Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1969, p. 4

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the Norrie Exclaim Walla Publisher William Teller General Manager McPherson Managing Editor TmAY JANUARY 10 ll PAGE Council Makes Bold Move To Streamline Its Work in bold imaginative stroke Bar rie city council this week acted to stream line Its administrative work Three standing committees were eliminated and in their place two were formed to handle all clvlc business Each committee will have seven mem here including the mayor and proceed ings will be open to the press The fact that business will be reportable ls of vital importance Now the public will read newspopaer reports of actions taken by committees and of debates leading up to these decisions Formerly reso lutions of committees went before coun cil in the form ofterse statement which often required explanations And all too frequently the public was unaware of decisions until it was too late to take action Now all council business even in com mittee will be open to the public Ald erman Gerald Roberts who often re sorts to sarcasm to make point told council that the press can now take their crying towels and go home He added that there can be no more com plaints that we keep things hidden Mr Eoberts statement was an obvious reference to Examiner editorials from time to time which urged council to open meetings for the benefits of the press and the public And as the press is the public in sense we are most happy that the mayor and the alderman have listened to our cry The mayor of course has expressed desire for open 30 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jan 15 1939 its ort from Ottawa that government es mates will include big amount for ex ansion RCAF Many new buildings to go erected at Camp Borden which Will be training centre for pilots of Royal Air Force Grumbling heard from army peclt pic that armoured equipment and heav guns neglected George Drew elected leader of Ontario Conservatives Hon William FinlaysonMidland MPP SimcoeEast vacated seat so Colonel Drewcould enter legislature as Leader of Opposition Mayor liab ertson recommended increased pollce force at inauguraL Kings Highway No 27 publicized as Buffalo to Barrie route north In Barrie Essa innlsfil Eccles Elizabeth streets Parkside Drive Boss and Bayfield streets designated as connecting links planned for paving Richard Wolfenden elected chief by volunteer fire brigade Convention dele gates will be Cecil McMulkin George Coles Harry Hook Willis Lee George Lavery retired after 47 years service with ONE at Allendale James Blair elected chairman Board of Education in future to buy wood for welfare from local dealers The Magic of Tele phony was subject of address to Klwa nis Club by district Bell manager Arthur Smith Hockey group of Barrie Colts Collingwood Owen Sound Mid land Penetang called ifinest Junior in Ontario Thornton Indians beat Ivy Cuba 44 in South Simcoe Hockey League Harry Couse in goal and Gordon Dawson at centre both of Cookstown starred for Thornton Ron Stewart was power on defence Davis Arnold got Ivy score Two Toronto men charged with burglarizing Zellers store in Bar rie Crown Attorney Frank Hammond KC stated they would appear in Crimin al Court Frank Cancilla relt elected chairman Separate School Board Graham Spry Iondon correspon dent for CBC began series of talks on Wm IT HAPPENED IN CANADA rle rink of Matthew Repetition Harry andtell revelations Armstrong and Harry Hookundefeated Town Council decided meetings and we must infer that his in fluence has been considerable in bring ing about the change As to the twocommittee structure we feel it is good thing The aldermen wui be better informed about the details of civic business than they have been in the past and they will come to regular council meetings with knowledge of what has transpired The reports of committees In the press should add to that knowledge There was only one disquieting note at this weeks council meeting This was the decision to strip Aid Jaok Gar ner of chalrmanshlps The fact that members of the striking committee who recommended the new setup ore Liber als may not have had anything to do with it Nevertheless it is true that Aid Garner is staunch Conservative and his political leanings may have affected his place on council if this is so it is regrettable Politics should have no place on council especially since no pro vision hee been made rorthe party sys tem Men are elected on their merits and not as standardbearers or any party It is to be hoped that party politics will not enter strongly into council bus iness good start has been made on reorganization Themove has been made with one purpose inmind to bringgreater efficiency into civic gov eminent and for this alone council de serves warm congratulations DOWN MEMORY LANE European affairs He Is nephew of Frank ry lilies Adele Spry and Mrs James amllton of Barrie Ed Brysons tea room featured this week cream puff sundae for 15¢ Contractor Reg nick busy on alterations at Harold Hills garage Coach Bill Bell has 30 Elayers trying for dozen places on new arrie Lions Junior heckey club Pet er Sinclair is manager William Garner secretary Garrison Club beat Town Hall Club 1410 in badminton at Barrie Armoury Skip Albert Simons Ban at Midland bonspiel Tony Saso continued to lead scorlng averages st Barrie Bowling Academy Allendan activities in young mens section en larged Allan Percy elected resident New hockey league supervised George Kightly Secretary Lloyd Merrill discuss ed at meeting new book called Twenty One Douglas Galbraith wrote col umn for Examiner on Boy Scout activi ties in Barrie First Troop at Trinity was led by Scooter Jack Coleman Second Troop at St Andrewsby Harry Rooks Third at Collier by Bill Malcomson OTHER terrors VIEWS VOICE FROM THE WINGS KitchenerWaterloo Recdrd Its been PlerreAmong the Eskimos llerre Among the Playgoers Pierre mong the Postal Problems Pierre here Pierre there Pierre everywhere but theres been hardlyiamentlon of Mr Stanfield and hed be less than hu manand less than politician if he didnt try to crank up the occasional re minder that hes still extant Now really how would you feel if your were the Conservative chief and your best speeches garnered less space than prime ministerial dive into quarry at St Marys meta on man WATER aFCAViAIiI WILLIAM nos uIE FOUNDEitoF Neross us may WAS GIVEN our oAAr vuwo lSl7 avicoo sometime THEN GOVERNOR oi Nova Scotla scozGyr orifice4 EMMAan PIAl0 fillV50 4r arrests as sitMW twoNo MIDSAWIIIIE r691 or Peres its cullich was ram pron herald ac to WHEREaIMMMIZIS MMwnltsroultsnusi AGAINST NE WISHEi oF THE sisuop Ilv WEEW 7y IslEVE 11525 mes125M OTTAWA REPORT 501d Scores Paid mum menouon OTTAWA Judy Luhiarsh has been nomedCauIdas Woman of the year more than once on ihebasis of the newspaper space filled by her ongolugs She is in serious dan gcr olv ihat some prominence this your journalists repeti tiously quote spicey extracts from her oilspice new book Memoirs of Bird in Gilded Cage Judynever shrinkingvl plot on Parliament Hillis moir lng her former colleagues here shrink violently by her kiss in this book she has paid off someold scores despite desperate blue pencilling by nervous rewrite editors and cautious libel law yers She has also paid off her political debts she writes that she quit politics last April with debts of $25000 which by that coincidence is the exact figure mentioned as the advance royali ties paid for her bookrepre sentingthe royalty at iii per cent of its $795 sale price on over 31000 copies The bird sings interesting instant foot notes to the recent history of that gilded cage but most sig nificantly believe she has documenteda plea for equal op portunity for women in land where they are new second classrltizenr Judy gives short shrift to her male colleagues in the Pearson cabinet and even shorter to her fellow MPs in the Liberal party in her first daysia Parliament vhlch were yet inthls decade They drank too much and worked too little she says they not THOUGHT And Jesus moved with norm pusionput forth his band and touched film and saith unto him will be than clean Murk 141 God is stillvahls to do what ever you are willing to believe Him for According to your faith so be it unto you am the Lord God change not The Barrie Titanium 16 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office De pertinent Ottawa and for Paymoot of postage in cash Raturn postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by 50c weekly $2600 Single copies too By mail Barrie 32am yearly Ontario $1500 year motor throw off Sill year Out slds Ontario $70 year out side Canada British posses slons$zs year USA and foreign$32 year National Advertising Offices 475 University Avenue Toron to 640 Cathcart St Mont real liierober oi the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circidotlons The Canadian Press is ex clusiveiy entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches In this paper cred lited to It or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein were unfriendly to rid though Bud Drury did once stand senti nal outside while she used Mens Room She shows an exact eye In evaluating the fa miliar personalities on Parlia mentiiill She praises Walter Gordons byfar and sway the best of the Cabinet ministers but she hits hard when was mad clear through that morn ing which should have been so special lntho life of this woman lilcr Excellency Mrs Mich oner was to be spoiledby Mrs Pearsons Brottlness As secretary of State Judy was Parliament Hills ringmas ter Imprint cpl enjoying triumpiir but encountering trials vsueh as the funeral service for evaaveraor General Massey when tbewlfe of Justico Minis ter Turner bridled at the order excluding wives and chose to ignore protocol and sneak into conspicuous seat in the over Ottawa Cathedral Judy kindly but reluctantly ra sirained her henchmen from throwing out the wilful young woman who had gateerashed But the most significant and readable parts of ill bestseller arc lion Judy Latiarshs main theme that all females in Can ada are handicapped through being born with their fathers features and their mothers fix tures The dirty jobs of poll tlcs the Jobs with no glamor QUEENS PARK ion In Judys New BOOk LETTERS TO EDITOR on run you Dear Sir Phiinure of Ontario the of ms mode the great er of entering politics Eran Cinclnnaiue of that Presider Drury of Shicoo Camry the fannere were not carries an ar tide by one of the sble lenders often fall to her she sayswith truth But this is womans lot In Canada she suggests womenhavc to clean off sticky bottom when diaper needs changirflg wash the cold eggy plates lek off the accu mulated dust and look after sick people Judy was nearly stopped from running for parliament in Niag ara Falls nobody would vote for woman Yet all political parties in Canada operate by and through woman wlro do all the deadly dulltbut essential work After her retirement from politics Judy perhaps wrote this book io earn her daily breadonly because her applicationto ioln low firm for which she was well qualified was turned down by the Toronioldodo heading it because of her sex Women Judy asserts have filch all the servlent positions in Canada but they find the deck ropes up when they try to of the farm movement in ms dleaex Owfly The great need today is for turners to meek with one voice through an organiseiloa that has no political ties fheo since it has no political bias all farmers can present ihelr case before Queens Pest and Ottawa to bring just mllltlfl of the ef fluent society to tire femien on the concession lines world needs food rep idiy increasing world union requires ever more cod wiih equitable distribution of wealth to buy amrdlng to need We learn from history The ion united Now in 136 under the Ontario Foderstion of Atrlurliure and the Ontario Farmers Union the finals Firfiltl avoidst co co ood the leaders have need of the ferum at heart they will gladly abolish the serials of privileged office and form one arglnlslilou with leadership free politics lhe news media especially lo cal and provincial press have responsibility lure They mid print plans sod as rug gcetod by this Middleman leader place these plans before every former in Ontario sod sitar study let them make choice We have able Ministers of Agrf witure at Queens Park and 0t tsws eager to ierlsieie the lust doll for the fermers if they peak with one voice This Mid dlesex flnclnuetus her provid ed an able statement of the sib uatloa Now for united acilon WILLIAM ORCHIARD shown THE WORLD Britain Needs Help OnyAirican Issues ay erran nuns Foreign Affairs Analyst One does not have be rs cist to be taken aback by the at iliude of African states towards Britain They are accusing Brit sin of rscielist immigration pol icies for not letting in Ariana these African states areexpel ling Brltelu Is being accused of raelullsm for not giving refuge to the victims of African racial ism The most astonishing part of ihe whole business is that the Africans do not even seem to realize that they are being raci alists at all Which reminds me of an em counter with Krishns Manon at UN session when he had sup poricd the annexation of New Guinea by lodonesla but up posed sslmller process between Greece and Cyprus asked him why and he answered that the New Guinea case involved dis pute between colored people and whites whereas in Cyprus it was whites and whites and so no concern of his Nor was fun gary much of concern to lilr Manonwhites were being inean to whites and whites no doubt deserved one another Undeniably the whites have colonized and exploited the cal ored people for some conturies now and even though most of these colored people now have their independence inevitably they bear scars which show limit is very difficult to regult move up to first class to an ex ecutivs position see no ev idence that active hostility to women In roles outside their homes is very widespread in Canada she asserts cynically my own conclusion is that men simply are not aware that women exist This believe is thelmpor tanj theme of book many will rea Constitutional Reform Kaput As For As Govt Is Concerned By CY YOUNG The pessimistic view at Queens Park toward constitu tional reform is that the whole thing iskaput at least for the time belog Several significant changes in the situation have occurred dur ing the past month or twothat have prompted members of the three parties to wonder if con stitutional reform will ever be attainable in Canada The most important of these changes is the new hard line adopted by Premier John Ro barts Although the premier himself has been cautious prov incial Treasurer Charles Mac Naughlon spoke rorhlm when he said it would be pointless to discuss constitutional reform with Ottawa until Ottawa is pre pared to talk fiscal reform and to acknowledge the claims or the provinces for greater share of tax revenue On two occasions late last year Mr Roberts and Mr MacNaughlon returned empty handed from fiscal talks with federal Revenue Minister Benson Facing $300000000 deficit In the next fiscal year the Ontario government will have toilncreasetaxes in the budget tobe Introduced In the legislature after the session re sumes Feb The hard line is difficult one for Mr Roberts It was he who convened the Confederation of Tomorrow conference in To ronto inNovembcr 1967 that developed the cooperation of the late Premier Daniel Johnson of Quebec and led directly to the federalprovluciol talks in February 1960 These were tohavo resumed last December but Mr John sons successor Premier Jesu 31ach Bertrand became ill and they were postponed until February Now there doesnt seem to be much point in the opinionof many observers in going ahead with them The other provinces are vir tually certain to be uncoopera livetheyll follow Mr Roberts leadon constitutional reform until the Trudeau government becomes more Wrative on fiscal affairs stalemate situation has been firmly established IOSES CDMJVIITTEE The other significant change in the situation is thatlilr Ro barts has lost his standing com mittee which was to have coor dinated the opinion of the prov inces for presentation at feder alprovloclal talks on reform of the constitution Mr Johnson died and Premier most Mau nlng of Alberta retired Mr Bertrand is an automatic successor to Mr Johnson but there are rumors at Queens Park that his health may pre clude him from this extra load the health record of Quebec premiers in recent years has been appallineg poorand that his substitute would be Educa tion Minister JeanGuy Cardinal who is regarded at Queens Park as being litileshort of separatist In tireWest the situation is no much beer Premer not much better Premier Bennett of British Columbia has no interest whatsoever in constitutional reform and never late inicrnatlonal relations ll siandards are unequal to the ex tent of the African demand in the case of British Immigration laws Such demands by African siaics can only make more diffi cult the efforts of enlightened British politiciansrwho are against raclaiism Their taik Is madc harder when the demands of rho Africans so disregard ea ulty And the enlighicned British politician need all the help they can get They live in demo cratic society in which they must take Into account the will of the majorityil they do not they lose power So for malarv ity opinion in Britain has not been racist There is strong and very vocal minority which opposes further colored immi grailou There also is Mr Enoch Powell who says the col ored immigrants olready la Briioln should be given finan clal Indiiccmcnt to get out of Britain Most British politicians to theirhonor have rejected the temptation of exploiting the demsgogle potenilei of the ra cial issue and they would be In svterrlbla dilemma ii African unreasonablcness made racial Ism more fashionable in Britain After all the racists are only saying Why import the sort of crisis which now plaguesthe United States Why not keep It out is it wrong to hope to avoid trouble when it is still possible to avoid it ciwa nre tunersli Etflldfim noun TODAY TWOd SIM PtM SPECIAL CHEDRENB SHOW SATURDAY so crummox DAESENIS uiuiunam NOW SHOWING one Show Daily Hombre pm IN taro KothAa eacormiou marinas inure Julianna nastier spasms srsssinnausau pLus murmursim invintwyu riruucunculiiicnnosoon IIIANEGIIEIIITO attend discussions He sends representative Premier Harry Strorn of Alberta ls new to the scene in Saskatchewan Pro mier Ross Thatcher has the IIOMBRE ga turnou same attitude as Mr Benneith gt Adult Entertainment

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