Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1969, p. 15

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CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER East dealtr Northswtb vulnerable nonm Ana on our 4x us cunt Ato yum on Ana it 410552 SOUTH coma onion questi The bidding East South Writ Karla Pan Pan INT Pm Pas av Pua Pm Pan Dbl Opening loadking oi spades bridge player like poker player does not take kindly to Ihe possib iy that his opponent is bluiling him and many players will go to great lengths to ex pose psychic even though only suspicion of it exists am re minded at this by hand play ed many years ago in world ionship tournament against Sweden opened the hand with per lcctiy normal bid at spade and the Swedish North overcall cd with one notrump South jumped to three clubs with what appeared to be gomngoing hand and North responded three hearts South was now stuck tor bid bccausc he wasnt keen bout uolrump and he was also reluctant to commit the hand in minor suit game by bidding our clubs or diamonds So he temporiled with three spades leaving room ior three nntrump and at the same time allowing North to carry on in any other way he saw lit including tht possibility oi bidding game in spades TELEVISION PROGRAMS IlUFFALO BARRIE BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFALO TORONTO Il IIAMILDON 12 PETERIIOIIOUGII MORNING VIEWING MONDAY TD FRIDAY lino Mo 2rndv Show Is 4cnt Kangaroo 5mo av leraliv oi uni nu llitohln IIovd Enigma 114A litic tone 12 vorce court ntact 7nlallnd or rain onomncr Room No ll tziirvo 94th School THURSDAY JAN 16 EVENING Andean aura niiuiair ian lrrv GrIIIilI ovie izGaurmet CLtnklfiltnl Show 51 Mtlfi Lucy Tn 2Hazel 3i lHnnnl IIllflll dTruta or Janice unananu llllxlna island 97mm Smndal At 7N5 iiiiuclr and You azon niomcr orarry hilann 2rav carm lZMr nrm go Strike Sam is no onarnlax hlctro ktnn Jagmen School rues Tour 354 Iillen Lucille Ball Hartnon Playhoqu n3 2Conccntntlon ilIrlendlv Cher cch HHS itas tstsrly Hillblillcl llNewl Saintiv sinnml 9star Trek Scooriel iiGomu Pyle unto lNewiywed 5am znaritoi anon Upon turning his partner had apadea North decided that even though had hid apades titlght not have them and accoth ha raised South to our Ipadel Alter two passesapparently my partner also suspected nu spade bid lour spades came back to me bad no reason to oucxtton the honesty oi my spade bid to doubted This turned out very well and we defeated the con tract two tricks500 pointsai trr had led the AK and an other spade it was an especially good result for us since three no trump could not have been de ieatcd The moral oi the tale it there ll one is that while it is per iecily proper to suspect your oo patient at attempted skulduggcry you should be doubly careiul not to convict him on circunr atautlal evidence only THORNTON By M115 IIOLT NEW STUDY Trinity United Church Women held their January meeting at Mrs Cunninghams Itc causc oi weather conditions at tendance was smaller than us ual Rev lililrny was pre sent to instal the 1969 execu tive Mrs Carr presided tor business when committee agreed to make plans to serve lunch at Francis Cranes sale Feb l5 and decision was made to purchase flowers to ad orn the Church or the winter The 1969 budget was approved Discussion centred around the aupply allocation and every one was to respond with cloth ing article to be brought to the next meeting Its an introduction to the new study on China roil call was answered by brict current 7chk Cntt VUncle liobe mo LPorronlltv IZLIVn iAnav Griltlth 9Dlnnv Thoma iinn Allan nadlan 25 12min or week ZlIollywood Sanres 4Dch Van nvka sBlz Sounders GI llBaiora Noon ioznn zouaa Kin Hudd oAdsm i1 iiatm Grillin noun Martin innn siian At The Cent 90ur World limo Sir 91112 ro ooon tifilitlfi Retrozenr Foods Dangerous To Eat OWN MD Dclr Dr thnrteaon We oltra hear that menu which have been hard men should not be twinned in what my may suah meats be injurious to health is it sure to mtreeaa meat that has partially thawed but is still cool MM Dear Doctorsl know several people who will not cook or eat any meat that has been iro zen lhh seems lame to be such wasted convenience Mll It is matter 01 bacterial growthin the matter or re irening that la There is no reason in the world tor avoiding meat that has been irozen so long as it has been properly handled Foods in deep ireeze can be kept sately tor long periods or time ihutving and treezing is anoth er matter Foodstutis in general can he expected to contain bacteria mat is why ioods spoil why milk souls at turns rancid other types foods ter merit Not all at these bacteria are necessarily harmiul to eat but sometimes untrlcndly bacte ovcnt on modern day China Toward Understanding China was brought before the group in two parts namely The Subject is China given by Mrs George unit which depicted poor com unlcations between Canada and China and letter from China Visitor by Mrs Cecil Breihet which told of Cunn dinn bouscwilo visitng Canton China lively discussion fol lowed This stimulated interest in news items at the 750 mil lion the largest country in the world It short worship service whose theme was word spoken in due season how good it is was conducted by Mrs Black Everyone was urged to attend the annual meeting nd Simcoe Preshyierinl UCW in Collier Street United Church BarrieFeb social time concluded the evening Congratulations to Earl Cart roll Barrie Civilian personnel officer at CFB Borden who was presented with ledcml civil service 25 year certificate and pin He is married to the armor Maud Fltehcr daughter or Mr and Mrs Vernon Fletch cr inrmcrly of Thornton Sympathy is extended to Mrs Sam hlarahali whose mother Mrs Simp son Toronto died suddenly in son Toronto died suddenly in Rom Victoria Hospital Doc 29 also to Mrs Johnson whose sister in law Mrs Robert Smith Brampton died Jan daughter was born in Royal Victoria Hospitalvlau to Mr and Mrs Jim Harris nee lilar ion Bladtt Barrie This will be sister for Gordon and first granddaughter tor lilr and Mrs Black Ha also are present vnloua types at tho salmonella germ being one the commonest can cause tood poison Wben meat is out in deep treuc the bactulahamittd or otherwise do not multiply but neither do they disappear tbey are dormant and can revive Ihereiore with each period oi thawing auoh bacteria are present bagin to multiply Al though they multiply most rapid ly when ouita warm tlika picnic nods in August anal they will still multiply atiower tempera lures As you know food spoil although more slowly in an or dinary retrigerator To prevent bacteria trota proliferaUng and cod spoiling ioods must be kept at colder temperature tbnt la in the deep been Its deeplrozcn meat thaws the bacteria begin multirdylng eten while the meat is attll cool Reflecting stop the process but not imtantly Ite mcmber that It takea quite hit time tor even an efficient freezer to ireeze rneat solidly all the way through it is possible or course to thaw meat then retrooze it and get away with it unharmed But sooner or later you willthaw some once too otten or some more savage type ot bacteria will be present and the iamin will come down with diarrhea cmrnpa or other tood poison lug distress Fond inspectors soon get an they can spot reirolen meat at glance sort oi silvery ap pearance on the aurince partio ularly with poultryis the tipeli The best rule thaaaie rule is to wrap and freeze Iood as soon as possible and keep it bani Iro zen until you are roadyto thaw and eat it Dear Dr Thostcann What causes underacllve tbyroid trou hie My daughter 72 has gained 15 pounds in three months what can she do to get her normal weight backiMra Do you know that this is case oi undoractive thyroid or are you just guessing it is not usual tor thyroid condition to develop so suddenly cant give you any advice except to urge you to have pbysiciao check her thyroid activity It that is the true cause or her trouble it can be readily treated Dar Dr mosieaon have litenlerea disease and would like to know it can stand plane trip across the Atlantic am 74 and am taking Drama mine nicotine acid and Vita mln ItR With the medications you are taking the plane trip should not bother you MAJOR ZhflLOYEIt Ihe insuranca business in the United States employed an ar etage or 1160000 in all its branches in 1966 JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT GRANDMA mamas awn meow Am one soon or manna iDEOtDGY Dossm ttnertcsr IIwoIILv COMBATITHE Dunner rue amen wotsu me was sts Heron HANDLE ti Puiwpcomom AFEW MINUTES Ado WAS SUN IATNIN iN MY BIKiN amtu BUT FIRST MADAME LEI WE WILL SEE THE PROMISED DEMONSTRAW GWSFIMMHIM ANIgtI vimrwANrrcRIsK éEEINs MYSELF IN THE want BEFORE PtJTqN MYROBE SWITCHED CLASSES DAD OUE TEACHER SAYS IM WiZ lM TAKING BUSINESS SCIENCE 5Klnir Arthur Hndy Grtrtin tnlondlc sign my mm Weather Sport TUglluat Girl mm 1ng am OFFICE HOURS Koch 1110 Naws Hchnnv Carina awnata My Line sIreamre Island 8mm ZAIeleaco 7llovte zfiTEfii Honatlun Wlntera Tm Cenmumm eita Ilapoenlnl azrunutanu 555 an SMovle 4m Waugh iaaoa Hope rm sinutcri cell tinselmm 7HI dyidi on HI oNewa Weather iDlsttnaLintl Codi Snort IZNlfix 11 Ffifilthll Spotll mrnis Fmbo ewa ov oGillmuia Island time Im Blackmalieu Danlhchcd 14h Gm 25teve Allen llPinrra Eerion snom mum hiexican Splfllrex PINE MIND Bab DEAREWITS JUST LIKEA amenspan mm iT SOAKS UD EVERYTHiNG AND GETS it ALL duo mo lNew 740nm Unknown FRIDAY JAN 17 AFTERNOON 00 ARIRI the Mill ZJeonardv flLuneheen Date llNewr Weather ii 11Ner TVtruinia Graham Snort GLuncheon Data onnvie 7Bewiiehed Th crass Bottle 24 DAILY caOssWonn King harm Syndicatl lam lrs Wu mu was too upset by your scolding for being ten minutes late to correct your mistaken in grammar BLONDIE iiainra at Rome Slctlilam IZIInvll xiii War In lieu 3335 nixrift imwm aoaoss am it 2o Kin IFopcy m5 WM Esau Pm Renown aGoddeaa Mutts um Puma 5a ggraie or juaticd 21Weava PM ZIltnotlicr world 39$ka Lmumm mm 1210 55 lZTime out this MJinger lhilkl nDttKila Lotal News 74m 51 10 Md ldcum 11 izsmea tor BEonnl Pruddcn 143mm limit1 for one Taylnror mm Tainancw 7Childrlena Doctor 94ml In Coffin illIndus tool Mtrchum 232mm 1Treuure Iain 13 mm ma elIlntrtonu 1m zYo 113 my 2Day Our Liv our xiany hum km Imm mm ra 14 BMW 7me mg 7Lov la Many mo Snlendorcd lltlnl 1Cummaader Tum penned welght mom vuInaya arrm Locum oinry 111tanapttal nl India 25erch Itovie BBonnil manta LqJefleraon 8Vaw 29weigntag a2Appcrtton VUDE MNTLEIAWIOW lEAVE MM THEN ILLIIAVETD UPDUTAND ME RANtii UNTILIIILWESWFF MEN HIM MYSELF HAS BEEN FLOWN MIT MK ALLTHE WM TD rmounar bliM 1E6 IDU WOULDNT lAST MILE MUCH tESS TWENTY as in IIIorIIEIznIIIIsnOLAI new Ctttlstl noon TDTIIE NARCD116 IWU FELLOW WHEN T0 MAKE THE RAW Born To Be Loved 7Nawlywed Gama llHauci FRIDAY JAN 11 EVENING Cityrnbhr 9Yalta davlcea 346oldtn 1SEIEDIHE 11 iii mg os vo 276irlotan 353mm zMarv Grliiin Within initials elehtrode old lady picture FWW wilti4 706 alcklu 1903mm 13oema as Group aiding 371ntelllaenca Wl 20Patt0r 15Whita displaced outlitubbr Love Lucy In dull do uHazel mm 21Atany rate poplar persona annouguiava ms firm 7qu connett iaNarrow nbbr 415mm 7Newl mum mom Mk new 01 inlet dimeptllu archaic mo kg Hm as Temporary Jrby Ewa Weather BFBI Snortst business GGiliiflhn Island 114ch Glfllin Luminaries LOW MW decline 1W DMovle mm 254 ti 2BSinglo unit My Fvvflte Soil 17 NI so Mu Haltuck It You till id ctrannual ma rot22m Irsiongfiefigfi SgiinstwAaId iiilrr iiTemm hm illSamarium 54mm 7195mm 740mm Carson aymbct Huey Bilhon Low Luci 49 Mm Entertainment 1m Llleras nucv The Bloody Jenni flThfl 5M ltHonna Heme Vlmoirc aoLargeat iznaon hlra lutr as mud in the SIilovil am Where The so san It At Hm Smart ran 74 Suv Home llTruth or SILFelin Consequence £3251 aaanm lZFliutatorica sky Party narrate linen cloth mo llinntaruma 40 WWI aNuae it Gama 631nvlc 1mm aleep 3Don Meaaer core Lower am In 44 Usiuc lzhtoyla 74 vlelony Sound Payornte Adjustrate aid gt in new ll 114nm mm AliIovle domain The mm III BUZZ SAWYER II LL BET THE WHOLE iOEA oswisuwtoweaa voIIb IIITER cums mwxnubmvomn immasrmar or II vounr GONG mo mu awtiat lily Line 5255 tlNewa Wellhnr Snort MUGGS SKEETER Puma aMnJis IIIuovia DOWN The Blank Shield mun 130 01 Failworlh 1am Hit Wild Al The Wind Hie Alien

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