Shown at the installation of row left to rid Hazel Cald urno Whiting Lil Baldwin the Bayviow Giapter Order tho Eastern Star are Iront well Dorian Glgg Ilarvcy Baldwin Joyce Kennedy Bayview Chapter or OES Holds Annual An Impressch ceremony marked the installation at oitie ers ot hayvicw Chapter Order 0i the Eastern Star Mrs Joyce Kennedy was installed as Worthy Matron and Lorne Vhitlng as Worthy Patron Retiring Worthy Matron Mrs David Darbyshirc and Harvey Baldwin retiring Worthy Patron welcomed loo visitors and mom hers to the meeting held in the Chapter Rooms on Owen Street Distinguished guests were Mrs Barber at Salt Spring Island 30 Mrs Gray don Kohl past Grand Matron oI Grand Chapter at out Mrs Hil bert Robinson DDGM oi All iston Mrs Albert Gilroy PD DGM oI Cookstown and Grand Rep to the State at Delawart Mrs Smith IDv DGM of Newmarket Grand It to the state at Connecti cut Mrs John Robinson PD DGllI oi Cookslown Mrs How ard Noble PDDGM of Croc Model sports an eye Heateer Ing evening dress ofwliite silk printed with gray and brown iishes and worn with large mantle in beige The fashion Twiggy Favors Wet Look Leg LONDON tAP Legs that look all wet are the latest look were launched by Twiggy at the Ritz Hotel Monday Her shiny wet look tights come In purple and green as well as the traditional colors The slim British model said gotu lot at myideas from them in America They have such gorgeous colors there onwardan IN THE FAMILY lleddingsarc news and he are anxious to givo yours the best coverage Possiblc Contact the wo mens editor at an early Vrdatc and arranged your wedding story to 812 been when it takes place Installation more Mrs Bnicc liolt PD D6 of Midland Mrs Campbell IDDGM oI Stroud Mrs Edwin lValkcr PDDGhl oi dland Irs Gordon Old Iield PDDGM at Shelbourne and members oI Orillia and Scarborough Stuart Davidson Assoc into Grand Patron at Grand Chapter was soloist of the even mg litter the ceremony Mrs David Darhyshirn was present ed with her past Matrons Jewel by Mrs Walter Gigg Harvey Baidwin was pre seated with his past Patrons Jewel by his wife Lilian The Worthy Matron presented Life Membership Certiï¬cates to Chapter members Mrs Checsman Mrs I3 Henderson Mrs Stoncman Mrs Moore MrsH Maxwell After the ceremony buItct slipper was served convened by Mrs Harvey Baldwin and her committee WEATHER FASHION was presented by Forquet in Ilomémt the Italian Spring and Summer Fashion show in Roine Iastnight AP Wire Dhotol The lights to be put on the market in March for just under $260 are really twoinane garment with elastic paritygin dle too Some have flowors up the side or petitrpoint stripe Most are plain Barebody beltsgoldplated and Jean Monroe Badt row Alice Churdiill Mary Exell hi Louring Dorian Dundas Pearl lIockman Margaret Margaret McGowan Betty Anne Nigh and Mary Jory Wright Mabel Cauthcra Canadian Craft Creates Will an ancient Canadian craIt be transplanted to another Nor thern country In light oI re cent developments regarding story published in the Associat ed Country Women oi the Worlds Some Helpful Honey Hints To measure honey grease the measuring can first then the honey will slide out easily or use the same cup you used for the shortening To replace sugar with honey use equal amounts but reduce liquid by cup Iar each cup at honey used It is better to replace only half the sugar in tlour mixtures TODAYS RECIPE BARBQUED FISH SUPREME lbs thick iish iilcts inch It can cooking oil seasoned salt 14 garlic powder if desired Soy Sauce Worcestershire sauce Parmesan cheese Parsley flakes Pepper large onion Ilarge tomato large green pepper stalks celery Make toil pan out at two pieelt es heavy duty aluminum toil Crinkle inside bottom to keep iish tram sticking and line with cooking oil Lay on iish iilets and sprinkle generously with soy sauce followed by light appli cation of Worcestershire sauce Lightly sprinkle with seasoned salt pepper garlic powder Turn pieces over in foil and repeat Sprinkle generously with Par mesan cheese rubbing cheese into fish Slice tomato and onion in thick slices and place on top of IishKPIacc green pepper strips and cutup celery on top Sprinkle again with soy sauce and other spices topping with parsley flakes and Parmesan cheese Place on medium charcoal tire and cover with either large pot or aluminum toil tent to smoker lid if available on bar becue Do not turn tish Let cook approximately 45 minutes to hour or until juices bubble Serve withwhite rice Iciluce salad andFrench bread Serves Most any Florida fish is de licious In this recipe including snapper shook flounder group or etc to be worn hekt to the skin with bare midritt fashions on the beach with bikinis or simply under your clothesare the brainstorm of Paris House the costume jewellers The house also gnawedme bracelets to be worn over boots at the ankle chainscenlred with pearl and BARRIE INGER IPECIAL SINGER ZlGZAG SEWING MACHINE See this modelanrl others It at spring and summer show HQMF SHOW 0er $3800 SINGER ENTERS Use the Singer Credit Plan Singer makes it easy Interest magazine The Countrywoman members oi the Federated Wo mens Institutes of Canada are hopctul The story or the mooschoir embroidery plaque entered by the Fort Providence WI North cm Canada in the International Competition sponsored by the ACWW and which received sec and award was read by mom bcr oI Constituent Society in Norway The reader communi cated with the ACWW older in London England and requested the address oi the FWIC or letter has now reached that at ice The ay correspondent writes at her interest in the story and requests iurlher lnior mation regarding the embroidery technique She writes my bus hand hunts elk in the autumn and am wondering if could use elk hair in the same way as the moosohalr used in the embroidery Her letter has been Iorward ed to the Fort Providence WI The rcsultsoI the experiment will he followed with interest GIRL FIGHTS ARCHIIIC LAW NEW YORK tlteutersl 18yearold high school girl filed court suit Mon day seeking admission to an nllvboys school Alice do Itivem who has an outstanding record espo cially in mathematics wants to attend the allmale Stuyvesant high school in Lower Manhattan because of its high academic reputa Lion Alice at present student at the cwducalionachohn Jay high school in Brooklyn is supported in her bid by the National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee Conunittec spokesman Ramona Ripston termed the Stuyvesant high schools policy vestigc or an ar chaic system She added that the 1964 Civil Rights Act mind that public facili ies cannot be denied to women because of sex TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7281414 SHIRTS or more 20 THIS OFFER VALID roan LIMITED TIME ornv NOW LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU DRIVEIN PLANT 103 BAYFIELDV BRANCH sronss 153 DUNLOP 152 NAPIER ST In IANDERS nose lm aannm mama mansion news In Stands By He Vierpoint Despite Beciders Criticism Dear Ann Landen think maybe can halp that lady who gavoup her baby for admlioo Indulgned herself hltter she said the cried cverynight for to year because the social norher and her iniolster advised her to give her child up Now she says It wartbe biggest mktaks of her lite am child who was kept by an unmarried mother and am therefore In position to know What ita like from lbachlldl point of view lty life was hell When was six yearsold knew what bastard meant was lclt out things and told to go home was blackhalled Irom club when was It be cause they couldnt have member whose mother war Miss My mother kept Ihoso people are Ignorant Dont pay any attcllltdrl in them And ot course she was right but an adolescent tents more than the reasons and sullered In ways that no child should have to suticr The cmo tional damage of being raised by an unmarried mother was znormoua know ab meant well but would not do to chlld what Ire did to me May mother1 love was an you Put It so wall selilshoesa turned inside out Dont ever change your stand Ann You are right other Stde Dear Side Thanh tor the as sist Inland to my withthis polatot view In spite of the criticism at those who think am heartlm and unicelloz THANKS Dear Ann Lndcn just tin Iihed reading the letter signed Color Ua Nauseated she waa complaining about couple bl lovebirds at the ofï¬ce who were Iorever pawing and making Eyes at each other When one went to the water cooler the other folloned They held hands by the pencil sharpener and unpacked behind the tile cabi ne Sbe shouldnt complain Ann At least those Ioveblrda are girl and fella 111m are two guys In our oftica who like each other and Its more than we can stand hope you will print this letter so the at who wrote will In It Some people dont know when they are well oil If shell lead in her couple well send her oursCEICAGO Dear Chicago To each hia man Or her own 0r Its own Or oh wellvthaolu Ior writing DIETNG Dear Ann Loaders All at us have Ieenourselvas in your col umn at one time or another Please say somethig about people who are dieting Maybn they will recognize themselves and stop boring all their friends with what they are eating what they are not eating and how they are starvan to death In the past two days have had my ear talked oil by five friends who insist on filling ma In on all the tiresome details pounds lost Inches otf and even the menus couldnt can less Print my letter Ann It will be your good deed for tha day Fed up on the Underfed Dear red Thanks or putting my words in your mouth FreAeance VWriting Takes Research And Learning Time By nuaanrn uoascn fTherc are good opportunities in treelance ng it you dart learning and writing and using your extra moments to get enough writing done The above is the viewpoint oI Samm who makes his ï¬rst mm long Sinclair Baker He speaks Irom experience because he established his Ircevlance ea rcer by using his own extra time to write the ills ten at his seventeen books plus innumera ble magazine articles and radio and TV scripts during the 30 year period he worked in an ad vertlsingrcareer on Now Yorks Madison Avenue His lalcstbook The Fermi sible Lie takes penetrating look at advertising today and Baker hopes that in its way it will help the morality of the country So much in building free lancers career depends on writ ing in all directions making all the contacts you can and grab bing the opportunich that come Baker said But in the beginning the thing you have to worry about is learning to write and getting some wriing done Baker re amphasizcd Vourdont have to Penis Slacks and Skirts Plain worry about getting an agent And you dont have to worry about editors stealing your story Ideas ucant expect instant auc le said So writing and rewriting until you have inter esting material that makes pee ple want to turn page Is an inl tial step to that success SPADE WORK Another step is digging deeply Into subject that inter ests you Bakor continued Ior Instance have alwaya gardened so have v1Itten sev eral gardening books Slmllarly another of my current books The Doctors Quick Weight loss Diet written with Dr InvinIlt Stillman was the re sult oi nwintorca In weigit contro Baker Iecls very stronglythat few of the prime mistakes would be Freelanccrs make while they are hoping tor writing career are telling about things instead of showing things happening passing up good material without seeing its potential as story Iai thinking in ternu of ï¬ction when nonfiction Is what is sell ing and vice versa it falling to rewrite enough When it comes to rewriting you have to keep going over and over your material until Its good Baker said You have to get away tiom it to gain ob lgczivity of course But then you must return to it and redo what doesnt come ol N0 SURPRISE All the while youre looming and writing and rewriting you have to expect to be raiected too he added But when you got knocked down get up and start again Paperin the walls uith rejection slips is the natal experience of most atarung freelancers Finally It you want to wr to books keep as your goalmt iog your lifeblood book the one you believe can do the most for your country and its people lite Permissible Lin Is my lifeblood book And writing book that qualifies as this Is the greatest gratification any on thor can have FROM ME In in rhy Jewel Bromley gt am Hi Iksl Back again after spending the holidays With my gh ter iii Montreal With wining dining and parties the orth leeml to have risen so on diet am However be looking tor about herein my for an old Iashloniavorite using mix spices and Vinegar its recipe youll column and have an easy one ground beef attack brown gravy The preparation oi this recipe takes just row minulea and served with noodles its awbolesoine meal your family will love So try SAUERBRATEN mun ground beet IVA tsp salt In tsp ground DEW black cups water Ipackage brown gravy ML bay leaf crumbled MEAT BALLSd In Lap groun coves IIo tsp ground black pepper 34 tspflground ginger ltsp instant minced much tsp vinegar ltbsp light brown sugar er bond bod salt and teaspoon pepper Form Hit Iggtdhu gbxalls and brown on all sides In shortening In litigant saucepan combine water and gravy mixIf youuse canned gravy measine out 11 cups Add remaining ingredients and bring to boil stirring frequently Add meat balls to sauce and simmer for It minutes Serves four serve this over noo dies and with juice Ialatl and dessert you have completes meal RING CAN BE one your most personal beauty socrets Well chosen it will make your hand look lovelier and the movement of it more gtaceinl Wsider tbe SETTING of your RING Would an intriguing new design set your stone off Also have you got extra stones in an old ring that you could add to new setting Well REEVES JEWEUERS is where you will go if you want RING that will be beautifully yours Theyll RESET your RING In NEW MOUNTING of Platinum white or yellow Gold Evenold pins that have precious stones can be made up into elegant rings If this is what you have in mind nowis the tune to have It done at REFle JEWEme 76 Duan St East Darrin ELEGANCE WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE to abut WILLIAM LOWE FURNITURE MART giver youwhen consulting them on ROOM PLANNING This means suggestions of colors and types of OARPETS DRAPES LAMPS and FURNTURE as well as new treatment or your walls if youwish ndvxce All or part at this erLulMuowa FURNITURE does and youd be surprised at the low price you will get on all these furnishings especially when they are dependable BRAND NAMES One the reasons for the savings you get in any of yarn purchases Is because of their location which is off street and not in the centre of town There is however ample parking space and lovely showroomto browse in look around then go seevwhat you Wlll save at MLLMM LOWE FURNITURE MART 202 Dunlop St West Barrie 1234745 mm vouna AT YOUR near when you look yotn best and the HOUSE OF WITY doeslust this or you whcnvthey CUSIDM CLEAN your clothes So many of you have known this that CUIIYS want to show their appreciation oi your patronage in the past year by running SPECIAL on the dry CLEANING o1 SLACKS mens or womens at 59c as well as twopiece SUITS also mens or womens at 69 This SPECIAL is for limited time only so would sugaen you check your cloets gals and see if any of these articles need cleaning So be at your best by looking your boat which youlldail you use the Iriendly service COHYS CLEANERS 2l1 Dunlap St that Barrio so Essaltoad When decorating birthday cake and candle holders are not available soften thovend of the candle In hot water and insert toothpick part way into it Then place the toollmick In the cake and Lhelcandle will stand upright Bye tor now JB 7260259