Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1969, p. 15

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rm v4A EA9 gr gwwrxgaarg CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER South dealer Nether side vulnerable NORTH aura dummy rumors Thabiddinr noun Wm Nona Plan ru Pan Pu cm Pnn Pan no Opening lead ten oi dia moods This deal occurred in team it our match At both tables the contract was six hearts and West led diamond but at one table doclaror made the slum while at the other it was de tented At the iirst table declarer won the diamond with the hint and led the king of trilan West took the ace and played another diamond won by South with the queen Dcciarcr cashed the ace of clubs ruiled club returned to his hand with trump and ruli éd another club Alter trumping liie are of diamonds decinrcr draw Wests last trump and easily made the rest at the tricks with the KJJ oi clubs and are oi spades At the second table declarer also won the diamond with the king and played the king of hearts at trick two But here West elctlcri to dudr the king and this made world of dif icrenee No matter how declar er novplayed the hand he could no longer make the slam Actually ut ntinuod with the ten of tnrmps but TELEVISION BUFFALO BARIUE BUFFALO TORONTO II HAMILWN 12 PETERBOROUGII MORNING VIEWING MONDAY 10 FRIDAY Loo llt zTnarv Show irstr Dress Up out tcr Karlaroe nonhlnnv or the Mr rieoam Striker snrvo iono BMornlnl Metro auo znlvoree Court ACuntnct rniilnr tor onomaer Room ocaztoan ioao taaverlir rrrliitsonit rim nvnNiNd srronnr lzBannnas km or HGililgaos island riintstoner riiIVir dimdln tiincir and You 1News mo omer my Muun sKina Arthur nova Lucy llLucilio Bali lzCuvoom azio 2Whats lily Linn gr srmsnro island Consequences ikFiinLrtoner ass ilvNews Weather Sports can 4Newl Weather Sports xpiergems er no lNewr oolluranr island oaewitched llPterna Berton rzra BNwa snlonnte rrJr moo irTo onllban Zkonaide mu 7Movll 10 ZDratnet Ilibfl Heoonrdv ii izNm oLuneneon DI 7Bewltehnd DWomena Worid iininau at Hom 1215 risnauiahr 4star the sLnneneon 7Vlrglnla eilovie Just Ihll Iianie Calendar iziiovre rznn 155 ziiika noueiar lflosearch tor Tomorrow TTruaure lain LFIIIitflmiea irBuz Bunny 1calimn zzoo an mm nenu red Hells Horieon FrtlDAY JAN on ziilerv aririin sonnnner lHo ae Party vn Lucy iirrmi Years lZOutsider inn 2Hazei trruth or Newl 12min SW eaiillzrnu island 1riinlrlonu Illlovltei TBA lillunk iron 500 1Stonev anrir iturcuir Bait sAicnia 71 Love Luci liPerry ltlaron IZTit stooges sun zAvhrtr My Line nygm its At irrruih Dr Consequences rzifiintstoner 5155 llaansy Wentlier SDWII liPetticolt mo zrilrh can twtla wild 7Ocentioo Entertain Lu too ltJau Cousteau niiovia llliiovle inrusaie lie Party mo nor 12May Weather Sports snick VanVkau Sfllwilched illlorre Berton Lainvle neaeni mo tiiom 271 DNowL babue Airiean National Union rrav cards itghiiiliif OAnds nrirriin 2star Judgment MPGrindlln schools mm rauri Lucille Ball Honcentntlnn as iZhlendlv Cher ireirna trout Consequences nnrv it La 5Star Trek rrGoiaer Hie USMC ZDmlei noon 3Doris nay sGenrie Berr 7roin Jones ortu Hrnoeninir lZNnrru at nine 7Hewitehed onun arrrtln 1ibnt Girl 7Joumey Unknown Fille JAN AWEENOON Graham Sparta Rebel in The lthui oJI Till Worid Turns 7llIwenlng an 2hour News GEonutb Pruddan znavr or our Lives 7Love is iirny Night snonnie maaen 7Newlyweri Glml ilSeeond Hundred lCheckmale Consenuencai bDIV it In 7ler Weather 9Countrv Music ilall 6Grmrt ind Mn aruu iillon Hcrooa Mt it Harv niihoo Kings Ptrntci ZoNomn or the Game TGnmflr rvia Olly In anu Female on The Lucy Gaiirnt lZestiigentlxrnitbthencedad third trurro causing clam to lose control at the barn and go down two when the dubs bmh badly It would not have helped South to discontinue innrun liter We dudud the kill Suppose he had shined lo the ace and another ehdi matting In It be now led trump West would win and return trump toputSouthdownoneHihe chose instead to return to his hand with diamond to ruti air other clth In dinrimy East would overrtrtt and automatian 1yan an end to the slam sually doelarcr is the one who exerciser control over trumps but In this use it was Wm who was in the driverr at WORLD BRIEFS MAY CHARGE LEADER SALISBURY APP Rhodesian nationalist leader Verend Ndabanlngi Sithole may be charged with incitement to murder Prime Minister in Smith and two cabinet minis lersit was reported here Sit hole is head of the banned Zim lia and lieutenant Maurice Nyagumbo have been held in communlcada in Salibury Jail since before Rhodesian declara tion of independence in Novem ber 1965 IIILES TORONTO CPI recom mendation tiiat would make the use of snow tires mandatory on all vehicles during winter will he considered by special com mittee set up Wednesday by To ronto board oi control The committee will also dater mine it the city has authority to push parked cars oit snowcov ered main roads into side streets PROGRAMS nurrrlno rorlonro 7pirir emit eUnci aobov saue mm irno 1Prnnnnlit ml nDannv nuns ilEd Aura 131 All lZPleirnol weeir rito 2llollywnnd sousee sDicir Van Dykl oair Splnden iineroru Noon Ms in riNrm Piniiioull Giant Hillbillies oMnunix rem znun Marita lJrrdfl 51mm iz iiirew Grillin izDann iiartln Herorb 1min oNnture or nilnnn 7Newlywed Gum oour World rrtio gt 51 ii weather Sport 1110 ltlierra Berton Hohnnv Carson 41ka iSIy One For Me trucker lesco win en rms aillovir it Calculated Risk Bluebelnl Ten Honeymoons isteve Allen SMovie irrexlcan Spltlirel Miiiera 215 Date itNewa Weather nan znactorr TGuiflnl Lllht scoronatlon street 1Dnttnir Game 9Perrys Probe rrrerry Mason 145 IGrand Prtx Once 100 zAnother warts 12min Out 7Seeret storm TGenerll Hospital oPeania in Coniilut mo 2Ynu Dont say 1126 or noctur rnlnr TCDEMIINEI Tom oooctoiu Diary rriruer nvnnma oirnvic High Winds in ilmnical 1Dan itielslea oworid Hockey iaiiavle The hrmaiera 510 1wru cunnett will ZStnr Trek lJudd BFBI llMcrv Grililn till 7111b News Junction parran wen irio llPlerra lterton 1110 1Johnnv Canon ant av 7Movie The Woil Mani rrns artruvie tlve Alwlyl Loved You uea nah irzto riliovie iDiIemrnai riiavln ilo Each iii Own iriiiovie ilce Coldvln Alexi izio vilavio Two Weeks in notlicr Tonni ior than T0 coon HEALTH Breast Injections Not Yet Periected lly anionrum Mrn DearDr nuteron am so and my figure laolu timinesi barn bid child and several urinallines and my breast are non small and flat really hate this as am used to betas endowed The skin around rnywaist andbinelsfldrbyJ am not fat illst not firm wnn wondering about this silicone inletiion You heard flinch increasing bust sire Forget about silicone injec tions Yea know theres been some pimliclty and meat danl of loosetalk Last time the subject was mentioned in this column seven research centres had permis aion to erperimcot with this process Since then even these seven have stopped because the Food and Drug Administration withde permission to use sili cone tor this purpose Not enough is known about the pro oesa to adiudge it sale to use What is to keep tha silicone in position Will itsax or flow Into an unwanted plate What other consequences need to be guard ed againsti Such silicone as is being used in tha United States lnr this pur pose ill anyi presume some is is bootleg material imm other countries material which never has been rated as satis factory tor even experimental work The one type or silicone use that Is approved inmlves sui taiJiy draped sack which con tains the silicone The sack is ilrmly anchored to the chest wall The silicone does not come in direct contact with tissues and the sack makes the mate rlrl stay in the shape and post Hondesired it is not an inexpensive proce dure The cost will vary depend ing on circumstances but rough ly speaking patient must be prepared tor tee of 55m to shooo Therolore women Who hope or an easy inespensive way to enlarge the bust are doomed to disappointment regardless ol amne or the glowing stories that llraie been bandied about on tree My specilic advice to the young woman who asked to days question is that she look or some more prosaio answer Since she mentions that her Waist and hips are flabby too my asscmption is that she has in recent years gained good deal at weight and lost it again Suehrgainand loss isnotvery good tor female or malol fig ures Women especially must he on guard against gaining too much during pregnancy That may have been KCs trouble Sumegradlral gain in weight plus plenty of exercise to tone up muscles and keep the new flesh firm may well be her best answer Shes only 20 and that helps nearlJr Thortcson My grandchild 10 months old has been visiting with me retired You can take tomorrow youll work tomorrow night foo make up for it DiiiigY CROSSWORDV AEROSS Huinote 51 Fonda bruise All emblem of savori eighty 101ngredient ot chop auay abbr 31 Underdona Kind 13 South oI American prize capital IEnelmie 1LMIlrIre with 16 Girls name wreath in Land Aegean meuure island Relative of Burn martian Crude 1r Puhnnnnry 11 Noatrtls Innnd pi Trapped 22 Minus 2a Washing Ionian abbr at Diatlguro 25 Greek latter 27 Lady or Splin 80 Final ll carpenteta melt Mth o2 Baahnn 831th 35 Butt as Indian mulberry HR Paaaahie 39 Adolescent years All Wit 1RIIIiIIIl intrepid old maid 250 It It DOWN Lanch novelist 2Prodicta Respect and rent llfloaplml attendant it pediatrician told me the babys scler was bluish whldi indi cates lack oi calcium or maobe anemia is this true The baby has pediatrician at home be perhaps they miss things Still dont want to alarm myson unnecessarily Mn 3x lha relern covering oi the white part oi the eyeball can train bluish cast because the membrane is thinner in intancy IYiorn also in condition called blue scion due to heredity would think twice about stir ring up any alarm as leel sure that pediatrician regular ly attending tirebaby would spot any nutritional deficiency ll It existed Dear Dr Iirosteron is it pos sibia to repair detached retina of long staodlnglGEli Impossible to answer without knowing the particular rimrin stances in general would any that repair at such dolettpl long standing would be outhe doubuul side however criiiilciilll By MRS SAUNTER CimiSIMAS TREE The spirit at aiowship and friendliness pervaded the audi torium oi Giurciiili Unit ed Church as the Sunday School welcomed old iriends and new to their annual slipper concert and Christmas Tree Guests includ ed former minister ltov Thomas Page lilra Page and tour chlidlen from Voodvllle The very ittie chidren oi the nursery class sang led by teach ers hiiss Janet McQuarrle and Mrs Kenneth Sturgeon Merry Christmas was acted out by members of the primary class Teachers are Mrs Butler and Mrs Frank Kel With Kevin Kell as master of core monies the junior class gave two comedy numbers and the Christ mas story in song Mrs Jack Campbell and Mrs George Luc as are teachers The Intermed late Class staged an Amateur Night at Station BUNK led by teacher Murray Lougheed The minister Rev God lies was chairman Those taking part in prognam ere Heather Rhonda niceaha Con stoble Florence McQuarrie Lynn and Cathy Lucas Carol Geddos Colin Campbell Larry Browning Scott Lougheed and Laurie Butler Superintendent George Leoas and secretary treasuran Miss Diane McQuar rie presented awaids Santa made hi appearance MORE WOMEN BANNERS EDMONTON l0 Oi the trainees at anEdmontonhaiber school is are womenlroprie tor Eduiellaymour says four years ago there were only in women herbersin all of Can ada Youll seemore and more of them he promises Men like lohavz women dolhings or them off for your weddingif is Burns shire moo served turmer pieces 20Airpori British 131 Yeatlrrhva Alarm 255welt zoniinie bird Msori or oEprey Benjamin 27Venetlan 31Potugufise hiinapm coin 2am sapmnirmrn 29mtectiva maroon covering dDExcianiatluil zfil ll onIIIoHI In JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT GRANDMA not BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JANUARY lflll was Mr Mm COULD 3TV HERE FOREVER the truck ictdy doses the distance to ii he manages to lift the manhole moor ETTA KETI BLONDIL MDM HA5 HE HEAPT SET ON BlG SPLASHY WEDDING our OFF AND GETMARRIED ITHINKYOUP FATHER HOPED WED ELOPE TH rants FULLOiGAS AH now THERESASANDMCH THATS JOY TO EEHOLD FINALLY HAPPENED THE SEARS HE sTrzthonlgljtl Byzz SAWYER lsrzu ovas EAR IGOTiAGEYOUIIA R52 ski moss snooreas in THE mew FIELDSme KitiicKS waste lAST unitr mute arena nis aran MlititAVE sorrow couLv MEAN TROUBLEBG mounts Jul MUGGS SKEETER WANT HIM UFAIID IN HERETO BREAKFAST IF YOU HAVE TO sKEErER no GET auaats on ties cooler LATE For SCHOOL

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