Walla fublllhor it would be mistake to press the panic button in Barrie in respect to snowmobiles me there have been accidents in voiving snowmobiles in which people have been killed or injured but such mishaps should not bring about enact ment or bylaw to bar all such veh icles from the streets There has been some indication that such law will be considered There are 1200 licenced snowmobiles in Barrie Any law which would force the owners to confine the use of their vehicles to arm iieldaor rural roads could be an inconvenience and even hardship And snowmobiling would be much less ota sport than it is today The question of control was discussed this week at meeting of the recently ormed civic operations committee delegation of snowmobile enthusiasts ini eluding representative of manuinc turer asked the city toeniorce present 85 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jan 21 1934 Sir Lyman Duff Chief Justice Supreme Court oi Canada iormer teacher at Earrte Collegiate Insutute had knightl hood conferred in Kings Honors List Brothers Field and Walter Downey contested municipal elections Field was defeated by Richard Greenlaw in bid for reelection as Reeve 01 Pics but alter Was elected Reeve of Vespra our Club honored Dr Raymond Hughescllarier member before de arr ture to continue dental practice in am ilton Magistrate Compton Jeifsof Danie presides at onllia court until con ayor JohnFCraig called public meet to discuss ways and means of getting new skating and hockey arena for Bar rie It was burned down last March Barrie Colts beat Newmarket Redmenin junior hockey 46 Goalsfor locals scor ed bysEmerson Red Reynolds GroiIer ud Kashner George Kennedy and iaurlce Stmnsman Jack Kennedy andStanley Partridge both of Barrie Scored twoigolils eachas Camp Borden Flyers beat Penetang in intermediate hockey Clark Bradley another local player got four assists Underhills shoe factory of Barrie beat Thornton Indians 104 in South Simcoe hockey with James Victor Byrne starting on de fence At movie theatres stars of local current attractions were Elissa Landi you William binlayson settled more Janet Gaynor Warner Baxter Spencer Tracy and Loretta Young At Roxy Lilian Harvey and John Boles tea tured in My Lips Betray Advt stat ed she found herself hiding under the kings bed Lem Bros entertained 24 transients for dinner at Hongs Cafe Mercury dropped to 34 bélow Thomas Olsen of Simcoe Packers and formerly with Copaco moved family to Saint John NB Town Council de cided to appoint tax collector full time Treasurer Hany Coleman paid re cord number bounties of $15 each for wolves shotor trapped in Simeoe Coun ty Daniel Quinlan reelectedchair man separate school board St Marys Parish Frank Foster father of Judge Foster appointed shop superintendent by alt Leaside Staples Colllngwoods man of nature stopped overnight at Wellington Hotel on annual walk Toronto and back Arthur Kin Royal Bank manager at 0k IT illiP from iiU5 eavahrm vRAnloml ti MooseitiveliDWMM MINERIfiiTEflinSb walls lou tlsrtwnllllollsrvroa 304 571 recoup Wm 99MB overallswraaullwerflm 1msmrx ENED IN CANADA turnaround irontation between DaruelsCaughrln and eleqted president Paul Lukas Marie Dressler John Barry WHERE ARE DEMONSTRATORS terday breaking 30year record here William Teller OanlraiManagor McPherson Managing Editor WEDNESDAY JANUARY sum no Dont Press Panic Button In Respect To Snowmobiles bylaw before enacting new ones this makes sense Perhaps there could be amendments Farlnsiance the city could prohibit the use oi snowmobiles on sidewalks andon main streets including Dunlop Brad ford and Codrlngton whore buses run arid motor traitic is heavy This would leave the snowmobile owners with plenty of room to manoeuvre including the right to ride out to the Countryior day of relaxing fun There could also be low speed limit Snowmobiles like motorcycles are fact oi our existence The people who own and operate them must obey the rules at safety and it would appear that the majority do The same observation could be made in res ect to car drivers and motorcyclists me of them are reckless too and when caught they are dealt with in the courts The snowmo bile ownera are also subject to the laws oi the roads but they should not be barrcdfrom city streitts because at the iooihaniy ways at law DOWN MEMORY LANE otoks Alberta native of Barrie elected of Masonic lodge LtCom mander Horatio Nelson Lay son ofMr and Mrs Harry Lay Barric engaged to marry Helen Beatnce Camplmll of Victoria Announcement ap eared in Dally Colonist of Vancouver land Miss Beulah Scott new Victoria Order nurse in Barrie succeeding MissrRaii ton Norman Ooxworth appointed rcierk Essa Twp Hinds elected chairman later light and gas commission Past Governor Dr William Lewis installed President WilliamJ Craig and primers Kiwanis Club Former star Barrtetjunior goalie Ross Bud Fisher gotreinstated as amateur after success ful career in pro ranks with American clubs Barries to curling rinks were skipped by Rev Shortt St An drewsiHunter Kennedy Bob Malcom sol10hariie Beelby Sully Meredith and Harry Armstrong Harold Wardman ADapdale railwa clerks assocrt with executive olerank CollinsErnie Hartt George Clark Fred Gosney Horace Coles Article on curling suggested best thing about game was that wives find outhusbands can sweep and make them do it at home Norman Hooper starred in goal as Barr rie Colts trimmed Orillia 71 Harold PM Stephenson looked good at centre wrth wingmates Gregg Coulsonand rHarry Livingston Lions Club played host at American Hotel to Junior Farm ersaon special Barrie course arranged by Stewart Page Lacrosse player Harry Beetorth opened butcher shopin town He has been meat manager for Eatons OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Hamilton Spectator Noisy petulant students and domon stratols in this country who shout their abuse at US Embassiesscream about police brutality when they are chall enged and demand more freedom are amazingly silent Theyll stay that way The reason is obvious Communist tactics are too ruthless too clever too outrageous to catch the notice of those who cannotremember the shock ofhor ror that went through the free world when Finland and the Baitics were curshed by Stalin when Moscow made its deal with Hitler and when the Iron Curtain shut off huge areas of Europe fromany real conununicationwith those whom the Russians disliked The parental opinion in cues Nimgnusuuwsummn astronomical iii I670 CHARLES GRANTED TliE AN AREA WAT lNdlUDEgiiUfli OF WHATviS NOW QUEBEC0NTAQIOMANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Aitb NORTHWEsT TERRITORIES iï¬iié VASTAEH WAS ADMINISTEIZED BY CO FACTORS iNTRADiNG P033 AND FORT DOTTED THEOUGHOUTWHE LAND KNOWV 13205273 LIAD HMS Jill TfllfliFiflIéfl IN 7859 rtMfMldll 0414041 Foe MAIireer years on he MlIlIflMéfl LIW Iii0 0kg MflFMyréjo 15 ova244mm con7705 onus iconic BETH Cotith 0F Vacuum cu SHORES oi LAKE EUPERIDR real WSW Sim new AROUND infinite the In The House PHIUP DEANE Fminï¬lilinmialyot ltvmay be several yoarrbe tors we can Judge Ridiani Nixon as ldent but as man he can be called re rk able He has already shown incmmvmï¬ws proof oi the sheer physical and mimi al toughnmavorlddtamplon Macias tonylneglt takes to biggestde of the United occurs plan CANADAS STORY LogisidiiuesMei Unusual Places 31 non BOWMAN Bonn oi Canodal tint provinw clal halaltans mat in unwell list Edam still mm tram ouninotorlnlllindrwu Midinorth First World one hand and chest at Ibsat in the other ulna Noahs it War However the Ihlp we am much Album commandeered tor war service gt yummy bum in mg land The Golden Boy spent the em mum rm Eamon rest or the war ballast al ton Manitoba tho that at the WI In danaer at tow my mum gnucont that would read it totho bottom den id it mt mum oi the ocean Fortunately the gt 1m in horridor mysz nirvived and The Golden mam Boy was delivered to Canada in magnum an time to take his omminot tba most spectacular legislative Pi ii Ml In buildings in Canada oullt at ioba legislature when it was such grant expense that the OPM mun government torced While the tilt Youth wan to resign The buildlw was Impressive cl lieu of Winnipeg opened officially in July rm used toljoh about the lnleraeclt but the tint onion took placp tlon oi illonde and Osborne on Jan at that year streets They rat it represented standing to leet high on the Damnation Bllvation Educaa dome oi the Manitoba legisla tlou apologislatlon because use is bronze statue known as the tour corners were occupied The Golden Boy it repre by brewery church univer ocnta tbs mm etYouth and my and Ieglalaluni INTERPRthilG THE NEWS Russia More Interested In Space Them In The Moon Jam north holding starch in manual Boy made rl in Lbeiirat mom nonnlsou CPiTlia paih which the Ruuianl have chosen in space development suggeus they may be more concsmed with exploitation oi the relation ship between space and earth Nixonhas undeniable talent be doubted been severeiy hairdlcapbed by hitmell so much that tor malty his badtgroulai He describes it years he lacked the necessary in rosy rosy colours nowadays poise and assurance to lace the in the log cabin tradition but it sodal must have held tinspollen tol meats bealuseit ldt with com filexm and drove him hot too whole textbook uli ong ago to the analysts couch Somewhere lnghls background till which so K6 wounded Richard Nixon ihairde epic his trenmhdous drivenahd More And More Parents Favor Longer Témls For High Stimul By CY YOUNG Parental opinion in Ontario appenrs tobe the man behind the announcement by Education Minister WilliamDavls that the government is willing to otter ï¬nancial aldto school boards that will keep alga mm operatingon warmth iion is increasingly in favor of slimming the educational pro cess mm kindergarten to Grade or 13 jlhegopinionia also urathlrh sdlooi students in particular have toomarw holiday periods and too much time on their hands The summer period is the holiday time that is driving parents up the nulls One educationiï¬ phrased it this new it makes absolutely no sense to go to school tower than 10 months year litany students become indolent in the sinner Its mlschiai time getvinairauble time The problem is that job for mod high school students have become scaresin recent yearn to the point of being nonexis tent University students get first dwice and sites that the Grade in crowd am alarm WWW re Baytield sneer Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class mail by the fPost Oitlca De partment Ottawa and tor payment at postage in cash Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and istatutorvaolidays excepted Subscripï¬on rates daily by carrier 50c weekly $2600 yearly Single copies me By mail Barrie 32600 yearly Ontario $1500 year motor throw otf Sleyear out side Ontario$2o year Outs side Canada British posses sions $25 year USA and foreign 552 year National Advertising Oitlcea 415 Universii Avenue Toron to 640 Cs cart Sh Mont Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is oil clusively entitled to the use iorrrepubilcailon oi all news dispatches in this paper cred lied to it or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein aspactsothisrisow powcri And the establishment amedoily the plus establish ment is verycnlel to people who Lack poise The establish ment smells blood and makes or the iugular oithe nervous victim Mr Nixonfs Jugular was all too obviously esposmi mat is why so many wounding things happened in him in his success ul run lor the vioepmlde 1952 he accepted coniri tion at slept for expenses inci dental to major political cam paign It was paltry sum in no way was it illegal or immor al tor him to accept it but it looked bad herraise he managed to make such things look bad than in beaUng the Americana to the moon While many commentators still talk ot moon race some are showing concern that the Soviet Union in successitu manoeuvring Ibo nucleus oi lag space station may be as ng to exploit 5pm primari ly or military purposes Both the Russians and the Americans have signed treaty to ban nuclear weapons lrom space but as the iondon Ecow mist points out How does any one know whether spacavplab iorma or orbiting laboratorler will be employed or reconnals communicationl and other passive military uses or im more ominous purposes Some scientists any space platforms provide the belt way at getting to the moon With various sections shot up one at time huge structure can be built in grace to provide stag ing processand rescue team loc the long and arduous trip to the moon and back The Americans have shown through Apollo that they have the necessarir equipment and technical abi ity to reach the moon though sale landing lng wall thicknesswhich may increase protection against ra diationor cabin size in older to provide laboratories or other structures in trace able Io house relatively large numbers 01 men Thersucusslul docking in Ipsce oi the two Soyuz cabins auggests in program at training up continuing airaarn oi cablt ins to produce as the Russians now say permanent spacu structure complete wllh an in ternal mallmade atmosphere and other requirements or long perioda oi living and working in space in this particular lielri oi space assemblage Sii Bernard Lovsil head oi Britains Jodrcli Bank experimental station cstL males the Russians may have touryear lead over the Ameri cans Here comes motlon plcture excrtement and escape from the moons surface is spectacular step yet to be achieved American strai That was one pitchto the min ister salooi year haggame 1izggoing he mimide the polit LETrEns numb mm as contrast Edward Kennedys Davis at Queens gap 0531 ability to handle the much more refusal to mm the school damaging charge ofnheatlng in ï¬iyanwflhéleï¬l iii id 00 st en ay air ignorance or the situation 11 THEM Mr Davis would shorlen the There is something pathetic school year they could then get about the story at Nixon driving out and look or summer jobs his mum wile to lair wth an other man He obiiollsly loved was lid it ovo out an Tiidiiiiiimrfirsls T0513 abasement His outburst against may high school student the preï¬ in 1962 alter he lost waan ummer job he must in 3mm New in spurt racing for light after Jim was Justiï¬ed by the ohrlstrnalzatid that if he hasnt my 39 ii 35 Pm got at imbibe prospect oi one Wham he db Emï¬ Hamid persecuted and Win never to reveal such feelings which Wm Em gh swig are shared byevery politician lam How lvgundlng all this has LOTSTOLEAR beenlssownconstantiybyhis fandly Shown byan interview in which Mrs Nixon burst out with rewrittnï¬mthagsbaainstnd ï¬g mentors or Ami than amend your my ear ower lxons mililk provide Held tubs rastydegie who said his wife didnot want could learn loillortgcampe mm so in Forum for Mutugldes dlmng negating Nixons daughter her fathers if permidkuaaa my the spy WW ates the largest lands and to gr ww rests mm on But he made it He lurvrved heat The problem Mr Davis aces marks thetwenty years oi oi eolmse is that his oath W98 sarcasm the uldlgmilea of At die same timenit would make no sense at all to simply keep students in their schools at to add to the already astronaml eel defeats andrbe woollino caloost at the educationsys MUM Dome havevoted hem Several of misï¬tsgar more aaalnstLyndon Johnson boards have indicated their will in for Nixon isyirreie tonnes to institute the Izmonth Valli Nixons 3toushness was system because dlafyrevinee agnpilfy demonstrated by the test wiilioot ihe hill all TO THE patron DearSir This is lusts little note to thank you While Editorial in the Barrie Examiner on Jpn about the good snowplowrng Job rone by the board oi works Our boys receive many com plaintsvand criticism while car rying out their duties which in you do ye all on flights all the cuithlgre being there to pmï¬t by it would dispirit most people how ever wc get an odd complimen tary letter which helps to motl vate them towards doing bat er Job it is evan more oncour aging when the local newspaper through their editorials explains our problems to our employers the taxpayers On behalf of the men oi the board of works we wish to thank you for your kind editorial Ynuravery trulygt TAMBLYN MATTRESS SALE IN ourt nlsronv WOoLWORrH egy is to make will direct voyage without interplanetary stopovers This provides striking American lead inth mood race which the Russians seem in no hurry to overcome ibeargu meat is raised that the Russians do not have autï¬cicnily power iul rockets to raise heavy tbicloskinned manned capsule into moon orbit The walls of Soyuz and Soyuz are de scribed as thinner than tbosa in Apollo mm the size at the Soyuz cabin is much bigger The Russians may be sacrifilh BIBLE THOUGHT iAnd let us consider one use other to provoke unto glove and to goedworlu Hebarawa 1412 We all need to grow more in mummmrmwmrm Immwuimutmm Performances at and 830 daily MATINEE the art of putting ourselval ln each others shoes Consider HgAzgoE your neighbor whether it is the matter of doing him agood tum or restraining your oi tailom blowing smoke in ills taco As ye would that man shoulddounw en tothanr ruler available it pcrtal Ynnu Stationery and Jacksons Grill Admissionl Advance 30 at door 5115 likewise SNACK BAR Under NowManagemant ormorly Grahams West End Grill 36 ANNE 5T NORTH AM TO 10 PM DAILY 10 AMT0 paramount stones City Administrator