Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1969, p. 2

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MM II thAllloN left and Mrs Cox members pi the Barrio Art Club dis cuss the three films which were shown last night at tho clubs monthly meeting Ex aminer Photot iArt Club Views Films iDuring Friendship Night iThe Barrie Art Club met last night iJI the library hall to view films shown by Mrs pl Wharton in conjunction with Frimdship night lht1 first film Kurelek was the gentle storyoi immigrant homesteadch on prairie arm told through the paintings of am Kurclck Chinese Painting its fradi tlon and Technique depicted much oi the principles and an cient tradition of Chinese Art through demonstration of bus band and wife tcnm Chow Chino Onion and Chow Leung Chen Ying who are artists and teach pi ers in Hong Kong Members oi an advanced painting night class will be dis aying triptychs paintings done on three panels side by sidevin the library hall onnILlA CPI The acting superintendent of the Oriilia hos tal for the mentally retarded today denied charge by The last film shown Crafts member of the Ontario legisla ol lily Province was film tour of New Brunswick crafts men demonstrating their pot tery handlooming and jewellery design Many members of the Art dlub will have their paintings or on display in various locations in in turn that there were 228 empty beds at the hospital and zoo ur gcnt cases on the waiting list Dr Vera Binnington said that there were empty beds at the hmital wish knew where cy were She was comment on statements Tuesday by the next few weeks Dr Morton Shulman New Dem Original paintings by the art cub members will be shown in tho arniotlry at the Home Show Jan to 23 from pm to to to pm ocmtic member for Toronto High Perk Dr Binnington also said One rin hospital staff members have been warned not to divulge with folk festival Each parti cipating artist will chose folk song title and paint represen tation oi the song The artist may choose any medium Ifinal arrangements es in time and date have not been completed Deny Beds Empty Ilt Hospital For The Retarded In Oriliia details oi hospital opcratlons and administration to members of the legislature and other per sons but to direct inquiries to Health hlinister ltlntthetv Dy mond She said the warning came after hospital authorities met with Dr Dymond recently She said offenders face the possibility of being brought be fore the atlarneygenerals de partment for disciplinary action Dr Shulman Tuesday releas ed table he said came from the health departments research showing 1559 empty beds in pro vinclal mental hospltais Nov 30 while Eta persons were awaiting admission IFSays Community colleges iDeveloping Haphcizcirdly OTTAWA Icri Community to colleges in Ont seem to be devvcloping in cry haphal atLi loathed Frol Scam ldn oi Carleton University told Ye commission on the relation of ship between universities and governments which held its tirst of hearing Wednesday at Carleton Uhlversity left to universities If seemed clear though that the province wanted to keep its hand in this area of education in way it had never done in the education other professionals Prof Pauline Jewett director Cailctons Institute of Oanav Ilian Studies told the commis sinn the federal govermrrent hon Scaninn director of the should take over university op universitys school ot journal crating costs by making direct ism was commenting on brief income payments to students to presented by the executive of cover the cost of their educa tlie Carleton University Aca demic Staff Association He is its president in tlle brief the executive placed the blame for such sit uation squarely on the province is Queens Park that is nanclng the new colleges and it is uecus Park that has failed to to contNil their growth It is also Queens Park that is grad ually tightening the control over university development Concern about waste duplica tion and standards led the exec quc to believe that careful review of developments in the tion Such payments would have to be administered by an agency comparable to the Canada Council uthiehwould also ad minister student awards gtCarleions mmlssion that the federal govenunent should give support universities in the fields of seamh and culture It is not incumbent on us at this stage said Prof Paltiel define culture or re senate told the search but to acknowledge that the federal government has claimed competence in these areas The nongovernment CUflitlllS sion financed by $150000 grant from the Ford Honda tion is to hold hearings across Canada during the next few months EMERGENCY NUMBERS City Police 7285588 OPP Fin Dept Hospital CITY NEWS MINER THURSDAY JANUARY comm cannon Hopes To Pass Along Savings The question of whether Sim coo County will be ruccessful in endeavor to pan along at least some ot the Administration of justice cost savings to ratepay ers to currently receiving ntteolt lion when the 1069 council holds its first meeting on Monday it will elect warden then ap quess tor grnnstt and ohre extt point committeal lie Ipirsts for grants and other ex penditures will be made it the usual procedure tollowed and these will be referred to the tin anca committee for considers tan with the new budget 1969 BUDGET SOON The 1969 budget is likely to be placed before council for its consideration early in Febru ary Ordinarily some increase in in rate might be antlctpat= ed in View of inflation and big er costs but with full settlement still to be reached with the Out arto government for adminis could change the picutre cou tratton of Justice costs this could change the plcutre con siderably year ago the government assumed the payroll as phase one of the takeover of Justice cost and during the year phase two dealing with service cestr went into effect No agreement was reached despite prolonged negotiations concerning rental or sale of justice buildings during 1968 Terms of such an agreement could have considerable effect on 1969 county tax rate TAXPAYEIIS STILL PAY point which has been given some stress is that regardless of the deal ultimately made it will be thetaxpayera who will meet the costs in any evenlln steed or hearing the expense through county taxationhil will come in provincial tax What form this will take ls tint yet clear but increased sales tax or income tax have been among suggestions with the prospect ol provin cial tax increase ratepayers are hoping for saving train the county Administration of justice in 1967 the last year the county had control cost about 0000 The registry otiice pro duced net revenues oi some see 000 to reduce the burden on taxpayers Phase and of the provin cial takeover effected onlvone tontlio mill saving last year when 12i mill rate was ap proved This was partly due to nearly mill increase in road levy and other higher expendi tures Among department which WINGEII SIDELINED LOS ANGELES AP Rod Gilbert right winger with New York Rangers suffered two scratches on his right eye in Tuesdays game against to An geles Kings and will be out of National Hockey League action over the weekend EMBASSYV asked increased budget was the county assessment committee Iihtch provided fuel on raging controversy over the merits of the county action to taking over assessment powers from local municipalities in 1966 The 1968 budget was for moose up from $01000 from 1961 REVENUE DOWN The county bar lost some of its assessment revenue for 1969 with 0rlllia separation as new city and looking after its own assesment Orilllas contribu tion to county miter for the 1968 assessment was close to $70000 which was over three times the 1965 figure when Dr illia controlled its own Despite this change the anti clpated budget is expected to run close to last year due to other tactors the need for more qualified assessors higher pay to meet competition and other increased costs in reassesstng program has to be provided for The effect of the loss of 0rll llas 3446000 overall county tax levy of 1968 also remains to be seen and how this will be shar ed by other municipalities Qr lltln received good portion of its money back including road rebate of about $90000 assess ment service was provided wel fare adminislratlo and so forth The new city has agreed to retain most of these services excluding assessment and roads for the first six months of 1969 and agreed to accept tax levy accordingly For roads tho new city will gag on suburban road system ROAD WORK DEMAND There has been Ir heavy de mand for road work and the road levy depends largely on how much of this work the county council desires to under tako during 1969 Reconsrucv tloII on county road 12 south of Craighurst straightening of county road 10 in Essa new bridges and other projects have been asked and these will be reviewed by the new road commlttee The committee then will make Ir recommendation to county council which has the powers to accept or amendthe cport after review is made This Is your very cordial Invitation to hear MR LLOYD DENNIS CITChairman of the controversial HullDennis Report on Aim and ObIeCIIVes ol Education in the Schools of Ontario It In open meeting sponsored by The Barrie Club The Canndlnn Federation of University Women why In 21 1969 Codrlngton Public School Codrlngton Street ans prn Coffee will be served TEEN TOWN THIS SATURDAY THE IDLE RECEPTION Heor John Holiiiioy BA in Otoyears of Ministry as Pastor Counsellor and Bible Teacher Hr PER grooved selected Pacific Mahogany NOW 359 SENLPTIIBII by EVANS NOW 1050 EA grooves speaks out in Sculptura Plywood BEAVERS PANEL plywood panels reg 535 HOW TO BUILD REC ROOM KITS FREE AT BEAVER no dramatic beauty of deep embossed panels to choose from Avocado PREFINISHED TOASTED MAHOGANY Duracoat baked on finish random Now 419 and panel reg 475 PREFINISHED PANELS 50 Panels Reg 1150 ioodgrains enriched with extra wide 91 Glazed Hickory and Natural Hickory Permanent Beauty With Genuine weldwood VELVETEX WHITE PANELLNG CEILING TIIE iaxcn it Panels rog 680 NOW $550 Beavers Low Price two coat white quality Domtar tile tongue and grooved for easy application Price 11c per square foot Preflnished RIGID INSULATION PERMFOAM Ideal for rec room walls floors and ceiling lightweight easy to cut to ti panel 139 Polythene lttlcrol MOISTURE BARRIER An economical and effective moisture bar rier for basement walls 500 sq ft roll only 3169 RESMCRETE MASONRY WALL PAINT Paint on moist ure tcction and at on basement walls 200 sq it cover age per gal STiiiousT WHITE CEILINGTILE 93 gal Each ltficro perforation keeper noise down beautifully prefinished white easyto apply edges Reg Value 16¢ each Coéoperatives Name President MNDDN Ont CPI Rolf ert McKercher of Dublin Ont Wednesday was elected presi dent of United Copperatives of Ontarioaz its annual meeting here Fred Hamilton of Guelph for mer second vicepresident was It first vichprcsident Elected second vicepresident was bruce McGutcheon of Pro ton Station Ont Elected as directors during the twoday meeting which ended Wednesdsy were Mr MeKcrcher Tyson Laogman of Hawkestone and Ron Martin of Rec Room Ceiling Fixtures Recessed Ceiling Fixtures 795 For Bright Cheerful Rec CEILING AND WALL STRAPPING Selection at Beaver in cludes woodgraln and SPRUCE Spruce only so Ln Ft postdecondary cducntion field is badly needed KEEP LINDEN THUth nether concern viiis the provinces appare decision that it would be better if educa tion of primary school teachers wk OArmy maplain World War 11 OProfessor and Seminary President IAutnor Editor and Columnist Life From Above Measuring Jonahs Whale The GOD IS DEAD Cult small and lar nirbulenoe and Truth etc com ger sizes as low as World Eventsondvchrists Relurn FRIDAY January l7 or 745 puny Tha Spirit of AntiChrist SAIURDAY January IsoI 745 pm World Stota tr World Church MUSICAltY Tenor Soloist Lloyd Knight Steelworkers Ilt Orillia Consider Contract Otter GRILLIA Officials and members of LocnlMT United Steelworkers Union are to meet todayto decide whether or not to accept the latest Bar River Charles Huffman oi contract offer from Donplun Irorrowway elected directorat long Ltd an engineering firm llarge manufacturing heavy equipment gt for the mining and pulp and NEW PANELECTRIC RADIANT HEATERS For rec rooms and hard to heat areas Safe radiant heat no fans no exposed elements silent op eration guaranteed for years SA approved ASMW As 3695 USE THE BEST EON LESS Cil PAINTS CILTDNE LATEX Reg 1365 gal CILIONE FLAT Reg Kill CTLUX FASHION GLOSS Reg 1395 gal NEW LOW PRICES ONLY 1092 ONLY ONLY 1116 paper industries Details of the films latest otter made Tuesday following meeting in Toronto were not disclosed but the union is seek ing higher wages in contract for one or two years to replace threelyear contract that ex plred last Nov The union also wants 40 hoor WEeit instead of the present 41hour week at least one more statutory holid and revision of the classification DID YOU SEE CAPRI Iilontreal Queriette The Kings Ambassadan EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 128 St Vincent St Barrie it floor one SWING DITO ACTION WITH BUDGET ACCOUNT Only 3695

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