The Case Of The Vanishing Family Food Buying Dollar Wamtns Editor Whether you are the mother of young family or an older homemaker perhaps living on pension you may find the increasing cost of food to be real problem For some it in an altogether crucial situation Not everyone can rcalisllul ly sweet to match rising costs with increased income There are numerous ways to stretch the food dollar Outing By start noncnrs the quunlity or the quality era the most obvious Proper use of frccler shopping the stores for sales buying the sale items in quantity home gardening and preserving are fcw Often those consumers who have the greatest need to find means of economy are the least able to take advantage of such measures The overall rising cost of living is an international prob lem The worldwide increase was 35 in the first nine months of 1968 By last Octo ber the United States consum cr price index was 46 points higher than the year before There is no accurate infor mation readily available on the increase in reccnt years in the Bnrric bomcmakers food costs look at prices in this cilg for January 196i revealc many increases including the following Butter has risen 14 pork butt 20 pot roast 17 and leg of lamb 75 The first four items listed show an average of 18 in the tivcyear period The figure prnvcs nothing but it does serve to confirm what every housewife knows her food dol lar is shrinking During the coming year we will endeavor on this page to meant as many ideas as pos sible for thc hnmcmnker who is interested in preparing nu tritionally balanced and appev tiling diet fnr minimal fig ilre We would be pleased to hear from anyone who has some suggestions about stretching the food dollar or pet recipe that might be helpful to our readers Putvyonr thinkingcops on lad it IF Tlll COST of what you put on the table is rising and the quality is not now is the ies were waiting to hear from you No matter how difficult the situation gets for Canadians we must bear in mind that it could definitely be worse in New Delhi for instance bus ket of groceries such as the Barrie housewife would pay that time to take stock of what can be done about it $2568 for would cost $7M One might tear that this kind of disparity between wages and cost would drive the New Delhi construction worker to drink But if he chooses to drown his sorrows it wont be in whiskey That commodity is locally mara kctcd at 82200 per bottle Average Weekly Earnings Food Basket $2389 2493 2746 2211 2300 Barrie Montreal New York Washington london Coasts Worker $16700 17400 24800 25000 Bank Clerk $10300 0500 12750 12500 6240 Secretary 8000 10000 12500 11250 0480 4440 Figures represent US dollars ANN LANDERS ADVISES Reluctance To Speak IS Parents Dcnr Ann Landers God Bless you for printing that letter about the old uncle who molest ed the little girls in the family Youll never know what you did for me am 16 years old and for years exactly how many cant remember have kept secret locked inside me Just reading that letter has made me feel 100 per cent better at ways thought was freak that no one but me had ever had so horrible an experience Now know am not alone couldnt have been more than four years old when my uncle did things to me that now realize he had no business doing it all started when he took me swimming didnt know what he was doing and didnt realize it was wrong Alter he molested me he took me for long rides and bought me candy He always told me never to tell anybody what hap pcned My uncle died when was seven remember how happy was really feared and hated him And then felt guilty be cause everybody was crying and was glad Please Ann Landers tell your readers how little girls can be protected Thank you for giving me the chance toexprcss my self on subject that has been haunting me for years BEEN THERE Tweed iron mm the day here Left herringbone tweed from Scotland was chose on by Hoosnn ot COpenhagen Danger Dear Becn lm glad you wrote and huge others to do so its good therapy And now for the advice Mothers should be alert to all male friends and relatives who are overly attentive to their young children When young sters return from ride or an nuting they should always be asked where they went whom they saw and what happened Any reluctance to speak should bex interpreted as danger le The numberzof children who are molested and raped every year is appalling and the guilty party is usually not stranger interestingly enough but fam ily friend or relative PIEENGAGEMENT DeIr Ann ban dars our daughter was is in September Signal but she looks and acts older Sandy started to date When she was 12 wasnt very happy about it but she was always ahead of her years and there was no way could hold hr back Sandy has gone crazy over sailor who is stationed near here The boy is 20 years old doesnt say much and fur the life of me cant tigurewhnt She sees in him He has hula dancer tattooed on one arm and 05 flag on the other The boy is never without cigaret Ill his mouth He stands with his thumbs booked in his pants My husband cant stand him Last night Sandy said they want to be precngaged be fore he ships out This means they promise to wait for each other and lhepromlse is sealed with ring We are ready to say yes just to get some rest Should WE TIRED OF FIGHTlNG girl has no business getting arecngagad at that means and you should not dlow it Parents would be surprised at what can be accomplished if they take position and let dieir kids know they mean it its always easier to say yes than no but the easy out adds up to total abdication of paren tal responsibility Dear Tired No 15yearold Craftsmen Hold lMURRiiYHllf Wedding Vows At Barrie Church Monthly Meeting The Canadian Societynfcces live Mathercruumen met Wed andIy evening It the residence of Mrs Corbett Highland Vt Although no re in meeting is held in Deccm Jurist mu workshop was conducted by Mrs Cloozhley on bottom her 5th result of her It tendanca It the Inrksho of tho Simcoo County Roms on Ser vice Small Christmas trees of metallic foil and ribbon SInlIs were the fun fare of the dIy Leather trays comprise the current project of the group These are crafted frnm bully sole leather WednesdIy even ing sandy Couttt Issisted by Sam Qinninghm Ind John Fnlt diay cut the trays from patterns submitted by the members he turo proleCts include ring bind ers and card cases The next meeting will be Iues day January 28th Actress Files Libel Suits SANTA MONICA Calif AP Actrcss Julia Aodrewsfslcd lilt bcl suits totalling 96000000 gninst two movie magaLlncs Tuesday because of stories she claims linked her romantically with actor Sidney Poitier and said she neglected her daughter One sult named as defendants MacFaddcnBnrtell Corp and Barlcll Media Corp publishers of Scrccnlandond their editors The second named Magazine Management Co puhllmcr of Modern Movies and two of its employees Miss Andrews said Screen land story falsely claimed she had dated Poitier She said she respects Poitiers professional accomplishments and talent but has not dated him Modern Movies article she said falsely states her sixyear old daughter Emma became ill as result of her mothers friendship with amotlon piclure director Miss Andrews is divorc cd from designer Tony Walton The suit also ci this the ar ticle falsely stated Mlsl An drews was indifferent to the welfare of her daughter Each suit asks $1000000 in compensatory damages and $2 000000 in punitive damages Women Astronauts Not Encouraged WASHINGTON Reuters Apollo astronaut Frank linr man gave coldsboulder Thursday to aspiring lady astro nauts have never been one who felt it was required for women to go into space he said dont look to the day when we will have lady astronauts Borman married with two children was asked about the prospects at news conference where he reported on the moon circling flight he commanded two weeks ago He now becomes deputy di rector of flight crew operations for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Bnrman said women could apply for an astronaut job but he knew of none who were qual ified He said with long hours and low rate of pay dont know why they should want to do lla heldout some hope for women reporters accompanying future space trip dont know when the first reporters will go but hope they will wear miniskirts he inked wanna or contusion LONG BEACH Calif AP Underwatar explorer Jacques Yves Cousteau says pollutants threaten to destroy the sea be fnre man can tap its natural rc sourcos The spa is going to be of enormous use to mun and we have hardly begun to exploit its riches he said but we are destroying it with all kinds of wastechemicals oils Ind bl ological pollution WOOLEN Passions Ill CLASSICfSTYLES for the simple but elegant coat with slight tailored waist and patch pockets British hor rlngbono tweed was used by leading Danish mans whar manufacturer Meyer for the belted sports jacket in center Ontbc right the checked cont withJur collar is in heavy tweed fabric from northern lrc At let Ifternoon ceremony conducted by Rev Muc Kenzin in Westrnlnsterlflsw teriIn Giurch Barrie Randiee Anne Hill and ion William Mur ray were united in marriage Baskets of chrysonlbemurns in yellow gold Ind bronu tones decoraltcl the altar Wedding music was provided by Maciaren Wilson The bride is the daughter of Mrs Marguerite Hill of Barrie and Hill of White River The bridegroom is the son of Mrs John Murray of Toronto and the late Mr Murray BRIDAL GOWN Given in marriage by her bro lber Terence Hill of Brampton the bride were gown of white orlon wool embroidered on sheer silk circiet headdress of matching fabric held veil of sheer silk The gown and head drcslwere designed and rash ioned by the bride She carried bouquet of deep pink sunbeds and gold eluyssothemums The brides sister Miss Denim Hill attended as maid of heir or Her gown of deep green silk velvet was fashioned on lines similar to the brides dress with high rounded neckline and long sleeves ShecIrrltd bow qoet of yellow and broom mums The brideg ms brother belth Murray of Fort Hope nus uoomsxnan GUESTS RECEIVED The ceremony was followed by an lnforrnll reception and buffet It the home of the brides mother who was at tircd in copper wool ensemble complemented with corssgc of yellow mums The mother of the bridegroom assisted in receiving wearing navy blue ensemble with gold cbrysanthomum corsage The newlyweds will make their home in Toronto dam GTIIE BARR EXAltIINER SATURDAY JANUARY II Woman Law Graduate Studies The Battered Child SyndrOme ST JOHNS Nfld GP desire for work more directly involved with people led Mary Elizabeth Maher science hon ors graduate who majored in chemistry toenter law The vivacious low graduate Newfoundlands first woman lawyer in 13 years was called to the her recently Louisa Sounders is the only osr woman practising law in ac province After graduating in science from St Francis Xavier Univer sity in Antigonish NS Miss Mohcr worked with an oil relin ery in Montreal for year Her work in air and water pollution gh interesting was too far removed from peo ple she said in an interview It was then decided to enter law It was difficult do cislon In her three years of study at the Dalhousie University law school in Halifax Miss Maker found family law and criminol ogy interested her most and taxation least She wrote paper on the battered child syndrome Three months of hard work and research went into the WHAT THE preparation of this brief she said It was so disturbing to find that huge numbers of chil dren died each year at the bands of their parents RANGE IS WIDE She found childun who have been mistreated mentally and physically come from all types of homes all income groups She said the United States has passed legislation making it compulsory for people to report on mistreatment at children if they have reasonable cause this legislation gives than immunity from civil or criminal liability Canada does not have such legislation although Ontar io Alberta and British Colum bia cover certain aspects in their chlld welfare acts Miss Muher hopes eventually to work more closely with the family courts but for the present she feels the justice do partment where she is em ployed will keep her busy Right now have at lot of work to do and lot of experi ence to gain Miss lllaher says she is not feminist and lust wants to be treated as lawyer suns SAY By esrnnuara non rossoanow Planetary restrictions afflict ing personal relationships ifor the past an hours lift now so ac tivities shared with family friends and neighbors should be extremely congenial The late PM should be especially pleas ant favoring both romance and social functions FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates this prospects and you are pres ently in fine planetary cycle which is bound to benefit all your interests whether personal or business On the monetary score it would be advisable to consolidate all gainsmade since November 15th nowif you hav ent done so alreadythen mark time for two weeks and expect another good zmnnth cycle for increasing assets Next good pe riods along these lines The last two Weeks of July tile weeks between September 15th and Oc tube 150 and between Novem lend lhls garment was also designed and made in Copens her 15th and December 15th Consolidate Igain and make no fnrtherplens for fiscal expan sion until January 1st of next year when you will enter truly fine vaonth cycle for in creasing asscts Best periods for job advancement and racognp tion for past efforts Tre first twonveeks of February the first two of July all September in gridNovember and late Decem er Stellar blessing will also be bestowed upon your personal life with emphasis on happy marital relationships and for the singleposslbi1ities of new romance nndor marriage in May August or December Most propitious periods for trav el between June 1st and Sep tember 15th and between De camber 15th and January 15th child born on this day will be endowed with great versatili ty could excel in almost any field he chooses TIIE DAY AFTER TOMORROW Monday should be an all around good day Generous stars smile on business and fi nanctal transactions also on job interests Happiness in ro manca travel and family af fairs is also starpromised FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you are currently in period in which to make constructive plans for later action along both job and financial lines As of midNovcmber you entered an auspicious planetary cycle gov erning all your affairs and if you manage wisely you can make even more progress than you imagine before another year has rolled around For in stance in financial matters consolidate whatever gains you have made during the past two months then after waiting for two weeks you Will enter anoth er Zmonthlong periodfor in creasing your Issets Next good cycles tn this connection The last two weeks of July the Sop tember 15th to October 15th and the November 15th to December isth periods Be patient then and dont go overboard in spending during late December beginning with January 1st of next year you will enter annih er fins Zmontb period for fat tening your wnllet child born nnthis day could bngen by Maddox succeed in the art world in the literary field or as journalist REPORTED Miss beryl Slocum 26 of Newport Hl and New York City who has confirmed that she and Adam Clayton Powell ENGAGED 3rd son of the Harlem conlt grcssman are considering marriage Photo was made at time of her debut in 1960 AP erepbotoi Suitcase Living Requires Flaming With Travel light and do it fash ion right it just takes some homework and plannhig wilh im agination it may be for short week and trip Or the man in your life with all the symp toms of gollitls tells you its time for winter holiday break Whatever the excuse to let way its wise to look your best For taking oil youll want basic suit with blouses for changes Drape coat over your arm Or it may be the costume look matching coat and dress Now what to pack Youll keep your man in holiday mood when you dont overload with luggage So dont empty your wardrobe cupboard Avoid this by stretching your outfits clov erly with mix or match things and basic accessories You cant beat the knits for suitcase living Light weight wool outfits are must regard less of climate Perfect for in evitable cool nights and days ldcol too are the cotton knits in bright colors with and without matching jackets As sleeveless shifts and with gay accessories knits will take you through day into evening Best of all they crease not and fold small Stick to dark prints in silk dresses They are spot conceal ing One smashing cocktail dress Two silk jersey shifts your favorite bits of good jaw elry smell fur or glittering sweatu and youre ready for evening lrivollty Add or sub tract to your wardrobe depend Imagination ing where youre headed for liec sort fun in the scnshinc lands calls for play and swim clothes and all the fripperles for beach fun have space to pick up new thing or two The trick for that wrinkle fch look is to use lots of tissuo paper in packing Stuff sleevesg of garments and the foldover of skirts and dresses with tissue Pack big items first and in the middle then pack smaller items around the sides Some people forget the back of the case is the bottom when you carry it Heavier things like shoes toilet ries and the like will slide down anyhow so put them down there in the first place Bless the plastic bags of assor tcd shapes and sizes Use them separately for your shoes night wear stockings indispensable are the cosmetic cases with plas tic bottles for your special beauty creams and lotions No oced for hrenkages RESTAAIIRANT Lakeview 185 Dunlap 7285151 ARE MONDAY ro THURSDAY HOMEMADE MEAT LOAF or BRAISED SHORT Rtas $1 49 Includes soup or juice hot rolls choice nl pntltves vegetables dessert and beverage SpecinlChildrens Menu Kentucky Fried Chicken MON TO THURS SPECIAL Receive lb of Potato Salad or Cole Slaw when you buy BUCKET 0R BARREL of Koh tueky Fried Chicken Lakevisew Dial 7205l5l