on Walls Publisher libiilorialOriilia Packet Times What momentous times we are living through Less than ten years ago men in space were the stuff of comic strips to day they have become such common place that nobody can even remember the names of all the men who have al ready shed the bonds of earth and travel led with the stars The enormous strides made in so little time represent beyond all question mans greatest technological triumph Yet despite these nearincredible ad vances and all the natural excitement and interest attendant upon such breath piirpose and lack of point to this lunar lust which seems lunacy indeed To reach the rnoonlikecircling the world or climbing Everest is an end initself so far as mans venturesome spirit is con cerned but of itself it represents but hollow triumph and poor return for all the incredible manpower and money in vested ln this the single greatest under taking in the history of mankind All enormous part of the scientific establish ment not just of America but of the whole world has been enlisted in this space race the rescarch facilities of every major university in the West are involved in some aspect of its tortuous WAR DAYS 15 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Jan 1944 lilayor Donald MacLaren revealed that town had no bank loans for first time in 50 years Doc31 1943 had more than $10000 in bank no indebtedness and $22000 in Victory Bonds His Worship said he was expecting much from postwar committee He also felt chamber of com merce shouldbe reorganized Sgt Paratmoper Roy Kirkpatrick now in hospital in North Africa recuperating from wounds received in ltaiy Ken Lt Gov Roy MoVittie installed President Leslie Chittick and officers of Kiwanis club Nine new faces in Simcoe County Coun cil Moon Adjala lllfaeDonald Cree more Dalton Banting lnnisfil Robinson and Offord Midland McIntosh and Cook Orillia Woodrow Oro Hall Tottenham LtCommander Roy iii liiosher until recently in conunand corvette Barrie missioned frigates Saint John of Royal Canadian Navy Quick action by George Kendel tire vulcanizcr saved Al lan Robertson from drowning in bay at foot ofMaple Ave ered in with parties several locations annual Kiwanis dance at IOOF Temple Wally Perkins presided at piano for taking adventures there is sterility of appointed commander of recently com New Year ushL Bob Powells band supplied music for ttiarrie Examiner William Taller General Manager MoPharaon Managing Editor SATURDAY JANUARY ma PAGE techniques This is indeed technique run mad all the brains and resources of the free world striving to master sterile medium simply because it is there colossal outpouring of human wealth and genius without single coherentpur Lose or significant objective When at st man does indeed stand upon the surface of the moon thereby fulfilling this most beguiling of dreams he will not thereby have enriched mankind by single benefit which might justify so en ormousand exhausting an expend iture of human energy nothing certain 1y to corn are with what might ave been achieved so colossal and singlemind edan assault upon mans real problems on earth The astronauts returnto an earth still bitterly dividedby race and creed and affluence an earth which can not even feed itself an earth with end less undeveloped resources unexplored frontiers unresolved problems It is not without significance that the Russian as tronaut who was the first man ever in space should have been killed by an automobile The fact of the matter is that the space race like the era that spawned it is in truth kind of lunacy Shakespeares tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing DOWN MEMORY LANE dance in Officers Mess Barrie Armoury British war guests in Barrie for near ly three years Joan Newman returned to England accompanied by aunt illrs Alan Childs of Peel Sir Her sister Peggy returned last June and joined WRNS With enlistment of Ted Dyment of Kirk land Lake in Provost Corps at Borden all three sons of Mrs John Laing and late Harold Dyment now in service Ltr Bill Dyment is with Armoured Corps overseas and Sgt Herb Dyment is PT in structor and disciplinarian at RCAF cured Corpshockey nights at Barrie Arena are every Monday and Wednes day Familiar players from last years A9 Rams are Lt George Fennell RSM Eddie Burke Cpl Reg Westbrooke in goa1and Trooper Nip Spooner from Collingwood Rev NRDr Sinclair DD reelected chairman Barrie Board of Education fourth term Building per mits for 1943 totalled $138673 more than 5516000 higher than 1942 Carin adian Pacific Railway opened new stat ion at Camp Borden Barrie Colts opened season in junior hockey beating Richmond Hill 10 llap Emma is coach Stars were Ab Bowen Max and Murray Richardson Jack Nixon Harry Adams Bill Lowe George DAmbrosio and 15 yearold Jimmy Strachan alternated in ne Ultimate Dream Of Mon But What Is The Point THE LAST or Till ens Linn maximum INTERPRETING THE NEWS msILuaLixlatzrmmmaamgalzmlhm monounuumrrn Nixons Néw Approach To ULS Foreigntholicy By ARCH Mn=KENZlE WASlflNGTON CPD Presi dentelect Richard Nixona new approach to United States for eign policy extends to the United Nations But as in Vielnam EastWest relations Europe the Middle East or elsewhere the new ap pr each face some longes tablisbcd problems name Democrat to the post of Wmanent ambassador to the The evident choice of Sargent Shriver gains weight from the Shrlver background former head of thePoace Corps for mer head of file American poverty program ambassador to France where he has been warming up relations with Pres idcnt do Gaulle and his mem bership by marriage in the Ken nedy clan These are plus folders in the relativelyeasy shortterm job of making relationsyhetter be tween the UN and ils richest most generous member These relations have been badly cur dlcd As early as September 1964 Thaiit was sharply questioning Middle East EastWest rota the US role in Vietnam Alter tlons and the nationalistic qulvlt regular bombing of Norlh Viet era that shnko Africa Latin nam bean in early 19 Thant America and Cinna insistedtho bombing 1mm halt rm my pcamkecping m1 ifiuseful negotiations were to be 1m dwindled to Cyprus held ills argument was not wel coined by President Johnson or State Secretary Dean Rusk ill though Johnson finally got talks going in Paris with twostage burdened with the abortive Ililfil Bay of Pigslnvasion of Cuba with the wider US war effort in Vietnam and with American intervention in the Dominican Republic inthe spring of runs PEARSON HAS PLAN The strains injected by the addition of many small and poor new nations were under lined by former prime minister Pearson in his recent Rellh lec iiith weighted voting to replace the onenation onevvote conccpt that gives Mail the same mus cle as the Soviet Union However the UN ambassa dorsliip gill is regarded as the 59 most important of all by Ameri illenUangblzi tbhillayfrasgl can diplomats The UN still is substance valuable listening post and After Stevensonls mm sounding board loos Arthur Goldberg left urs US Supreme Court to replace has his internal problems hutha Thant has no legions and he film and he too was fnrsarated still speaks with certain au through the Vietnam impasse in his endeavors to find way thority The use Nixon can make of Goldberg resigned earlier this the UN depends on the impor year out of stapand out of in tone he places on it and the de fluence with the president and arm of responsibilrtyconferred The basic question for the UN today is how it can be effective in such trouble 5P on his ambassador there THOUGHT Whatl know ya not out your Israeli Attack WASHINGTON knell mad on Belml ctrii ian immadonal airport Sunday could not have come at worse time from the nondde of la raaliAmorluan relations Only few days before the United State had with great reluctance agreed to sell lanai 50 Phantom kt timerbomb era in beeordunea with her longaudio pledge to main tain tn arrna balanca in tba Middle East Eltfl more aerioua the laxsell attadr war against many with which the UShaa close relation and which baa trIdL tionally been regarded as re luctant participant in Arab pa litical intrigues ltbanorr was not belligerent in the sixday middle Em war in 1961 in rare burst of unanimity world opinion in virtually rin glermloded ln deploring the la raeii attack in which helicop terbome cornmandoa destroyed la plane in reprisal for an Arab guerrilla attack on an ls raell airliner at Athena airport last Thursday The ofï¬cial lsraell argument that the Beirut attadr war in tendcd to prevent any further harassment of lsraeli civilian planes carried little weight in most quarters PAPERS JOIN PRUYEST Even The New York Times staunch supporter of lsraei termed the act flagrant overereactlon And the Wash inxton Post after noting the is raeli raiders took care to pro tect innocent bystanders com metric that there not much else in the raid to dialngulsh if morally legally or otherwise from the act of ferrorimr that it was intended to avenge An fsraeli passenger was killed in the Athens ultadr 11m extent of Washingtons annoyance was deï¬ned by Am bassador Wiggins at the United Nations where he said the US war prepared to sup AROUND THE WORLD Happy Implication 0i Apollo Eight ny PHILIP DEANE Forcln Alfin Anllyst There are happy implications andshooting at the earth with3 rockets that will take less than one minute to reach their tar get and will therefore be un stoppable based rodrot to reach an earth But these facts in themseltes mm the superpowers be at least 80 times more cau be WW lious Antiballistic missiles have their hopeful aspect Per by disposition to see the bright side of nuclear weapons but always have they have beena guarantee of peace Aimiftedly we still run the risk of war But neither superpower has been able to contemplate deliberate nuclear war To avoid conditions that might trigger war both superpowers have been particularly cautious in their relations with each other Russia invaded Cudroslova kin but then she considers that country her fiefdom much as Came Bad Time Port Security Candi action to condorno laraela of arro unto The lsraelir Irma that the hem Palestine refugees flew to Athena from Beirut that the Popular hunt for the Liberav tion of Palestine took credit for the attack and that the front has offices in Beirut and allegedly training bases also when in Lebanon Amrdlngly iarael held the amcrnment of tebanon ac countablealthough the guerril las themselves for what it ia worth denied any connector with the government QUESTION JUDGMENT It in thin Judgment that il bold in quenion own by lsraela friends with other Arab govern merits that of Lebam in weak and under steady Rosana from extremists inside and oiuida the government Even if it bad the political will to daal with soda liberation force it could hardly be held Immutable for tindeednfapairofzuorrlllu in another country It is possible that the In bauesa and other Arab govern menu might find ways to con trol arch terrorism to some ex tent if they could offer their people any real prospeda for Palestine settlement Barring this to deal haraly with liberation ones would risk the collapse the existing re aims in favor ofotllera that would be more extreme As always the Sayre Union in scan the key to any wbstam tiva movement toward ladlng Peace in the area So far Moa ow has ignored US pleas to halt amia shipment to Arab countries saying it will consider the matter only after bottle ment has been reached it was this Soviet position that ï¬nally prompted the US to 881s to tho sale of the Phan toms to lsracl after many months of deliberation tori All these precautions have been taken because as things stand now each superpower is UN my Mm hi to the flight of Apollos ltdoes mm d°° neth Simmons RCAF pilot promoted to Manning Depot Toronto Bay frozen tux 10 do re JPLirisï¬irrriwmk SENS In il ofcourseï¬rpen up theprospect flyingoffrcer Aivrn Millard Lambert sotrd With new snow Skating very popu EEEmmm 13° at ï¬ï¬ggsigï¬ 33102 Posed Cuflslderaim UN niihdl lu spacewitli space plal no account 10 Dammit gfagérateï¬i asMarr gunner at RCAF base iar over holiday season Borden Arm Th5 and in his decishnlb ï¬nd his 10 happy myan broken into regional MS and forms shooting at one anothcr non ona an Illire to bellele that when faced with the prospect of belug 60 seconds from total destruc tion 60 seconds being the time it would take space from space platforms floating in defensive ring around coun try like Russia or the U5 might become perfected enough to intercept enemy rockeu launched from submarine near the coast and they would certainly be able to intercept rockets launched from ground silos Only makes launched from space would be hard to stop because their flying time would be so short and it is such rodrals that will put universal death just 60 seconds away the Americans consider the Do miniean Republic their ï¬efdom Russia operates on spheres of influence concept and we must admit that so does America neither trample the other pre WIVES To avoid accidental warwar To avoid such development the superpowers will have to day Vise agreements for thorough inspection of space activities and vehicles We might even see the day of joint manning of all spacecraft to make Me they are not military This may body in the temple oftbc Holy Ghost which in youwhlch ya luvs of God Ind ye are not your own For ya urn bought with price therefore llorlfy God in your body and to your rplril which Ire Godl Cor inthian 519 20 CANADAS STORY Rail lflll Board OTHER EDITOBS VIEWS tificial milk instead of cowt milk ac Sir Thomas TimesJournal yp cording to Organic Gardening For one Chalk up one more victim of modern technologythe cow sales are declining and sales of artrfrcral milk products are on therise Millions of people no longer put milk or cream in their coffee they use vege table substitute Ilie same goes for whipped dessert toppings Eventually most people will drink ar Inï¬eld IT HAPPENED IN ennui To his new DEVELPMENT Former no MAN courrreureo More ulna and sNgcy WE CNEFSMIMF oF MEImill ma MT If WA lNWO ï¬mfllulaeliflfllï¬i Less poetically What now Mr Dairy Farmer as mzmawmmnmaï¬mrmam ikrMWMMNMMlIdlflliflfl collram thing cholesterol conscious public wants to avoid the fats natural milk con tains says the American publication Others want to avoid calories or hitherto unsuspected allergies to milk protein Well might the now brown cow but more to the point poet lament What ll ELEVEN drivers who WHILE tame UNLOADED FROM CIRCUS WAGoNï¬artlranlzmok BlitishColmbiaiNAliGiifll remover II£66 no thuwrarsflflwwwwiw =CANAoas Flosr YMcAo WAs ORGANlZED Montreal fail throw off $18 year Out side Ontario $70 year Out Began Water revel by non nowruau Until 1850 there were only so miles of railway in Canada Whenever possible people free veiled by water So it was natu ral when railway service began for the conductor to shoutvall aboardi and the cus tom has been retained Hove ever atthe end of the train trip conductors would shout managersm Elie Earrte Examiner 16 Bayiield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class mall by thePost Office De partment Ottawa and for payment of postage to cash Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays exceptedw Subscription rates daily by rrier 50¢ weckly $2600 yearly Single copies too By mail Barrie $2600 yearly 0nlario31500 year motor aide Canada British posses sions 25 year usa and foreign $32 year National Advertising Offices 475 University Avenue Toron to our Cathcart Sh llfont real Member or the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is ex clusively cnUtIEdtn the use for republication of all news dispatches in his paper cred itcd to it onThe Associated Press or Reuters and also the localnews published therein AW vs all 3m if you are determined to think of yourself as your own captain all ashorewhlchvis notheard you are in for some rough now When it Wasntapoaaible to go waters You were created by God and at the end of lifes voy by water it was necessary to age when Y0 finally lind it drive in stagecoaehes over very is to Run that you must give Wth roads Service between full account Kingston and York Toronto beganon Dec in Lhafare being $18 Ten years later Basil Hall made the trip and wrote The horriblecorduroy roads again madeihcir appearance in more formidable shape by the addition of deep inlry holes whichalrnoat mellowed up the forewhcels of the wagon and bathed its hinder aidetree The roads were so rough that passengers bad to hold on to iron bars to prevent being thrown mllhelr hands would be blistered and swollen when they arrived at their destina tona Corduroy roads are niada by placing logs side by side and are still scan in some parts of Canada especially where there is logging They wereloriginally called corduroy because they resembled the cloth of Kings coat In the early days some of the main routes were privately owned and travellers had to pay tolls to travel over them They were called turnpikes as is the case today in some parts of the v5 and Quebec OTHER EVENTS maltQuebec citizens met to act price on bread rimSpain demanded that Brltulngive up bases on Yan couver island and nearly caused war rrrpneormer Robert Gour lay waa sent to prison in Niag ara the DidoUpper Canada College waa opened at York llorontol started because some madman and the US have developed sound farfetched but the will to pressed the buttonth Russia live can Xerform the necessary miracle nd if the willto live elaborate techniques according were not enough then the will to which lange groups of people to keep taxes from rising as would have to become insane si multaneously before war could start accidentally not one fin ger but many control the birt high as space platforms may save Willi the instinct for self preservation and avarice on our side we shot chosen To All cu 80 Buyiiel VW WISH PROSPEilOUS AND Js Friends AndCusiomers Stand l9 Bradford St was