Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1969, p. 4

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Walla Publisher ditto Norrie Examiner Published by cantor Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario William Taller General Manager McPherson Mnnaging Editor THURSDAY JANUARY We have been visited by Ilent of new this winter That is won for resort operators skiers slddooers etc If you dont like nowhere is only one thing to do Move south But if you choose to live In this great invigorating climate of Canada on must learn totake it in full stride let all our ancestors had it much harder and began to develop this great land The Huron Indians of tth area managed to nirvlve Solt was not un edtohear from an aiderrnan oi the City of Barrie that he had been pestered at rdght by call from irate citizens over some delay in snow removal These were undoubt edly newcomers to Barrie Barrie has exceptionally good snow removal facilities Give them couple of inches of the white stuff and Toronto pe become paralyzed Most natives of arrie dont panic when the snow be gins to fall They have learned patience If you drivea motor car you get good snow tires for winter You dress in warm winter clothes About the snow plowing Barrie has several hundred miles of main roads connecting arteries with provincial highways These must be opened first Then the board of works men get after the side streets it hasbeen remarkable job they do There are only three snowplows five ton trucks with scrapers on front And there is one snowblower They have been doing fine job in keeping Barrie roads open Much better than what happens in most Ontario communities Lets lust say keep up the good work we ap reciate it Those who dont will find Route 75 to Florida is open most of the way DOWN MEMORY LANE IO YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jan 1959 Local sportsmen mourned death of Archie Roy Thompson who died at age 50 while shovelling snow at house Archie was one of Barrles finest baseball players catch er and pitcher in 19305 and one of Gan adas best amateur boxers Dog died of rabies in Barrie pound Dr Has lett dishlet veterinarian reported as first in many years RCMP began in vestigation of suspected teenage narcot ics users Local worry of possible strike action by Hydro employees Regional manager Ferguson said negotiations were continuing Barrie manager Salter said he doubted strike would take place Frederick Walls who was associated with brother the late William Walla in operating weekly newspapers Tottenham Elmvale and Barrie died at Hamilton Barrie rinks skipped by Vern Adams and Dr Alf Crossland qua lified for finals in annual Beaver Va ley bonsplel at llhornhury George Danc genfield was host for meeting of provin cial GM dealers in Barrie at Community House Nettleton personnel manager for Mansfield Rubber was guest speaker at accident prevention meeting in Collier United church hall Harry Midlife retired as president Barrie Real Ixtate Board handing over gavel to Sandy Coutts Jack Slessor elected vice president Judge Donald Mao Laren awarded certificates of citizenship to 37 New Canadians at county court house Jack ll MacLaren reelected chair man publlc school board Betty Davis named Cinderella Queen of Barrie Teen Town Erereton Field Naturalists completed winter census of local birds Toby Robins of Toronto narned top TV actress of 1958 by Canadian Press Steve Jonescu Examiner sports editor commuted on Junior hockey season He thought Scotty Bowman now coachSt Louis Blues was doing good job in first year with Peterborough He commented that Stan Mikita of St Ca tharlnes had developed swelled head ChlcoMaki looked good with same team Toronto Marlboros would go nowhere without Dave Keons leadership Ken neth Robinson former recreation direct or in Barrie elected citizen of year in Peterborough William llialcomson presented gavel to Willard Kinzie Bab ries first city mayor Malcomson insur ance firm enters 60th year oneof oldmt continuing firms in community Ed itorial commented that Barrie had good character but some things were lack ing more parks and open space au ditorium for concerts street paving Hope that city council will not delay pro ceeding with proposed bayfront park OTHER EDITORS ivIEws IS PATRIOTISM DEAD Detroit News We are beset by extramessuperpa trlots on one hand and debunkers on the other But when the chips are down think the overwhelming majority takes sound and sensible position in defense of the thing this nation stands forits system of democratic values its free doms and opportunities They may not shown but they fEEi it CHEER UP MR STANFIELD Brockwlle Recorder and Times Inevitably some degree of reaction will set in against Primerhlirdster lru deau Human nature being what it is criticism and doubts of his administra tion are bound to begin whether or not his Government commits any major faux pas But this seems unlikely to be of an 1great benefit to Mr Stanfield persona For each year of the life of the pres ent Parliament hundreds of thousands or postwlar babies will come of voting 1T5 HAPPENED IN CANADA 110W ecu us aoumenmmwm Forum FROM ole 51qu as mo cm age people with new ideas ofwhat party leader should be it almost certain ly will not be the oldstyle politician of Mr Stanfields type 0n the first anniversary of his assum ing the leadership of the Conservative Party Mr Stanfield said he has no re gretsat giving up the premiership of Nova Scotia to enter federal politics He prefers he said to look ahead rather than think of the past But it is diffi cult to see much that is rosy in Mr Stan fields political future CONSIDER BIOLOGICAL WARFARE Kingston WhigStandard It would be unwise if the current pre occupation with avoiding nuclear war caused the would to ignore another equally horrible form of mass murder biological warfare It was this fear which rompth Britains recent scheme to ban iologinal warfare Clearly with this war honor in itsinfancystage the time to take steps to forestall its developmenth Goody Ploiivingi job Done By Board Of Works Ontario $1500 year motor TREES iI HAD KITCHEN flour AND Ile RWMDBEWNMitmlW ITSTILLflANDING the Meandew mu Ben Hemr 0F 5FCATIIAIIINESM lEFT mi Mil I931 murmur Actress campsMemo ymmiswmmmmm WI HUMl VII WWW WWW ohm flalfldfmllflmnm moi II more as on WTISNWPRINEE swam s1 Loss or MvsJEfiiE SIM enormous murmur earnest me was FoliND WHEN OLDIIZEES WERE CUT DOWN kHEMDlEDIM me somewhat Moorup mm Meowr we VIMIo Irma Ft NWI Press or Reuters and also the Mini wise Toltti Matti EASIERW we can scar SOMEONE HALF WAY ITS FUNNY WORLD mgzm OTTAWA REPORT Frat Trudeau Budget Called Communistic rarities Nicholson arrawa The first Tnl dean budget has been described In this column and elsewhere as communistic because It was the first Canadian budget teem brace the communist dogma of preventing the bequest of prop erty from parent to child it was also and as justifiably critidzedvas being confiscatory and unfair throughievylng sub stantially Met taxes at death upon the fruits of lifetimes labor which had already been taxed heavily whenrearned Criticism oi the Trudeau culi fismwly doubletsxntion cen tres as was first explained in CilelDilS STORY US Civil War Effect on Canada non aowrvmr Some historians say that the llSCivil War began on Jan 1351 when Confederates from the south fired on the Federal steamer Star of the West Others claim that the war began on April 12 when Con federatas attacked Fort Sump fer In any case we war had great effect nnCnnada and helped to bringnbout Confeder tion it lsa little confusing that the Confederates in the 115 wantedto break up the Union but Corurxieration meant the unity of the British North Amer ican colonies gt Canada and British Columbia became havens of refuge for Confederate troops and spies during the US Civil WaruThey established very nciiverbases at Montreal Toronto and Victoria One group tried to capture us warships an the Great Lakes but was defeated Another Wm flip Barth Examinin 15 Bayiieid Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office De partment Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash Return postage Elaranteei Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50 weekly $1600 yearly Single copies 10m Ey mail Barrie $1600 yearly throw off tin year Out side Ontario $10 Year Out side Canada Britistposaes sions 825 year USA and foreign $32 year National Advertising Offices 415Universli Avenue Toron to our Ca cart 5L hionh realm Member of the Canadian Press andAudit iiureanr of Circulations The Canadian Press inex cluaively entitlui to the use fortrepublicalion of all news dispatches in this paper cred fted lollt or The Associated local news published therein this column two months ago around the fact that it discrimi nates against the small family business be it farm or store moteian apartment building or so on The new tax levied when such an estate passes to yoimger generation ls so high that in most cases it will prove essential to sell the usiness to meet the tax liabl ity Thus this antisocial tax Will speed up the sale of Canoda to the United States and other for eign investors as the Ontario Economic Council has pointed out anddeplored 77777 Thus new vacuum cleaner has now been added to Ottawas old trrdr of robbing the grave group working out of Toronto planned to set New York hotels on fire hoping that the entire city would bum in 1864 when Confederation delegates were meeting at Qiie bee party of SouLherners op crating from Montreal lnvaded Vermont and shot up the town of St Albans This nearly led to Us army attacking Canada and the Confederation delegates speeded their work for mutual defence During the xvii war the wife of Jefferson Davis President of the Confederate states lived in Montreal wluatileir two chil dren Davis ioined themin Montreal after serving term in prison and was given great ovationun July 13 367 when he appeared at benefit concert organized by the Southern Re lief Organization The orchestra played Dixie and people shopted We shall live to see the South nation again The New York Herald was so angry that it urged the US government to annex Canada By the end of the Civil War the Northern Army was the strong est in the world and there is lit tle doubt that it could have oop tured Canada easily if it had been unleashed CITY OF Baa Principal 15 November Amount moo snow 1981 13 1583 19000 was 20000 Denominations $1000 Barrie Toronto and Montreal DEBENTURESFOR SALE Debentures Prlcea are and accrued interest to date of delivery Principal and annual interest November 15 payable at yard But the arrogant and in considerate way in wbldr this new tax was imposed has been wicked factor adding mental torture for many older Canad iam This arose because Ff nance Minister Benson an nouncing the first Trudeau budg et in Parliament on Oct 22 last year said that be war propose ing this new estate tax lnrelt spent deaths after midnight tonight Bug failed to detail the extent and conditions of his grab of dead mens wallets Weeks and months have passed out knowing how his reiroac tive tax will hit their esto froocsty for the finance minister to impose this tax immediately but before even he had finalized lib details This threw Canadas lawyers into panic because theTru dean Estate Confiscation Tax will necessitate changes to the will of perhaps 90 per cent of Canadas testate fathers Ept without the details of die new tax no lawyer can advise how any will should be changed The dependents of every older Cana dian who had saved up few dollars cotddonly pray that the old boy would cling desperately to life and not depart in peace before Finance erdsterllenson had decided what he was talk ing about So many complaints swanrped Ottawa from all parts of Can ada that finally two months after his budget but with the important details not yet uri veiled the minister of finance took the unusual step of saw nouncing the new tax to the press it is customary for our elected representatives in Par liament to be given the first an nouncement of any newts BIBLl THOilGllT Happy an thon lsraeli who is like unto thee people saved by the Lord Deute onnnay 3328 it is great privilege and blessing to be Christian Dont treat It like its burden At tend yota church support it and then go out to reach others Jesus said ltye deny me will also deny you Bangle Approximate Price vrna ms 775 94 775 ms 774 9350 775 East Atlantic By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Affairs Allbi In Europe for the Common wealth meeting Mr Trudeau must have beard echoes of the new spirit that pervades the other aide of the Atlantic ac wording to most parts spirit luwbicb Western European and ie of the communist se tal Itor scorn united Keep NAN refuahikh the Mn of the West tell the Russlans they cannot have Ihelr way Andlet tbeAnrerlcanahiow they cannot have their way ei maroon Mt era over their head with Moscow livelier NATO lsseen as curb on Russia in her dealings with her satellitesand the sa iellltes themselves want such club NATO is also seener It orgirully was conceived te be means for tying US and Western European policy tvgelb er The great weakener of NATO apart from the common lnler est the superpowers have in not destroying one another has been General de Gaulle and his dream of creating third force independent of the superpowers both economically and militar ily and able thus in art as balance wheel in the world ran smam But Francehas proved unable to bear the strain of acting like big power when it In only middle size one Its economy could not take it its people did not believe in de Gauilas dream INTERPRETING THE unis DeGaulle Still ToriUous Path Dy CY FOX Chandlers Press sun Writer President de Gaulle still pur suing tortuous path between the worlds two great power blocs has stirred new storm with his ban on shipments of French arms to larael The ban which includes spare parts for military equipment reflects de Gaulles anger over last years lsraell attack on air installations in Lebanon coun try ior which he has axiong standing attachment It also reflects the generais determination to curb what he and Canadian mug 3consldersmggresslve tendencies in lsrael as part of continuing French role as peacemaker in Lions hurts the French ecimcrny by way of its arms industries at time when the country can not afford to lose markets They argue too that his reac tion to the airport attackand to the United States decision to supply 50 jet planes to the Is raellsis excessive and could even hurt Frances pearcmak ing effectiveness Critlcs oi the arms ban also have been quick torecoli the controversy set off by the presi dents 1961 description of the Jewish race asran elite sure of itself and domineerin cWif gnu awards every year at the big Fairs We blend it with lliiOUND in worn New Spirit 011 TheLand of theAcadians produces rye grain that wins to the ardent of being willing to Sacrifice materially for it any more The franc floirndered Wages bad to be raised Franco lost its competitiveness on the world markets and has had to make cuts in do Gauliee cher lahed nuclear weapons pro film So In France thoruh do Gaulla lr supreme there is no talkcurrently at lentof Gaulllam alter its lie Talk alliances the atic all pralsed specifically the moon for NATO of Henry Kissinger ltichlrd Nixons adviser of na tional security There is much discussion over Europe about future rel tions between the US and Ru Ila It In conceded thatlhe tw superpowers must have good relt iaiions that only by agreeing could they help solve such prob lems as the Middle Eesb But Western Europe and Russias satellites are saying throngs their diplomats that Mr Nixon should first tend to NATO then talk to Russia it is tempting to dismiss this as the usual tear of European that they will not be consulted in linssoAmeaIcan deal There is evidence of mm sub stance Frances collapse on the way to independent his power status and Russias invasionof Czechoslovakia have made old arrangements such as NATO andyescnntainmcnt rn attractive again Yet de Gaulle who rejects charges that he is antiSemitic seems to be formulating his Middle East policies in terms at removerall world strategy as well as In response to develop meals in and mound Israel With France suffering the eco nomie eonseizuences of last years domestic turmoil the president speedily thanked its Pmldent Johnson for his arson once of support in time of need At the same time deGaulie remained faithful to his traditional policy of avoiding subservienee toeltherthe 175 or the Soviet Union Vhllo deferring to the prom Ise of American support he has rtvelcomed to Paris represenia lives from Moscow who came for talks on hancoSovIet coo nomie cooperation Delegation leader Vladimir Klriilin conferred with dd Gaulie on Tuesdaythe first meeting between Soviet gov ernment official and de Gaulie since the Czechoslovak crisis last August The talks on FrancoSovlei economic cooperation are excillt ing much discussion in the French capital coming as they do after the eriod of cooler res lations force on de Gaulle by the Czechoslovak crisis on Delivery immediate There are no delivery charges to pay Enquiries or orders for any amount may be made through the office of the City Treasurer Telephone mom or directly to THE roaonmnommron BANK Dunlop Owen Branch Barrie Ontario Telephone 71644 You may also contactany convenient branch of TORONTODDMINIDN The Bank where people make the difference the fine Western ryes that go into Acadian whiskics to add unique character and distinction But find out for yourself We izuyAlex Wilsons rye crop nary year fir Acadinn Whirkfer summonses Look for Four Seasons Port Royal and Signature carefullytended rye from Acadian Distillers

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