Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1969, p. 7

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ltfimsa cal ly THOSIESON ALB Dear Dr Ihnatesna About hree months ago had strep threat The doctor gave me that and enough penicillin or to days in low days thought was well and didnt take all the pills In about month got Hus hsd throat infection again This time had several nodes in my throat and the lymph glands swelled My throat got all right alter medication but the lymph nodes are still there The doctor has examined nly throatagain and saldhe couldnt find anything wrong and told me to come back in month cant help worry ing aboutii Would you rem mend my seeing another doctor or do you thing Im just scared MH AK Just scared Id say But next time when your doctor gives T0 coon lustre Follow The Advice Oi Your Doctor on niciiiin or other antibiotic in tapltee or any specified length oi lime or any particular than her at tablets or copsuiest take them all To understand why you need to know how the wonder drugs work They do not deiroy germs Instead they prevent them tram multiplyingand then your bodys natural do tenses can take care oi the re malaing germs when you stopped taking your nleillin yen evidently did so eiore the inicctlon In your throat was entirely stamped out You telt better but some gems still survived So pres cniiy they began to multiply again and soon you had lull blown inieeiion again There Is secondend impor tant danger in stopping ion soon Some of the surnving germs by then may have he TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO EAlmlE BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFAID TORONTO ll liAIiIiLWN PETERBDROUGH SATURDAY JAN ll EVENING so iii° ll lnangn ncluut FBInah eoolr hm 15 lFtisia ZDaaiii VluW am izamu and The Scent cam laBeterly Company animus one Jungmm 1lovla 3L3 Great £23 11 xcdifl Outdoor 11mod Guy tauly Budd Fairleighmu ms the Hum WW dBoaIinz son moo ewm world zGet smart hN Sport 12min Hockey 41 EllAndy Grilttth ylfifiit Ems IPorter Wflnef 330 mould 1161am HM and ten Because You no Sons Hm Au align with th tlfiawrenca Welt 1115 the Giant Riflesure or yjriif mm Omllly Ge Ii 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amount oi meri tiut next time you are told to leotion allow the instructions Your doctor didnt give you enough or to days just to be ar bitrary lie gave you that much because you needed that much to control your inieetien thor alughiy instead oi Just temporar ly Dear Dr Thosiesoa have CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY EECKER North dealer Both sides vulnerable N315 AJBIS EAST Ayeaz OKIOEC qao goat SOUTH van oxooe Ksioa filaMddirig Nottn taut sooth Wat Peas 2m Peas dNi Opening leadten of spades Lets say youre deelarer at six noirump and West lends the tea at spades There seems to he very little to the play oi the hand so you win the spade with the ace and lead low heart iinessing the jack East takes the king and re turns spade to the queen but when you return to your hand with low heart to the queen West shows out and you find that the hand is not quite as simple as you thought at the start You have eleven sure tricks and your only hope now is to guess which way to take the two way club iinesse it youre good guesser you make the slam but actually You should not be in this predicament be cause proper play at the begin ning of the hand would have guaranteed the contract loo per cent The correct method oi play is your amass are seen lead low heart to the ace at trick two deliberately reject ing the finesse Regardless oi how the hearts prove to be divided you can now be certain of twelve tricks lets first look at the actual case You continue with low heart from dummy at trick three East cannot aiiord to go up with the king since that OFFICE HOURS In mhfih 1m wu antma Another already Someday youll be having an problemthese kids in oollege at the same time DAILY CROSSWORD acnoss 211pm ltdeometricai Closest solid Bitter you upon melt arrow 55Hbjecl rational lt accentreact l0Eggahaped Negative 12 Preminger prefix and othera Stalin tor 13 Small one change in 911m Landon 111mm It Kind Clltlal chain river 15 Storage 15 Wager place as Confederate enrollment general symmi 19 Contest of l7Gadtiesa or apeed the molar 201mm hlow 21 Greatest pnlnibic 20 Kind or apple 23Consuméd 2Wi1ig shaped 28 Breakfast item 28 School auxiliary 2D Vaclllaten solinterlcal period wds divert term ii Kettle dd Airicalt liver IE Massachu setts seaport at an outcast class 45 anuixtea DOWN Roman statesman been hoarse for months and also hate constant sore throat and pluggedup and runny nose hate been to two doctors One said abwld have cancer test and the other said itwaa sinus lhave put oil having the cancer test because am atraid at hav lnr the doctor Put enythlnl am my throat Could sinus me to be housetn Stop wasting timealsd taking chances Continued boarseaess Is one the cancer danger signals Your sinu1 trouble plus perhaps other factors could cause hoarseness but since cancer is more serious threat have that examination beiore waiting any longer Dear Dr nodes have always had protruding abdo men and it seems to get worse am 21 What can dn to re verse the situation or keep it irnm getting worse am fact its and weigh 130 pounds DEEPERATE Tobe hlunt about it practise better posture lose in pounds and take up bowling or me other regular exercise would presont you with our tricks so you win the heart with the queen Even though West show out you are still in line shape be cause all you now have to do to acquire tweltth trick is lead club to the ace and Ilaesse the jack on the way back Win or lose you have twelve iron clad tricks Had West shown up with tour hearts to the no your task would have been that much sim pler East would tail on the seo ond heart lead and you would easilyscora tour heart tricks the question at club iinesso would not enter the picture at all You would have tricks to burn HOLLOWS By MRS BOWDEN Mr and Mrs John Foucart visited friends in Michigan ior Christmas holiday Mrs Charles Bowles of Brad ord ted her son and daugh ter in law and inmiiy on New Years Day At the some home were Mr and Mrs William VernonI Jr Douglas Vernon and friend Mr and Mrs Joe eph Vernon and Wayne Marvin Stevenson and daughters Mr and Mrs Allen Bowden Kevin and Kim oi Midhurst spent New Years Day with ltir and Mrs Bowdeh and were storm stayed Mr and Mrs Art Kidd of Cookstown visited Mr and hire Jack Polley recently Mr and Mrs Dyhe Toron to visited Mr and Mrs James Smith and tarniiy EDGAR CRRRECTION The Womens institute notice which appeared on Page of Jan Examiner should have been announced tor Jan 21 in stead of Jan 14 ui El 2211Iver to Itioaelle aerated aahgfiafn mew um WE 265w 21TXe= fig lined lent 29121 Yealetdlylllllbr lilWalky 11 EdJlesaptr yep tamia one annoys 321m Overhead pottent trains people to Romania Silicate lansvaav lt or ahbr him mature deli rarle In an in an DONALD DUCK SEC RET AGENT GRANDMA HENRY JULIET JONES gaudy usraeunsu norm comm armsm amount mummy REMOVING MR CORRIGMI WAS CHANCE FDRVOU TD PROVE YOUR LEADERSHIP ABILITIES MADAME LEI vesraaoavs Ansm was DISMAL MILLu rr ls HOPE vou nave econ axeunnnon its terrio iai meters on vets lies mimd GRANWATNGNGA BLINDLEOF CLOTHES TD THECOIN WNDRY GEE MOMS WHEN BEGAN To Name plDDAo SIART llABOUTTHE SAME TURNING GRAVs ll TIME You STAPIED DATING BOYS iM GOING TO KEEP our or CH BOOHOD ELMO HIT ME WHEN WASNT worms you Enormwmusmws Juiwfiiiiiiniinhii nnimnninn AND olptotl EBMKIU OPIIIM roenesnrouknaw m5 IS DOPE FARM YOURE AflNé THE tiOINT BEFORE MAKING RAW eunaerars mitten THINK SHOULD LIST as Acaal aqwt ortialfil rrna CHIthst

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