stiï¬ufl earn vs an guaigrgzï¬ieévï¬yazaaba ICE FLIES around Boston Maple lcals gnnl after blast get past Gambia here It Bruins leit winger as he streaks in on the Toronto lng shot at goalie Bruce Gamble lhopuclt managed to balance on his right elbow but somehow missed the open net behind The action took place in the tirst period at the NHL conlest in Toronto CF Wirephotot Toronto Ties Boston Wings Shut Out Hubs By THE CANADIAN PRESS Detroit Red Wings of the Na tional ilockey league and their goaltender llny Edwards cclelt brated couple oi iirsis Wednesday night at the expense oi Montreal Canadiens The Red Wings won their first game in Montreal in almost three years and Edwards posted the first shutout of his NIIL co reer as Detroit blanked the Can adiens 44 it was the tirst triumph In Montreal for the Red Wings since the Stanley Cup finals ot May 1966 Edwariis 31 failed to gain shutout in as games with Detroit last season and in 12 appearances this sea son He kicked out as shots while rookie Tony Esposito in the Montreal goal made 23 saves Scoring lor Detroit were Frank RAPPERTIMES FOR Gnu Girl ridcr Barbara Jo Ruhiri is all smiles as she is kissed by male jockeys lleriherto Arroyo LEFT and Craig Per rct RIGIII in front DI her trailerdressing room at Trop ical Park in Miami today This was when Barbara Jo was slated to ride Stoncland in the iourth race and become the first girl jockey in thorough lired racing history But prior to the third race male joe keys threateneda boycott and Barbara do was withdrawn AP Wirephoto Maliovlich Delvecchio Paul Iopicl and Nick Libctt The victory moved the Red Wings into iifth place in the Eastern Division one point ahead oi the idle New Yurii Rangers The loss left the Cana dlcns in second place In the Eastern Division two points hack of Boston Bruins In other games Wednesday night the Brains and Toronto Maple Lents played to 55 tieI St Louis Blues edged Philadelp hia Flyers Pithourgh Pen gnins downed Minnesota North Stars 31 nipped Chicago Black Hawks Detroit coach Bill Gadsby da lighted to be out at the cellar at last praised Edwards and his Red Wings thought Edwards played to game for us he said but so did our deience You have to get top perioim and Oakland Scaisi once irom tbs detencemen in order to get shutout In this league Gadsby also paid tribute to Frank Maho vlich who has scored 76 goals this season Muhovlicb played whale oi game said Gadsby He is working and shooting the puck and his goal total retlectn it Goals by Murray Oliver and Tim Horton the tooth or his NHL career in the last six min utes enabled Toronto to tie Bus Ion Olivvcr scored on his own ic bound at 47 of the final pe riod and Horton connected on slap shot irom the right point at 1705 Mike Walton scored two goals tor Toronto and George Arm strong one Phil Esposito picked up goal and an assist ior Bus ton to move into the lead In NHL scoring with at points one more dinnBobby Hull oi Chica iiiiii iitiltit RACE ensures WINDSOR Ont tCPi Fazan Europeanbred trotter from Romania obtained our years ago in an unusual deal by driver Bev Kingston oiOshawa chnesday won the ieatured eighth race at Windsor Race way Fazan trotted the mile in 2014 to earn purse oi $2700 Kingston obtained Fazan along with nine other trottcrs irom Romania in trade or 25000 folding chairs The owni erdrivcr estimates the to horseswere worth $30000 and it cost another $25000 for trans portatidn in Canada Fazan earned $10543 for Kingston last year Julie Me mare Irom Both ivell 0nt that was winless in 19523 captured the opening race with VaughiiWebsterin the suiky Julie lilc paired with Marlyne Bel an 131 shot for $95M daily double Bert Madill oi Leamington 0nt ran his victory total to the current meeting to six He won the north nace wibh Willies Filly and captured sixth race photo iinish with Patty Grat tan over GarysJo Anne to re turn $1640 crowd at approached $2978 go The other Boston goals went to Ron Murphy Ken Hodge Johnny McKenzie and Jim Har rison his iirst In the NHL The Toronto comeback thwart ed Boston attcmpt to win Its ï¬rst game at Maple lea Gar dens since Nov 19 In 2t Eamts since then Boston has iive ties and 16 losses manager coach Punch lmiach charged alter the game that Bostoa tinal goal scored by McKenzie came on an oiiside play Coach llarry Sindcn oi Boston said reieree John Ashley accidentally blocked Bruin pass to help set up Hortons tying goal SCORES TWO GOALS Detenceman Carol Vadnals scored two goals to help Oaks land win its 15th game of tha seasonthe same number the teamwan all or last season Other Oakland goals came tram Gary Jarrett and Ted Hampsou while Chicago goals were recorded by Jim Pappin Ken Wharram and Bob Schmautz The win lelt Oakland In sec ondplaco in the Western Diri sine 16 points behind st Louis Chicago is tied for third in the Eastern Division with Tomato Two goals by Ron Schork helped St Louis Io its victory Tim Ecelcstone and Frank St Marseille scored the other lines goals while Leon Roche iort Jim Johnson and Garry Peters scored ior Philadelphia it was the 16th straight game without deteat for the Blues against Weseni Division oppoA siliun St Louis snapped 22 tie in the third period on goals by Schoek and Ecclestone Peters later scored for the Flyers Pittsburgh broke tie with Minnesota for fifth place in the Western Division by deleating the North Stars Scoring tor the Penguins were Earl Ingarfleld Billy D23 and Lou Angotti Claude Larose had the Minnesota goal SAVE l0e ONVANY PARTS lF NECESSARY wHEEL BALANCE Weights Included 195zzi 9510 BRADFORD sr PHONE 7285965 CAB MdkesLastMinute Try To GodsRussians TO TOur amount parse rbe adios president oi iii Canadian Amateur Hockey As socintloa has made laslvmio ute attempt tame the reluc taut Russian national team to tour Canada Earl Dawson rent telegram to the Russians assuring them that their competition during the tour world be only ironi Canadas two national teams The telegram also lnviied the Russians to bring any com plainls along with them GordonJuckas executive dis nectar oi the 1mm said that Dawson planned tattlephoao the Canadian embassy in Mos cow today to ensure that no irom the telegram misunderstandings mm the telegram Juckes has Ibid thlt the Rus sians could still reaeh Montreal de velop CTA IDeOidesi614I 54 Not TO Allow IORONN CPI It yearoid rule that prohibits li censing women drivers should stand delegates to the annual meeting oi Ihe Canadian Trotting Association It id Wednesday The delegates voted st to st against motion to rescind the rule Hector Cloutier Pembroke who introduced the motion said he was not pleased with the sup Port it received The min is pure discrimina tionsaid Cloutler owner ai Northwood Stables Our char ter is with the iedernl govern ment which does not allow dis criminatlon Im sure the CIA rule wouldnt stand up in civil court CPA solicitor John Johnston of Toronto admitted that women might be required to be licensed it the matter went to court Secretarytreasurer Findlay oi Toronto said the rule was adopted in 1953 because many members felt women lacked the strength to control must horses Some women who obtained their licences heiorevlfliii have competed regularly at Ontario tracks They include Retta Herv rington oi Brighton MIL Mil dred Williams at Ottawa and acting Huntress otGouvernor President Allan Dickenson at Mount Hope 0nt told thu meeting that batting on harness Drivers races last year may have topped $132000000 In Canada Betting will top $300000000 tor the ï¬rst time and reports still not calculated Indicate it may top $332000000 he said It marks the 17th consecutive year wagering has achieved record tor the scheduled opening at their tour there Friday night it they left today The Russians stunned the CAllA Tuesday by announcing they were backing out at two Canadian tours One was to have started Friday and tin islied at the end of the month while the cilia Involved the Moscow Selecu the Soviet team and was to have run Irom FBI to March ma roul international mores have been made since the Russians said they would not come to Canada Dawsons telegram was in response to an earlier one Irom the Russians In which they claimed they did not know what teams would provide the competition In Canada and the fin at arrangements were not satlstaclory CAME BACK TUESDAY Dawson said in the telegram that Canadas Eastern national team arrived home lrom Eu ropean tour hiesdoy and would be available or games lie also suggested the Rus sians bring up any financial complaints aitcr they have ar rived here The Russians had said earlier Wednesday that it was up to Ca nadian hockey otiicials whether the Soviet team went through with the tour as scheduled Toss the Soviet news agency issued text of cable sent by the Soviet Ice Hockey Federa tion to the CAIIA The cabin said that Canadian complaint to the international Iceliockcy Federation calling or Russia to be suspended it the tonrwas cancelled was uniusliiied The Russians said Canadas Eastern National team was still to Europe and they were afraid the Soviet team would hate to play interior tennis Another complaint was that Russian teams have played 39 games In Canada between that and I968 while Canadian team have played only three games In Russia during that period Taylor counsellor at the Canadian embassy at More cow said Wednesday lhai there have been some mivio demandings would not exclude the pop sibilitythat Iiet team will matte the he said alter meeting wih the AllUnion Sports Committee and leaders oilthc Soviet Ice Hockey Federg at on CONSIDERS SUSPENSION In Stockholm the HF re ceivrd the oiliclat request irom Canada tor the immediate sus pension oi Russia from internr Iional hockey Rudoit Ekloew Swedish iieclt president at the IIHF said the Soviet Union should be given chance to explain its decision You just cant go ahead and ban country he said Evenlual measure should believe he decided at the inter national iederations summer congress in Switderiand in July in Iondon John iBunnyt Ahcarnc European president at the IIIIF appealed to the ï¬ns sians to go ahead with their scheduled eightgame touri CAHA oiliciais said their or ganization stands to lose about $200000 if the two Russian tour are dropped THANK YOU can mum rows CARRIER mowers Collection by your Barrio amluer carrier are timed to your convenience and regular collection schedule Homey bc gin collections Thursday and cunlinuo them to Saturday Your thoughtfulness in paying him the first time he calls to chum riltl encoursga hhn in prompt service It will lava him extrawork ior whlidi he would receive no additional profit It will be greatly appreciated ONCE IN LIFErIME SALEo FINA BAYFIELD ST JUST NORTH OF BARRIE LOCATION SERVICE CENTRE Transistor TAPEQ RECORDE Compare with 1995 Electric CAN OPENER 88 chipare with tens Electric HAND MIXER 188 Compare with 95 Transistor RADIO Gift Boxed Compariv with 1295 ALL MERCHANDISE BRAND NEWLIMITED QUANTITIES OFSPECIALS Gilt auxin WALLETS In BATHISCAIES COFFEE PERCS BINOCUIARS KITCHEN SETS TRAVEL Laces BUTANE ttGHTER AGGREGATE ITEMS SOLD AT EACH SALE WILL BE AT THE PROPRIETORS DISCRETION AND HE CAN ORDER CESSATION AT ANY TIME N0 MAIL ORDERS N0 PHONEIORDERS git 2395 WE ITUY FOR CASH WE SELL FOR CASH ALL SALES FINA Ilxlz BIOADLOOM RUGS 1er Oi COUPON strata PEN SETS 88c Cut Coupon 288 288 288 288 288 if GOOD FOR ONE FREE GIFT 295 AT i0 AM OK 2PM OR PM Too NUMEROUS T0 MIRACLE EDGE KNIFE 88 Cut Coupon MENTION HERE FMAM RADIOS Anchor Hocking Gloss Wore CHIP AND DIP SETS TRANSISTOR RADIOS KETTlES iRONS TOASTERS WAtt CLOCKS MANTEI CLOCKS Piece Chrth Chairs iaan Table 95 KITCHEN SET 25 NO REFUNDS ND EXCHANGES SALE TIMES FRIDAY io AM SHARP FRIDAY PM SHARP FRIDAY PM SHARP DOVAL SALE co