firmId Eon noolomwitn ll XIII nve WE lun for CHICK HIP GIEPIIDHG 45 ot OOME IIlcnming DIEUWIIII on Iii bleeds nlckiiv no glow mam datum Salaamid yuppiss mm Dims nines mun very goodnwatch dogs ieeom dxnmuuu nun nod hunt weeks old om Human lclu Shaw Bay LIVESTOCK WANTED RABBITS WANIED rosin man we Neptunemain REESE ALS STUDENTS YOUNG ADULTS Meet tho challengo of NEW DEMXXIRATIC PARTY Join now maka your Ideas known Debates meetings Nil ventiom For information call muss after 530 pm Wm nunr wintm buoy it run an old luhiomd delta rdie am Alter an AJ YOU hall ditnklnl laid and want help phone niiy 7200910 or P0 In 01 Elmo lirovinee Much iso sores on 21M mi tea Dnurio Ho ui ohmILI mi in miniI Lin he whom ratliar nltcr urn lLIDz wanted for we Inn 31 Easeroom daily ieieonon iucmre us turn pond or turn nunnm or inditiduit Kidd zoo Diinl Want an or evo mlr For oppo nuuenl who no Emu sis John Strut North amnion Ontario will not be responsible Ior any debtl ineumd in my mml Alter out my written consent Noflcn to credilnrnl til mas Corporal nrnconnler Colleg Mliltlln uuyu stidohn autoso gill not bidregonsible lor Iany eolo lriciln my mine ihLi diienlnnunry 1967 yrlthout my written conknl WOMENS COLUMN Perms SPECIAL tsoo MON TUES it WED ONLY WICKS BEAUTY SALON 45 Dunlop St West muse DRESSMAKING PERFECT FITTING GARIIENIS Made by European Trained Tailor Difessmaker Choice from North American and European Designs NO PATTERN NEEDED 4363045 51110 I0 HELP WANTED MALE HELP ROuie Salesman Position Ior min on established routen Group insurance pension plan available Must be mar ried Axel to 35 with Grade I0 education Apply to Mr Brown SUNSHINEVNIFORM SURPLY 2061mm 148 John Street MACHINISIT Must be experienced in lathe and mill Work and be abla to work from blueprints Steady employment RIGFAB STEELLTD Lindsay 245201 curls truékllitchli wa Good working couplinch mantis myin curries an yie sun1e otors 100 aridrord strset rnni tun iuesriin or sidieo County In our Wynnu hieunu Proofing Products In service stns Guile SMivmobtivDuien nntf eiuns form Hmncantc Exclu divaterritories smIII in required him commission Send semicirnsmne or xuluflfluflm selling experirmo figspun time this can he devoted to rerun rrr Alfred ton Ontareu EMPLOYMENT WANTED mmuonru tin rperiii in houndtile Scifir finalizi ah rites maria wruenruor punched children in homc AllarldaII rie tr vucireieoiionemnis empio incrimn 3min um Wido icxper circa wriic Burl nurie Iklmlrier niraivliou no main Intelligeiit Ihdveiu letIO Gnfil XIX omnmmini ltile den lookan for In opfoflilrilli 1111 mimic adlob pom 10 In clout Oilf one mil ext Mi 830450 7184814 IM 10 MALE FEMALE lMlJtSlYflarre ier nt Iclitl ii to ienrn trdel hoiu coniniilentni Halstyling mull YEAMACIITverull their lot mflfl ern nrorreiyo Barrio stern ideni working conditions hour week with Box Ill Burl Examinerv mamas Paola limfil Six liii ehigkln on rarer ontc PONDEIOIA Country Club Cirlet to this due rinuiryn loan wiui aimvrcn mtion incnucr mas SALESMAN for Feedand Crop Products hi mummnoomnnrm operators in 0me QITwacar mummyghinsmoietu WW MRL mower iStmcoeDistrict nod hilinosmersloned ilfornntinnmetimionnd Operative 259 Iunlsfil Street Barrie SALES OPPORI UNIIY for young man with provisi niauperielicc Mist be re sponsible type who feels he Wold be capable of diriediitg other personnel Applicant st lectad will trailml and quailliedJn our sales service organisation Amucahu must have good re Immes noperunes and have sioo weekl Excellent bouiti plan Chill mow Leanna Writs BOX F31 BARRIE EL MINER giving full mane RM In NU foo much or man on CO with In 1N0 into trips to contact oustorlirr In giftll nren gr mall mddent 73 all Toronto lI outno °° Inn with cstabltiicd Planing fuck and Mg Goods npprcrirnpteiy Kitchener commission ouis Llnsllod 50 It at si mil Um in East uhq FEMALE HELP CLIMNING womnn Mulnd on week irennportniiun provided Tsirphom 7M1 eventual nuysmztt wutIrd for chil dren one In lindenrun leie phono slier ititi Knight at most up rentice ircd Grads iii mlymft oer oon to olovnnt ind Perri linir styiinln its Dunlap Street East IIDUISKEBPLII MillI1 I0 innk iner month baby iive in or out day week disc to scornn cciicntwagrs item mom alkr 550 psn BEE LINE Rowanu EIHIEXIX money pin cm wardrobes eir no in vestinenl Cull mDOII AWE reliable woman minim tor nut then work no apies Nuts it Home Thornton rein pnuuo mam nnrmunuu women to no home style cooking ind reneni kitchen duties 10 in pm my week No Sun work unlicd ctrii storo Bunion st Barrie CLEANING wornnn milind sluuly any lidd nrei Own transports uon salmon mm rlilsr tlxm wire clerk or lonerI omrc work some ex iience riceua iry Apply Oro Manic Homes No ii HIKhWIY north or aime Ieie phon 7261661 In lan ruhlons soil or part time Houuwtvu start your own business selllnl Bee Line clothes by tho party pint Earn good money plus new wardrone each neuron No inveitnienls work any Ind houis ynii changer ohr inlofinl ion on 9364295 run on dny tiirourn snturdoyg Mn ma Inn to 510 pm and to re uiren peisonnoie young women to train on car hosteu in full or pnrt tune rapcity Abavd nverngo wire with nutnnintic in creases ioiinwing training eriod Unuonnr supplied cniim ilcr interview appointments LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 01 ROBERT CLARENCE MINING late of thetcity of Barrie in the Colin ty of Simcoe Mill Owner All persons having claims against the above estate are re quired to send full particulars of such claims to the under signed Execntsix on or before the 7th day of FebruaryLAD 1969 afterwhich date the es tatos assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received OWEN SI WESSENGER Barristers and Solicitors Owen Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix Cecelia Cumming lIS BEST TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ITHURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CALL mull i2 TENDERS rou SIMCCE COUNTY Board oi Educdtlon mark mile School Barrio Omano Esl din offices Shoot Banto Ontario Construction Association Friday Febniary 1969 holoctu ti Architects in no suntan is for 23¢ Pi train Lid marinerLax Adult PHONE 772452 Gillan IRI Ik mm iina to all additional iine ir In rm rieuo swolyto acorn ilrddtng Dept 60 Front St Toronto WHICH DAY iile SHES MONDAY Iriewi fso instant Gifts Book of 12 prize afghdns 600 Bargain Quilt Book has 16 BARRIE ONTARIO TENDERS FOR NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL Sealed tertdérsion stipulatéd stun basis for Oimdies Heights thc School CLINICS Road Barrie Ontario for Simone County WAY FEBRUARY L1 1969 of Saitu andAiiisoit Arddtwisos mapperton Plans and specifications will be available to Geneidl Contractors on and after 1200 noon Thursday January 21 1909 at the offices of the Auditions on deposit of certified cheque made payable to Salter and Allison Ardutcctn iii the azmutit at FIFTY yclry experience moo pro rentin DOLLARS $5000 Plans and specifications will be on display at Toronto Construction Associaninn BarrioiBuiiders Exchange and iflustienerWatefloo Teudess 50 Musical andclcdriml submmaiaswlll be depositad at the shrine Bid Depository indium phi ESiv BidBond drawan favwr oruie Simooe unruly Board or ii iii Hie arnount of 36700000 is requlrunent Lilia West or lcnilcrnot necessarily accosted am SAIUIER AND ALLISON Happertou Street COMING EVENTS ST VINCENT DE PAUL STORE HOURS Wednesday pm Friday 15 and 70 pm Saturday in am pm 35 Collier Street Basement of JerrysTV CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 hum Lzrrn pox run sham or to unit to nude ror Idrliufy or no Horas mki oxen on sariinst unblicltion woiui indium cussrrisn Anvnnrismti Cub Discoint inter inoiy fl and nun our Duo or two lnsrrtiong do per word Three consecutive in neriiom ivic cr word per insm tun tom Six consecutive loom on per word per inner tion iotii iiuwpie inurqu rny no ordered rublect Io clncsllr lion when utlsflsfory results ob tallied io rr cent Iddillonli anus if no paid within seven ya almond oii CDIIIKZITIIVNS All uhonl insertion exam in copied conveuirner in the advertisers riirrctnre the mounted Advertirlnit Department write to kindly rochecn ir ndvrr semeni iiiirneointeiy or first insertion in order that error or omission may on rc poried befor mu in order um unis my on reclined lor me lol iowing dlv publication The Bar ria buntiner iI responrinio in only one lncorrcclly printed innor lion or my noveriiseiiieiit Ind inen require I0 HELP WANTED SALES HELP AGENTS 733 WI mm THURSDAY MNUARY It ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NUIICFS CASH RATES Quantum Marriages and Death Birth Annotmcnts maxim Olnlruf lhlnh words additioni words be word In Musicians lno verse ch her will lino axlnl tuning Events BIRTHS FREE From Classified ANEXCITINGNEW MOTHERS PAK Value to $250 Containing very useful assortment of well known itemslor mother and baby Yours FREE when you place May announcement of your babys arrival in tho Birth Notice Column of EXAMINER WANT ADS trained Birth Annoinica merit writer will assist you in wording your announce ment and arrange for you to mire your free Moth ers Fax from PLAZA DRUGS 7282414 Barri and District Residents Only DEATHS Groin lgplsouaddeag on uIIY Ill or its snuxeoem Mnfltfi your belov limblid of IMLLn Slrlchlr dur Ish ira my Xliars Nicklfigmiileyélihflltfik lsrrv wen United Chilim on Wedncslaye It pm interment BATS yriooir retrith st And rm Ilnspltal Midland on Thins ey irnuiry 1969 vaunien pciri Gray beloved wilc of wiiihm auto or Mldilnd in her 07th yeir om nuttth of John or arms dcnr iuandnioiher or Paul ind Pamela mount it tho Steokiey Tuneri Home30 Worsi stmi nitrte after pnu nursdny tuneri rente mangrmcnil inter only to tho ulsnt or portion of so thnt involves the mirprinL Errors which on not lessen the nine or lad ndveriiiement In not eligible for corrections by lululook Tho Barrio Bummer menu the right to sinulfy visa or lost any want on SIZES by imitations Unrivaiied for pure warmth deep rich luxury Knit jacket for sports casual wear Jumbo kulti Use big needles strands knitting worsted Orion Sayella or istralid jiffymol Pattern 7146 sizes 3244 3538 4042 4446 FIHY CENTS Coins for each pattern luu stumps please to Alice Brooks care of The Barrio Examiner Needlecrait Ontario residents add tic sales Giant new 1569 Needlecraft catalog over 200 designs to choose free patterns printed inside Sond 50 cerits now fabulous fashions toys decorair or accessories Make it today give it tomorrow Ideal for all occasions 60 cents id JiffyRilgs to knit croiiiet weave sew hook 60 cents beautiful patterns 60 cents Museum Quilt Book patterits for 12 superb quilts 60 cents Book Quilts for Todays Liv ing 15 pattern 60 cents OARD OF EDUCATION iedder for Cuddles Heights be received until 500 pm PATTERNS FRIENDS uyANNEAnms The dress thathas coat to call its own is never left home when there are parties and fun places to go Chime print or chad plus solid Printed Pattern 400i NEW Childrens Sizes Size cost 155 yards flinch fabric dress yards 354m in coins no stamps please for each pattern Ontrip residents add cents sales tax Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to Anne Adanis care of The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ontario Short on time More quick easy sew styis in our New Save hours cut fit sew mod tines Only $1 TELL MORE are your Articles For Sula ad in The BarrieEx alninel keep tiles points mild stats What item is Erandname Condition Spccliicatiniis Preious usage Upholstery Finlsls Age Colilr mm Ontario nVtgir WIN at iIhi der Pooples Market Plamlfi to buy Rammiber the Articles for Sills classification is did was disclogad there licence all he produced was Harry Truman Dwight contested divorceifrom his wife smirarvnanrsxiis cantsierh 6Wésteru Kentucky Pucblo today denied that the £13 giggiegaggfrggwf 53 United states paid North Korea New mum Sewing Book 3fizglfeélififeéheufisggzg Dye Jr executive director of urn expert way Over 500 pm said never at any time under SELL MORE nlmusmes dud attachments saiaof Windfall Oils and Mines Make it easier for the prospect confsvnndlnter dropped bankto 15 100 to words up prim on roqiiert WORLD aniiirs BROKER FINED TOMMY CP Andrew Brcuer Tomato real estate broker was fined $200 or three months in tail Tuesday Alter pleading guilty to charge of carrying on business coni pany while dnhig business alone Last week Bitlinr was filled $50 or 10 dlyn for failing to say on his hrokers licence renewal application thathd hall not paid $528 county court judgment nainst him in real cstata transaction LICENSED 10 SMOKEY SUDBURY OP Michael Farah of Onaping Out Then day was lined $100 or in days in jail and prohibited In driving anywhere in Canada Tor me months following conviction for impnimd driving Constable Tnpp said Forans car crashed down izofoot ens bankment Jan5 Hosaid when ha asknd Farah for his drivers cigarette packagel MEETS NEXT WEEK QUEBEC CF nineman committee of the national as sembly established to Examine the problem of freedom otfha press is to hold its first meet ing ncxt Tuesd ay Armund Bonin secretary of assembly committees said fmesday that flew Mvesqucleader of the separatist Paril Quebecois is the only individual who has asked to appear before the com mittee so far TRANSFER IIUILDING MONTREAL CP Expo 67s news and udmiiiisiratinn building on the Monireul water front is being transferred to the National Harbors Board from the Central Mortgage and Hulls ing Corn it Wits announced Diesday The threestorey build ing which takes up 250000 squnia feat of space on their site will become the NHLB head quarters for the Port of Mont real EliPRESIDENTS LIVE WASHINGTON AP For only the second time since i385 the United Stutes has three liv ing former presidents They are Eisenhower and Lyndon Johnson in 1961 when John Kennedy was inaugurated there were also three Herbert Hun ver Truman and Eisenhower Before Kennedys inaugural tho last time three presidents were living was when Grover Cleve land took office in 1085 SORENSON DIVORCED NEW YORK Reuters Theodore Sorenson iormer ad viser to President John 12 Ken nedy Tuesday obtained an un Sara Soraiison Saranson said that since Septembe 1966 his Wife has refused to live with him BOOTH GRANDSON DIES BROADSIAIRS England AP Augustine Boothrclflt born 77 grandson of Gen Wil liam Booth founder of the Sal vation Army died in hospital at this Kentish coastal resort Mori dny BoothCiibborn better known as the painter Augustine Booth was born in Paris to Gen Eooths eldest daughter who was sent to France as girl on Salvation Army work ARGOS SIGN RUNNER TORONTO CF Toronto Argonauts 70f the Eastern F006 baii Conference Wednesday an muncedrlhe signing of running back Jamesirankiin Dickie Unlversity Head coach Lea Oahill of the Canadian Foetal League team saidiifouio 22 has been givana twoyear con tract and bonus forsigning DENIESRANSDM SEOUL Routers US Anny gendral who negotiatcd the release lot the 02 crew mem bers of the intelligence ship any circumstances when asked at news conference held on the anniversary of the sei zura Whether the Unitddstatcs had paid ransom of some $200000000 for the release of crew Windlall Iraud Trial ls Ended TORO NTO CPI The threeweek trial ofGeorge Machllllari 65 and his 64year nld wife Viola charged with de frauding the public in connec tion with the 1904 promotion and Ltd stock ended Tuesday County Court Judge ll It Deyinan said he would an nouiice his judgment Feb 10 The charges urose in 1960 after the value of Windfall stock rose to 5500 share from 50 80 cents Judge Deyman was foldthe iiiaciiiiiians 314000 sailing Windfnfl shares before it IVES 110 commercial are in thercom pnnys ciaiinfs near Timmins Police ring the Rev Ian Paisiey centre moderator of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster Northgrii ireiand oinsidn StnPéuls Anglican Cathedrdi in Londontoniglit to pmtcct him from about 100 PROTECT PlilSLEY pru Roman Catholic demon strators midis the church mgiihdnci Ramsey tho up of Canterbury and Roman Catholic John cardinal Keenan were prcoch ing on Christian unity AP Vlraplioto EmergencyWhecit Debate Is HeldE OTTAWA CPI All emergency debate on the wheat situation in West Canada dominated parliamentary busi ness Wednesday but the Corn moiis also gave second reading to four government measures and sent them to committee for detuiled study Roy Peirauit Seymour mared ta the defence of Fisheries Minister Jack Davis during debate on amend ments to the Fisheries Impmvev ment loan Act hlr Foucault onetime Liber al party lender in British Co iurrdoia took strong excdptioii to remarks by James lilac Grth PC St Johns East hir iiicGrath said Mr Daviss bill was fine for BC but would do little or nothing for hard pressed Newfoundland fisher men Mr Peireath said thirst re marks were divisive and her clued the Newloundlalid MP of conducting destructive ven dett againstMr Davis He said the umendmenk would helpfatteli the income of all fishermen It added insuri ancetrust and loan companies to those institutions that could give the governmentbacked loans for fishing vessels gear and shore IIiSISllaIlOIiS And by removing the fixed IIVEwaILenI and inserting in stead higher more realistic iigiue the government was SPORTS list IN BRIEF sank CZECH PLAYER BRNO Czechoslovakia lAPl out Fletcher of strum Blues in the National Hockey League has been negotiating with in Brno club for the Lions for of Jarosiav Jirik it was re ported Wednesday Czech club officials said no definite agree ment has been readied so far but that Jiiik left wingon the erect national team probany wiiihe allowed to go to St Louis in the NHLs Western Db vision NnniEn GOLF rosy NEW YORK AP Joseph the United States Golf Asocia film since 1934 was nomad the commissioner of pro golf Wednesday The board wasforinedhziiow ing the Dec 13 compromise be tween the rebellious tournament players and the Profesionai Golfers Association if 16 793 iii InBurnaby TENDERS FOR gt DEMOLITION OF HOUSE Tenders are invited for immediate demolition of thc house located at 25 Maple Avenue Barrlé Conhdclor will herre quired to remove all material including tree at rear of house leaving gioiinii level with street Tenders ivili be accepted up to and including Thursday daniiary 00 1960 Property inuy be inspected by contacting Toner Gen eral Manager The horrid Examiner improving the climate for loans to be made Conservative House loader Gmld Baldwin warned the gov ernment of serious eifeots on water levels of the Mackenzie River system and Lake Athabas cn duringdcbatc on amend ments to the Navigable Waters Protection Act James Richardson minister without portfolio said the amendments would ensure that larger ships would be able to use the shipping lanes b50335 of the legislation against in made obstructions But Mr Baldwin said the act failed to prevent BC Hydro from riotting is power dam on the Peace itiver Filling the vast resenvs creatad by the dam lidd lowered levels in the Mackenzie to the encntthat its use as waterway to bring goods into the Canadian North was affected it also ind turned beautiful scenery alnng therPeace into ghas sight Veterans Affairs iifinisier JeanEmits Dube introduced an amandmeni to the Veterans Land Act allowing the govern ment to set interest rates on some loans rather than have them fixedhy statute The ailspercent rate on loans up in $6000 would remain But rates on loans of more than $6000 now set at five per cent wouldbeataratetobesetby thy govcmrnont HOWELL RELEASED NEW YORK AP Defence rnan Harry Howell of New York Rangers of tho National Hockey Lamflas released from St Claras Hospital Wednesday after spending three days in traction to relieve muscle spasms in his back Howell will work out today and could be available for the Rangers weekend games agaihst Chicago and Manual sunfith wms NEWYORK 10 Domain Paduarm Mahtreal welter weight used claim left hand to unanimous sixrouiid decision over Doiimaii Crawford Wednede night The bout was prciimirrary to the world championship fightheavyweight match between Bob Foster and Frankie De Paula in which Fos ter retained his own with firstround technical knodrmii WANTED Quilts

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