Mr and Mrs Jack Gar side share traditional lz oclock New Years embrace vs NEW YEARS EVE at barrio Yacht Club New Years Eve Party The gath ering sttrsctzd more than 70 AT YACHT CLUB club members gucss and their Frankincense AndiIViynh For Extraordinary Gift Christmas has gone but its spell lingers on and many of us will wish for original ways to keep alive the spirit of giving Frankincense and myrrh corn biacd with rose petals and quit can provide jun this opportunity We often hear the words at Christmas but seldom do we query their meaning What are frankincensa and myrrh Surely they must be gifts of precious and extraordinary value if the Three Wise Men Scleded thm and gold among all the earths treasures to pay homage to the newborn infant Jesus Franklncense and myrrh are aromatic resins from the bark of African and Asiatic trees val ucd for incense Miraculously it seems they are available today uith little patience and per scvcrence that is from your pharmacist Combine the two wiLh rose petals fixatives and spice and you can create surnptmus gift spicy potpourri that is natural allyearvrotlnd room iresttener and an emtically love ly reminder of Christmas Herc is the recipe Do not pain or quake incidentally at the an familiar ingredients Roses and spice are available at your flor lst and grocery store Aromatic gums oils and ï¬xative arc foundalbeit with little urg ingat most drug stores SPICY POTPOURRI cups dried rose petals Icup dried lavender lcup iranlrinccuse pebbles cup myrrh pebbles cup crusth beazoin Icup sandalwood chips Vi cup ground tonka beans cup cut vetiver cup coarselyground cinnamon sticks In cup powdered cinnamon it cup powdered cloves to cup powdered nutmeg 14 cup ground allspice Vs cup crushed coriander seeds cup granulated orris root 20 drops oil of rose drops oil of vetiver drops oil of patchwll In large bowl mix toss pct ais leaves gums and spices Place orris root on top Add drops of rose vetlver and pat FarOut choull oils Stir through Allow to mellow mouth in tightly cioscd container taming leaves over from time to time Then packsge splendldlylor giftsi Fixalives such as benzuln ton ha beans and orris root hold and intensify the fragrance of rose petals herbs and spice Orris root should be granu lated not pondered the points AngloSaxon Women Lead PARIS CF llirs Pierrettc Sonia French specialist in employment question says contact with the AngloSnxon world has helped Canadian womeneven those in Quebec province Contact with the Anglo Saxon world has for long time given the Canadian woman even in Quebec an independ ence which women in Latin countries do not know Mrs Sartln writes in the acemp Lo ltlondc Now teaching at Laval Uni versity lnQiicbecth she says the Canadian women has learned to have herself cog nixed and respected as person and not only as function orVob ject iho nearness the United States has served to make her aware of the irresiatabls devel npmeni of world given over to science and technical progress and at the need to malts adjust ments or be overwhelrmd by it writes tbs French expert She also considers that the Canadian woman has become aware of the need for educs tional development But when one measures the road travelled in less than to years by Canadian women and moreng by Quebec women it is possible to hope that if young women follow in their elders Mstepn they will enjoy access without discrimi nation to edticatiou and the professional life Fashions In Furniture By ELEANOR BOSS Fumiture like fashion either harks back to yesteryear or it becomes iamut And certainly have been gawking and gaping at some farout fashions and funiltuie in furniture some oi the farout deSIgns are eminent ly practical even if rather be wildering at ï¬rst glance One line is practically every thing you need in package deal but it still allows plenty oi room for individuality This is because the design of the pieces while entirely new in concept dotermiam how the furniture can be placed in room To realize how the furniture determines the layout there are the palestalbased sofas and chairs The handsomely uphol stered units set an smoked glass or lacquered black bases allow for arrangement in one of two ways They can be placed around the perimeter or the room on two or threewalls thus creating banquettelined room orthey can form three dr foursided conversation pen in the center Either way the look is handsome individual and rich Now some cubes that get into the ac An arrangement of four can idu storage for has it cquipmeat and play er recordsAs well as providing serving surfacesihese cubes look handsome placed in the °r of the seating between chairs or sofas or at the ends his environment seatin long Walnrihroad is slowly catch avantgarda element Corindet DOMEBTIC AND FOREIGN fr Thea pictures are part of the package with both lamps and picturu coming from American and Italian soures The look at first is somewhat stark espe cislly to those med to oven stuï¬ed pieces and furniture mites conventionally arranged But the fine variety of mate rlels tho woodsplain or lae quered the colors make for warmth and charm Some pieces are rinsed in oneindi thickacrylie plastic slabs oth ers are encased in chromed metal All In all there is total look that requires very little dreaming up or wealth of accessories or knicldrnadss Brimbracing no place in this type of fumituro and its arrangement But once the mind and eye srcopen to appearance and arrangement of totalka inmlture it becomes extremely satisfying and is cer tainly representative of modern living vi FURTHE BIRDS VANCOUVER GP At 74 Mrs Stewart Bradley throws youthful rest intorher adopted hobbl hlrdbandlng Fifteen years ago after learning to identify the more than 100 com mon birds of British Columbia she was sronted permit to set up birdltbandlng station at her home ovailooking Vancouver im on here delighting the harbor ing the look are handsome high ly original and entirely function sl 18mm out because powder would give flower petals and herbs dusty look Bcnsoin guru should be crushed or ground to powder and tonkn beans should be ground Chips oi sandalwood are best for potpourris and vet ivcr is supplied in either gran ular or oil form Remember that rose petals shrink when they dry so begin with twice the quantity you think you will need When your potpourri is to be displayed in glass iar or open bowl use few dried sccnlless blossoms miniature star straw flowers for example just tor added color Tell the ludry friends who re ceive your incredibly fragrant gift hit of its history In plan our days potpourris were called parlor on evenings when Neel hoarts came to anti East and West through all the ages who and flowers Just In seconds aftér the New Year was chimed in hers Joan Belinda Rosalyn Finch Writing Only one married woman in six beau pots and opened in tho can resist the spell of perfume inn 66 TORONTO ST BARRIE Birthday Marked By Paulettes The Plldctlel of SI Pluls Anglia Guilds lanisffl marked their Nth birtde atrium party held at the third with 19 members pro sen Pmldebi him loads Pratt was in charge of the meeting and married thank to man hers for their help dining her two year term of aides Mrs Allan IIsldenby wife of the truer read trim gory special prayer honored three deceased numbers Tabitha ry pro ca boxes for distribmlon for Christ ms was outlined by Mrs MIL denby Excerpts from an armistog book written by ten year old glrhwers read by Mrs Harry Holdcroft sure or omcena Alter carol dngiag with Mrs Haldenby pianist the retir lru president read thsslatc of ofï¬cers for the 1969 1970 term as follows Mrs Norman Itictr unison president Mrs Ken aeth Fellows vies president Few Women Able To Work vemncmn tReutcssl goes out to work in New Zea land but the rate is lncrcadng Most of the newlymarrted young women return to their jobs after the honeymoon Older women who would like to work run into dilflcultles but they are being encouraged to do so and opportunities are opening for training or retraining in various skills Every year the proportion of married women in industry grows In 1965 married women totalled nearly 115000 or 41 pct sicat of thatotal female labor DIN CANADAS FIRST was born to become canadas first baby of1969 It was the ï¬rst child for 15yearold moth JANUARY onvi CLASS Hero is your opportunity to begin ourcompleio BusinessTroining Course Either with or without shorthand in our new day class beginning Monday January ti 19bit Be readyjor better job with good pay by the end of May This cpurseincludes Typewriting Correspondence Filing Office Procedur GET THEVDETAILS Now AND ELAN TO JOIN OUR NEW DAY cuss on MONDAY JANUARY I969 turns cutters STIIE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JANUARY 1969 Shorthand Bookkeeping Business Rapid Calculation Spelling and Mrs Eric Ellsworth secretary Mn Wallace Barber tram er Llth Wendel Collin of the on was west at Mayor Bentleys New Years DIY lam Poila Oiled hen Ind But Moon Md streaming Banks pollen ores WI chairmen include Mrs William Batman and Mrs Evelyn Feeder DORIS Mrs Charla Anhenden family ills Mrs Allan ilsldcaby and Mrs ifsrry Holdaon study book Mrs Holduott buyer partner Mrs Walter Iflntom cards Mrs Joseph Pratt soc hi wry Mrs Elvin Kell corresponding secretary and Mrs Glenn Harris nursery birtde cake was tea tun of the buffet upper served following the meeting Tbs fir meeting in the new year will take place Jan at St Pauls Chmch Launch Campaign To Ban MiniSkirts TEIIIRAN moral Gvlc groom and womens societies have launched campaign throughout Iran to ban the miniskirt They argue that the Iranian Obscenity At which calls for ï¬nes or prison terms for little cent cxposurs Md be in voked but the government so far has not banned miniskirts except for schoolgirls and teach ers during classes Both the girls and their teach ers have found way to escape the ban by wearing thighhlgh boots to addition they are ask ing at what height above the knee skirt becomes mini Fashion has moved toward long booLs and shoemaker are working overtime to meet the market demand Maxiboots are not only an ac mssory to miniskirts but good protection against winter snow and rain in Tehran The town councils and womens societies that have taken up arms against mini skirts claim they represent fashiontotally foreign to Iran inn society and its culture or Join too Baby Joan weighs ed lbs oLat birth GUEST Mr In Mn 3079 Sarah wen New Year guests of Dr and Mm Harold Salli of Visa Crescent FROM KINGSTON Mr and Mn Erna Bell of Sunaidals Rd entertained Mr and Mrs Rinshiclinlgi and totally of Kim during the holldday FROM MICHIGAN Rodney Henry of Dcuborn Michigan meat Chriarnu at the Wellington St horns of his par ents Major and Mrs Ray iii Judy 11 th cu spent holiday week in rt lauderu dale and Miami Beach Horlds WILD OAKS Traditionally his and M13 Donald Emery catertslnod close friends on Now Years Eve at their Shanty Bay Road home Wild Oaks The guests surprised the hosts with the gift of an outdoor barbecue set The midnight buffet was sr ranged by Robert Aagcloff an associate in MrEmerys iirrn Mayor Bob Bentley mldo the presentation city guests were ltfr and Mrs Allan Martin of Toronto Mr and Mrs Gage Campbell of Or lllla itir and Mrs Larry Mari land and Mr and Mrs Richard Campbell of Kitchener for mer manager of Woolworths department store here Music for dancing was provided by or ganist John Hart NEW YEAR5 EVE Gordon McTurk QC and Mrs Mchirk were at home oaNcw Years Eve between Among out SPEAKING or PEOPLE AND PLACES and 11 oï¬iock 31 friends dropped to ussoos groctiaga Many went on to other parties in the city turn the Mmh Sunnidsla Road residence it was Ihmthst word was rocelsed of the hose or bestowed on fellow members of the legal profession in the annual Robots List of Queens Counself to Johnotlon and Pet er MiilL COMMANDER VIE fbe Marauder Colonel Gor don Wonder co and officers of Coaidlsn Items Base Borden Mrs hosts for an hour yesterdaymoralng la the Buell Budding for the annual levee The event brought out as young officer cadets from Tansaala and Zambia who will commence part of their infantry training under the Common wealth Plan there next Mon day They had arrived only low days earlier after two months It Chllliwack British Colmabls Among guests from Barrie noticed at the Lam were Mayor Robert Bentley Judge Mn Marjorie Hamilton Col onel Garry lac DBE MC Ci Ralph Snelgrove OsmoadJ Rowe QC William Garner Aldermen Jack bisc Llrrn Del Cole Fred Smith Douglas Tall Walls Bruce Peacock William Caldwell Cspt and Mrs Ed ward Hodges Dr Edwin Wilson ficovs Joseph Cochrsno of InnistI Reeve George Davis of Essa ltlsyorGeorge Mo ngue of Allkton Ross Sieple ens Arthur Edmuads Dew nls Crassmsn Donald Giiltlck Earle Little Gary Stoner Doug vlas Cherry Roy Onyschuk CURLINGCLUB In gala atmosphere created by decorations of red green and silver the Barrie Curling Club held their New Years Eve party Music for the evening of dancing was provided by no tannins imvrsrs Training In Gentleness Begins In nurAm butters do be lieve you are getting balmy in your old age when that path etlc woman wrote that she was aids of sex she gotnothlng out oi it but frustration and fatigue and went on to say she has had seven drildren in 14 years you advised her to tench her hudsand to be good lover In fact youvsuggesred Night School Take my word fos it Ann its sons wont help him lhe teach ing should have been done years ngoby parents who set an ex ample of gentleness and affec tionate behaviour in the home Iknow what Im lalkingsbout because Im married to the same kind of lunsnox as the woman who wrote We had six children in If years and can tell you there is no relation between the number of children woman has and sexual compatibility with her husband This may sound dis gracefui but Im going to say it anyway feel like pass tituie satisfy rm husbands sexual needs in exchange for ï¬nancial security respectability and the social prestige that goes with being his wife Your sug gestjon that the unfulfilled wo man teach her husband how to he good lover is just plain absurd These men dont want to learn They are interested only in satisfying their animal passions SEX AND HUNGRY FOR IOVE Period SICK OF Dear Roam Ive had so many thoughtful letters from wives with this same complain that am rethinking the prob lem More later SLURRED TALK Dear Ann hndmf As reg istered nurse mayl add word wanns Womens snow PHONE mums ctrly of reassurance to the brideto he who was afraid to have sur gery because she was fearful of revealing an old secret while under the anesthetic have been an Reg on the surgical ward for almost 20 years often the first question asked by patient invariably wmvan when sltewalres from the snesthetic is What did say always tell her Nothing notbins atsll And this is the truth have yet to hear pa tient male or female re veal any secrets white coming out of an anesthetic Most of their words are slurred arid unintelligible So please Aria inform your readers that if they need sin gery and are holdingoif because of this fear they are very fool ish PEiER BENT BRIG HAM HOSPITAL BOSNNXV Dear Reg Thanks for your letter of reassurance from professional who is in position sflhnow It was goodofyouto to Confidential to snout snot Childhood members of the Barrie Colleg isis Band buffet supper was served at midnight Tables for the Iiislr were reserved by Gary Ransom George Wardls Ralph laugh oed Gerry Brown hob Green Dr Rod ldeson lsdt Mcrrctt Bill Merriam Dave Smith Lar ry Rut Harry Hodgson Fred Smith Ray Ribsikln and lisp Fendley SQUARE DANCE PARTY The arrival of the new year was marked by sousrc danc ers who were guestsof Mr and Mrs Ralph Green Toronto St on htudu night After so cvcih ing of dsndng turkey buffet supper was served Gum at the party included Mr and Mrs Charles Incas of Stmud Mr and Mrs Ernest Gilmour of Al listen Mr and Mrs Eracn Burton and daughter Miss Elaine Burton Mr and Mrs Dslus Lee and Mrs and Mrs lmd Coulson of Harris BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs Charles Fidefllu of Don ald St was guest of honor at tea Sunday sitcmoon held to mark her birthday The tea attended by 25 guests was ar ranged by the mlcbrsnts three daughters Mrs George Long staiie hiss Nellie Hall and itiisl Evelyn Pickering ot Barrio and held at the home of Mrs Long suite on Wellington St Tea assistants included Mrs Pick erings three granddaughlrrs Miss Nancy Hall home trom studies at Queens University Kingston Miss Peggy Hall en rolled at University of Toronto and Miss Jane longstaffe of Barrie IOLK panama The regular monthly meeting of Harris folk dancing group will be held at St Georges Anglican Church Hall on Sat tndny at pm Anyone who is interested in folk dancing is in vlted to attend Light rclresll meats will be served is iorxd it Suits of this kinda are costly and usually they end up giving the sordid story more publicity than it received the first time around Even ver dict in your favor would leave unconvinced those people who want to believe it N0 INCREASE LONDON AP 7Freetlssusi of the pill and other contracep lives to unmarried girls by Brit alas National Health Servics has not increased sexual prom lscuity the British Family Plath aiag Association reported Its annual survey said 44 out oi every 100 new patients at birth control clinics get oral contrat ceptives by request or preserip tion TRI EXAMINER WANT ADF PHONE 7237414 tnItHi noun HOUR noun DRY CLEANING SERVICE DRIVEthat IOJ BAYFIELD ST 728553 You courzi yes but my advice