Coldrï¬nd Show Reign Ierecibout These Hot Little AdsThaw Bu DIBB aAnlu EXAMINER raunsoar IAuuanv in REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE SHELSWELL WILLSON 119 DUNIDP SI new EAST END OPPORTUNITY Three bedroom brick bungalow with hmadloom in dining room andiivlng room luliy liolshed basement with recreation room laundry room extra bedroan cooling room Paved drive and single garage Situated on well landscaped lot with apple tree in back yard Cali heltti Mc llaster No lulla LOVHri STOREY AND HALF our bedroom home Extra leat ures include excellent tnmily room and liniahed recreation room excellent location near schools Garage and paved driveway Call Jane Young tor lurthcr particulars 72114717 No ma Jack Willson 7234631 Decd Atkinson Keith lilchiaster mm Orca Brown Jack MacLaieii 7234950 Bill Dull Norah Ralkrs 7291139 Isabel Fisher Gladys Sinclair mason Chuck Lambert Jane oung 7784717 Everett Loughecd Joan Lang mam Norm Shelsnell sum REAL rsrArE mum PHOTO ILLS REALTOR 194 DUNUOP ST RES 7283389 JUST LITTLE BIT OF LAND whole acres with modern storey home that has large bed rooms charming livingroom and diningroom Call now to view this exceptional buy WHAT HONEY FOR THE MONEY In lainswick brick bungalow just twoyears lid with livingroorn dininng and kitchen large bedrooms piece balhrocm electrical heal lull basement partly iinislled recreation room with ï¬replace attached garage excellent large lot 150 21 ioet with shade trees Call now Charlie Read Don Campbell Fred Taylor Paul Pcnman Smith Campbell 733796 77265 751151 732631 WWI mZIW macs 736024 nilion mom miles Iiioils llama 726009 W41 Hugh Plowman Doug Campbell Ron Allan 65 Dan Marshall 7152357 Richard lDickl Beer 7268 BIDWELL Mortgage lunds available TELEPHONE 72341430 32000 DOWN PAYMENT Carries tar less than real bedroom bungalow on the outskirts of Barrio Very clean throughout tuii basement Ideal or the elderly couple or good starting home Call Wilma bidwell $17500 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Large kitchen recreation room or can be divided into extra bedrooms Full basement large lot will qualify for VLA Sit uated just outside oi Barrie This one is too good to miss First time listed Call Ivan Bidwell $3500 DOWN TO ONE MORTGAGE bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage Utility room and laundry tubs on main floor Immediate possession See this one and make an otter Call any of our stall WIL1 BIDWELL 725541le nmwzu alARYAIIORRISDN teasax NANCY icRLNZlE Vl Flsm 725nm RUTH LLOYD INESON MLS REALTOR 7234294 $18900 New bedroombungalow on king size ireed lot Carries or 51m monthly Call Catherine Milne jEAELY COMPLETED bedroom White bridt bungalow on corner of Napier and Nelson Close to school shopping and tran sportatioo Call Elaine Ineson $21500 Immaculate bedroom red brick bungalow Must be seen Excellentterms Call Helen Hopkins Elaine meson7234294 Catherine Milne7260040 Helen Hopkins7234662 Tom Foster7236243 CARSON PHOTO MIS REALTOR $8 WORSLEY STREET TELEPHONE 7266481 Norm Synnoit 71533 Russ Carson 7256151 Bill Hamilton 7285325 Rupert hIeGraih Eilrivale with WEI1I Lang 7268114 FRANK NELLES Photo in Realtor BAYFIELD STREET EVENINGS CALL 72mm Stan ilrmmund 72mm Mike Manila isaaaiann Suter 7mm EMORY MILLER 7261881 REALTOR 67 DUNLOP ST sAlllly amtlair mam olm comm hellIna FLEWELLIN rowan mnsz mm nonp SPENCER 7135343 Perm Guaam KENNEIE MILLER noun PERCY Fonoi EMORY MILIm Paulo ma human serum hammers RENTALS All Rosettes 7288116 Bill lilacknesa Res 7750775 Dick Hartley 7287WBJIUSSBII Smith Res 7739996 Frank Jardiae 7284670 HAROLD FORSTER Raylield Street PHOTO ILLS REALTORS 7565 Mortgage mods Available Free Customer Parking EVENING CALL tAitN mdsrmiuit 723M MILD lr nmnlA KossArz 7184758 maggflmlixfl tENl Rona mud LOU nolmm LORNE HAY 1251555 mm RANT nrrA scmnm muss CLIFFORD fbobliilhiin mom ROGERS CONNELL Photo Realtor IVDUNLOP STREET EAST the Five Points hone near EVENINGS CALL FRED EPLETI mum CHAS ROGERS mom New snrcicus healnan brick RAWN home is minutes rum Barrie Real Estate ud ILLS Realtor 33COLLIER ST main AF IS OWEN SIi 7139379 7mm SWIM IHII Nun Ielt lull ilnlshed ban met heated garage ritrehrurrr turel rtuna itrenlrre rtnne nlrnur rt entrance stone ed driveway not In zoo my ale 7154x151 inllipnrAae passesllon bed room brlck bun rlnw on my lot In Innirril lore in school Rood lubditilion For lurlher particulars call 726nm Eveninp bail Larry Torpey 4750715 Bill Rawn 4168999 barn Dick Draped 423nm TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Simon Beekhuimn nil1m PHONE viaMil white Realtor REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CHOLKAN DO LTD MLS REALTOR to Collier St Barrie muol Aorta m1 Steiburno Wasaza Bearii 43460 NEW HOME lik MORTGAGE Spllt level EASl ride Barrio Qiilllb Wodsmaaahip lovcly view lot On bus route OCiose to school and ehurcbex OCiose to Little Lake recrea tlon area 06 Dolly Martel moon evenings or title 1184401 during the day LARGE TREE in quict exclusive residential area with three bedroom bungalow kil chcn and living room ml down payment and carries or $100 monthly For luriher de tails please call Joseph Dirra colo moan FULL PRIME $19500 Unusual tour bedroom home on scenic 16 acres only tivn mili utes from downtown won deflul opportunity to combine country living nilh the lull amenltlea ot the city Just the place or children Please call Alan Wardle 7766460 REEDJENIML BUiLflING 1171s 10 centrally located building iota in town near Base Borden lots are situated In residential area surrounded by lovely now homes Call Bab Zecca B5 5567 Everett Ontario eavtvlrn cmr Illnfln NI morn Alli mums noun 12H Helm Mills Hana moan 12aml lilarg Klein Irnrrr Stewart wane FAwardg Ytonnl Rnwo Graham Truemli TO ALL SPELULAIOILS Two acres property in Angus Can be used lor building lots old road at back at acres Call soon Bob or Dee Hanson 31000 DOWN PAYMENT For this unique three bedroom bungalow that will carry tor ap proximately itioit monthly This home is in good shape and ls situated only yards lrom city limits so the taxes are only 65 year For lurthcr details call Jim Higginson 7753 LIVING ROOM This is lull one at tho pluscs in this benuiilui liome located can traily close to hospital and rchoois Four bedrooms attach ed garage large kitchen with lots oi cupboards All new broadloom throughout and re cently redecorated Priced to sell Call Graham Tattersali 7287309 MIDHURSI lot in we priced or quick sale We have cash buyers for river lots Please call has Inve grove MHZ 72 ACRES Within miles ol Barrie 400 it lrontage on Hwy Ki 18000 Christmas trees Call Allison Haynes 77333393 dlrlirli DaveDolly blnrlell mMIIILYII Ir 72541 alsosur moan mtuoa uuow manna ulIiiio times so on Alln Wardla Peter ilrnton 129709 MEMBERS BARRIE autonomous TORONTO BOARDS REIIH REALTOR SANDY COVE Lakelronl summer cottage bedrooms combination living dining roomtront and rear sunrooms glossed and screen ed piece washroom water on pressure garage beatitilui parklike setting nicely land scaped all sand beach 85 750 Contact ED SNOW Stroud 43631 or DOROTHY 00b BOURNE Strand noises POULTRY FARM 3000 heavy breeders all eggs sent to hatchery 20000 square feet Lstorey concrete block building lulIy equipped steel 3room itstorey brick house lull basement 23 acres level land on corner of paved roads Contact ED SNOW Slroud 4363116 or DOROTHY COLEOURNE Stroud 4361387 KEITH 11er REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES ti Babcoclr Barrie 7255095 Colbourne Strand 4361337 Spencer lnolnton 45841le snow Siroud 1368116 Ed Green Barrie mam Betty Newton Hawkestone 72103 Lillian Roberts 7260927 Marguerite Moore mZZSG and Fitzsimmins Churchill 4562620 Torry Stevens Elmvaie 177W 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 ALCAN HOMES $293I down Sit4 NHA Mortgages IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $21151 lull price including four Frigidaire appliances and com pletely furnished rooms broad loom professional decoration Carries for $146 month AT ST VINCENT and ROSE 51s aAmur or call mom CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers so Dlmlop St Phone 7mm lat and hid mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your pment la and dad mortgages mom Manama noesra chm amtmount LAtinANs mil Ailtrtnn 4157514 iiyVHiiEi 109 Hayfield St 7281071 Appraisals Listings invited ELVA MILLS Mai3749 JOHNH WHITE 7259770 PLANNING 0N BUILDING NEW IIOMEI Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER 129 Bradtard St mow nenezyweunmoron area while brick level split nedroolxu murhuo in lor second bathroom and recreation room Circular drive ched rerr yard on mortgage Carries complctaiy tor rlasni monthly author In loimntinn nail Aivr Muir molar Eric Dewsnap 7268366 OPPORTUNITY Investment property located in MandalaEstate sale BARGAIN acre building lot close to Barrie M15 Realtor RENTAL bedroom house good location $120 monthly WE URGENTLY REQUIRE Homes Businesses Farms and small holdings HOME IN THE COUNTRY Brick bungalow bedrooms stone lireplace oil heating At tached garage This ï¬vevycar old custom built home is loca ted iust oil the highway near Hawkestonc Full price slum For complete information phone STOUTT AGENCIES LTD REALTOR Oro 4872621 or Elmvale BW COUTTS AND co OWEN sr 72mm MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo MLS Realtor EVENINGS GORDON COUTTS 7287275 SANDY COUITS mm WALTER BV CDUTTS 1231311 Gibson Wi IO It by Ltd MLS Realtor LARGEST FARM AGENCY IN CANADA 29A Owen St 7281241 Evenings Larry DeWiIde 7284253 Miller 7261061 Times bedroom two storey family home with large living room din ing room kitchen and double ga me on main rtreet ol Alliston $11000 Write on 7W Aliistou or phone mu LOTS FOR SALE mkxluznarenIll acre Igzlaoélvci or area ratinn amino FOR SALE OR RENT communale bedroom home or sale or rent Electric heat beautitul view Int overlonklmt Luke Simone Ideal home for retired couple or newlyweds bow down payment will handler mom after run aus OPPORTUNITIES WANTED WANTED lo rent or lease mutt bar variety Itore with living qurrim write to not Barrie Exlmlner INSURANCE MOVINGl Dont lorget to lransler your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage 01 any kind sea STEVENSONS DUNLOP 51 viiiloot REPRINTS it you would like to have re prints oi any news pictures take by our staff photographers please call at our Business Olin Vice We are sorrywe cannot accept phone orders Mortgage ï¬nding HINI FOR THE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES mMEDiATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL trellis PARIS AND couumcui momma 90 0F VALUATIONS If You Need Money Tn coï¬olidï¬andrbk IV ll rl in minor Any ID whlll ell Write or Phone 7260981 SimpsonsSears in humor 51 udmbtr OnmIO UNIll Rraken Amelrtlnn no mo own llorlruer new cash rvruraio lo Inlvhllc We will mu lead you mum on roll mortrrui Brianln uarrrm muninr mom BUS OPPORTUNITY SPARE TIME OPPORTUNITY 310000 yearly can be earned by you it you can spare 1015 hours weekly installing desert marble floors Dealership available from $1250 $250 wIth good credit can start you on the way to ï¬nancial independ ence Starting work material and expert training supplied Boil Flu Barrie Examiner MOBILE HOMES For the Ultimate In Luxurious Living ACTIVE MOBILE HOMES Now on Display SEE THE WESTCHESTER 60 II 12 ll model today 10ltYEAR MORTGAGE PLAN AVAILABLE KNOTTY PINE SPORTSARAMA 7284 TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale Nortlilzinder Parts and Service SALE RENT Cash or Terms up to ll Years 11 Hwy Burton Ave 7189866 RENTMï¬rh HOUSES WANTED TO RENT plasma to sublet one or house CPB Borden area January and lcbrunry Wriin Capt Ilctn Irq olilccn Merl South nuronn HousEs FOR RENT LARGE country house rvrilnhtr Immediately oil llirnzct modern conveniences Tclwnana 7ilnll Elmvale nannooll house lilidllural arcI $100 monthly Telephone 1264 evenings Two bedroom house or rent close to downtown newly decorated Us hurled Available February Tell nhnnn Hoodoo MODERN semidetached homes bedroom bedrooms available immediately ollrliuied telephone mom or 72I6561 FARM house or rent at Strolirl bedrooms modem conveniences oil iurnrce Telephone 4161302 evenings only romainere possession lance bedroom house loo antlelii street for rent 32in per month Ange lnrr 72ozloi nEDnooir stone house in Talent dai area Close to Lake Simeon boating rrciuttes Immediate pos session Rent $110 Telephonu Alaloop BEDROOM housclor rent hintIL mm downtown available rennin Telephone 7237108 alter nun FURNISHED house or rent six rooms solid brick bedrooms completely tarnished mingentor stove washer beds tahlu chain etc Just move in 5150 per month Relerenees One year lease 19a tarantula Street write lilr llryes is Slmcoe st Toronto ROOMS TO LET piled on the bus route working airl orrlerred Telephone mono FURNISHED room in rent mom cleaned and linen changed weekly Downtown location raridne Inclin ties Gentleman nrcrerrcd Teih phone mime otter 53o pm IN QUIET home rnrnishodVlrrge bedroom with twin beds suit gentlemen downtown in tio parking luciliuus Telephone no 7551 liter our noolls with kitchen ircliiller or room Ind board Anne and army am Telephone 7258175 aitcr pm rultNIsnm bedrmm ior rent can irrl location Telephone nili116 or lurthcr tnromniinn TWO tarnished bedrooms single or twin beds one block irnm down town For more intermutton call taneats AVAILABLE immediately central iv located rooms rtove reirlg erator heat and utilities aupplled lurking 7268072 ROOM AND BOARD WANTED YOUNG mall apprenticino 1n arrrie requires room and board Willing to dn nun loos Phone alter zowai Moonstone collect OFFICE SPACE WA IITED WANTED to rem or lease About in an act ofï¬ce space with heat inl lightln and plrklnl Trio ohneo 7251051 Watch Classiï¬ed Ads tor terrific furniture and ap pliance bargains RENTALS ROOM AND BOARD IINGLI mom AM board IIIAN lunches ed urai Iruuan AWIV III mo ARIN mm Remit an en MT had in email rrr in mom mainsu llNGLI mom tar mu lenlleuun himen and tlvlnl room privilege manhun lao nirvana flu or man us wiuM countable We then ltelephone and again nann an each room it ty some rooted mule Iuncbesqpllzl ed wrnximtehv mlmites unv lhl than to nor barium In om rte Weleom to mine iv Not ruiuslr tor shirt wottell elderly people Tnllwhona must AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE lsa mucous try powered new ilm law will no nus Never been him in winter ruennoa 4mm AUTOMOTIVE SNOWMOBILES 5N0 PRINCE 17 HP 13 HP ZIHP Better handling more traction smart tootha CIOUSIMAS SPECIAL 17 HP SNOWMOBILE PLUS SEATER CUTTER FOR ONLY $888 tiring the totally tor lree trial OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL HANDY PRO HARDWARE AlmNA BEAUH no homo POLARIS Sales and Service BOLENS LAWN AND SNOW EQUIPMENT CAL MADILL Highway 11 Petes an moses yers Out AUTOMOTIVE SNOWMOBILES THE ALL NEW SNOW CAMPER HERE IS THE ANSWER to lhe hunter ï¬sherman sporty Luau snowmobiler the racing till It sits on slits You can sleep in it cat in it stay out at the cold winds and best at all use it all year round See It This Weekend KNOTIY PINE SPORTSARAMA Highway 21 llidhitrst 7284111 skipooit hum er maculate condition in min Lnlnrrnltlou Leltphone miss rnv EXAMINER wnirr no PIIONE 7mm FOR ONLY $1823 The TOYOTA COROLLA has more horsepower than any other car In its class That means more GET UP AND GO The $I823 includes all the extras like the Big speed heater Tilr back front seat Aiternotor Windshield washer Double burreled carburetor Pudded dash andsunvisors speed synchromesh You also get up to 40 miIES greasing per gallon and car that never needs ALL THAT FOR $1823 F0B Toronto Montreal Vancouver Freight afnd delivery provinitial and localitaxea and whitewall tires extra TOYOTA COROLLA JUSTIN MOTORS 2325 BRADFORD ST BARRIE 7282697 THERE ARE 101 REASONS WHY yo stguusee GRANDVIEW For Your Neill Car 19 PONTIAC Salety checked 74162 1963 FORD GALAXIE 500 dr Htp Vs auto Power steering Factory warranty Gran HERE ARE OF THEM ALES LTD BARRIE so Mulcaster St dr auto Radio White Wheel covers owner Fully Govt brakes red Blackinterior dvietiir