Netwch 13va5sgxtÃ©ï¬ vrvrYn Denny AthletefOf NEW yorut 1A Denny hfelain the flamboyant Detroit Hgars pitcher today was named hiale Athlete of the car in the oath annual Associated Press ii hiddplil became tho fourth basebau player in succession and the seventh in the last eight polls to find himself sitting on top of the sport world in hose eight years only Don Schollandcr the swimming star aoi Americas 196 Olympic team has managed to break baseballs hold on the award McLarn posted 31 victoriesin tacoblunting the first pitcher to reach the Mrictory plateau alnce Dilly Dean in 195 In the balloting by sport writers and broadcasters lie Laln drew 20a frisIplacc rote Vikings and roused total of 11 points on the basis at three points for first place two for second and one for third FOUR TOP Only three other athletes re ceived more than zoo pointso Simpson meliemm phy winner from Southern Cali fornia pitcher Bob Chou of St Louis Cardinals and quarter back ErrLMorrall of Baltimon Colts the only pm footbau play er to crack the Top Ten The poll however was taken before the Super Bowl game which will become apart of the 1969 voting and therefore door not reiect the stunnln unset polled off by ouancrbaclrtdoe Nnmnth in loading New York Jets to a167 victory over the Colts Flourish Under Bud Grant WASHINGTON Coach Bud Grant of Minna snla Vikings took the National Football League team farther in 1968 than it had ever been beforo Quarterback Joa Kapp earning respect as tough competitor contributed to making the Vikings the sur prise of the league in finishing first in the Central Division The question for 1969 is whether the two both of whom were In tho Canadian Football League can do as well In EGOor better It snso attack perhaps most notably shortage of topthreat pass receivers is one drawback to club with morethannde quale defence We dont have the talent the Solts have Grant conced cd after losing 2414 to Balti more in playoff for the Western Conference plonshlp Knot former Cal gary Stampcdcr and British Columbia Lion playcr threw 41 passes and completed 26 of them and also ran to times for 52 yards to lend the Minnesota ground attack He had also taken physi cal beating that forced Colt linebacker Mike Curtis to sug gest he must have gotten tough in Canada Grant said he didntknow ybndy who ever played harder SET CANADIAN RECORD Grant is parlactiordst who in 10 years oi coaching Winnb peg Blue Bombers set CF11 record of five championships and four Grey hips He cams to the Vikings two years ago Before the playoft with Balti lmore he was asked to look back over the two years Grant is not great talker and manages to convey the impression that not many questions asked about football are intelligent How had 1965 been different him than 1967 The difference is that we won three last eight and tied three in 1967 Grant said crisply This year we won eight and last six Had he been surprised after being elected by most experts for last place in division containing the defending champion Grecn Bay Pack Viceregal Passes Northern Dancer TORONTO CF Viccregal dark son of Kentucky Derby winner Northern Dancer has surpassed his illustrious site by being made the shortest price in the history of the Queens Plato winter book Listed at to his price is shorter thantha Dancers pra vious record to set in 1964 the year he went on to win the iDerby Viceregal who earned rec ord $117649 and was Canadas HorsavoftheYear in 11163 was the overwhelming choice intake the 110th running of the Plate set for June 21 at Woodbine Racetrack 53 Canada Cup Babes Revived TORONTO CF The Royal Canadian Yacht Club of Toronto announecd Wednesday it has re vived the Canada Cup races in response to challenge from llreCleVeland Yacht Club in Ohio The series dating back to dead is scheduled to start Sopt in Lake Ontario off Toronto The RCYC will defend the cup last won in l954 by Dave How ard of Vanturer 11 The United states dominated the series for so yaarsuntn thelnst upset and no competitions have been held since The first two races Sept 74 will be at least 21 miles They witl ha followed by arIUHEdll tnnce cruise Sept it of 150 to 250 miles twice around an enlarged triangular course counting as two races If final rhcc Is needed it will be held Sept 21 crs Chicago Bears and Do tr not in this thing for fun said Grant We expect to win Joe Kapp had full season this time Last ycarha carnn to us after the training camp had finished Hes an rookie He has played well in us But the Vikings had their troubles loo injuries removed their top rookie ilnnkcr Bob Grim Quar terback Gary Cunrzo rated by some as better than Kapp broke shoulder early in the season Dare Osborn the top Viking runner last year was out most at the season with bra ken leg mortar 1i0t Quarterback Joe Namath of the New York Jets want like this at rally in honor of the Jets aricuy Hall today He could take the Baltimore Girl Jockey To Race on Saturday IillAMJ AP Barbara Joe Rubin 19yearold exercise girl licensed as jockey in Florida will make her debut Saturday at Hobby Horse Hall in Nassau Bahamas Miss Rubin unable to ride at Tropical Park Jan 15 when male jockeys refused to com pete against her will ride in the third and fifth races at the Hobby Horse Hall frank Hair established since Hill needs YOU tendon For further information Contact Mr It McLeod 72832 Yédr points long jumper Bob Aha American Football harm Simpson the running beck who Ilrnostnruinlr will be re lemd by the Bdfalo hill or the No lxptrk in out week pro football draft no the run nerup in the voting with fir end in points Gibson dwlu hutlng rac htn in two World Series con frontations finished distant third with 51 first If NI points llorroll who led the Colts meg National Football Lee mpinaship in place of Faller Johnny Unitas aired 39 first and no points Rounding out the TopiTrn wen dircur thrower Iii Outer Beamoo lll Iki Jean Claude Hilly and gofer Billy Cu per t9 Namath who led the feLr to championship received four firstplace votes and points Baseballs domination the poll began in tool with Roger Marla hlamy Wills and Sludy Koufax then made it three in NW for the sport helm Serol lander broke tha holdulfouflx Frank Robinson Cari Yu lrrarnski and Mania now have made baseball the Hm It to ever have four consecutive nin IIDIS TI MINI lm fth JANUARY II 0011 Iiicater Aiéhievés First RouriafTKo hEWYDlK Wt mamaunseen tor alto it wont it coda night Btttblaflntmndikhli cal nankloDoPurllin when he couldnt In one Exists med abort mono frmr the gross gate of $18 contrib uted by 1613 fans and from television Dc Paula earned About MOO Foster winner of is mm Including i2 meson and his manager lluilky Solon plan today to go over 21¢ of of fees for title defences OFFER MAL 00900 Silo said be bid offers total ling more than $300000 for de fences again Gregorio Peralts In ArgentiarPo Del Page in ltrly Bob Dunlap in Australia Yun Prebeig in Yugoslavia and Jose Torres in Puertn Rico mator String In Danger CHICAGO AP The fin yesr stranglehold by Odego Black Hawh Bobby Hull and Stan hfikita on the National Hockey largo rearing crown is In danger of being broken Boston Brutna Phil Erporito is five points ahead of runnerup Hull and 11 points ahead of twrthplm Mikitl the defend lnr champion HersheyBearsMeetIlndBeat Springfield Kings In IIIIL Play ma nssocrAran roars There are seven good reasons why Hershey Heartaro first and Springfield Kings last in the Am aricnn Hockey liegun Eastern Division The two teams merlor the eighth lime Wednesday night Colts but when lilayor John Lindsayand others heaped on the praise howent into this defensive play Picture by MP Photographer Anthony Camerano AP ernphoto akcssroaI OMEN owoMst FIRST vaECOND swsroro PHONE tar5501 the secondplace Barents rettfag Buffalo atrium and Schultz and BI scored again minutes later VLondon Lords Quarterback Ir Football Union Srnior league most vslurbl and the Euro carnaavray with their seventh victory thlt perused their lead over idle Provldrnca to six points and left Springfield tha rams number of points behind Baltimore which lortto Cleveland in the only other action Stan Gilbertronr gall at we of tho first period liarth the hear on their way Michll Har vty tho Mills loading scorer modflltflwlthbiaï¬thgoslin the second period Halohlfeller and lifikc Mahonoy tallied in the final period around ml by sartnrfleldr Ga crotuu which Hersheys cidratrlly potted in his It net Wayne Shultz two roundab rind goals paced Cleveland ovsr Baltimore The triumph gave threepoint lead over Quotac in the Western Dlvicon but still left them ll points behind pm The termr were tied on goals by Clevelands John Van morrr Ed lifIcQuecn and Willie Marshall Howie Glover put the Barons ahead to stay at 1050 of tho second period and Schultz Top orru Player ST THOMAS CPI Rich Hawkins quarterback of Lon don Lordr of the Ontario Hufly bar been voted the leagues The league Ianull meeting also decldod to add Inothlr tum to the roster in tree and applications will be acuptrd in Kitchener in early March Present turns veprcarnt lar nll hndon Bunnies St Cethartner and Windsor Ont New rules were adopts creating an option of two int conversion andallowing ing on punt return Bill Thurgrrlaad oluIoronto wr looted provident of the leagu and Ed Grant viesproli dant Paul Sabourin of loader Eur reappointed umilry er ocutmru PLACI The Garden offered shot It the winner the heavyweight our hero Fab between To Gcorto Gruvrlo and Butter litthis but Salow said Well take Joe Frasier or Jimtry Ellis with plenum mater of Philadelgirla and Ellis of Louisville both hold ptocc of the limited heavy weight title Dc Paula gave the partisan crowd one brlu mornentbf hope only in the ï¬rst round when he had the champ ontha decir Mrrwmdownfrvnaleftto the body but it looked more like skip since the blow had lit tle steam behind It HOB NSTER JO Washing Inn DC light heavyweight champion stands over Frankie Do Paula 1D Jar scy City NJ after knocking him down for the first time in the first round of thclr sched ulcd 15 round clramotondrip bout in New Yorks lindlson Souiire Garden tonight Foster knocked his challenger down three times and was award ed technical knockout vic tory at 217 of the lirstrotmd under New York States three knockdown rulc AP Wh photo ILOIfiI MIRIAWA LESSvTitftft toil4t so no Convenient Vs rixa panels fit on I6 centres itahogany E41 smut vaturt ftrrm llywrel jraermuusn BURMA TEAK 418 $494 shut an nifty Ballet Fr Late 0f 01M First Quality Vinyl Asbestos FLOOR TILES Mada To Your Vltlrrrurrt combination SELFSTOliiltO rum nonrlnrtloa Stem rad Somn ALuMmu rtunmun willows CENTRES TO 52359 In Ifllll litrrlrrrilrtlr Ilrndrrtno Wradgrrih ltrtdirarrl 95 ézrr 32XOI$2ZO Ern lair of tourMan $1 lath fn Stnlllrr Lora Altltihl Plonur cart you Ieu per rquara fooflf VacGrooved 99 Each In Lots Of 15 Or More $215 lull in Snullrr Late v4x7 329 HICKORY 377 Our Low Price Per Panall EVEN lOWII PRICES 0N LARGII QUANTITY DRDIRS MORE VALES LIKE THESE AT ALL 19 crswrrcrrrrss 20 26 66 20 66 Drilled for ledwarrl Hingrr Installedl urroarrr strata nouns zirANrL PLAIN 66 x66 ZPANIL LOUVlk iii2t stolen 26 66 30 56 HAIDWAII ror Arovr rtzrr rrr ssr $215 JohnsMrnrlllr llotrbieoart White GI Square 12x12 or 16x16 ceiling Tiles Cartanr $729 EurH so Countan Singujsand It Pit firttan RANGE Hoons 7751 75 16 66 in 250 or 500 aunt 142 ELEOTRIOWIRE with ground dxa Dadust 20 Prnal In Latr Ivrtlr Hill Pllil vorrrrrn OAK Ornltlnl HUSTIG TEAK Proilairhid rrdhorrd WOODOHAINSI Western Oedar Knotty Pina a4= any aeratity OF 40 Or Mani xOs PREFIHISIIEDI Olllt nrssr Paras $622 $878 $1098 VuGroovl rimsar Pu Vanni Any Qarnrityl save assure PtiltiEjltttiiiiiASE 952 CARTON fin lots or urflnr or man 92338 2Speed Modelr $2297 No Iiateror ms MAHOGANY DOORS 314249 2$589 trash Extra Shopping Hours firidays until 9pm Mr Gib Antcliffe Your Coshway Manager Serving Barrie0rilliuund your area SERVE YOU From our Location Junction Hwy II Northl Old No II Hwy Highway 93 Barrio Write Box 628 Barrie Ontario ï¬kplï¬ idem the