VSX rev sownr Vrhousands at Toronto com muters are wondering he loves Polly An unknown rec NEONTO CF lht Ontar io government Wednesday pro posed the creation oi six or seven new municipalities to lit into regional government tor the existing counties or Peel and tlaiton west oi Metropolitan To route The proposal made at public meeting by Municipal AL iairs lliinister Darcy McKoougtr involves towns oi Burlington Oaitvllie and Mississauga and townships oi Nussagaweya Es quesing Caicdon Chinguaeousy Toronto Gore and Albion Government proposal is tor twovilered regional system com posed at either six or seven mu nicipalities with indirect elec tion of representatives to re gional council The areas proposed are hold in Name Address To pick up Ihir professional challenge you have to behighly motivated Eager to put yourcwn talent to work Aware of the need of developing countries for mature competent people ready to just anybody lend hand You have to decide to Youre somebody we need at CUSO course My present type of work is Smd to CUSO lnlolmdtioni iii SiatenStreet Ottawa Ontario Romeo has trumped outin rs ioot high lettersthe words love Polly in full view oi per saugauPort Credit and Streets ville and small part of the town oi Oakville total popula tion 135000 seven members on regional council AreI Township oi Chlnga cousy the town oi Brampton Toronto Gore and part at the town at Mississauga north oi Derry Road total population $9000 tour regional council seats Area ti The townships of Al bion and Caledon the villages oi Caledon East and Orange ville and three townships in the Credit River drainage area total population iii000 one rc Eional seat Area The towns oivGeorge town and Acton and part oi Es quesing Township total popular tion it one seat Area The towns oi iliissis AreatttThe town or Miltona from universn Imi ege use hcirTmi insti Prov tons on the subway and mots orists travelling along Bloor Street in Toronto CP Vire photo Plan Regional Govt WestOlMetrolToronto small part oi the town at Oakville the remaining portion oi Esquesing Township and part oi Nassagaweya total popula tion 12500 one seat Stand Trial for Daughters Death CALGARY CF Julius and Jula iiiartisr of Calgary were ordered Wednesday to stand trial in Alberta Supreme Court on charges rri manslaughter and criminal negligence Magistrate John Harvie also refused bail tor tha couple charged Nov or alter their daughter Eva Fereneli ta died in hospital andtwo of her sisters were admitted suiiering irom malnutrition and bruises We wontfakeyust anybody onlyqualiiiedtechnicaiand professional people willing to worktoralowsalaryf under demanding conditions in any ot45 developing countries ardundthe world development if were getting to you your area Tell what yet can sit Well tell you where you are needed would like to know more about CUSO Canadian University Service Overseas and the opportunity to work overseas for yearsMy qualiï¬cations are do follouis new dip oma cent catzorobhu mi cation niaklli NEWS ROUNDilP 10mm $le Tbl Daub to Federation oi Labor slit in brie Wednudny that implo roeIuItion oi recommendations oi the RIM Royal Commission or regulating disputes between management and labor would impose Jungle ol law on unions as well Is employers The meiotic presented to labor bï¬nisior Dalton BIier alsonid the report prepared by the late Justice ivan Rand dimgIrded thainterertI oi labor and mod the protec tion oi mailed pubiieJnter Said thabriei ills charts to balance the labonrnanagement equation is divorced irorn reIl ily Ind he ignore basic tnrth that we live in bargaining aa crew The brief said more at the proposals contained In the Road report would weigh the balance or power in mm oi the employ or and would set labormanage meat relItions back yearI Barrett Children QUEENSVILLE Ont CF decision last mg by the nowd und East iliimbury TownSrEp idtool board he kept live public school drildren aged anterr to nine years away from stdon since Jan The board declared the chil dren reaidanta ot the Quoenshaven Registered Childrens Home in this commi nlty is miles north at Tommi ineligible to attend classes at Queermilio public school be cause oi iaiiureto pay special nonresident fees The drildren are classed as nonnsldenie be cause their parents lira or at town Provincial Tax tario Liberal leader Robert clude tax increases as well as large increase in provincial its oi amt 01 and prime ministers inottawa Feb 1012 will be the Inst chance to ioroe the iederal gov eminent to help meet the criti cal provincial situation before budget time in Folnuary he said in speech to the Brant ford University Womens Club Ipreditd Ottawa will stared ï¬rm in its present policy that extra income for Ontario must be the responsibility at the prov ince hirNixon said entrenchment of basic rigth of democratic heedom in reformed constth spend two years of your life working on the worlds number one problem CUSO Davalopmont lr qurbusinors lion drould be sprioritit at the Ottawa conference ananrmno or Oo Nixon Wedntsday predicted the next provincial budget will in speed up negotiationron new Press freedom Hellth liliniatar JeanPIuI duller chairman oi the nine rrran mortuer told Replace Track swarms PLACE on OP Pitfwork creWI Wednesday mmtd moo net umdmwmmrna tcnr ireltd train derailment at level crossbrg on Highny irrehighmaltoaaureo pened to kettle timeouts datoirr Wu put into client by no lies Iner tbs derailment biodredtht crossing sun Ends srmnssoorrrieue or Work was to begin gradually today It twoDomtar Ltd mills thut down by strike at i100 workerI sinee last July la 30month contract was signed Wednesday night when both sides apparently agreed to end arguments over the late at strikers charged with con tempt oi court for violating in Junetions during an occupation ï¬t the nearby Windsor mill llst ovember Teachers Strike MONTREAL or Que beea Englishspesking Roman Catholicteaoherr have decided to Join their 600001 neb rpeakingcoiieagues in rotating strike action in an attempt to or Youll even find people in the Classified Ads specialists to build roomvndditionsrvï¬m tire in letter to tudborI Wedrmdly the Provlntlll As sociatlon oi Cotholie Teacher said withdraw oi Itrvleer tI the only action lelt open to press scheduled for pen tuthuh the government Joins The Boys NEW YORK AP A13 yeIroid girl who lr sharp at math won court hearing Wednudsx in hemuit Jo gain IdrnittancI to Stuyvesant high school who 1000 students are all boys Alice Dolltum who Icorrd or per cent in citywide and test said IhIt the ailmale pol ity in etit since 1904 It Stuyvesanta public reboot is unconstitutionhi beeIuso oi sex discrimination River Degradation wrnnsén on or Fresh irornhuring eomplrintr Read tit Classified Ads regularly and go on treasure hunt its fuhl pt pollution along in st Marys River nIIr Seuit Stu Mliil out ioint CanadaUnited Sutu eomrniuion Wednerdn heard pollution oi the Detrot and St Clair rivers described dengdatieo AxD Rooney CInIdlan chief ottho integrations Joint Commission said both CInI diInr Ind AmerieInr were he come led up with the degrada tionI at tho two rivers Longer Sentences 1030M CF The Ontar lo hurt oi AppeIi WedneIday increased the prison terms oi three Scarborough borough mo torcycle gangmembcn convict ed oi raping 21yearold ch er in their clubhouse The court increased to eight years the liveyear remagIlnst Terrence Wayne Wood30 Toronto Robert Gordon ouaeue so and Donald Erie Ford both YQIiIrFii19erliPSFVr ingrheuaminerClassifiedW ngee yourwoythrouglr the abundance of treosures you find in Eitomihdfllatsifiod Ads Youll find bigfytroosuret homes of every deseiiption eon trucks trailer and been Youll find Iismnilar tiieoiurer too patI muIieol instruments on en furniture and sporting goods ing pools and garages and to epoir roofs floors or plumbing Youll find jobs and ploplc to Wit can be Very ï¬llielpfulea meros timeund money Toronto but been unitneed to one yeIr deï¬nite plus two years less day indeterrrdaatr Their sentences wen inneased to Iem years Outrte Gite Justice George GIle described tho em as sordid Ind decoding The attorneygenerIir depart ment Ippcaied the sentences lIst June it Is beelng too lent eat Ind not taking into Iccounta the elements or deterrence and protection oi society tird To Indians mnorm CPI thn onu to government has epproved grant oi $74000 to assist the Amlk Association with its uork with indium in northwestern Ontario John anerniro IodIl Ind iImiiy service minister saldln statement Wednesday the grant bu been increased by $9000 this year in recognition of the success oi the Issociationl Wim IQWitlr our tprromssrtrNAL EXECUTOR SERVICES out our nmuttamm Corporqu