marrow WEDNESDAY JAN 15 lbs May Not Need coersion Teachers Say Imam tCPt Groups rs presentlng 5000 Englishspeah ing teachers irnm the Montreal area say it is questionable whether the ErenehCanndlan nation needs to resort to coen cive methods to ensure its sur vival The comment is contained in joint hriei submitted today to the Quebec legislatures eduen tinn committee by the Montreal Teachers Association renting Protestant teachers had the Pederti on oi English speaking Catholic Teachers The briei relers to the contro lat languagerights bill which was sent to the education Committee ior study prior to second reading in the legIsla cur last December Public Tuesday The French language in Que bcc appears to be flourishing in an extentunparaileled in the past zoo years the hrict says although legislation to en sure irenehspcaiting unpioy cos the right of communication in their own language in lndus try and commerce would not be unreasonable However the large English rpeairing minority in Quebec like its Frenchspeakins coeitizcns has no intention oI disappearing Thur Quebec is bicuiturai society which must become truly bilingual soci eii CREATES PROBLEM The briet says the influx ni immigrant labor has created new and serious pmhlemvln the realm oi language and educa tion in Quebec certain number at these immigrants may arrive here with the intention of assimilat ing into the English sector and so ensure themselves at mob ility which would be lacking were they to become French speaking Any attempts to torce these immigrants to join the French sector would simply send them to Ontario or the US and thus reduce the supply oi labor we so badly need or our growing Que bee economy The hriei suggests an amend ment to the section oi the bill regarding immigrant children to limit the possibility of corr oive measures towards parents in choosing the language of edu cation of their chlldran the biii to protect minority rights was introduced alter school commission in the Mom roai suburb oi St Leonard voted last June to remove bilingual in struction in elementary classes in favor oi allFrench classes The suburb which bears large ItalianCanadian population lex ploded in controversy over the language question Parenu who Englishlanguage in struetion tor their children opened private ciaasca Trance May Help Lebanon PARTS Reuters President He Gauiie and his cabinet but here today amid growing specu lotion that France might send military iorce to Lebanon Such move probably would prove highly unpopular with Frenchmen many of vhom are still indignant with the authori tarian way in which do Gaulle last week clamped total ban on arms shipments to Israel tol lowing an israeli raid on Beirut airport Dec 2a The French foreign office said that France would not stay in different it Lebanon is threatenedha statement inter preted by political observers in Paris as atr least moral com mitment to help the Arab coun try in the event at an israeli at tacit France administered Lebanon under League oi Nations maria date Mm 1974 ler The statement cunlirmed Sim liar remarks made Monday in lieirut byiormer French infor mation minister Georges Gorse alter meeting with Lebanese President Charles Holour Gorse ostensibly want to Bei rut to open concert hall but before leaving Paris he met de Gaulie and his statement gave rise to speculation in Lebanon that France might station mi itary torca ttIeiee Besides upsetting marty Frenchmen the arms ban against lsrael also has led in roundabout fashion to an un precedented boycott by French given alter cabinet meetings Criticism at even the pro Gauiiist press of the ban led de Gaulies spokesman to remark last week that lsracli influ ences make themselves tell in circles close to the riews media This upset the journalists and despite an attempt by Premier Cnuve deMurville to dismiss the comment as an insult to no one they announced that they would not be at the brieï¬ng POPULARITY DECLINES PRAGUE AP Thousands or Czechoslovak are no longer taking traditional holiday was tions in Bulgaria one or the ed this country Aug 20 Cedok the Czechoslovak travel agency said that last year loam Cre choslovnlts visited the country For the 1959 summer season the agency has been unable to guar hearlngs on the hill opened journalists of the usual briefing Warsnw pact nations that invad antoa arwcoflhanmï¬ï¬‚o visitorsi am Ill nus It soars Your Loblaw butcher trims yourfavourite steak cuts as if he were buying them for his own family table He doesnt cut corners Just excess fat and bone This week get to know your Loblaw butcher it can be the beginning of beautiful friendship your Loblawbutcher is always thinking aboutyou knowing how you plan your meals around your family purchases SPECIAL FRESH LEAN SPECIAL FRESH LEAN WNWCW SPECIAL SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROM SPECIAL TOWN CLUB BRAND IIINDLESS SIDE MOON SPECIAL SWIFTS ALL SIZES 0NLY SINGLE FITTE szsoo COMPARE TIT SIHGiEELAT SHEET race WINTER WHITE oooos NEW FOUR POSTER 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