1a few years with the NYO but es lo the United States and eight hpurs and sometimes ten surprising that ornhestras are strap in the burning Dec 21 oi 6000 Students In Separate School System the soul of education is the educating of the soul is the motto that appears on the let terhead of the Ontario Separate School Teachers Association And that according to Her nard Colbicre business ad ministrator for the Simcoe Cotmty Roman Catholic Separate School Board is what cam olic education is all about the educatng of the soul The new county ide separate school board administrator 23 Catholic schools in the county Students attend classes up to grade 1o and then transfer to local him schools to complete their education Frank hiacdonaid superin tendent for the separate school board explained part of the dir ferenco between the separate schools and the other school board We offer an identical cur ioultln and make religious training an integral part of that course of study he said itistnry literature and civic courses use Catholic examples to illustrate point William Boigcr assistant superintendent for the board added that the examples we use in separate schools are part of tho relig ious traininga separate sdiml student receives RELIGIOUS TRAINING Each student is given one for mal period of religious training per day However Mr hiaodom aid pointed out that Catholicism is way of life and cannot be restricted to one hours instruc tion it is ourrplelc point of view that is an integral part of Catholica Drinking it cannot be set aside and considered subject he said air Bolger felt that one of the advantages of tho separate school system was that they were permitted to talk about Chrktiao education Mr Boigcr pointed out that the other school system must make provision for students who may not be Christians Jewish students might be offended by totally Christian approach to MUSICALLY SPlill Youth Orchestra Important To Culture The National Youth Orchestra eras shown with the young peo ple in rehearsal in concert and on relaxation last Wednesday over television Canadian vicw ers had first hand right into the activities of this wonderful or ganization started few years ago by Walter Smkind It has become vigorous and tnost important part of the Can adian culture its influence is already being felt among big orchestras Concertmasters and What cellists are already ab sorde by top orchestras Top brass and woodwind musicians are also tlndiug permanent on enings waiting for them after the real shortage of experts lies 1n the string section The National Youth Orchestra travels across Canada sometim sometimes to Europe The young people not only live for two months in the company of fellow musicians but are under the directorshipof leading pro fessional conductor They have rigorous day of from srx to hours of work Sectional prac tising takes up most of the day Therefore assistant conductors expert iotheir particular strument work strenuously with their snail groups to bring them to standard acceptable to the trained professional musician Enthusiasm runs high All these young people are very keen and serious about their music and many of than intend to make their music their lifes work Last year two Barrie stud ents Jerry Robinson bassoon and Anne Ramsay oboe were accepted by the National Youth ordi stra and became partof the oup of young musicians for July and August it is an ex citing and meaningful experi once for young musicians and will doubtless have listing effect on their lives Eirropean countries have high regard for Canadas Nat ional Youth Orchestra The ar tistic level has been good and has steadily risen until now the quality is very fine it is not looking to this youth group to iirson Charge Follows Fire Parmesanoven tor Oscar Parcells 39 of Havelock Ont was charged Friday with leioom fomier hotel in Biair ton in miles east of here The building built originally as hotel acrriy 100 years ago when Blairton was booming mtntng town was owned by brother Robert Purcell of Campbellford Mr and Mrs Wilmer Grievea and their 11 children were left homeless as result of the tire education and they have right to be he said Provincial grants aranow ll most equal said hlr Meetinaid and there is an excellent vanlo ing relationship between the sep arale school board and the coun ty school board Services that would not normally be available are shared by the two boards Where it is advantageous the two boards share transmutation services Teachers are drawn from the sine source We pre fcr Catholic teachers said Mr Boiger but if we have an ap plication from good nunCath olic and need teacher we will hire the person However less than 10 per cent of the teachers employed by tho mule school board are non Catholics One of the reasons for the boards hiring nonCa tholic teachers is the rapid it crease in the Catholic populat ion This increase has resulted in new schools in the last years and 19 additions to exist ing schools in the county There are now approximately 60110 separate school students in Simone county being taught by 221 lull than and as part time teachers IIIGII QUALIFICATIONS The separate school board of ficials work out of small offices on Duniop Street East The qual ifications of the three men who run the board are as impressive as those of the Simcoe county board oi education Superinteud ent hlncdonaid is an honour graduate from the Universitylot Toronto with 15 years exper ience as teacher and 12 years experience as an area supervis or lie also holds post gradu ate degree in education The assistant superintendent William Bolger is graduate of the University oi Western 0n tario and the University of ion ontn ito too had tti years teach ing experience before becoming school inspector The boards two and half to three million dollar budget is handled by Bernard Corbicre retired army captain KING iv supply them with expert mus icians for their vacancies American orchestras av claimed many musicians from the NYC but following several years experience Canada will likely again become the home of some of them But the steady cmployrncnt is necessary for the quick develop ment of any musician and there are limited number of Canad ian orchestras that can offer this it is heartening sight to see so many young people so deeply involved in the creative art of making music More programs such as the one shown on Fest ival would give proper bal ance to the viewing of our Can adian way of life Come From Behind To Gain 22 Tie In Novice Play Barrie Kinsmen were hard presscd last night to keep their unbeaten streak in North York League hockey when they had to come from behind twice to tie Newmarket Novice As ZZ Kevin Mattice scored at 084 of the opening period Barrie was not able to get untracked un til the second period when Jim Angus scored assisted by Glen Laycock Scott Petite got Newmarlret off to an early start in the third period but Mike Gibb counter ed with another goal for Barrie to tie the game again He was assisted layPeter Trzecak and Robbie Garner Doug Kenn played the entire game in the Barrie goal There were only two penalties called one to each side RAVENS LOSE WOW NS 0P Acadia University Axemen of Wollvllle and New Eaveo Chargers of New Haven Conan will meet here tonight in the ehampionshipgame of the ninth annual Bl basketball tour ament New Haven reached the final bydefcatlng Dalbousie University Tigers oi Halifax in the tourna mentl opening gamehriday night while Acadia defeated smear COUNTY Roman Catholic Separate School board officials left to right Bernard Plans are under way es estab lish oftvtrack parimuluei bet ting in Barrie and nine othcr Ontario cities An advertisement inytodays Barrie Draminer is asking for an ambitious man to or ganize and manage branch office for firm known as Provincial OffTrack Betting Service David Aue of 13 Albany Avenue Toronto is telling ap pllcants he is looking for some one in Barrie to set up agree Wnan the 32 local school boards that were replaced Jan by the countywide board fin ally fade out completely the advisory vocational committees they appointed will also disap pear They will be replaced by single committee appointed by the new board The new Advisory Vocational Cornmlttee will be composed of 12 members six of whom will be board members Three will represent employers in the coun ty and three will represent the employees Damage $2000 In Collisions Limit snow on hard padrcd surface leit Barrie street in slippery condition yesterday at ternoon and this morning Barrie police report number of accidents but there were no serious injuries Carol lies 23 of Stroud received minor abra sion to her right arm when ca driven by Walter lies at of Stroud collided with car driv en by Weitm Vandennoort 21 of roe Edgehill Drive Damage to the two vehicles was listed at $45 Other accidents in the city yesterday afternoon were cut Combination Vaccine May Belivailable vaccine for five common child hood diseases similar to the vaccine recently developed by Dutch scientists may be avail able through Turootos Con naught Laboratories sometime this year Dr Wilson as sistant director of the labora tory said Friday The vaccine guards against diphtheria whooping cough teb Carleton allege Ravens of Otta wa 89M SHOP AT HOME Featuring full range of carpet PHONE 42am Outdoor indoor CARPET Installed for only which caused loss of $3000 No one was iaiured taste Nylon Carpet anus patio and measles SERVICE ONLYI includingtNylon 10056 wool Trilan Acrylan Fortrel Propyion GEORGIAN HAY CARPET SERVICE seamen 100 mime 750 Sq yd installed with underpadding from At llama Service Our representative will rail at your home and show you lull range of samples to suit your TOSONTO GP single Corbiere business adrnin istrator William Boiger assistant superintendent and ments with local tobacco stores small diners or grocery stores to carry bets to race tracks The new business would he the result of recent court des ctsion that makes it legal for someone to work as messen ger to take bets from custom ers and place them at race track on their behalf The local agent would contact as many stores as possible ask ing them if they are interested in joining the messenger serv Board of education members have been asked to thinkot no mlnees to the committee whose task isto advise the boardon the changing vocational needs of the county Director of Education Jack Ramsay said the committees particularly those attached to the now defunct Barrie District Collegiate Hoard have been very helpful Most of the old school boards that had composite schools es tablished advisory vocational committees The committees iisidn between cars driven by Michael Scullion as of 2m Cod rington and parked car owned by Gerald Phillips of 58 Codring ton Damage was listed at $650 Donald Bloomfield 25 of 10 Mary Street and Harold Camb lin 20 of 20 Perry Street were involved in collision on Dunlap Street East near Mulcaster just alter noon yesterday There were no inluries damage was estimated at 9105 Mrs Eleanor Mossop 42 of Barrie Terrace and David Pratt 21 ot Elmvale collided on Essa Road yesterday nittr noon Damage was listed at $245 Morris Chapel 45 of 136 Feet street and Doria Coulis 34 of 9Bowman Street were in volved in collision outside 17 Owen Street There were no in Jurles but damage war estimat ed by Barrie police at $00 Frank lilacdonald superin tendent All three men were ice Once store agrees to ac cept bets from customers the proprietor is given special farms that bcllers fill out and sign to hang in the store win dow The better could then walk into the store and say want to bet on Lucky Lou in the filth race at Greenwood today The local agent would pick up the bets each day and pass them onto the head office who To Appoint New Advisory Vocational Committee were an attempt to involve in dustry in the developing role schools were expected to play industrial leaders had access to tho board and could advise of the changes that were taking place within industry Tho evolqun of county wide board which some see as the beginning of an approach to regional government will give executiVes an opportunity to serve Angus McKay superintendent of academic atfairs for the board said he thought men who were senior executives for some of the larger manufactur era in the county and who have sound knowledge of the area mightbe available iliese men tookra good hard look at this area before their companies de cided to settle here said Itir McKay would think that they would have view that some of the local citizens may not have Mr Ramsay agreed that the committee will have to delegate some oi its work The commit tee members aro paidsald Mr Ramsay but Idontthink there is any provision to pay any subcommittees it might want to create The committee will be as effective as the menwho sit on it he said Given the type of man that is available we could have ayery progressive and farreaching committee that could help the board of ad ucaiion keep abreast of the changing needs of the students in the county Mr Ramsay added that he hoped men with experience in the service business and mu factoring and exeperts in auto motive trades woodworking and the mechanical trades would be available to the board annals SEA rooos For take out call 7250501 1oa iiirirlfnrtl st appointed to their positions January AtExaminer Photo Move To Establish Betting Agency Here would place them on his behalf Neither the agent or the out let has to put outlany money except for small deposit The agent for an area picks up the bets each day and re iurnsmoney to winners The local outlet handles um paper work and gets per cent of tho but for doingso The agent himself gets trper cent and the company in Toronto operat ing the whole business gets per cent Mr Aue says he is instruct ing his agents to mate it very clear to the uutlctsthut they are in no way permitted to give any information on the track or the horserunning dont think we are even allowed to tell customer that the horse he wants to hot on isnt run ning he said Of course if that happened we wouldnt be able to place the bet and the customer would have to pay 11 the it per cent fee thats The company is looking for agents in every major Ontario city We have to move quick ly said Mr Aue because there will be thousands of peo ple writing in on this business The advantage we offer he said is that we will do the leg work on behalf of those peopel in the cities some dis tance from Toronto Mr Ana said he expects pari mutuel betting to triple as result of the new business that his firmiwili bring to the tracks He adrrutted to having ï¬nancial backers but said he was not prepared to release their names SITLRDAY JANUARY 11 me Home Building Up In 1968 investment in new hurries in Barrie over the last year reach ed the $7583700 mark repre renting mum increase over 1967 and $5100000 in crease over the average for the last lire years Residential building in Bar rie over the last year has far outdistanced industrial gromh in the city as tho report of the city building inspectors office released this morning indicates industrial investment lmounb ed to $670545 which was an in crease of only $155000 over last year while the average lnduy trial building investment in the city over the past five years has been $661317 Aid has Jolllffe said in come meals on the yearend report that he is hopeful youth in in dustrial areas over the next year will balance the surge in residential building that has oc curred this year All indications for 1969 are favorable with regard to indus trial growth and we look for ward with anticipation to the fulfillment of industrial and MW Plans linnual Meet My Responsibility in My Neighbour will be the theme of the seventh annual meeting of the Slmcoe Presbyterlal Unltcd Charm Women The meeting will be held Fob roary at the Collier Street United Church There will be morning afternoon and evening SSIOIIS Mrs Rees president and Mrs Bowman and vice president will present dialogue entitled Protecthrg the Future of United Church Wom cu The evening session which will be open totho public will feature guest speakcrf Dr Nor man lilachnzleassociale sec retary Hard of World Missions His topic will be Missionary GO HOME The Edgar Adult Occupational Choir will be on hand for the event GASLITE CHINESE car AND Polynesian Dining Room 7254701 TAKEDUT HOME DELIVERY WHITE TOWERS MOTEL 119 Donald commercial said Totals for the last month of the year rhow incrcases in all areas of the industrial category Residential building permits issued in December were val1 ued at $199000 which rcpresen ted anincrease of $166000 over last year Commercial building invrsbv nient showed an Increase of Sr 100 however industrial buildan showed drop of $60000 in va iue for the month of December Absenteeism Said Near Normal In Spite 0i Flu The flu Virus may be on the march but it doesnt appear to have caused widespread abscn teeism at Barrie industries Spokesrnen for several large industries in Barrie said yester day that as for or they can tell the bug hasnt put any more people off the job than at any other time At West Bend though it was impdssiblu to obtain stat meat The personnel manager was away lick with thellu Lullrin Rule was having no problem according to person not manager Mrs Normalla Watson There were low emb ployees away with colds shot saldbut no 1111 Leo Maddoetr personnel sup ervisor at Hill Refrigeration said plant attendance was down three per cent due to illness We had ahtgh rate of ab seuteeism due to illness over Christmas but that was more likely overindulgence than flu be said At Barrie largest plant Gr ndian General Electric flu ca ses hadnt made any increase in absentee figures said spokesman Vevo been veryfortunala so far she said expansion he rnv ammo WANl ans PHONEmu1t DONT BOOK THAT Heart Transplant Operation UNTIL you look into our program We Can Vulcaniza YOUR HEART In lust few visits BARRIE HEALTH STUDIO 673 Collier Sf Phon rzamr 94 pm musor 410 mm Gym Sauaa Manage Sun Lamp Room Company Funds Guaranteed Funds Estates Trusts and Trust Deposits Net Profit for the YEnr HIGHLIGHTS FROM OUR ANNUAL REPORT 1968 23556362 21537632 312439244 271313le 47330575 Total Assets underAdministrotlon 38932618l 334999259 Agencies Guaranteedlnvastmanr Cértiï¬coles 238328493 202586954 74110751 attention can IRUSI Company since l889 BELLEme summon macaroni exams GODElttOH mm memoir LINDSAY narrower Monsoon NEWMARIOET OltlLLlA OWEN sonar parsrtaooouoa poor canon acumen nmrnounnnn sr Manvs m1+jrono TORDNtOtot wtrraY l8290IZ 11967 42098442 6872623I 1676916