Mrs Harvey Dohcrts left of Cownnsvllle Que and Mrs Frank Feeney of hfc RETURN TO STRANDED TRArrt Adam Nb return to their stranded train near liogog Que about 75 miles south FOR CZECH IMMIGRANTS T0 CANADA OTTAWA tCPl The Cana dlan governments opcodoor policy for Crechoslovak relu gccs seeking new homeland will end Jan 10 Immigration Minis lcr hiacEarhcn an nounced Friday After that date Czechoslovaks seeking new life in Canada willhave to undergo normal tm migration procedures take months The cutoff date applies to Ca nadian visa applications Czc choslopaks who apply It to and including Jan to can ill enter Canada under the special easy access provisions NEXT nporro To one Saturn rocket to launch Apollo astronauts James McDiviti David Scott and Russell Sebweickart Feb 18 rolls to launch pad Mov ing the Minottall booster and its launching tower the miles to pad is tanklike transporter money Based on questions leading investment Statements and illnstrative material criplive Iolder idden from view building For perspective two pcople appear as dots on Just PthlishedCompletelyRevised Canadian HomeStudy Course in HOW TO INVEST YOUR MONEY IN STOCKS AND BONDS Thispractical homestudy course describes and illustrates Canadian securities investment terms procedures and their wise use in the of hundreds of Canadian investors the sellcontained material covers the pooled experience of dealers Course kit includes altspage lrardhound text book too booklets vestrnent Terms in Definitions other seltstest questions and free question and answer servrcc on all course material For free des nnd registration write to Investment nearcrst Association or Canada rfz Klng 51 Toronto nonma To End Open Door Plan Air MacEachen told news conference the final net cost to the public treasury for the refu gcc program will amount to be tween 58000900 and $10M000tl Between 1000 and 11000 Cze choslofaks will end up in Can ada ttnder the program it is es timated The program began last September within weeks of the Aug 2o Russianled occupalt tion of Czechoslovakia to clamp down on liberalization move ment As oi Dec 20 total of H541 refugees had been flown by the govcrrunent to Canada irnm Eu rope on shuttle service beneath launch platform Pho to taken from atop 525root tall moon rocket assembly crawlcrway road to right of rocket Apollo will be lit day light in earth orbit to rehearse moon landing tech nique AP principles appraisal investment of your How to Read Financial east of Montreal Thursday They noro carried to and from the train by volunteer snowmobile Three trainI To that date the Canadian government paid out soaooooo in loans and grants to rclugees Of this sraoamo is recoverable loans Only few hundred were able to pay their own transpor tation in advance hiost oi the othcr government assistance to help the refugees get settled in Canada is not recoverable This additional aid consists oi language and other adjustment courses and sulr sistoncc payments while cm ployment is sought or courses are taken Mr MacEaehon said there were several factors that prompItd cancellation of the program under which formal time consuming immigration procedures were waived for rei ugces 77 He notedfltahflre1flngeeflmv to Canada had gradually de elined from the midOctober peak when 1500 came in during single week 0nly472 entered In the week ended Dec 17 The program had been in el lect long enough to permit CLE choslovaks to make up their OTTAWA UPI Everything from length of hospital stay to the implications of new expen sive organ transplants will be studied in iederalltprovincial drive to keep operating costs of health services in check committee established at last Novembers federalprovin cial conference on health minis ters is expected to parcel out the job to series of subcom mittees Iniormants said Friday the steering group for the eommit tee has proposed full studies of three main areasefï¬cient use of hospitals efficient delivery of CENTRE on repayment oi transportation were stranded in the area and hundreds of highway vehi clcs bogged down in drilling snow tCP Vircphoto minds on whether to flee their homeland and come to Canada Moreover the number of Cze choslovaks hiding their time in other European countries was on the decline indicatingthat many were returning home Their fear of persecution if they to to Czechoslovakia seemed to have been reduced ltrr lIncEachen doubted there was any serious security risk in permitting somany Czechoslo vaks into Canada without cus tomary ty checks These cheeks and other proce durcs such as medical examin ations were waived for the refu goes The minister said he did not know of any czechoslovak im migrants who had returned home after coming to Canada Professlpnal Creehoslovaks have it told by Uanadranew lJroritles they may not be able to get jobs in their own fields at the outset in Canada hecaust nd various factors he said As of Dec zo about onethird of the new arrivals hadiound Ottawa Provinces Attempt To Check Health Service Costs OBJECTIVE CAREER The Regular Ofï¬cer Training Plan is ior bright young men looking ior meaningful career You undertake complete university educationvwrth degree in arts sciences or engineering plus full militaiy training Result you graduate as complete man welleducated with an officers commission in the Canadian Armed Forces Act now because we begin selecting candidates early in the New Year Fortull information visit CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING 25 St Clair Avenue East Toronto Ontarlo Telephone nooosot THE REGULAR OFFICER TRAINING PLAN Royal Military Calloge oiCanada Kingston Oiuarlo Royal Roads Military College Victoria 30 College Mlillaire Royal de SaintJean Que Canadian Universities jobs most oi them in their own occupations medical eare and cost control ro disease preventive measures Among the specific areastn come under examination will be hospital construction hospital iunetions with particular atten tion to length oi patient stay the implications of heart kidney and other organ transplants fa cilities for active treatment and custodial care of the aged and of convalescents establishment of teaching hospitals and Virtual ly any matter that has bear tng on the use of medical per sonnel whose wages and sala ries represent about 70 per cent of health care costs Ccigekl Years US Major Free SAN ANTONIO Tax MP ltlai James Rowe who on raped from theth Cong after five yearr captivity any he can hardly belieyn he back in the United Slater Im rtlll back on the chop per Ron laid hides refers ring to the helicopter that re cued hlor havent really lcaught up with whats happen gt He arrived at Kelly Air Force Bl in his native Texas After news conference he was taken to Brooke Army Medical Centre where doctors wdl am in him never realized how vain able freedommwu until Ilost Rowe to reporters Its like being alive again He recalled how be war con fined It night to small thatch roofed prison with hm for walls All the lroocher Ishlcknl you live in are eager be said of the building be occupied during his captivity He said he stayed Inside lh cages or little as possuiie During the day was not leg irons and could more free ly The Iiveloothlilnch offl cer raid be weighed about 165 pounds when captured along with two other American sol dierl on Oct 29 IN He said he now weighs about 140 pounds but his weight dropped to about csc Employees Work To Rules MONK CPI £0 pro duulon awloyees in oronto represented by local 667 of the Canadian Union of Public Em ployees started an overtime ban and worktennis restridlon at noon Friday urrlon spokesman said the slowdown was affected to sup port the unions demand for an 13 during the ilrst six month of his imprisonment Asked why his wetght dropped Rowe replied lnnhill Iy to eat rice HAD N0 VARIETY said his diet for thofive years grim ly wu rice and fish tin nld then were never Any overt threats on his life Roan would not no Into de tails about his escape the guard became uncon Idem he saith Then he ran to helicopter he helrd near where he was being held Inthe Mekong Delta and was whisked away celebrated atrialmas New Years and everything else on the out when got away he said He never heard any new that wasnt propaganda Radio Hanoi the Viet Coogr Radio Liberation and the Vlst Cong cadre constatu reported Com munlst Victories There was lIDilflleU non of Communist defeats be said adding that he never believed any of the propa ganda Everything Ive heard since Ive been captive is viclt tories for the Viet Cough he sold Roue raid he already but asked to be returned toJiet nam feel that tho experlcnco have gained over the past five years would be beneficial and would enable me to do some thing benefit In the effort which is being made in South he laid Ive gained wealth of knowledge which never would harehad and never could have gained in any other manner woiiro BRIEFS LESLIE CARON WEDS gnaw vonx truer French actreg Leslie Caron id and interim contract during negotia tions which have continued seven months without settle merit The spokesman cited two ex amples of working to ruleno work without supervision and lunch breaks at specified times in the middle of rehearsal if such situation occurs The union representing 750 employees is asking iora 23a to 15 percent wage Increase on twoyear contract The corpora tion has uttered 17 per cent ret roactive to Jan1 1968 ina con tract which expires June so Ameriean movie producer illi ehaellaughlin 29 were mar ried New Year Day in Jamaica Miss Caronspross agent an nounced Thursday DE CHINE PLANS VISIT PARIS AP Government sources said Thursday night that President de Gaulle will travel inihteJanunry or early February to Brittany the trou bled French province where no line claimed to have broken up this week bombthrowing au nornlst group POPE GIVES RAISES 1970 The successfnl newmpefboydevelopa nhnck tion of today younzrmon will ever chain VATICAN CITY tAPl Pope Heihar pertlldrnedoh with foil timevrewards ates his own prpilbablebuslness the only one the agent deliverymm human nature Todays nemnperbayn tomorrows leaders Shetlaï¬cnily thats how it stacks up register rum narrate EXAMINER rm Mnrns Rowe so smiles as he sets foot on Texas soil after more than five years as prisoner of the Suspend Train Temporarily MONTREAL CPI Plagued by more problems the CNRs streamlined turbotrain will begin temporary suspension from its Montreal andTomntn passenger service liondny ONE announcement Friday said the turbotrain ls having troubles with its sophisticated electrical system air condi tioning and lend services Originally intended to begin operatingfor the start oi Expo 67 the turbotrainsrhera are Paul has granted sixpercent increase In the salaries of all Vatican personnel including cardinals and other prelaies of the Vatican Orrin The pay raise made public Thursday by the Vatican will affect about 3000 personnel TRAIN diplomats statesmen ground for future achievement that only frac that pays off nowand in adult life He open makes him salesman an and collector as well an accountant and girl hima real insight into CARRIER ROUTES ARE OFTEN AVAILABLE WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE AN EXAMINER CARRIER If on are alboy or girl who is interestcdln operating an Examiner route and Willhavethe approval and support oiyour parents we suggest you yourapplication for route in your neighborhood Contact Mr NC for eXewtives businessmen SATURDAY JANIMRY LIZ Viet Cong Rowe escaped earlier this week and will re turn to his Monica Texas home after further medical care Wirephoto Turbo live irLallwill be replaced by trains using conventional equipment Frank Roberts the rail woys general manager of pas sengcr sales and services said the iurbotrains had not succeed ed in producing an acceptable level of ontlme performance since the public began using them Dec 12 The turbotrain had spectac uiar start on press previewu run Dec to when it knifed through truck near Kingston There were no serious injuries Described by the ONE as new generation in railroaing the turhotrain was designed to travel the 135 miles hclnveen Montreal and Toronto in three hours and 59 minutesan hour better than its predecessor the Rapido well as purchasing