Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jan 1969, p. 9

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alcoholic beverages ditterenilyphysiol sseem that since alcoho gcannot be stored calories mako no lat Bill ethat while alcohol burned the ltiilliiil and served olten the richest source at thi gtonc oi the Important wins orics than the pork ol the past An average scrving oi pork lised to contain 377 calories weight watchers as well as or all who simply enjoy pork for its rich lull flavor This pork chop recipe has been elevated to the inspired recipe tile because of few tricks bor rowed lrom German cookery The chops are cooked in lay and sour The addition oi ginger snaps givcs them flavor rom lnlscent oi the popular saurhrs to ten Gcmanstyle Pork Chops kYitilld servings pol ops out l4inch ic at small onions sliced cup red wine vinegar bay leaf peppercurns whole cloves cups water 2T tomato paste sugar ll cup ginger snaps crushed carrots out into ltinoh strips tlemon slices Brown pork chops In small mount of fat in medium sired Jocardt feat titled locket Pants are predominant thon in the new spring lash ions and pant Still on lcli by Flavourful Sle Sample Of Best VGento Cookery Sudden inspiration doesnt come in jars but its sometimes kept in recipe tiles Heres one for Germanstyle Pork Props that deserves to be clipped kept arous at Pork is the standby of the homemaker who is concerned bout nutrition as well as good eating Thats because pork is Thc tlavor oi pork sells itself But act that needs wider cir culation is that todays lean pork actually contains fewer cal orlul sauce that combines sweet fined Add ginger shops us continue cooking unit LAUmE mum KYON JmnhulerslA FOR THE BIRTHDAY era was skillet Plac By IDA JEAN room As the old year wanes its the merry custom io drink toast tothe New Year And that thngs to mind anothcr source of caloriesthose furnished in Thmc seems to be so con1 firslon regarding the behranvior ol thcse potent calories As one reader queried logically enough ow can alcohol calories be vtattenin JP since they burn right tare quickly burned firmly burns them to getprid Iiii them for may cannot be stored Nonethclcssalcohol is poten Etial weightmakcr In case this heres the explanation ogicall to inth food what lcrrniued by activity Not so Willi alcchol You burn alcohol oil at steady rate ut seven cal orles per gram There is no con trol over the burn in so to is that they cannot be tnstored as ial but can add to poundagc nonclhclcssll might the catch is to 11 ood calories which Inevit would otherwise have been used must tillhoe al KEEP IN THE TRIM Festive Season ReSppnhlé For Extra Calories vceksof July throughout Sep tember the first week ol Octo Qcap the rc tal caloi ones energy result is add Its true alcohol calories 0n the call Mrs Frank Keli during the Christmas season Mr and lltis Paul Russell and Ron attended the wedding Dec 27 pl Lillian Lawson and Russellllofenbrack at Jctierson Anglican Church and the re4 cepiion atSummjt Country Club is compleidv ovoid oi the fssehtlill nutrients ein vtami sounds bit contradictory short alcoblbsi ii udl as 910 nminerals lll solely CREW be Syd rep re Alcohol and food bohave quite ler therefore not cocktail or dessert ou burn is de An easy way inemembLr the re that one iquorlurnl one ounce Iquo iurnishes E6 calories A1185 is usually ounces Th Paradox of alcohol calo mixed clrlnirseumrie mm calories islo ounce at 100 ol North Bay Were Christmas visitors with Mr and Mrs Ar nold Mercdilh oi as proof ll re party in the hall Dec 27 0w ing to the stormy evening small crowd attended aris with the All Panog contains bur uric Manhattan lfioil 22 dry to The count on concavaries from 75 20 bottle of beer caiuics he grand total their Christmas conCcrt in the with good attendance All the classes supplied numbers for the program martin 135 they could cordial calorics are turnishes 150 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS iiiiiililiil right has sciin white belt GP Photo 10 additional minutes Serve Gerrnnnslyle Pork Chops gar nished with lemon slices WHAT THE FOR TOMORROW Miid planetary influences should make Friday another more or less routinc day Dont engage in untamiliar undertak ings and or the time beinguput oil the launching of longrange plansSome surprising news in the P2d could prove most heartening however If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscopc indicates that you are currently in cycle which will be unusually propi tious lor work requiring imagi nation and originalityat which so many Caprcornians excel This does not mean that clea iive workers will experience series oi dramatic successes but rather that by capitalizing on their talents and trying to maintain reasonable pace in theirscndeavors they can by years end be certain oi the recognition toward which they aim lheir best periods inspira tionally speaking will occur in June August and December Those in other careers will be governed by good planetary in llucnces during the Iirst two GILFORD By MRS AWYEIt Bay visiled lltr and lo and Missiiolly and Janet Gillord hall hoard held such Gillord Sunday School held conviviality By ESTRELLITA in touring group Ilonal Health and Welfare des their rcgulItlons lor spring condolan with dresses ones ItyUng Orin outfit was created in silk popular long tunic top Pants were worn with costs ranglri lrom battlojacket length to minis Evening tabrlcs ot brands and glitter added New Fertility Test NEW YORK AP If part at $1000000 the Fold Founda tion is spending on birth control and reproductive biology bean lruit woman may soon be able to spit on piece of paper ti tell it she is in hcr teltile pe od Development such birth control test is among 32 projects mported by grants the founda tion announced Sunday in what amounts to wideranging prl vatcseotor attack on the popu lation explosion Protects nowly fostered by the foundation runlrom promoting quick sterilization migcry for women to resnarvh on hormonal and chemical contraceptives tor men PRIORITY PROGRAM The saliva test or women would most immediately be im portant to Roman Catholics lor blddcn by their chuidi to use any birth control method except the rhythm system It would do tcrrnino whether woman was slnial cycle Research on it is being con ducted at the Mount Sinai School tor Medicine here which is geting 31101000 In Ford grants tor research in reproduq tlve biology The quick sterilization sur gery also developed at Mount Sinai employs culdnscope slender telescopic instrument with builoin light source that is inserted into the abdomen through thin layers of vaginal tissue requires only short period in hospital and can potions with out general anealles STAY ICE FREE TheGull Stream warms Nor ways coast yearround ens bling moi inletsto stay ics free STARS sir her midNoembcr and late De cember For all Best cycles for financial matters tho weeks be tween now and April lslh the last two weeks at July the pe riods between September 15th and October 15th and between November 15th and December 15th It would be wise to consoli date all gains then and prepare for an excellent Lmonth oyclc tor iisca1 expansion beginning on January 1970 Personal int re should prosper during most of the year ahead but unless you determine to avoid it you may experience some lriotlon in close circles in late June the second week of pt be in midOclober andor midDecember Best pe riods tor romance May August and next December for travel midJune late August early September and the month be tween December 15th and Janu ary 15th child born on thisvday will be endowed with line mind and unusual artistic gilts SkiTouring Otters Winter Pleasure is winter just time of trial for you It neednt be just months of difficult driving and snow shovelling Through ski tourlng or crosscountry skiing winter can become tor you time of special pleasure and beauty This activity ollers you the means ol coming into close con tact with the winter wilds at an exhilarating yet peaceful time of year skiing through woods and across hills you have the chance to observe at close range leisurely and urrseliconscinusly the countryand its inhabitants 1t otters you achance or peace andquiet or novel ex perience tor excitement and challenge chance to get away from it or to makeirlends SkiFun for Everyone publi cation ol the Department ol Nav crihes thiszlorm at skiing com ment aild techniques it is avail able ior one dollar at Queens Printers Bookshops in Halifax Montreal Ottawa Torontolin Pant suits Lead Fashion For Daytime And Evening MONTREAL CP Hotel Ind dining rooms with millo lions Imus women wearing PInIl may have to cbInge solno mmnlnm ruunsnli JANUARY lestile note tor the holiday sea cent at the Shirley Tclnplo era Thu red white and blue color combinations seen everywhere in italy last spring now bavn mum on in Canada and Ira log coordinated into all type spring lastqu in many Maser the flagship colors are tealured prominently on large silk 5cm and worn with solid white or navy oilttils Slacks suit lealure the wide but many Ire Those are contrasted sharply by series at slinky silk jersey dresses strongly Jun leIW lungs The show which lectured eluted with the National Ballet re than loo Go since is lormntion to years the regional ago butsincc lose bod dointcd coal and Ivortswesr market horse mainly to establishing also emphasized the trend to iii the school ted silhouettu Goats fit so The National Ballet Guild closely to tho body that only the board at directors sald Miss Oll simplest ot llttlo drusu can be pliant will assist Celia lranca under or tho National Ballet 0o alts Praoca oltercd her res Iit recent collection at spring cnsomblu bare pants be Ippoared Ilmoa everywhere alone teamed with jacket or highlights lmn mo lines exhibited It In most user pants were cut to complement or accentuate prer leg wbllc other gyles lossthaopertect imrn underncotb Dust lealure relaxed skirt lines pleIled or gently flared Ind helpline on still good lgnstlon as artistic dimdor November bill was persuaded eluted For those who shy away from the tmusercd look designers have created port and llutiy Thus were superny tailored pantculls or daytime wear in my beige Ind broiln Flagship color combinations nl blue red and White appeared in cotter tour to six inchn pinniorelypa dresses reminis bytbeguildto fllpost vr butollerednocornmen above tha jersey Ind leaiured the now Research Includes The Store That Cares About You AP RED BRAND BEEF BLADE ROAS BLADE STEAK GROUND CHUCK in the mile period of her men BLADE BONE REMOVED BRAISING FREBHLV MINCED With fit sterilizationwmrgcry IAN PARKER PEAl PIE Jan Parker Splnilh neg nach 39 BUY save 17o BAR CAKE 3w===aiei100 ONIARIO GROWN FRESH CUT DAILY NOsl GRADE SHROQMS i59¢ Adv Brand Frlnch out Fmn GREEN BEANS Snow can to Quality mm FRENCH FRI snaignic Tablet ANACIN Saw at AltP MU ei9547¢ tlbpks bilnldolabloli77¢ FREFRICED AT $11 summon 7Ileozbil1uov9 Super Hold or Bcpulnr Hold Mill BRECil HAIRSEI Quennrbury an Vellow pink or winu 5Ply Bathroom Tissue akaei4rells59r Sunsled Raknll $225 16ozlin Ann was Tomato Soup 47¢ l0lioz plate with information on equip PHONE malls nipeg and Vancouver National Ballet Appoints Director NEON OP Betty Oli phInt principal at the aniolill Ballot School Monday was ap mngmne 535113 but bfi pointed associate artistic direc uwflnr th tor ot the National Ballet Co bliss Ollpbant has been asso IX BRAND TRAY PACK PURE PORK SAUSAGE 59i BX BRAND VACUUM FAOK WIENERS BURNS SLIOED BEEF BOLOGNA 49¢ SUPERRIGHT QUALITY SLICED SKINLESB BEEF llVER MAPLE LEAF VAOUUM PACK All our lb 25 MINCED VEAL 25 MINCE 50 GROUND CHUCK MEAT IOAF combination ii89 SHOPSYB ERISKET CORNEDBEEF Alb89¢ snoriil Reg Price each Juno Parker Plainnrscedad MclillOSll Powdered Nocnnnlleni Alter Charges micro lAPl Prism Minis ter Eisaku Satos rill hII been quoted in major Japanese and was enaan at geisha ln the early years at thoirrnsr 31 modcrndny girl would have fled lrom him and Wit divorce Hirolm Solo 61 told theShukun AsahlWeekly Ashe illin an interview molly She disclosed also that her husband like to cllrrbout of haul and play cards by himsclt lo the nude in si to the flvjurold prime minister said Satc laughed wbcn he road the inter 2ius99¢ 49¢ FORK II ROAST ROSS RIB ROAST 49 BUY SAVE I3 $232228 Rap LnIf EBBBUY SAVE 10 3le BREAD mallow ONTARIO GROWN CRiSP JUICY FANCY GRADE APPLES Allinsinniniliiliozoo Long Grain AlP RICE Sail 32iIoz plasticeinr Powdered White or Blue SAII DETERGENTlinssizesIbbexl19 Sunnyllald QUICK OATS Evaporated KP Milli ANN one BEAN wiril PORK so 24s box gt 3lbnk9497 nils 5y

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