IXAMINIR scurrilous ireoleï¬n alï¬ilkd Rikkikill mid All other Dcputrnenta use lOSth Year No NEON An Orr torio Supreme Com ndias Wednesday cleared the way for Ontario borseplayers to place bet without going in the track by having paid agents deliver their bets to the parimutucl win down The ruling makes possible es tablishment of offlrack pariniu tuel brokerage firms Mr Justice Walter ll Schroe der upheld the decision of Welland magistrate who last February dismissed bookmak ing charges against two Welland my ï¬r ii men who operated such bro irerage firm The Crown has so days to an peal Mr Justice Schroeders de cisloo to the Supreme Court of Canada but AttorneyGeneral yrthur wishort said Wednesday be was content with the decl ii clan and had no plans to appeal it Mr Gruhl who advertised that he would take beta to the iJ racetrack at Fort Erie for fee tI said following wednesdays da cision that he hopes to establish the provinces first efftrack gt betting service However he said in In in terview if its gold mine wont be alone in upholding the decision of Welland Magistrate Joseph Gardner llfr Justice Schroeder said there was no essential dis tinelion between the Gruhi Wciy Opens For OffTrack Bets ssslnrt Welland taxidriver who took money to the tract for persons unable to get there The Appeal Court ruled that no beta were made on ttia premises and that ltfr Gruhl and Mr Brennan were acting as agents when they placed beta for their cheats The men charged to per cent of the value of the bet placed for the service and the mini mum fee was 50 cents The ruling drew reaction from AttorneyGeneral Arthur Wishlt art and ofï¬cials of the Jockey Cuban Refugees Flee To MIAMI Fla AP young Corban rcfug so who braved killer dogs and machinergun fire to reach the US naval base at Guantanamo said Wednesday about noon persons have been killed in the last year trying to cross the fence to freedom The 18yearold youth was one of E7 refugees who dashed into the hose Monday morning in what is believed the largest mass escape from the Castro regime Howeverpfor every two per sons who made it across the case and case dismissed PREMIER PROMISES By THE ASSOCIATED rimss Rarhidrltarami who promises shift away from Lebanons virtual neutrality in the Arablo raeli struggle began trying today to form new govern mentlntlelnit President Charles Helou asked Karaml six times prelt micr to replace Premier Abdul lah Yaii who resigned niesday under fire because of Israels destructive commando raid on Beiruta international airport Karaml who led the 1966 re bellion that US marines were launurioaed to quell heads the Democratic Front which com maads alight majority in Par liament Sources close to Koraml said he would try to form coalition government but he is expected to have difficulty because lead ers of Lebanons Christian polit icalparties prefer continuation of the previous ambiguous pol ley or virtual neutrality rather than harder line against is rael included in his partys plat form are support of the Pales tlnlan commandos and their cause compulsory militar service and adherence by Lebalt non to Arab policies in Jerusalem meanwhile ls today denied New York reports bomb or will have one soon Lebanon Will Back Arabs racll Premier levi Eshkol re jeetcd France as Middle East peaccmalrcr Addressing conference of world Jewry Eshlrol said Presi dent dc Gauliea ember on arms shipments to Israel dam tho Middle East This action can be compared to that of binding the hands of one of the disputants in an iaranawho is threatened by the other and this by third party which lay claim to objectivity and to role of peaeemakcr in our area From such parth the call for peace sounds hollow indeed LOS ANGELES AP Jury selection apparently will not start until Monday in the Sirhan Bisbara Slrhan trial on charges of wandering Senator Robert Kennedy Defence motions took rriost of Wednesday as they dl Tues days opening session and de syhmaauï¬ CAPSULE NE Lsrael Denies Having Nuclear Bomb TEL my OPAP The lsraeli Atomic Energy Commission fence counsel prepared more for submission todaY that Israel either has nuclear Seek Nllli Loans For Mobile Homes ITORONlID UP The Canadian Mobile Home and Travel ailer Association suggested today that loans under the National ousing Act should be granted tovfamilles buying mobile homes MustSeparate To Protect Way Of Life MONTREAL CPt Rene Levesque leader of the separatist Part1 Quebecals says that only sovereign Quebec would end current threat to the provinces French way of life din an pmwmgwmmh aatiooclrtzeazmeslrnedhoaaie Begin jury Selection Monday In Kennedy Murder Trial Herbcrt Walkerto begin New Czech Govt Is Sworn In concurs Reuters we cm Socialist Republic go vernment ledby Premier Stanislav Railwas sworninto office in Prague Castle today Press Wire Service Goes On Strike new 10th AP no we Service Guild went on strike against The Associated Press at am car today in dispute centring onwages and demand for form nitration shop Bertrand Back lit WorkHow Long QUEBEC 0P in his second day at work after convalescing since early December from heart trouble Premier Jeandacques Bertrand was to hold today what he callediavery brief and very cordial news conference But speculation was rife that he would announces further rest perhaps for two weeks on advrce of his doctors Club Ltd which holds thorough bred racing at Grecnwaod and Woodbine tracks in Torontoand Fort Erie and operates harness tracks at Greenwood Mohawk Raceway near Campbellviiie One and Garden City hacawoy near St Catharincs Mr Wishart said he would not appeal the decision and added that the reason for the Ontario Supreme Court action was not so much to press for convio tion as to clarify regulations dealing with messengers who carry bets to racetrack USA fence Monday one stayed be hind he said it was horrible for the ones who didnt make it said the youth who wouldnt give his name saw the guards shoot three at the prisoners at close range They just tumbled aver Eighty members of the group arrived in Miami Wednesday aboard two US Navy planes One of the man said three members of the group were cut down by maehlnesun bullets and woman was torn apart by dogs let loose by Cuban guards who patrol around the naval base FELL TWO GUARDS The man who also declined to give his name for fear his rela tives in Cuba would be harmed said two guards were felled by escapees bullets Canada liccepls Nuclear firms Ban ornawa or lindetcrrcd by the fact that other countries have refrained in droves from taidng similar actiedslthaiiada acceded Wednesday to later the spread of nuclear weapons It thus became the first nearnuclear power to accept formally the terms of the treaty which prohibits nuclear powers party to it from trans ferring nuclear weapons to non nonnuclear powers not to pro aonuclear powers at to pro duce oracqulre mntrol over them However Grant Bi Cooper one of three defence lawyers said the defence and prosecu tion had agreedafter closed session in the chamber of Judge questioning prospective jurors no later than Monday The trial had its first witness Wednesdayan expert on ju riea William Goodwin the Los Aageles County jury corri missianer testified on how pros peetive jurors are selected Sirhan as Jordanian who came to the United States with his family as boy listened at tentively The second session lasted less than an hour Cooper argued that the list of prospective jurors should be set aside on the groundscf not comprising true crosssec tion at the community Cooper presented motions to set aside the jury list and to quash the indictment Judge Walker as Wednes days session ended leftruliogs Barrio Ontlrlo Console Thursday January l9 JOHN oiarawaane tive prime minister rejects as unacceptable Premier Jean Jacques Bertraods suggestion MONTREAL GP if Pan liamentl ratifies proposed changes in estate tax legis tion the results will be tuaily disastrous mic blow to all Canadians former prime minister John Diefenba her said Wednesday Reaffirming his opposition to proposed amendments to exist ing estate tax legislation during news conference and again in The Examiner TODAY Ann Landon7 City News2 rotisserie12 Comics15 Deaths14 DistrictS Editorial4 Sportslo 11 Theatre4 rv Listings15 WeatherZ Womens6 cums on both in aheyance until later in the proceedings TORONTO School trustees have called for mas sive drug education program after survey released Wednes day showed drsig use among students in Toronto public high schools is or serious levels The report issued by the Al cohnliam and Drug Addiction Research Foundation alter fivemonth study said 95 per cent of the 6447 students sur Vveycd admitted they had used tranquilizers at least once Wllllam floss former chair man of the Toronto board of ed ucation said an intensive school program should be initiated to warnstudeats of the dangers of drugs The programyhe said silouldconcentrate especially on drugs such as methedrine and morphine Iights Tax Changes Wmsza Wt Trï¬Stees Urge Drug Alan Archer chairman of the North York board of education said he was shocked and dis mayEd by the findings of the survey but George Cartwright chairman of the East York board of cducatlon said the rev before part should not be taken too lit orally think the figures are not really as high as the survey in dicates he said Young peo ple when iven survey some times lia fun with it and ex aggerate or play around Dr Reginald Smart psycholo gist in charge of the report said it was the mostthorough survey of its type ever undertaken in North America Education Minister William Davis came under criticism by 113V 34 rlï¬iéï¬tr AFRICANS Mum that presidential form of government muid be desirll able for Quebec Mr Dieteti baker was speaking at press conference prior to lunch eon meeting CP Virephoto Estate subsequent address to the lid vertising and Sales Executives Club of Montreal Mr Diefcnba her said their approval by For liament would be very seri ous mistake Arouscd public protest was required to make the govern ment change its mind other wise be prepared to pay through the nose The Progressive Consch ive MP for the Saskatchewan riding of Prince Albert said the amendrnean would result in de creased tax exemptions on in come from estates Many subfamilyowned busi nesses would have to be said so that heirs could raise additional death taxes and farms would also have to be said because cash was required in the payment of succession levies It will make it impossible to provide adequate provision for ourchlldren Mr Dietenbaker said of the proposed legislation About 82 per cent of Canadas estates were valued at $0000 to $300000 and 70 per cent at $10000 or less hence in creased taxes in the form of succession duties would hit practically everyone Education In Schools Robert Nixon Ontario Liberal leader for not having intro duced instruction on the effects of drugs alcohol and tobacco into the provinces high schools Mr Nixon said steps should be token to have teachers trained bythe addiction re search foundation to pass the knowledge on to students He also demanded the use of educa tional television channels to in form parents The survey also showed that 73 per cent of the students had used stimulants 67 per cent marijuana 57 per cent glue 45 per cent hallucinogenic drugs including LSD 33 per cent bar bituratcs and 19 per cent had tried opiates such aa codeine barrio hafnium Commits Canada To NiiTO For One Year mNDON CF Prime hila ister Trudeau said today can ada will renew its present military commitment to NAN for one year lie told press luncheon that the commitment will be re newcd when Defence Minister Leo Cadieux attends mccling of NATO defence ministers in Brussels Janï¬lo Not More Than frldey lOcPar Copy Prose Al Six African Premiers Demand Wilson iiccept LONDON AP Six African premiers today called on Brit ain to abandon her plan for Rhodesia settlement offered by Prime Minister llurold lVils aboard iLllS Fearless last fall The African leaders hacked by Prime Minister fndlra Gan dhi of India urged Wilson to maintain policy of strict sanc tlons on the breakaway regime of Premier fan Smith Andthey demanded on the ZFBI FOund WASHINGTON AP man charged with slaying two agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation surrendered meeklt ly in the attic of an apartment house Wednesday night climax lrig an intense housetobausc manhuntin the capital The capture ot Billie Austin Bryant 28 an auto repairman and prison escapee came less than seven hours after the agents who sought toquestlon him about bank robberyiwere found dead in the hallway of his estranged wifes home The slain agents were An thony Palmisano 25 and Edwin Woodrlfle 21 the first Negro to die in the line of duty with the RBI than two hours the armed hold Sludent Militants Close NY School By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS New York City college was closed today and schools in San Francisco and Waltham Mass were partially crippled as the result of protests by militant students in Nevaork Queens College 25000Astudent unit of the City University was closed second consecutive day as administra tors sought to avoid physical violence in protest by Negro and Puerto Rican students recirwr camera jj Tho slayings followed by less Agents Slain up of suburban Maryland sav ings and loan company teller had rcportedBryants name to police saying she rccA ngnized him as former cus tomerir Bryant Negro sougthince he escaped from the nearby larton ltcformatory in Virginia last August was arraignedbe fore cormnissloner on two counts of murder and held without bail until hearing Jan 23 Bryant escaped from Lorton Reformatory Aug e2 when he crashed car through chain link fence He had served less than year of an 143 to tilyear sentence for robbery noncapital murder their wives looking for anyone else Cobalt 0nt and David Breault here and David Edward Dwyer The suspects were charged after two motorists were shot and killed last Friday in frontal Police said they were not Donald Joseph Phillipa 29 of re latives Vallee and Mac 23 of Ottawa appeared in court Donald related by marriage Nocqmpromise third day of the Commonwealth crnment abide by its twoyear pledge to withhold the granting of legal independence to Mode sla until majority African rule is introduced The debate on Rhodesia began in the Morality meeting with report by Britains special min ister in charge of the Rhodesia problem George Thomson who gave an account of reccnt ex changes with the rebel regime Thomsons account included details of Wilsons mcctlng with Smith aboard Fearless off Gl brultar last October At that meeting Wilson sub mitted proposals that would transfer power to the Smith re gime on the basis of new con stitutian containing some safe guards for political advance meat of the 4000000 Afrieans now ruled by 250000 whites CRITICIZEIIIE PLAN The heads of government of Tanrania Swaziland Kenya Ghana Uganda and Botswana spoke in succession after Thom son and in forceful terms criti circd the British Fearless plan as inconsistent withprevious British commitments also cited specific obieetions that the British plan would leave effective power in the hands of the white minority Conference sources reporlEil the debate took place in an nt displays of passion wcre ob served The meeting was marked by quesiionlng at Wilson by the Ma ricans and by Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau no Manhunt is called on filter lirresi0i3 For Murder OTTAWA tCPl Ari inten raigned in Windsor0nt sive manhunt ended hcre Wednesday when three men all ing of Gerald MaeDonald31 an in their 20s were charged with They are charged in the kill Ottawa garage owner and Ken neth Valieo 42 at St Clair Shores Mich The two longtime fishing companions were gunned down of desolate section of high way about 25 milesfrom Otta wa as they travelled to Al monte where they were to visit were travelling with their wives 23 of no fixed address was ar in separate cars and crew niom er of the Nova Scoiia schooner Bluenose if was lost overboard Wed nesday while the vessel was and morphine being buffeted by 45 mile an Milli iosr erratum hoiir winds and 32 foot waves on vacation cruise to Bar muda with group of Halifax businessmen aboard Two US coast guard vessels were stop in by the schooner as mun about 280 ndlcs south east of New York CF wm origin 57 it might pg vb They argued in general but masphere offlealmaessjnd no she continued iotlde out the