HORSEPLAY training Miss FischerCredo who represented Canada in 19 01mm lrnv EXAMINER WANT ADS Games hogan riding when PHONE 7182414 iner FischerCrch engagca in horscplay with her mount Marius during break in dressage evenla at both she was to years old Photo PSST room for 1969 Spring lines CH1LDRENSORLON SEAL BOKTHS Reg 1295 Sizes 114 BOYS BROWN Reg $598 oItMAN 24 Dunlap 7283331 DID YOU HEAR NORMAN SHOES ore clearing oullheir present stock lomnlte STOREWIDEECLEARANCE Every Pair of Shoes in the Store including Slipper Tennis Shoes Rubberiootwoor Snow boots Handbags illlBBEll BOOTS Wool pile lined Sizes 113 Todays Women Dear All Laadem good iriend at mine was member at panel three men and three women which presented an in teresttng program at churda meeting the other evening Dolorcsia real brain but she wears her dresses too tight and too short When the curtains were drawn wanted to crawl under my seat Dolores was seated right in the ntlddla oi the staxa with her legs in most unto ward and unattractive position Everybody could see part next mesday No one paid any atten tion to what she was saying They were so busy looking tried to catch Dolores eye but we were sitting too tar back even considered sending Resolves To Wear 12th Century Gowns SAN GABRIEL Calii Ml For the new year Marilyn Connolly deedde to give up the miniskirt and wear mhccntury dressa floor leogth loose medieval gar merit lm hoping it wont inter icro with my jobvaaid lifs Connolly 25yearold house wiic who teaches at St lakes Roman Catholic elementary school But her new clothing she said Thursdayon the second dayls the most practical thing women ever wore She prepared the dress alter watching the nuns at SL latlrca in their long habits Hers is floorlength loose bollsleeved nitalr lobright print pinched in at the waist with leather belt Over this she has bright green iiap like overgarrnent On her ieet are bright pink sneakers There are no zippers snaps or buttons ANN LANDERS ADVISES Fashions Demand Be CircumspeCt should be crossed at the ankle not the kneeor both test should be flat on the floor side by side and the knees should he to gather chmember Girls posi tion is everything in tile mELOADEIl Dear Itu batters My wiios brother moved to with us when his mother passed away they used to share an apartmentt The treeloading burn is it years old and the agreement was that he would stay with or until he found roommate lily wile promised me the limit would he three months This week it will be 19 months that the ionicr has parked his icet under our table am sick at looking at him He borrows my ties uses my razor blades monopolizes the TV and hogs the telephone We have been married live years and have no children My wile says we cant attord baby int he can atlord to teed this int clown am slowly tailing out oi love with my wile and am thinking seriously at separation Do you ieel am justiï¬ed It cs or no will tinBELLY FUL Dear 53 YES But ï¬rst id try throwing the bum out ANN Mid note up but decided it would ha too conspicuous The next day when told Do lorea shewas iurlous she said other had mentioned it also2 when it was too lateand added ti you were real iriend youd haw gotten word to me at once Ann dont see how could have walked on the stage and told her to pull her dress down Do you Please say something in your mlumn about women who dont sit proocrly especially when they are appearing in public Tit youDomltN ALA BAMA our bothn Now that the skirts are shorter Au women whether they are on stage or not should be circumspect about the way they sit Legs Restitth nrAlerAY Sugar remains the economic mainstay oi Barbados it save $5000 on Bellly Wringer Washers Economizer mechanism warranty to years large vrlnger itolls jumbo size motor Vt hp sizes BW761 BWTI BWIBI Clearance ea 13995 14995 and 15995 Save moo RCA Antoinette Wash cycle selection Super Wash Normal and Gentle temperature selec tions including new cold wash and cold rinse it rinses including one agitated deep rinse Clearance Model paw son 20995 asm moo noA Automatic Warner super cycle including sudssaver system Super wash normal and gentle water teinperaturescicction rinses and deep rinse hiodelEAW 605 Clearance each 23995 Save moo RCA Electric Dryer cycles heat selec tions including durable press care Extra large top Mounted screen Model EDE 670 Clearance 16995 5m sloooo on no heanttiul Refrigerator 17 cu it capacityDecorator panel doors Choose your own eolor design to match kitchen decor Easy rolling wheels adjustable shelves and crisper Simply hook shell in guide at rear or firm sturdy storage Quiet compressor wears to instead oi wearing out Model Dm 11 VCtearance 38995 clothes inlessihan 30 Many more not listed aunt mumn WAY JANUARY PRINCIPALS WIPE Believes Student Protesters Have Instiï¬able Complaints Whom tGl hiss Plumptre onetime nudeot protester and now We of the principal of Scarborough Col lege believed student protesters have justiï¬ed complaints and that modern mothers are otten happier working than staying home As the new president oi tha Vultcr institute bl the Family Mrs Piumptre plans to concen rule on the modem lantin ratb er than the Victorian concept at the large disciplined iamily The modern tamily is smaller but more aiioctionrte tightly knit unit she says Since the rod of the last war it has been laced with pmiotind rapid sodli and economic change And this tamlly needs proicssional help of some kind Mrs Plumptre says her iriends label reactionary her View that mothers should stay homa with their babies it its economically ieasible realize many young molh crs are towed to go to work be muse oi economics But have had young women tell me theyre horcd staying home with their babies To the bringing up children is the most creative oc cupalion graduate oi the University of Melbourne in economics and having done postgraduate work APPLIANCE CLEARANCE EndsofIinos uneroiod stock and floor models in this group Deep Freezer 5a Ban on other types plus all bottom coil covered to insure more cold sizes is so and 25 cu it 18495 l9995 and 21995 Clearaoca Here Is Special you shouldnt mlaa RCA Dishwasherl Only one each leit in this sale group All tuliy guaran 21995 25995 and 26995 teed nearnee One only RCA Ringo beauty including mealtimes clock Roast sentry with probe and meter Builtoin Rolo Iasket Rotisserie Full View window New inï¬nite heatHigh speedplugin elements Save $3000 illoch DRE Clearanca Philips IVs Savc 5000 to 10000 on only TV in the group Clearance Consoles Only Portables11995 10 RCA TVs Clearance prices in several 23 irom 21995 to 25995 PORTABLE it tendtc any Only tell nutty Dryer treat timed cycle Large tron iirlt iilter Clearance 11Canadtan Beatty Warner cycle speed hoat selector for water temperature Cleararm Anovr iwontmt ONLY mo txntA SPECIAt CLEARANCE Hoover lNasherSpin Dryer Amazing 4minute wash and spindry 24 lbs of minutes Only Few Left at this Clearance Price $1599i ct Cambridge she has alwan considered housemia and tooth er her main career and has been active in volunteer work Mrs Plumptn has two chil dren She has lived on and oil tam pus to Canada since WM and sympathize with student protesters but disagrees with some oi their methods As an economics iludcnt aha herseli was protester lhero were only myselt and one other girl and we had little trouble convincing them we were in earnest about the subled she said Since its inceptionin loss the Vanler institute has concentrat ed on organizing research pro tects and raising money Now says Mrs Pumplre the instiu this must begin to tackle cur not issues Sin seea two main functions at the institute One is to iced updated inlormaliori to social workers and other prolessionala working with the family The other is to initiate rescarch studies to explore problems con irontiog the family Socinbworkcrs are oitcn ill inlormcd because there simply arent nnougn hours in the day to digest all available inionna llon she says Save All ieatnrcs iound 2693 22995 to 24995 models 159 149 22995