Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1969, p. 3

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John McCann ahalmnn the Barrlc Winter Carnival com mittee said last night that pro pantions for the week Bl event are hall completed Well try to use local talent to the maximum this year he said but outside entertain meal will also be used as much as ponib Last years carnival stressed local events over attractions brought in irom other areas The committee met last night to begin completeion ol plans Reports irom mmerous subcom mitteo chairmen showed that preparations were well under way and that so iar no molar stumbling blocks had been lound First event Feb it will be hockey game between the Fly ing Fathers team Ontario priests and the Barrie Old Tim ers Chairman Bill Claydcn said that about 10 lormcr Flyers have bccn contacted to play These include Paul Megar Leo Lahine and tiny Garlcpy DONATE PROCEEDS it is hoped lied Storey will be on hand to relcrce the game Proceeds will go to the Barrie Sheltered Workshop building lund On Feb there will be variety show in Central Colleg llate auditorium sponsored by the Barrie Civllan Club Feb 18 will see torchllyat parade by Barrie Scnuts and llreworks display at Centennial Park Plans lor giant Girlst mas tree bonlire wore canccil cd Fob it there will be Teen HDance in the Barrie Armory Music will be by recording stars Little Caeser and the Consuls Plans for the Carnival Bali and the parade are still in the Iworirs Some that and bands have been obtained but more are ncedcd and all replies are not yet in Gerry Barber in charge oi orc THE ICE Kempenleit Bay near government wharl in Barrie is being mapped out in preparation or the Barrie Lay Plans For Wee1c Slate Ot Carnival Evéntsg eLong FLANKED BY JOHN Kor cn llelti and red vain tright carnival committee ganlzing the snowmobile races said that all area clubs and the Ontario Snowmobile Racing Fed skates eration hava been contacted There will also likely be snowmobile demonstration team performing lumps and stunts CELEBRITY EVENTS For special events there will be motorcycle races sky diving and celebrity events School events chairman Ron Harris was told that large heated tent had been obtained ice over the weekend including Winter Carnival llere commit tca communications chairman Ray Atkinson leit discusses set up of public address sys chairman John McCann studies list at arrangmenls still to be made before the Barrie Win tcr Carnival gets the go from Base Borden whcrachlld ren could warm up and change lnr the youngsters there will be skating races ringetle and broomball chdlsh ncrobnts figure skat ing and push lt ball game be tween CKVR and the Barrie Examiner have becnvslated tor the arena show There will be various rides vailable on the Kempcnlclt Elay terns with Ron Harris and Ken Wright at last nights com mittee meeting Examiner Photo prosecution la told Judge Faster in provincial court Barrie yesterday that when RCMP oflicers entered the home of Harvey Myers on St Vincent street Nov it they lound his son Gregory Allan and two other youths in basement bed room Officers led by Coast Cornlorth searched the room and found quantity oi cannabis re sista derivative of marijuana Greg Myers 18 was in court charged with possession of the narcotic substance The youth was uncoopcrtive with the police Mr Owen said He was remanded until Jan 29 alter pleading guilty The judge asked for pre sentence report Delence counsel Mclurk said that cannabis is not as ser ious drug as heroin or opium and that suspended sentence should be in order But Mr Owen asked Judge Foster to impose jail term on the youth sun dent at Barrie North Collegiate Suspended sentences have not proved to be deterrents in the past he said We have other youths who were charged with possession and given probation but here we have yet another case Bayshore The Cheerios Queens The Squires RoxyLady in Cement imperialThe Boston Strangler Youth118 Admits Possession Of Drugs am concerned about the other young people who may be considering using drugs said Mr Owen Stxncthing rmrst be done to discourage them The boys lather Harvey said his son had presented no pro biems in the home but that he had leit for year in 1967 and gone to Calgary He said the boy was good artist and musician and had re turned to sohool when he came back from out west tOCili lino Grimm CARS COLLIDE Tris Bates 43 of Midhurst and Floyds Hall to of Drillia were involved in collision on the grmmds or the Adult Occupation al Centre at Edgar yesterday OPP report damage at $450 DAMAGE 3900 Roy Hastings 28 of Shanty Bay and Joseph Jadrson 65 of Shanty Bay wore involved in collision at Highway 11 in Guthrie Damage to both cars was listed hyDPP at $900 TAKE COIN BOX Barri police report the thelt of coin box irom the Simcoe in TOWN TONIGHT Continental Inn Ruthie Paddison Brookdale Park inn The Cavaliers Nottawnsaga InnThe Hayden Review MOVIES Some at his friends lclt lot to be desired though said Mr Myers Mr Mciurk presented charac ter reference letters irom teach ers at North Collegiate He said the letters needed no explana tion as they spoke tor them slves as well as for the accus ed head Mr McCannsald last night that preparations worn hail way completed Exam iner Photo trips in airplancs and helicop tcrs Admittance to the ice as last year will be obtained with the use at plastic snowman badges as tickets This year the snow men costing one dollar each are in blue and white Next meeting at the commit tee will he in the Barrie Cham ber oi Commerce oilices Jan 22 at 730 The Barrie loaning Board will consider new zoning regu lations for the city at their Iirsl regular meeting oi the year next Tuesday night The regulations are part of new zoning bylaw or the city designed to give lorce to new official city plan approved in principle by city council Nov ii The otilcial plan sot the gen eral zoning staging and dov clopment policies or the citys grouthnver the next live years Board Eliorls lire Applauded The Simcoe County Board of Education received its first dela gatlon last night group of Sim me County Home and School oilt licials appeared at the meeting tocongratulaie the trustees on the fine job they have bcan do ing solar Mrs Ross Cook thanked the board on behalf of the parents and informed them that Mrs Bessie Clemmens had been ap pointed as liaison officer be tween the board and the home and school associations Harold ii Bairstow Barrics industrial Commissioner said to day that the cltys currentin dustrlal slump is not as ser ious as many people tend to think The largejncreasc in residen tial building thisyear has dis torted tha picture or our indus trial growth he said Actual ly the increase in commercial Owen remarked It would seem that these letters indicate two very understanding teach ars Plaza Coin laundry last night The amount stolen from the box is not known as yet WHEEL DISC lull set or wheat dis was stolen irom car parked in the Dangerfield Motors lord Street lot Barrie police report Jim Horne discovered the wheels missing train the vehicle yesterday morning NEW CENTRE new distribution centre and executive oillces oi Bombardier 10ntarioi Ltd will be officially opened Jan 22 at plnii was announced today llon James Auld mintrter oi tourism and information will oiiiclata Also in attendance will berMayor Bentley ltOBAIHS SEES POPE VATICAN CITY AP Pope Paul received Premier Johnrllo Darts of Ontario in private audience Wednesday Robarts arrived in ltorne irom Toronto Tuesday on private visit as guest at the Italian foreign mnilt istry He plans round oi talks and industrial assessment has been the highest or the past ten years butthe figures for rosi denilal growth have iar ouidls tanced these Mr Bairstow said residential statement released morning by Mansfield Den man General president said the strike between MansfieldDeo man General and 300 United Rubber Workers local 530 had not been settled alter three days oi intensch negotiation in the oiliccl of William Dickie chief conciliator lor the depart ment of labor Mr Moore said that Prof Ted Graham oi the University of Tor onto had been brought in by the labor department as atechnical advisor in the area of pieceworir incantlve systems Mr Moore said Mr Gra hams commcnts in summary were that while in theory 70 unit hour could be considered FPProprlate in some industries practical experience shows this would be subnormal in many plants and an as unit hour level does in tact rctloct aver age achievement in all such with government oilicials and will stay in name until Saturday cases WAY JANUARY 10 mammmmna McCullough OiSchoolBoard Is Chairman John Mchlloulh it of Ind land was elected chairman ol the Shame County Board oi Educa tion last night He won out over Merely Ford Colflnxwood who has med Is intuim chair maiulnce early December when the trustees were elected His term will be one year Mr Ford was later elccted vice chairman oi the board over Dr John Anders ol Barrie The board ol education chair man is paid noon in addition to the $1000 per year he re celves as trustee Mr llchilough represents litidiandon the is member board at education He Won out over Dr Peter Brasher and Lyle Weckman in the December election 37 Downtown ilrea Merchants Charged Under Snow Bylaw Barrie bylaw enlorcement of town merchants with falling to clear the snow awaylrom the sidewalks and lnnawaya in rout of and at the side oi their bulld lags city bylaw requires that all snow and its be cleared irom both occupied and unoccupied buildings belorn 500 am each morning except Sunday The city has begun to crack down on olienders City hail stall wcrc typing up the sum monses this moming and police expect to be able to deliver them today or tomorrow if they can get through the snow The maximum fine for failing to clear away snow and ice is Planning Board To Consider New City Zoning Regulations The zoning bylaw will set zon mtg for specific properties in the Cl The planning board will con sider the general regulation act by the bylaw llrst and than pie pare maps indicating the speci blot zoning standards across the Once the bylaw has been up proved by planning board it will go to the city development committee and isnexpectedeta be in the hands oi council within two months FARM mars TORONTO CPi Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Wednesday large 601 me nium 56 small 43 Eggs Wholesale prices to country stations iihre cases quot ed by acommittee of wholesale egg dealars extra large 4740 large 6647 medium 43 small 3547 as 29 Butter prices Canadian car lots buying score 64 biw licers have changed in down l09 Melrose Ave may be en terprising but they arent The Simcoe County Board at Education last night continued the appointment of livemore men to the boards administra live structure Ernest Burton current admin istrator lor the now delunet Barrie District Colieglnte Board was appointed payroll andper sonnet oliiccr tor the county board He will take up his dun tics July at an annual salary olenoo George tongstaile now serv ing as the business administra llc School Board will take up the duties ofrbudget and ac counts oliicer Mr Longslaile will also begin his new job July at salary or $12000 per an Jaun ileg Towlc oi Drillia will take up the post of comptroller for the board immediately Until now the board has had to tune Th business other superin The Simeoe County Board of Education last night heard the second request tor meeting to discuss salaries letter from the Building Ser vice Employees International Union Local 200 asked the board jMDG Union Talks In Toronto Bring No Strike Settlement this is But Prof Graham said that ing to score selling construction in the city had doubled over the last year and apartment construction was four times greater than the previous year More than 200 new appartrnent units were built in Barrie in the last year and semai large sub divisions were approved includ ing one bvaueben Corporation for 100 homes in the Baylield Street and Cundles Road area Mr Bairstow is currently pre paring report on Barries in dustrial prospects iorthe next year which is expected to go absolutely not what said According to Prof Graham he told both anion and management that fin the majority or cases 78vunit hour would be normal lor the average operator ProiGraham said he did not want to be associated in any way with statement that claims an asunit hour is what he recom mended in my experience raid Prol Graham companies us ing illunit hour have lound it to he good average He added that he knew of no company using the wunit hour anslield Denman General is demanding Ross firman member of the union negotiating team said the union was prepared to agree to an no unit hour But the company just wouldnt listen he said unit hour is the number of units one man is expedad tn produce in one hour larva meeting to negotiate new Our Industrial Slump Not All That Serious before the industrial and busi nessdevelopment committee he lore the end 01 the month and to be lnthe hands at city council by mid February Both Mayor Robert Bentley and Ald Les Joliilie have ex pressedconcern over the fact that residential growth in the last year has outdistanced in dustrial and commercial devel opment The mayor has said that he hopes for several announcements of industrial investment early this year but has cited the tact that this city is not included in the provincial menis Equalization oi industrial Oppor tunity program as major hind rance to industrial expansion The provinces program is de signed to encourage through tax concessions industrial growth in areas with slow growth rates tor for the lnrmcr Barrio Pub tion withoutflie services of at Board Hears Second Bequest icoslonrasiiaarrrw ilarrle residents as those at tlnding many takers in their Theyre linding glint on the altar to sell mountain ol snow lendcnt of business attairs Thomas Shulta will not take up his position until the end ol the month Mr Towle began work this morning and wfll handle the boards financial Vailalrsy any tier Shpltz arrives Tha boardol education re cently signed $2000000 note with the Torontovbominion bank to meet its inunediate payroll needs Prank Hartman an employee oi the Midland Public School Board was appointed as execu tive assistant and information oiiiccr tor the board lie will work under director oi educa tionJack Ramsay Mr Hart man will begin working tor the board immediately at salary of £2000 per annum WMorleyfilord vicechairman of the board said he thought the salary being paid or ihapasi tion was too high dont want to rellect on Mr Hart mans ability said MrvFord but dont think we should be For Salary Negotiations contract The old contract be tween the Alliston District board and the union ran out Decemv bar 01 Dr John Anders said he felt it was not lair to ask com mittee to move directly into neg otiations Ray Gariepy county Roman Catholic representative asked it there were any guidlineslaid down ior negotiating with uni ions None at the board members was able to state it there were Morley Ford of Collingwood said he thought there was en ough intonnation available for the members to make deci sion as to what they were pre pared ta do LEGAL COUNSEL The board iinaliy went into committee to discuss the matter They decided to write the union in Alliston and acknowledge the letter The board said it would also engage legal counsel and ad vise the uninn of its action and once counsel has been retained meet with the union as soon as possible The secretarial stall employ ed by Barrie Colleg as also want their salaries reviewed The board instructed educa tion director Jack Bamsayto draw up summary oi the sat ary schedules of sccrctarial per sonnel in industry and public service in the county The board hopes to be able to settle on an equitable schedule tor its own employees oncerit knows what other secretaries in thecounty are earning market Examiner Photo Appoint More1VIen gropischocl gBd payingtl2ooo ycar lo cxecutivc assistant Jack Milne currently with the Midland District lligh School Board has beenappointcd pur chasingoificcr his the board He too will earn l5120420 per year The five men are part ola group of la administrators who were working or schoolboarrls in the county The oz boards Ithatwcrc merged in larmthe Simcoe County Board iiiEduca lion Care citpecied to cease ap erating completely latcr nest ycar lit the moment they are working as committees county board andcrirry the duyytdday iiilais or the schools for whichihc Barrie Teams PostAShuloui Barrie teams playingfin the North York hockey league rr2 corded two shutouts against Voodhridge last night at the Barrie Arena Barri Knights shut out Voad bridge or Vecs 40 Scoring was shared by Bill Stewart Doug Thomson Terry Agnew and Jim Hamilton As sists were counted by Hamilton John Perryman and Doug llay mend Playing goal tor lhctlimghts were Bob Black andScottiiib alkln in the nther game Barrie Novice As tools lloodbridgc50 Milte Gibb led the Way with three goalstollowcd by singles from the sticks of Robbie Garn er and Jim Angus goals gt Goal tenders ior Barri Nov ices are Doug Koans andDavid ulnall itiillli HOUR HOUR DRY CLEANING SERVICE DRIVEIN IOSBAYFIELD ST 7285531 Writing aniline JANUARY DAv ceas Here is your opportunity to begin our complete gt Business Training Course Either with or without shorthand in our new day class beginning Monday January 1969 Be ready for better job with goodpayby the end of May This course includes lypewritingshurthand Bookkeeping Business Correspondence Filing Office Procedure Rapid Calculation Spelling and GET THE DETAItS Now AND PLAN To JOIN OUR NEW DAY tASSON MONDAY JANUARY6 mo BliSiliESS 66 Torontosr annals colitis snows 723bit Garner also assisted on three

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