Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1969, p. 6

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Barrie Teacher Challenged By Frontier Of Learning Ry filbyl Roberta omenl Editor Molar has arrived to no on certain terms and loodiy purri ber of Canadians have departed for points south to bask In the tropical sun It to the south lies the luxury of lodayio the north masked by howling winds and inhospi table cold stretches illl vast unknoun challenge of Canadas tomorrow Resources of limitless potvntial energy and raw mat erial of the future lie waiting for tlevefopmcuf At this frontier Canadians with skllls anti pioneering spirit ntrdcd At least one young Barricile has responded in the chalicnftc Miss Marion Rattke dounhter of Mr and Mrs Radke of Oukley Park Square Rankc nf Oakley Park Square is working with Ihe children of FlfIbltllll on Baffin Island Miss Radlte finds that lan guage IS the foremost problem In her made three classroom In the class of Ill is of the child rcn are Eskimo They are ac customed to speaking Eskimo dirlecl in their homes Frohishcr com in of 1709 lies on windswept Irobish cr Bay wherc temperature of on in August is veritable heat wate place of wonder build ings and unpotcd streets it is community in transition from the isolation of the past to the new dimensions of time and space that tomorrow promises Eskimos who have broke IIISS MARIAN RADKE to unicii they were born gath communily oi Apex With little with the traditional mode of life In Frobisher and the nearby to the way of assets except the family conscious social cus TRADITIONAL FOOTWEAR for the inhabitants oi Canadas froten North are these Eskimo sealskin boots lland embroid ered duffle sox are worn inside the footwear and turned down over the striped fur tops Cir cular stripes denote the foot wear is feminine vertical KEEP in THE TRIM Toned Muscles Streamlined Flabby Ones Bulge Silhouette By IDA JEAN KAIN Exercise can hell you to cre ate slim image In your mind With toned muscles you will not only look and feel slimmcr you will be slimmer Toned muscles are compact and ap pear streamlined Fiabliy mus cles are btrlky and bulge the sil houette The beauty of exercise is that it stirs up circulation tones muscles and helps you to come alive Beautiful woman exer Cise When you diet stringently but shun exercise dreary happens to your looks and to your spirits 0n too little food you tire quickly Then what follows Your posture sags You practice economy of motion and move as little as you can Sloth sets in muscles atrophy and the result is de pleted dict look This need not take place Ex ercise is tha beautifiar Exercis ing to music is fun As you swing into actinnimplant the Image streamlines Thcn strétchandbend streamlines Position Standing with feet wide apart have 1ch hand on thighlino ballerina fashio or Right arm is arched overhead Pints chant the word tor FldSIlL moonw AME stripes denote mcns boots The lower part of the boot is not tanned leather it is chew ed by Eskimo women ttntil if is salt and pliable The foot wear is exceilodt for walking on trozen ground but would be inadequate for our wet slushy snow Examiner Pho lost Action Bend to the left arch ing your arm as you bend Move with rhythm to the chant fBendiogmakes fora villowy waistthango position of hands and stretchandhend to the opposite side Get rhythmic flow to the stretch hcndreach Start with two stretch actions to each side As you become more timber in crease to six Be aswiogor The bulky mus cle upholstcring the back of the hipstho glutcus maximusis fleshier in woman than in man Tone in this pair of mus cles is de rlgueur The swing must either go past 45degrce angle or be against resistance as in climbing Swing into aca fion with this exercise Position Standing hold onto top of solid chair or other firm support Action Hold with left hand and swing right leg forward as high as comfortable Then swin back aayou bend forward at vaistgiie sure toswing past 45dogreo angle so as to tone that massive muscle SWng 12 counts ch anting Swing to slim the derricr him about face resllng ri hand on support and swing To look and fact beautiful cxerciscl Never needs an ink padt Fast Easy Efficient Can be customordcrcd to meet any size shape or message re quirement PERhIASTAAIP vill1epiodtlcc colors fine lines small type faces logo typeseven photosin true accurate detail COMMERCIAL PRINT DIVISION BARRIE EXAMINER toms which they have so far managed to retain The Igloo has been replaced by wooden structures for the most part crowded and inade quate The tays when their life Wmk was virtually religious rilunl are gone for them The impact of the twentieth century tlamands adequate education it the coming generation is to be able to build new and ado quote way of life The teacher working in the classroom with the Eskimo child is one of the most important builders of the north program of arithmetic spelling and read ing is scheduled but the real emphasis is on the basic skill of oral English The teachers challenge is to find ways to deal with the language problems of hcr particular class Adult Eskimos sometimes leave the north that they loe in search of economic security in the south They usually ro turnlv Miss ftadke doscribes the beauty of Baffin Island in way that leaves no uncertainty about her admiration hilly land barren of trees and usual ly blanketed inwintry splendor the island is covered in summer by profusion of wildflowers and mosses of many colors The unmarried teachers of Frobisher live in barracks and have their meals in cafeteria In the evenings there are two clubs at which they can enioy each others championship The Legion and the Department of Transport sponsor those Danc ing is frequent pastime and quite few old movies are shown small library is avail able to Frobisher residents Miss Radke has also enjoyed some travel in the north including jaunt north of the Arctic circle Builtfn Slimming Diet Breakfast 220 Calories Chilled orange juice scram bled egg with and egg white toast slice butter oat coffee block Luncheon 425 Caloricst Vegetable soup cup cot tage cheese is cup on lettuce with fresh pear 51 bread slice margarine or butter ri pal skim milk H1355 Lateafternoon pickup fiIIO Calories Class skim milk or hot cocoa made with skim milk non ealoric sweetener Dinnert400 Caloriest Choice of mushroom meat loaf 11 slices ii inch thick or hamburger patty or tbroifedt baked potato ail margarine or butter pat as paragus spears tomatoes stewed or fresh tresh pear IA Total calories for day1155 Ill HARRIE IMMER THURSDAY JANUARY PEOPLE AND PLACES Call Audrey Coulxtm or Sibylyiiobem at HOUSE GUESTS Mr and Irs Grorco Bowler of Eugenia St have been enter talning their son and daughter in law Corporal and hlrr Eric Bowics of Montreal RV AUXILIARY Election of officer highlight rd lha meeting of the Itoyal Victoria Hospital Auxiliary held hicsday aftcmooo ftcclectrd as present for second term was Mrs John Pugh Others who will serve on the executive Include Mrs Parsons past president Mrs John Stet ensen first viceprcsident IIIrs Ernest Alexander second vice president Mrs Robert Clifton recording secretary Mrs MUSIC EXAMINER The Board of Examiners of the Royal Conservatory of Music have announced that Ralph Elsaassor will conduct examinations in piano for the Royal Conservatory In Barrio Jan 30 and 31 Following graduation from the Burns Conservatory in Switzerland lllr Elsaesscr studied for two years at theiJuilliard School of Music in New York If join ed thefacuity of the Conserva tory in 1957 and has given many recitals in Toronto and for the CBC He has won criti cal acclaim for his all Bach recitals and for his recent duov plano recitals with Pierre SouA vairan WHAT THE Graham corresponding um tlry and Mrs Roy Tod lrcu urer cxcancmaars Mr and Mrs Donald Rodgers of Cookstwn have announced the engagement of their only daughter Deborah Maud to Richard Georg Hunt The bride groom clret Is the only mo of Mr and Mrs Arthur final of Ihoruhfll The afternoon wedding ceremony will take place In Cookstown United Giurcb on Feb at 430 oclock Miss Patrlcfl Jane legan will exchange wedding vows with 0rme hlurrie Carless on Jan Ihe manfags will take place at the lliary Si home of tho bride clecir parents Mr and Mrs William John Miran at pm The bridegroom to be is the son of Mr and Mrs Gordon Caries of Melbourne Australia Open House Marks 60th Anniversary The diamond anniversary cel ebration for Mr and Mrs Bert Slcssor of Penetang St irillla held at First Ba List Church Orillia was atten ed by many friends and relatives of the couple During the afternoon and evo oing reception tea honors were performed by two sisters of the bridegroom Mrs Percy Slough of Barrie and ltlrs Callie Brand of Newmarkot Others pouring tea included the ceiebrants daughterslnlaw Mrs Ivan slos sor of Milton Mrs Dwight Slessor of Nawmarketr Mrs Wil liam Slessor of 0rillia and Mrs Robert Slcssor of Burlington Tea assistants were the couples granddaughters There are five daughters in the eclebrants family of nine Mrs Jack Coop or of Toronto Mrs Robert John stono of Hawkcsto Mrs Jack Cnckhttrnof Albert Mrs lius scli Storey and Mrs Elwood Oliver of Orillia Mr and Mrs Slessor have at grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren Among the guests attending was ltay Slessor of Ardagh ltd Barrie brother of the bride groom STARS SAY By asrnaLLira FDR TOMORROW day in which you will have more success with routine mat ters than you would if undertak ing new venture Late day in fluences somewhat adverse to it personal relationships suggest tact with all These born under some signs may be unusually sensitive FOR THE BIRTHDAY lf tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope for the year ahead is an extremelypleasing one You will not only have many opportunities to advance in your life work during the next 12 months but the same period should bring definite uplrend in your business and ii nanciai status especially if you have taken advantage ot every chance to get ahead since midNovember when you on tered truly beneficial planev tary cycle If youve slipped up here and them however dont be dismayedsisce stars will be very much on your side during several more periods before your next birthday lls around Good instances follo Where monetary interests are concerned yntican took for ward to an excellent period for making gains between now and April 15th others during the last two weeks of July the weeks between September tsth and October 15thvand those he twcen November 15th and cembor 15th Consolidate assets then watch ihebudget and be conservative in all spenng until January 1970 when you will enter truly excellent mopth cycle for adding to in come Just two admonitians Avoid extravagance in August and speculation in early Sep tember and early November or you could offsatgains East pa riod for making job progress with accompanying recognition The next two weeks the first two veuks of July September midLNovembcr andor late Dr camber Your personal lite will also be governed by generous influ ences during the forthcoming ith sentimental matters ally starblessed and for ngla chances at marriage in May August or December Mostpropitious periods for trav el= Beiweganune 151 and Sep tember 15th and betweenho camber 15th and January 15th child born on this day will behenodwed with fine business acu it but paradoxically could be taken In by the un scrupulous if the schemar has more dynamic personality than his own if NABSJUSFECT NEW DELHI arr mes senger working for Prime Min ister Indira Gandhi allegedly state one of her cheques forged her signature and tried to cash the cheque at Mrs Gandhis bank He was nabbed by sus picious bank manager Gavvie Thornton VISIT THE COLONIAL LOFT actuary Cearance 0F 3fne gaminge EFLth SAMPLES our on non mist Open Thursday Friday Evening Till pm l7 MULCASTER ST NEXT T0 LIBRARY BARRIE DISCONTINUED MODELS GENUINE SAVINGS Titration tClosedvhloadhyt 7560561 Lettcce is one of the worlds most wILlcly irscd vegetables In salads but this green garden gem may be found on other than cold plate Lettuce was served in Persian kings in ancient centurics Aris totle was known to have praised its royal ways Columbus introA duccd the leafy hoods to the New World and lettuce has played many enhancing cookery roles since its debut Good amounts of vitamins iiflfi plus iron make it nut tritious as well Its popular daily food Prcarntion is simp le just cold shower to cleanse anti aratc its leaves Cool in trans rciil wrap to store in the refrigerator There are several typcs of lot with iceberg most widely used Todays rccipc presents lcttucc in new dress Cream of Lettuce Soup is steamy delight to defrost icy winter day appetites Shrcds of the wispy crisp green float in creamy chickén broth seasoned tlth ireslionion Serve the soup to bright meal or as meal in itself Crerm of Fresh Lettuce Soup tsp minced fresh onion lT butter or margarine floor Ii tsp salt grains pepper chi bouillon cubes cups boiling water medium bead iceberg lettuce shredded logs yolk cup heavy cream Saute onions in butter or gavine until tender blonzi in flour salt nuuneg and pepper fratfuully stir in chickcn broth Cook ovcr medium heat stirring constantly until mikture thick ens nutl reachca oiling poin To Design Tags For Little Boys TORONTO fCPl Eleii Ilen dctson who has built up suc cossful business making little girls dresses now hopes to get little boys out of their Tina and blue jcans For 25 years she has been its signing little girls wear selling spring and tall collcctious of about so pieces to dcpariinciit stores and specialty shops across Xurth Amcrica Prices range from about $350 for pelticoat to 5150 for caftan anvl jumpsuit She now employs about hot workers but says it was only recently she realizcd tthere wrrc all kinds to pretty things available for girls and nothing outoffhooitlinary for boys She recently designed the first Iinc of little boys clothing ranging iiisjde tram to 6X and priced hctuccn $7 and $10 Her tlcsigns range from woven striped Swiss cottons lo jcwcl lonc vclvelcens decked with me tallic gold braid Add lctture Cover and cook minutes 3cm egg yolk sli mix in crcam Stir little mixlurc into egg olk Stir into Iclluce mixture Cook over low heat ring rousfantly mixture Just reaches point ebsut ti cujis LEIIUCE IIA HULLS proch cheese spread sottr err in cm toasted sluciui almonds cms STCKIdIti ircbcrg liilll0 slices hailed ham Iran rolls Carolina thccsc syrcad sour cream and almonds lightly loss with lettuce Sprcad Iotuc mixture on ham slices roll in Place cash lctfuccham roll on stilt onlciur roll If cs sanrlw Play It Sale Dont Overdo Too of any food in gretlicn hr ulna miaf under certain circumstn 253 For example Just plain ovcr catin can have rusty 572 qucoccs Too liberal use of szli to and cl rondim hellh hazard The answer is to stay withl safe Limits st Department of National Holt and Welfare bionic SALE FINAL JANUARY ISlh 6765mm FF 0N ALI FABRICS IN THE STORE SELaCTIGN n1 ON ALL vDMFERI ORDERS TAKEN Also scvings in the Fir Pnrner 0F BARRIE 72877 72

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