sportscastcrs Ont Athletes Of Year In ttbieicofItieirar usually is won by an individual but this year its three for tha pr of one Canadas glod medal eques trian team of Tom Gaylord Jim Elder and Jim Day was collec tively named the provinces top athlete in poll of sportswriter announced TORONTO CPlThe antitr today There is no team award in this atlotiag but officials of the On in SpOItSVITitlIs and Sports nasters Association which soon rs the event tell it would not fair In split the team for con tdcration on an individual asis The trio won Canadas only told medal at the 19511 Sumner lympi in Mexico City They laced first in Pris do Nations jumping TOM GAYFORD The three are from the Toron ln areaElder from Aurora Gaylord from Gormley and Day from liing city GOLD MEDAL Elder anti Gaylord both vct crnn international stars won gold medal in the threeday team event iii the 1939 Pan American Games in Chicago Day added his Olympic gold to one he tank by winning the individual stadium jumping at the 1967 Panmcrican Games in Winnipeg The three picked up it first place votes 13 secondplace nominations and three third place votes for 122 points based on 31 allotment Beding Toron jaincd Source at Toronto in win the 01 term champion JlM DAY ship in Rome Balding low indi vidual scorer in the tournament had 91 points in the voting Knudson native of Vinnl peg tied for third uith halfback Bit Symons oi the Eastern Football Conference Toronto Ar gonauts Knudsen won two can secutivc Proicssional Golfers Association tournaments last February in Tucson and Phoe nix Snttitls was voted the out standing player in the Canadian oathali League last year anti mons each polled 45 points Sandra Post of Oakiillc top rookie on the Ladies Profession n1 Golf Association tour in 1968 with more than 518000 in nings was fifth with 87 on Is Miss Post won the LFGA In JIM ELDER nun Chi nsnirnt at Siittbn Mass in June JENKINS sum Pitcher lcrrussa Jenkins who won no games for man Cubs ol the National knees last xenon was sixth in the balloting with 81 Winn Seventh with it points was Chicago Block Bowb Bobby tint who lends the National Hockey league scoring rice Nancy Green was eighth with 17 points The Ottnwnborn skier won gold 1112an In the giant slalom and secondplnce silver in the slalom at the winter Olympics in Grenoble She was raised in Rouiand BC Bobby Orr oi Parry Swnd detenceniaa with Boston Bruins was ninth with in points Quar terback Russ Jackson of Ottawa ltough Riders and diver Beverly Boys of Pickering tied for 10th with it points each Miss Boys placed fourth In tower diving and seventh off the threemetre board at the Mexico Olympics Jackson guided the tough Riders to the Grey Cup tie Mikita Moves Into Tbird for CANADIAN ones Bobby Hull of Chicago Black Hawks scored his 78th goal of the season Wednesday night to increase his lead in National Hockey League scoring Hull who picked up the goal during victory over St Louis Blues now has 57 points Gordie Hows of Detroit Red Wings is runnerup with 52 points on in goals and at as alsts Stan Mikita of Chicago moved into third place with 50 points when he scored his ioih float of the season to move one point ahead of Phil Esposito of Boston Bruins Jim Pappin of Uiicago cred lted with an assist is fifth with 45 points on 19 goals and 26 as sists The leaders Pia Plbi 28 29 51 33 Howe bet it 34 52 21 Mikita Chi to at so 21 Espnsitn Bus 24 25 49 30 Pappin Chi 19 is 45 31 Uilman Tor 22 22 44 to Beiiveau ltltl i7 27 44 2o Berenson SLL 10 42 25 Hull Chi 20 20 40 Delvecchio Det 39 Hicks Oak 14 23 19 96 TransferExpansion Pot NHL Meet Looms Bails MONTREAL rem The Na tinnai Hockey Leagues board of governors is preparing for its annual nrcallstnr game meet ing in Montreal Jan 21 and al ready the transferexpansion pot is boiling over in such far romoved spots as Oakland Van couver and Buffalo Vancouver newspaper reaorls indicate the board will discuss expansion possibilities for that city at the oneday session David Molsnn president of Montreal Canadians and league governor is quoted as saying the league isrommitted to Vancouver as the next city eillitl throule franchise grant or the transter of an existing franchiso in Montreal Maison said he had told Vancouver newsoaper sources he personally would favor transfer going to Van couver but that the NHL is not committed to his personal view Meanwhile Buffalo rri be into the picture Wednes day againwith reports that the failing Oakland Seals franchise would he sliitlcd there Similar reports Dec 13 were heard from Buifalo but were denied by the Oakland owners NHL president Clarence Cami bcll and Reuben Pastor owner of Buffalo Bisons oi the Ameri can Hockey League CUVFUSION GALORE Throughout the cnsuin oonlul sion Campbell has maintained that there is no cxpansion dislt cusslnn at present on the agenda for the Jan 21 meet Asked Wetlnrstlay about re newed sports from Builala that the Seals will end up there szpbcll said Anything that develops at point in Buffalo is their doing and is strictly between Buffalo and the Seals Buffalos bid for anlelL ex pansion franchise two years ago was passed over in the initial enlargement of the league as iztcam twoalivision setup But group of businessmen there have continued their efforts to gtl an NHL club Were not in the business of promoting transfers Campbell said In order to implement any change based on such deal it would be necessary for titA parties concerned to first gï¬n league approval 11 POSSIBLE However he dirt not entitely rue out 1h posslhiiily oi the shift or that the subject ol transfer or further expansion would not he added to the agen da in the next two weeks it is possible that an Oak son 156 land transfer to Eulfziln is Lithin the range of possibility the NHL president said here the owners of Vancouver Conucks of the Western Hockey league applied fara franchise in the NHL and were told by Icajlue governors that atvthc next expansion the Canadian West Coast city will be in cluded Campbell says that the appli cants were not interested in translcr of an ailingfranclilsa tovtheir city and that no refer ence was made to any such shilt in the dealings of the two parties When the matter came up previously they IVancouver said they werent interested be cause they wanted outright omi ership of their club he said Last March they were vigd rously against transfer and this position was confirmed at the June meeting PERFORMANCE POOR Oakland has been bothered since its inception two years ago by continued shift in own crship poor club performance last season and resulting low attendance figures which have not improved this season despite stronger club At last Junes meetings it took the governors iii days of deliberation before they reachEd decision in favor of Vancou ver At this time the governors cant say exactly when further NHL expansion will occur nor are they in position to say how many teams it will in elude Campbell said at that time However the boards the cis is clear tier due consideration of Mist 42 KEN PAYNE KNOTTY PINE ls At last Junes annual meeting the excellent application for an NHL franchise presented by the directors of the Vancouver Can uciis the board has voted that the group will delintely be invit ed to participate in the next NHL expansion When Vancouver made its ini tial pitch before the league ex anded two years ago it had only small rink Since then 1503th modem arena has been built Last March Canadian brewery started move to take over the Seals and move the stir in club to Vancouver How ever the deal failed to mat rialize and the matter never reached league governors for vote In Buffalo Pastor owns the professional rights and any deals would havev to be made through him he says Wins Unofficial Alligator Hdcp MIAMI mer Hans it won the unscheduled and unofï¬cial alligator handicap at Tropical Park Wednes day An alligator crawled onto the trackiust before the start of the fourth race As the horses came gsl taping around the turns Hans II and another thor oughbred stepped on the al ligato Neither horse fell Unpertnrbed and apparent ly unhurt the alligator lay on the track until attendants chased it back into the in iield lake wih attekaand stones suitor OHA HOCKEY BARRIE nuns VS onituur OAKS corn BARRIE ARENA FRIDAY 30 PM semen roman EIDNSDR APPRECIATION DAY pointnnwutn Plyers onto Maple LealFaul Hendcr ncsduy nght Flycrs em so crland usi lurk infuriating soalie Don Favoil kicks side aquick shot mm Torn Bewer Gives Up Fee2 As Flyers Tits Leafs By scovi nurrox Canadian Prrss Staff Writer Kcithï¬llen has to make dit fieuli decision before each game In 1v his Philadelphia Flycrshut other Notional Hock cy league coaches arent syms pathetic Allens problem one ny coach would be glad to hoveis to decide whether to use Bernie Parent or Doug Fatell in goal Its tough one because both goaltenders are 23 competent and improving Wednesday night Allen select ed Favell and he must have been satisï¬ed with his choice The Philadelphia goalie stopped 46 shots to hclp the Fiycrs gain tie against Toronto Maple Leafs In the only other an game We it no sd ay night Chicago Black flanks moved one point ahead of Toronto and into third place in the Eastern Division by downing St Louis Blues Ii Favcll selected by Philadclp trip from Boston llruins tn the 1967 expansion draft as was Parent had jittery lirsl pe riod against Toronto giving up three goals but was almost un beatable after that He made 11 saves in the first period 17 in the second and 12 in the third The native of St Catharines Ont has given up only 12 goals in his last six starts Allen has shown slight preference for Parent this sea son Favell has appeared in 15 games and has goaisagainst average of just over 300 while son tidl during first period Nltl action at Toronto Wed lnrent has played in 25 games with on average of 16 Scoring for the Flycrs who have four consecutive ties were Jlm Johnson Dick Sarrulln and JeanAGuy lcndron goals Toronto scorers were Norm Ullman Mike Walton BonEllis and Bill Sutherland Johnny Bower in the havnto EDnI was as weak as Favcli was strong it gave tip all four Philadelphia goats before being repla ced by Bruce Grim early in the film period ronto outshot Philadelphia sift Waltons goal at 303 of the final period gave the Maple Leafs the tie just it seconds after Gcndron had put Phila delpth abcnd 43 with hjs sec and tally of the game before 16331 Toronto fans Toronto manager coach Punch lmlnch defended vcr alter the game and critl zed Tarnntn fans who booed the 44 yearold ncttniuder Stirc Bower was shaky He was as nervous as hell and had to get him out of there or we might not have even got one point But you know why hes so nervous Its because they vra giving him such hard time This will kill him faster than anything On the road he Isnt nervous Hes lot sharper was lousy Bower said altcrwards Thats all there was to it blew four easy shots What else do you want me to say Goals by Bobby Hull Stan Miitila and Fit Marlin carried the Black Hawks in their vie Was neatly Tickad Oil When Walton Scored TORONTO 1GP Goal tender Doug Favell tugged at the sleeve of his black 11 Coat and laughed as his teammates yelled at him to board the bus taking Philadelphia Ftyers to the airport Wednesday night Tire pndgyfaced native of St Catharines had stopped 10 shots in the Flyers tie with Toron to Maple Leafshis third tie same in four starts didnt think played well in the ï¬rst period Favell said as Philadelphia coach Keith Alien rounded up the last of his players lorltlle trip home and National Hockey League game against New York Rangers to nd was really ticked off when Mike Walton scored the tying goal on me Favell gave up three firstpe riod goals otter Philadelphia had built up 20 lead but was virtually unbeatable after that Top SoIeSmon constitutinons ith now of the month Id already stopped WAttitlt but the puck bounced off George Avmsrone and landed in front he said Nobody cleared it away and was down when be back randed it in The 16331 fans at Maple Leaf Gardens had plenty to apolaud and the excitement even got to some reporters in the press box who were cheering as loudy as anyone in the building during the last five minutes of the game just hope they were sheen ing for Philadelph tllcn said with grin with two by 1101 antl Lcals Bill Suth tory before 16666 Chicago fans Gary Sabourin replied or Sti Lotus Hulls goal at tlt1B oi the sec and period his illth of the sea son was the winner Defence ntan Gilles Marotte set up the ploy by sweeping behind the St bouis net anti laying the puck on Hulls stick at the goal creusc llitll increased his lead In the scoring rare to five points nvcri runnerup Gordie Howe of De trcit Red Wings llitll has 571 points 1C ueliatat Lou which has lead over secondpine Seuls in the Western DIVISIDII lost lcit winger Ah MrDonnld with broken nosesulfcrcrl in scramble with llowk defence mun lal llmliclr In offien activity Detroit Iletlr Wings recalled forward llank ltlontcith from Fort Worth of the Central llockey League and sent forward Polo Mahovlich to thc same team Maliovlich hurt two 5t Lotis Oakland liuj it at on rua Guelph two assists in 25 game trnil T11 ninnni tritiumti rovtuonv uxunnv in HOCKEY neon me cannons rnss Notional hater Eastern Dlvlrlon Montreal If 131 Ht SI Itosion 15 it 8112 913 Chicazpl It 1149 117 rin Toronto to out oats New ant 21 is mm is Duran 151561231213 22ch Dlvlton 15 it in 9145 ii 51 at LosAnseics 1211 as 10130 Fll loiiia in it at 106 29 Minnsota 9217 oiiaiza Pittsburgh an at no ltrltl lterlnrrrvv PhiladVhiI Toronto St Louis Clicatn It Limes Tonight tall nd at Montreal Toronn at liosion New York at Pii its nccs at Gill Ottzva 7irrn rntilo ttcsieni Windsor llclt1llla bmitln Ii iii Windsor Me Aliirrltin nne Zitatcrn ltlvlsion LT AN Hershey 11 ll It Hi Ill 43 Ptlficllt3 171 3111 lift 17 llnltimnre ll 11 Illa 13432 Springllrt 1216 2713530 Western Division 43 BIIIIaIn 21 6136 7513 Cleveland 1516 no tit 34 Quebec 13 ft 6113 mas Rochester l02l 6117133 ltcsulls Wedncsioy Springltcid llerslicy With four minutes left to play Favell stopped Norm Ullman and farmer Fchr Bill Suther land who bad beaten him in the first period when both players were almost on top of the net lt Sutherland knocked the not all the posts and forced stoppage in play as be followed through on his shot would like to thank all my customers for making December success and willadd that am looking forward to seeing all my future and past customers and will assure you of sincere and helpful ser vice KEN Wt om UNInoYAL REVOLVING cnsnn PLAN AVAILABLE Payments can be arranged to sun yew hudi 5ALE PRICE sot pnics Include Reg 31 95 Rog 5995 sot PRICE neg 7495 SALE enter 10 pFDST OPEN AM PM DAILY FRIDAY NIGHTSiTIL PM nunarntunin CAR MATS Hauilyduiy flexrhleirubhén Ona piece doorwither style Front Mor neg 593 Rear Mot Res 201 sNow as srouiliieWEn eh negthuri driven impeller Throws show up to Tire rhnins SALE Pntcs mintsionvtiiiiisir to translators Operates on butterles or house currenu niciuuiiiiiuuuiui Walnut woodgroin metal cabinet Humidtstutrynrluble speedfnn Evn paroles up to 65 guts per day 2993 rterios Included 491953 jete