Drivings breeze Lifesaver GLASSBELTED HIWAYWIDEWAY BIGGER WIDER and HUSKIER An easy going giant of tire that dwarfs all winter driving problems Highway Wideways seem to swish through hubhigh snow that leaves others in deep down struggle 0n hardpacked snow and treacherous skatingrink road surfaces youll ï¬nd good reason for more conï¬dence than ever before Panic stopping time is reduced tool It couldbe just enough to turn hlt into lucky miss for when fender dent costsya $100 or so what about broken bones THE iNSlDE STORYits what you rant who makes Hiway Wideway so revolutionary with more of everything you need Yes the beauty of this tire is much more than tread deep Hidden beneath are biasply of extra heavy polyester cord and circumferential Fibre Glass Belts Twice as strong as conventional tires Better riding extra traction thumpfree morning starts extra stability particularly at high speeds easier rolling with resultant better gas mileage Equals the 40000 mile rating of expensive European steel bclted radial tires So sure of the Highway Vidoivay well refund your money if you dont agrce with all of these claims See catalogue money back guarantee D70IA Group hinnuiaciurrfs List Pricemost manufacturers publish 570 list of prices There is marked similarity amongst these prices They distinguish similar duality Retail Sale prices vary ï¬g Leading Manufacturers On Sale Prices as advertised in the 67014 newspaper These On Sale prices are sometimes 25 H70i4 group manufacturers list prices NIWAY BYWAY BLACKWALL SIZE 570 52055012 season13 fggfsors 13 GASi4 soou 695m 65014 73514 70014 775 75014 32514 50014 assu 95014 assI4 900l4wlwgu leavBYWAY Ton MANUFACTURERS 51 PRICE OF This is your opportunity for bigsnow tire savingsi But better hurry sizes andquanuties areglimited However should your size be out of stock at your local dealer he may be able to secure your size from another canadinn The Store Dont delay These tires carry full no time limit ROAD HAZARD lNSURANCE No Wear0ut 30 MONTH GUARANTEE N0 TRADE NEEDED and even FREE INSTALLATION 560590l5 7355 640650l5h 775 IS 670I5 BISl5 7l0l5 84515 760l5 835 80015WhVail Batteries DUALDUTY 48 MONTH GUARANTEE Powerful just like batteries in H1 Ca acit for greatest continuous owerHiWater for times the normal electrolyte capacity SUPERSERVICE so MONTH GUARANTEE Instant power the moment your car needs itl Equal to original equipment Alwa 10 36 factory fresh Go SuperService service battery with nothing to hide 50 good its GUARANTEED upio 6YEARS ARMORGLASS TRUVll has more of everything you needto gét started and doesnt mind showin it Why take chance buyin blind Look into the new ARMOR LASS TRUVU today is super 18 MONTH GUARANTEE Bargain buy forlow power requirements mm took AT THE EEATuitEs he 1piece ARMOE GLASS Carer so good by frutollfllml 1116 insxrifmï¬ï¬‚yg adjustable by of owance even cm iogilbreakage and even and olSeh complete guarantee 722 series and more IZVOLTChev 195568 Chrys prod most 1956 68 Pontiac 1955 63 and more tISIED BELOW ClearView ABMOR GLASS Case ARMOR GLASS 43 armor classso ARMOit Glassn More than twice asstrong as 3145 3345 3995 4year Guarantcs 5year Guarantee 6year Guarantoo lNSTAllATION 75¢ BIG SAVINGS FOR FORD PRODUCE TOOI BROWN EARRIE no no DUNLOP ST DIAL 7266418 ruruursmw andFRIDAY NIGHTS TILL ordinary batteries Bigger and thicker plates Microporous separators EXTRA CASH nowus coopons