IOLD MINESING HOCKEY PHOTOGRAPH STIRS INTEREST Photographs and documents oi particular interest are con stnntly being added to dis plays at Simcoe County urch ives at hlidhurst Norbert Itlor SevenMan Hockey Era Recalled At Midhurst MIDHURST Stall The era at seven men hockey teams was recalled here by Norbert Moran county archivist in call ing attention to an old photo graph oi hlinesing team which was just donated The photograph was iound when work was done at No school in Vespra and turned over to the archives This team dates back belore World Warl said Mr Moron explaining this was made clear by the clothes worn by the ot iicials It has been long time since wing collars were popu tar he remarked Centre hair parting also was iad oi the distant past ONCE HAD ROVER llwellrememberseven man hockey said Mr Moran who was at one time Barrie base ball player The additional play erwas called rover who was mostly centre lane player The rover was dropped when six man hockey was adopted in the late twenties They did nt have many spares then and players were expected to play the lull in minutes hlr Moran recalled The were mostly used when regular was injured BALL TEAM T00 In addition to the hockey pic ture photograph oi an early Mincsing baseball club also was shown am not certain oi the date but the unilorms would in dicate it also dates back prior to Win1d War said the county archivist native of Harrie Mr Mor an has lived in this area most of his liie the last lour years at Midhurst Besides Barrie teams he play ed ball Ier Victorvillerin Cal ifornia when young man DISTRICT BRIEFS BEGINS NEW TERM MIDLAND Stall Mayor Leonard Sell will begin his sec ond term as head oi the Mid land council at its inaugural meeting on Monday night Jan I3 T0 STRESS GOODWILL JARIIATF Staff Mrs Pet cy Oakley will be hostess ior JarrattCreighton Womens tn stitute meeting here on Tues day Jan 14 Mrs Schaudlen eonvener oi citizenship and edu cation will be in charge oi the program which will stress the theme at international goodwill COLDWATER INAUGURAL COLDWATER Stall Reeve Ernie Miller and colleagues will be swornin by clerk Chester Martin at the inaugural meeting of the 196970 Coldwater council on Monday evening Jan to ASK FLASHER LIGHTS CRAIGHURSI tStali In stallation oi flasher warning lights at the intersection of high way 93 and county road 22 has been endorsed by Medonte town ship council The request will gn to the Ontario department oi highways iorapproval TO MEET AT VASEY VASEY tSlailI Promotion an iverlising and the eliect modern economy will be by Vasey Vomens In to at meeting on Tuesday Mrs Verne Todd will be hop as and Mrs Joseph Lner convencr in charge of the program NOT PLENTIFUL Experts estimate that only 10000 golden eagles may sur an orehlvisl reported the bove photograph oi illnes ing hockey club 01 some years ago was among the latest The photograph was lound Although lightweight he was consistent hitter and good ily hawk He usually played at left iield Before he became county or chivist Mr Moran was with UREEMORE SHAH While most Simcoe County municipal ities have already held their in augural meetings or the new term the Crcemore council in augural is still ahead John Lemmnn clerk in announcing the date as Monday Jan 13 explained this was be cause of the two nomination meetings which were made nec essary in December betore iull council was elected At the iirst nomination Reeve Willred and Coun eillor Frank Hartt of the 1966 council and newcomer Ralph West were the only nominees to qooliiy Among those who stepp ed aside were Alex McAllister who had served nine years on the council Harvey Pettigrcw six years and Gerald Blackburn former reeve Five of the nominees quali New Essa Clerk Will StartSoon BAXTER tStaiil Newly ap pointed clerk treasurer of Essa township Brian Gauley oi Elm grove will begin hisnew duties later in the month ltlr Gauley was appointed to succeed Harold Bell of Utopia an Essa oiiieial ior nearly 30 years who has beenill for some time He has been with Barrie iirm It is hoped Mr Bell will be available as consultant when he is well enough Mr Gauley was selected af ter the position was alvertised and applicants interviewed His starting salary is to he $5460 per annum under resolution passed by council at special meeting which askedhim to start on Jan 15 native at Baxter Mr Gaul ey has lived in Essa all his lite GASLITE it CHINESE CAFE AND Polynesian Dining Room 72847OI oeuvarw WHITE TOWERS MOTEL ll9 Donald vive in North America DISTRICT NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JANUARY I969 Creemore celled haggard Sell6 Monday Night 14 when work was done at old No school in Vcsprn Mr Moran would like to get lur ther iniormatton aim at the team and identity oi the play the county registry oiiice navy veteran he is past pre sident oi the Barrie Branch 147 oi the Royal Canadian Legion Currently he ls second vice president oi the Barrie branch tied ior two council Scots in the second nomination and in the ensuing election held Tues day Dec Cnrman Gowan manager oi the village LCBO store and Donald Carruthers were elected Councillor elect Gowan is well known to members of the Legion of the district He is Iormer president oithe Cree more branch and pastzone and district commander Reeve Warden will start his third term as head at the eoun cil at the inaugural He was reeve in 4966 dropped out in 1967 when Gordon Watson now coniniyclerk was elected and then came back last year He was loner rceve and eoun cillor at Arthur before coming to Cremore ZOMEonthu mm FRANK THISISItLE gram Cnmpletejhows take 700 arid 3300 HELD OVER 2nd Record Breaking Week THIS IS THE TRUE sronv some secrconrsssse aosrou STRANGLER who SINATRA Lilli IN llIllllEtWELCll llitlBtthltElt THE BOSTON STRANGLER HEY KIDS SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY AT 115 PM LITTLE SHEPHERD OF KINGDOM COME om Council Supports GOTrcrin Service ers and oiiiclals he also was given another photograph of an earlier Mineslng baseball club which he would like ld entitied The archives are open every nitemoon with the ex ceptoln of Sunday and Mon day during winter months Examiner Photo To Extend Drain In Medonte Area AIOONSTONE Stall Ex penditure up to $4500 has been endorsed by Medonte township council to municipal drain No in better serve the area An engineering survey is to be made in the spring and the work will proceed alter the re commendations are received benver pond below the drain hns been holding some at the water The pond now is irozen over The drainage work is to be done under the Drainage act and council will apply ior the two thirds drainage gent DONT MISS The SIIICH IN rvmr SAT JAN Admission $200 our PAV Couehizhing Beach Park Phone 33167385 truth ACTION PICTURE GROSTATION lSiall We lelt tt uoold help development and be good thing ior the en tire area said Deputy Reeve Tenoeth Gilchrist discussing 0m councils resolution supper ting Gotraio service between Tomnto and Oriltla Reeve Gilchrist commented on opposition that it might tend to moire the district residential area ior Tomato workers rath er than encourage local industry and business We feel It would help busi ness by increasing demand ior goods he said stating it daily commuter train service increas cd the dunnnd or homes and services it should he most bene iiclcl cam POTENTIAL Other members the Ore councilhad much similar views ieei it would be good thing ior On its wellas Orillia and Barrie remarked Reeve Ken neth Gillespie head of the 0m council if you add to your residen tlnl taxpayers It helps to build up your community he added Councillor Howard Oantpbell ell such an htcrensed demand ior heroes might make more controls on building advisable Barrie and Oriltla have oiiicinl roam plans but in Oro zoning is controlled by bylnw An oiiteinl OnlY BLOND MERSAWA xiv SPECIAL VALUEI Vielimo Plywood PREFINISHED BURMA TEAII iddt Dedusi 20 Panel In Lon OF 400 More ALUMINUM WINDOWS SHOWING AT pi1l 915 pm Grain 4mm Ungiooyed Mahogany 96 ush gun in outer wit nullhint dd 20 Shlcil Matte To Your Measurel Combination SELFSTORINO hugged Gonthlnsllon Storm and Screen ALUMINU CENTRES TO SERVE YOU plan has been discussed by 0m council and considerable lnlor matloo obtained but it has not yet got by the discussion stage We are waiting to see what is going to be done about re gional government we want to know when we are at corn mooted the reeve It commuter train also might make it possible ior strident at tendiru University oi Tomato to live at home at Banie Drillio or other places along the line it the schedules were made adoptable INITIAL ENTHUSIASRI Councillor Allan Mclean greed it had much potential Whether the service will be in stalled reimius to be soon but the good initial support has stirred enthusian over its possibilities II the train service is ultimately put into ellcct iLs tutum then will depend on its use Coonutier train service was started irom Peierborough to Toronto bbut revenues were in sufï¬cient to wanant maintain ing the service it was repert ed Once the service is sinned it should be given good chance toshowits potential great deal would depend on stopping places in the city Toronto Union station would be the logical tcr mtnnl and stop at Parkdale and other practical places might also be inducted it was suggest ThcOro mundl felt the situa tiou warranted lull study of its possibilities Iillislon Council Inaugural Set AWN Stall iiayor elect George lllchgue and other members at the tesero Alliston council will make their declarations oi olflce at the in augrnal meeting set ior Monday Jan r3 IarneL Whiteside clerk will administer the oaths ni alleg iance Worden oi Simcoe Coun ty in loss Mr ileCague was chairman oi the board ol gover nors oi Georgian College The mayorelect will succeed Iohn Darling QC who has bead ed the council inr the past live years Councillors Stewart Der mott and Stan Rowen also re tired at the end the 1968 term Besides the new mayor the 196910 council will include Reeve Ralph Hunter and Deputy Reeve John Taylor as county rep resentatives againalnng with our councillors Oakln Gray James Diokey James McCul iagh and Peter Cameron LESS THAN LIO34c SO FOOT Convenient size panels fit on IE centreiL cort you less per square Iooill 32x 32 $228 in in Lott at 25 Or More $144 ERR In 5min loin Handsome Woodmln Hlvdhoard Abltlltl Pioneer HICKORY to Our Low Price Per Penellf Veetirooveti It cacao AHUUANY Eoch In Lots 06 25 Or More $115 Each in Smaller Loin 329 377 Axl EVEN LOWER PRICES 0N lAKGER QUANTITY ORDERS First Quality Vinyl Asbestos 127 l2 FLOUR TILES V20 hel UP cinen Lots 45 Tiler Per Cirtonl 75 30 66 Drilled For Hoidwaul Hinges Inlllllcdl MAHOGANY tatrote nouns ZPANEL PLAIN ZPANEL lOUVER ZO x66 16 66 $1655 $1850 HARDWARE FOR ABOVE stzts err SET $215 JohrManvlile Doultlmst eriti at Strum rm For Grrinn 11x12 or 16x16 Ceiling Tiles RANGE Hoons 2Speed Plan Oro Course For Best Feeding 0i Livestock MITCHELL SQUARE tStnll Sponsorcd by the Ontario de partment ol agriculture and loed special course in feeding at livesiock will he started It Oro township hall here on nleslly Jan 14 The course will start at ltsti pm and sessions will continue inr tour mosh Tuesdays at the some time Workshop ses slons will then be held ior cattle and swine producers Former president oi the North Simcoe Crop and Soil Improve ment Association lvan Clark at Shanty Bay is in charge of reg istration ior this area Doug Fer ris Midhurst Russell ltlaw pl Mintsing Ed Buie ot Sloyner hlonlcnlm tlaurice of Iaiontaloo and Ed Robertson oi Elrnulc are among others accepting api plicnnts ior this and similar course at Elmmle which starts on Thurslay Jan 15 Council lit Taya Begins New Term VICIORIA HARBOUR Stall Reeve Ralph Dalton and col leagues began their new term at the Toy township council in augural meeting yesterday The townships new deputy reeve Thomas Robinson iormcr councillor and two new councillors Rmce Tinney and Tom OHara were inslalled WOODORAINSI Western Cellar Knotty Pine s494 has Budget 20 Panel In his GI 40 Or More 83 PREFINISNEDI our IEINEST PANELS $622 nonrnrnti the $1098 who Plywoodr OAK nonulni Per Panel Any Qulniilyl SAVE BEFORE PRICE INCREASE 97 CARTON In tor of cation at man chum $129 rut SO Cepprltono Slnglo Speed 19318 Model $2297 No Interior 10 66 ls it 66 20 56 1440 in 250 or see him ill2 rtrernte write with roundly Extre Shopping Hours MAHOGANYDOORS $449 $4198 $589 ézi 22 66 14 66 $611 5534 $658 Fridays until pm Mr Gib AntcliffepYour CushwoyMonoger Sewing Barrie Orillio ondyour area From Our LocationJtinetionHwy North OldNo II Hwy HighwoyOB Barrie