The ice iormalions and the mns reflection on Lake Onl ario present he scrcne side of monomers or BEAUTY winter in this picture talrcn near Toronto Wednesday Pho tographer uscda red ï¬lter on tics Ml withTriX film Shutter speed was 500th of second at to The smoke in niï¬fï¬iLN EAR TORONT back grwnd comes from sewage disposal plant and the steam generator plant 1n MONTREAL In Bombings MONTREAL No high school students pleaded guilty in Social Wcliare Court Wednesday to charges arising from two bombing incidents in the city in the last six weeks The two boysaged 13 and 16 will be sentenced Jan 22 Police arrested the boys Tues day night alter about 50 stu dents at the EcoloSecondaire St Inc in wcstend Montreal bad bcen questioned following bomb explosion outside the school Monday night The boys one of them de scribed by police as being so cx pert at making dynamite bombs that he can toss bno together in is minutes were each charged with two olienees of causing the explosion at sub stance that was likely to cause serious bodily harm or death or serious damage to property The older youth was also charged with two counts of lab ricating and possessing mm sivc devices The charges carry maxi mum penalty of life imprison merit Because at their ages the boys were charged in the Social Welfare Court and their names were not released AFTER SECOND BLAH The court appearance iol lowed by some hours the second explosion in the city this year about 10o yards mm the resi dence of Montreal Police Direc tor JeanPaul Gilbert The bomb described by pollen Byelections Could Tip as apparently having been srnailIwith perhaps two sticks of dynamite caused light darn age to the home on EmcstLa vigor Street Below the blast to French language radio station in the city received an anonymous telephone call irorn person who warned that bomb would go oil shortly and that the tar get was the police director The man said he was mem ber oi the terroristseparatist Front dc liberation Quebecols and that the FIR members the actions at Montreal police in quictcuiag hearriot ot the St Jean Baptiste Day parade last June Police said the two bays diarged with the bombing who were students at the school were arrested at their homes aiter police took posmsion of wiring and batteries They also iound 16 detonators and i7 sticks oi dynamite buried near their homes intcsiigators Wm told the youths had learned how to con struct bombs from an account published in Frenchlanguage weekly tabloid newspaper They were also charged in connection with the discovery Nov 27 of fourstick dynamite bomb under police car in the citys westcnd it was disman tled beiare it cotdd explode The two arrestsand police said they may arrest three or four other high school students wcre the first break of the police Urges To Charge Boys Boycott Canada WASHINGTON CF Rep resentative John Raridr calling Prime Minister Trudeau the Canadian Castro says that Canada has compromised its position with the free world and should be excluded from Nltm participation in the inter ests at national detenca and na tional security Tho rightw ing Louisiana Democrat made the comment in written statement he had in sorted in Tuesdays Congression al Record liarle said the US state de partment and military leaders must be aware that last month Trudeaus leaders decided Can ada should not only recognile Red China but also seek iuii diplomatic relations The Canadian government has denied published reports that it British Govt Drug Report Gathers Bait Oi Criticism LONDON tCP govern ment committee report advocat ing relaxation of marliuana laws drew strong protests tram British medical and religious circles Wednesday and one psy chiatrist described it as sort of itinkies charter The most controversial items in the report are statement that the dam gers of marijuana use have been exaggerated recommendation that jail terms for possession of marijua na be cut to maximum of two years from 10 years Manitoba Poorer Balance WINNIPEG iCPi The bal ance of power in the Manitoba legislature could be tipped Thursday Feb 20 iniour by elections Frontier Walter Weir announced Wednesday night He needs win in two to hang on to the slender majority the Progressive Conservatives achieved in the 1966 general election Loss or all four would give the combined opposition the upper hand situation that prevailed for 11 months between electjons when the party was first elected to office in 1958 Present standings in the 57 seat house is ill Conservatives 13 Liberals New Democrats one Social Crediter and iour va cant The premier made the byelec tion announcement at noml noting convention in the Wolse ley constituency where Leonard Claydon was unopposed tor the candidacy other constituencies are BirtleARusseli ChurChill and Morris Liberals held BirtieRussell and the Con servativcs had the restattor the last general vote Three openings were created by resignationsiormer pr rnier Duii Robiin leit Wolseiey aiter an unsuccessiul bid for the al Conservative leader ship Gordon Beard resigned in Churchill or personal reasons and Liberal Rod Clement ran in last years federal election Morris where former MP Warner Jorgenson is the Can servative candidate was held by Conservative Harry shew man who died iastsummer FULL LIBERAL SLATE Only Liberals have lull slate or the hyeleetions Gary Walsh in Churchill Edshust in Birtle Russell Ralph Rasmussen in Morris andJuiiua Kotaies in lVolseley Conservatives nond nate in BirtleRussell tonight and Michael Klewehukla the candidate in Churchill New Democrats have Archie Stone in Wolseley and Don Koteslry in BirthRussell it To EXAMle WANT our PHONE 7237414 Tho byelections will be the second test otthe 40yearold premier who took over from Mr Roblin four months alter the 1966 vote in Turtle Moun tain Liberal Ed Dow last year regained the seat he had lost in ruling under the contravened Elections Act Before announcing the byeleo tions the premier again criti cized the lederal government for forcing Manitoba into medical care insurance pro gram and for rejecting his pro posals for prioritiesat the planned federalprovincial can stltutional coaiercace Mr Weir said he wrote Pre mier Roberts at Ontario Wednesday to ask that the Con federation at Tomorrow confer ence held it months ago by the lo provinoes be reconvened Other premiers and Prime Min ister Trudeau also have been in formed of the letter ilis request was prompted pri marily by Mr Trudeaus reiuaal to consider ilscal matters as priorities at the constitutional conicrcnee er we alien has said finan cial equality ranks with linguis tic equality view he has said the prime minister does not share has decided to recognize Corn munist China Rariclr sold profit tram aal of Canadian wheat to Commu nist China and Castros Doha may be an excuse for depart ing from the tree world bloc but diplomatic relations mean exchanges between Canada and Cornmunist China which can but endanger security with NAN and the United States as well He adds= We Americans can pcrionn one iunetlon to help awaken our iricnda the Canadians totthelr relrogresslve Icader by boycotting Canadian products and cutting oil American ii nancc and investment Simply help the Canadian people decide who they need the mostthetr American neighbors tourism and markets or Trudeau Man Castro and the Communist grain market The report was prepared for the government by subcont mittee oi the home oiiice corn mittee on drug dependence Dr Elizabeth iylden psyL chiatrist who has undertaken two studies on martiuana said the report is going to cost lot at young lives We didnt have heroin problem with people under no beiore cannabis marijuana became popular she added She said marijuana was the ï¬rst drug taken by heroin usera Marijuana has becomepart the swinglng London scene Members of pop music groups the idols of youngBrltaln have been arrested for using it Few judges have given severe sen tences ior pot convictions John Lennon oi the Beatles millionaire recently was let off with £l50 about $390 ï¬ne The committee report was passed to Home Secretary James Callaghan ior action Sources close to the government said he is expectedtc reject it partly on the advice of police iicers combatting Britain swelling drug problem Show Go Wis BAYFIELD ST AT rHs GOVERNMENT occur lSOPEN DAlLY 8305 new you iiltcrest ponds partsoNAL naposn accounts Mmboiifoaoirpmaromamiu PORTABLE TELEVISI Attractive iv and control plastic cabinet with front mounted spcaher smeighs only 19 lbs Has luggage typo carrying handle so you can take it wherever you gol body Mattohoepycu warm No on tuiasorcords 50 all wool Machine Washable Airkin lllllllllil o5 Windshield Washer ftmtonc EB Just ray Charge ltl HUMIDIFIER big5 gallon capacity Styled inwood grain vinylwith gold trim push button controls with Water level control 11 x24x26 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL moron KING am BATTERY Fitsmost GM Chrysler and foreign cars GUARANTEED TWO FULL YEARS Constructed oi quality com fibre Exchange 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