5111 IAIN THURSDAY JANUARY To coon nnm Childs Shoes lViilstEit Right 19 momma MD Dear Dr hastens Please discuss the pros and tons at various types of shoes and the alien they have on childrens setcowboy boots tennis dim sandals words lhat points should one look or ln proper fit what ill el Ircts can result Irorn poor ï¬t lienMrs NTB Were talking abom normal lezt arent we For the average healthy child dpnt hold any particular brlel or any spedal two of shoe but Im very fussy rtbout the imm tanoe at wrred ï¬t Boots tennis shoes and sail als xenemliy speaking are worn or reasonably short po liods but with them again the Important point is proper tit rather than the type of one Oxfards Fine liter the ate at or years laclore that high shoe is used because It stays on better Ankle miter Lion Is not necessary guide lor proper fitting cl shoes is to Ieel the foot utmhgh the shoe xvray fitting in shoes has pretty well disappeared and own to disappear entirely ï¬A shoe ehouldbetlienidthol athilmh longer thanthe childs foot and the width of little Iin gcr wider ihe heel should fit mostly The size of childrens feet should be checked imuently ause youngsters grow in spurts and the tent at times nan grow far more rapidly mm the shoes near out Unless you re caretul about this young er can be walking around in TELEVISION BUFFALO BARBIE to iklodsv Show tznsrinms an Int Kennton Unitorally ol the Air tilPam use painmla Metro SLrik 1136 All ill schoo Lit lie ocutaan JO hnlvme Court Hth Dilllnl or Romper Room All ll lzmo bMcls schools anevrrly Movie BUFFALO TORONTO ii EAMILNN it PETERDDROUGH momma vmwnsn mono so ijllav Clrdl ema ilnnhtn Rood Hnan Judsmtnt lbcarisd In sne Allen flx nu lzPicr at was zConeentrsuan lzFrlrndiy Chexilllene UM THURSDAY JAN EVENING liSerxesnt nine shoes that dont ï¬t him The ultra youngsters take this in ride Lurl up their toes cram their Ieet Ilsa too lltlls pate snd dont mlain You have to do the min for them Poorly Iitttnl shoes principal ly meaan shoes that are too mull can sun troll bles some oi which may last all their lives weak smiles corns calluefas hanlnix toe lea rm ootpa as men tlori blisters and such troubles The llexï¬zle soles oi tennis shoes and sandals are well tol elated by childs Ioot The his point ls proper ï¬t For that have Iound that stores Ioamrinx dilldrenx shoes usually are my wallqualirled to see that the ï¬t is proper lust reltimber to cheek shoes from time to time and that they still fit Dear Dr humus What nould cause metallic taste In the mouth have this amst oonstantiyrMrl ALIL17 This may result from medica tions particulaer iron and io dine or iodides It you are not ta kin medicines mntaninx these mm that both ele ments eometmes are included in ltamln preparations Another possibility is Iniarac ton bettieen metallic Iiltnga in tutti mu smoking ls radar In some cases nenous disorders are Involved and sometimes mild sedation solves the dlflldlltyt Dear Dr Thoateson How can you tell the dittmnce between flu and In ordinary midi1P in mere flu youre sick enough there isnt any doubt programs BUFFALO TORONTO FRIDAY TMck CINE OUMII lobby XlN zPenansiitv 11 OAndv flflmth npsnru Thomas 34 MIN iils sdm Piayhoiiae aKoiiywnoo soures anlck vul mit QBll Spender ilnerora rim lid Giant muslin itNrwr tMsnnis and fever is present Severe aching is common symptom DAILY CROSSWORD names to mun LParInr a1consolidate Mm Arena on Ill link DOWN Golden eommodity Unwritten River crossings Article Mind Polite and suave Stunt Before it Gruped alarm 15 Tsuntar or step Diminutlvo Ajeer Iutfix or zine 11 Donn silently Evil emperor Near nits mes ure Are lentil molding 25 Blun Hen Alt utter pietely manual 81 On the three Es 35 hlusio note Virginluin symbol 3e Missteps ll Soothseya 43 Journey I4 xnighte titles Must for pinuriI Best huyl Falltornie Clarita Sliced PEACHES ll 3il rt land in human Alsnsr inmeuy 18 Reverses 29 Gloves earrings etc so amp for the sandbox 32 Stlko as enemy or Desire eagerly ea otlrpring 39 Sunder to sine low abhr Irish Fr state 46 Altitudb ahhr W1 Treatment for mild Ilu ls the same as tor cold Best Euyl save 6el CONTRACT tanner ey Jail Em dealer Both sides iaiinerahle NORTH aqsm KHDTA use last axis vs glue humus sousll one wtan 75 1m The bidding net South West North Pass has Opening leadqueen at eiuhs Dcciumr can frequently pin point the location oi some or tall at tlln missing high cards by tak ing advantage at iniormation gn themd irmn the bidding Thus Easts opening hid in the present case enabled South to Iind the right line oi ploy to make our weer new hearts West led Club East won with the ace and returned dub l0 Souths king In addition to lhe chin de clnrcrs potential losers were it spade and three diamonds While it seemed probable tilntEtlst had the kin ol spades as part of his opening bid It was un fortunately also likely that he held the ace at diamonds as well gt To mnke the contract there fore South not only had to win the spade finesse but Illso ï¬nd way of avoiding three dlu mond losers Clover Leaf White BECKER Declare managed to scram pm this by lhnins his plays perfectly and milking the know ledge furnished by Easts one log hid Alter drawing on Mad ol trumps he monasttu domed the queen nlspndes lie then Played spade to the hen and nailed cluhin dumnty Next came dlnmnys last spade on which East played the long but instead ot rutflng this trick south discarded diamond The diamond he discarded was trick South had to lose in any it srtntinï¬lnusis the till trld while slit Mum would be wally satin yin to South because it would permit him to discard still an other ï¬smond sod rutf in dun my lot hit imh in Mine plays 1m this re qulfl some plannms to brine about satisfactory conclu sion which is one reason why we so otter say that It pays to plan the play slut mirthm mm An room mm bnossmtn ALLEN Conpslitlsttinns in Mr and irs Donald Bell on the sin of daulhter Visitors tor Glristniaa at the Barnes home users Mr and hire Jack Barnes and sons ling Ind him Robert Hanson and tensity Preston Mist Jean Barnes and Vi Blunt Toronto hir and Mrs llelbourn Barnes Stayner Anderson spent alumna with Mr and hirs John Anderi son Barrie Mr and Mrs Jon Laugheeil were with Mr nd din Don Jones Benz on Sloth was at Mr and Mrs GraL born Streths Ferruaonvale Vvie Icem he very helpful Stank up and Sevel 5lb Ban Granulatld loo Grlltin lZ éutLuhumet The Dirty mine will Icy lSllmf HOHGI Tuna Flakes SUGAR with the purchase General Electric Lamp Bulbs at regular price 4069400 watt 10 znun Kartln lJtsdd Hdlm l1 llslm Grttftn izDesn lierun Yellow Cling 2802 tin mo zHszei siiorsns throes eTrutn hr Conrenllences 6DIV it Is 7Newa 9Star Trek llGoincr Pill UQHC innsmnu initltum lsland liintlltanu av This item reeflnlt iiLnuck and Ynli we znsnlei Boone aDhris Dly titsrk Nair oGenue Bert 1Uullest Girir in Town llJr Hockly 500 Gomerrfyih Pem is 35mm Arthur Luvs Lucy iirerrv Mason taxman zio Lwnm Mv um 6C0flllll no by iarelesenp 12 istpnes IThe Flying Nun Iits Hsonentns hm BUYOFTlIE Tropical Pride Raspberry or Strawberry JAMS TIN fwfltm 43 me 1lsewitrrles ebesn Marita iii tlhl Fox sfVet or The Amllolil inï¬rm er is sstm Alien 635 2Drslnet IMovfe INEWI TJOMflldy Unknown Elihu Mahdi new JAN AFTERNOON aMeet the Millers eLuncneon ate 1vtrrlnte stun oluovle College canrlaenttel Phloviefl who Ch ilMVVIE The rim sum midway wattle slimliew weTther Sports irl ws newttrhed iiPiem Berton Pi Splendor In The areas 1TisIt qul its ll tZNewr bIAIIIeheOnDItA PBewiMhed nawomens World llBlnlfl Home zns llNesrl Woather shorts is oc on 1nulalns urhe ecmnunn strut errys min lilerzy Mason Hunt at lens ilSootlllht 121 srhney izJs 7Newr Reg 39 Westons Old Fashioned Tee Biscuits to Pkg McCormiella 35 Bix Crackers inn sAs The World nunr 1llsnnenlu mo ZAnother World izrtxn out 1Scerei Swim 16mm Hospital 9Penple In Conflict 155 zLmi News 6minute Prudden 7Cltildrens Doctor 200 zYeu Dont say 2Dlvs at our Live ismrs or 7Love is Many Nlrht Sniendnrnd Thin 74min Tons aBonuie Prudden oDnetors Diary 7Newlywed Gm llEull FRIDAY JAN EVENING iiseccna nuaarse Yenr izOutnasr tzoo 2lluri scnecknnt trrntn or chm Illncll snev lI 1Newr we tau spurts schuntry Music neii iiLPettleht runeusn Ju LEI Chaparral ew wtia Wat 1ï¬mstAnd tars Hauntin new 14mm Canon ELENN N31 iiulr Billion loo raterr Tniay Who Bars lilllovtn Gldlit 661 looms uzso nitiko opuetss lZMsrch tor Tomorrew 1Tnsrurs hit Orllntstnnes ilnusa Bunny Frozen Food anlurosl old South ORANGE JUICE 60 Her 85e lZox for 79 Supreme Tender GREEN PEAS the Palm Garden Tea Bags Vim to cello has gt NEWS Old Fashioned Broken Cliticolute PresWeighed Pre Priced In blocks from Ni 10 55c am lMovle Cristi Diva 2Ib bag 49 100 zMent Grime IlGourmet 4H0use Plfly 91 Love Lucy IiSuner Newer 25 7Naws too 111 Gillillns llllllfl 7Don nteklea IWorid Horny lznlovia TnAi also 1th consiatt mo 2star are 14nd H31 llinarv Grlma moo 155 1lilil Na into liPtvm Heston 11th thit goods BONUS ATORE ovle iinod Tide Huck EYï¬ll as BAG 431 23c LB BAG CRISP JUICY FANCY McINTOSH APPLES MILD SWEET CORELESS N0 ARROTS nuéi GARBAGE BAGS Ehtigxg amt of tau Inert 2mm lllNNEliS 15 DADS vOOONIES 49 Zizguhn helm Ms was him save Knnnoocs 16 DZJiiG save sat and nantar conon CONN Flakes 39 SALMON Featuro Forehand OMO Detergent 69 Best Buy Save lflel Liquid nieach 3019311 JAVExmonmmch79c SPEOIALLY SELECTED VALUE CHECKD BRANDED FULL CUT ROUND IEIRLOIN TBONE iWING nieaauiJlst nightrol Meal no or am Fresh Minced GROUND BEEF 2115 93c WhittierMun snasoaan no man BEEFand PORK SAUSAGE 59 ll EONCHEONMEAIS 796 lb Freeieeriller Specials Sldes of Fork lb 55 am weight 55 to so lha Bonus Brand Hm Rememberd 10 140ml CIHVI Janll Tuantuisl Hum have set Cniverlsniise Choice Whole White 19 oz TINS POTATOES 239 ALWAYS TENDER WELL TRIMMED human lian arts SWEET LB Pamela RlNDlESS BACON 9c llt Cut and Wrapped Beef Steeketias Pkgs ansr aim KRAFT nanny We oz rises IVstivn 10el lassonrnnï¬linrmns LB and How Button FEGH09 VALUEI GIANT SIZE ROMP ROASTS 99 lb MAPLE LEAFASSORTED PACK LE PKG inset ilhoa Afï¬ltjflmnt an Devil Arid Miss Jones isnovle azxt ZDn its lzDon tanm lGomlr Pilli USMC 1Filnny Squad 300 Maple Lent Fully LCoolled Au Puntnan vnuow N0 DINNER HAMS Twenty Pius Two ONIONS WEeilNuona gt 09ll1 Halves nucnt 11 Ht Allin lLI saca at it vgxrnlehmtgï¬f KW