II R0370 CF ill been Temsanin unbarrlas ng Tall nas on assessment In late 1560 at the IoIIrtuMId CanadaaUniied Stat auto trade pad and thus plenty to Dick it up mom the pan has added lawn Jeetst unity to the strength of Cam dlnn manufacturingSo much the so that in 1930 It came undu taco attack in the us being Im aim Ialrly Iteighted tn Canadas nssem Iavor gisrls In Inca tor the hm lime in guts its history and duc to the pact which allous auto companies to pass vehicles and putts tar lliiree met the border Canadas automotive Industry produced more than 1000000 cars and truths Thats 25 per cent higher than in 1907 and double the output as rcttnlly as 1962 From the time lho poet was signed In January 1955 to June I968 95 new plants were built in Canada to take advaru tag at its terms the depart ment 0i Industry said An other Isa expanded their pro duction tnciIItIes Employment in the Industry rose by more than 22000 Investment In new tacllitlel totalled men than $755 000900 Despi i1 IIIDttAY TITADE UP 53 1le In 1951 the last year to mm which eumptele Iigures are 51 available ttvonay trade in mg vehicles and parts was worth $00000000 compared with $760000000 in I904 In the ltrst nine months at 1960 exports of vehldes and parts to the 115 totalled 5130000000009 irom $89 000000 in the similar 19a pea rlod In the tour years ending with the Istamodolyaar ex ports increased to more than 32000000000 tram $23000000 huge shot in the arm tor Canadas halanee ot payments problem ml the US in ease figures arent con ineing theres the assess ment at Vance Hanke Demo cratic senator Tom indiann who told the ILS Senate What has been hailed as the most successiul bilateral agreement in Canadian his tory is conversely one of the worst for the United States He was opposing the pact on grounds that potential expan sion and new jobs in his state had been shifted to Canada because it encouraged conti nentwide industry Although this view was ech oed repeatedly In Washington there were no signs that the pacts beneï¬ts for Canadian industry would slow in 1969 Ford Motor Co of Canada td has announced plans tar an overhaul 01 its engineprod umng facilities at Windsor I0nt and Chrysler Canada Ltd says It will expand its en gIne plant In Winds cost of $5000000 MYOFFS TEMPORARY Ford gov no public cost of llspmgtnm but It has been estunated at between 570 000000 and $00000 by the mom with Greallloke often eallod deatnl tom Iarvneand sand tiny gimp sinviva Itbriny Wa orat ventureexciten1en at future with promise seeus THE CANADIAN FORCES MOBILE RE gt ING TEAM WILL VISIT THE EMERGENCY MEASURES OF FEDERAL BUILDING BARRIE ONTARIO ANUARY 69 BETWEEN moo NOON AND CANADIAN FORCES BASE Iso BORDEN ONTARIO ii BLDG Eta ACROSS FROM CIRCLEPINE smegma CENTRE I969 BETWEEN I2oo Nomi AND THEV ARMOURY MIDLAND ONTARIO JANUARY I969 BETWEEN IZTOD NooN AND 7PM IifrnncEs mum TIIE cANAoIANAnME no Mï¬dau 152m stat IllESEliEltS Ill SPEGIALS Illit REHAlll AT THIS lOW FRIDE EVE WEEKlllJtEEK Dill Illll SAVE Willi DAY stvi UP ioIIEIIII SPAGHETTI no GRANGE JUICE in vacuum ml Snvel Chinatown hitk Fried Rite Vegetable salienceelitism TuIIIIITo sour 250 SAVEUPIOlltAllliVthllllEltERllEl In 0L This out UNIUNRULIS n34 SIVE Willi llllY GHOIGE PEAS lillENERS F0000lTYLSAllE5 20319 than an snow BIIEIIII Elitllttttn 7010 CLOVERLUF 0R GOLDSEIL ASIlE Metlntosh Con tonty Gratin 58¢ APPLES ti79¢ smmwm ROYAL Snve up to Iihhys Deep Brown Rigid BEANS ganKZniï¬nttï¬t PRINCEEDWARD ISLAND 4801 Save up to Macaroni lltl SAVE UP 10 ASSDRIEDD KLEENEX who Intoturnan align caninsat IELIYPDWDERS3iiiiz5 my Save up to Campbells VEGEIABLESUUPZ nvnnvnnvLow swam PRICES IIIItaIIIESIIIu pound The price of II pound of sliced side boson has been devalued to inst 636 this week But Food City doesnt stop there Take look at all of the other STERll VALUES Food Cit Wm CANADAS PRIDE SLICED RlNDLESS IIIE BACON Frozen Foods iiiléiiihs 39¢ 100 ti ttl hp an that RY tilt Sove l7¢ Booth 00 FISH 003 Save Shirrills or BorBQ Pork Edy Rolls BHINESEIUUIJZ Hill Baked Goods Suva l9 Food City 39 It or tknx DuttlI or innumon Sugar APPLE PIES iomily Quality Meats Fresh Produce 711 oi PkgL KRAFIDINNERZ Soveup to Evoporotod toll BARNllTlflN M102 033 CANADA llIOIIRS TATOES tt2x iiivniiilis 41 PRICES on All ITEMS EXtEPl mos mantra IVERYDAY Iow mugs AREEFFECTIVE UNIII SAL IAN uh we RESERVE IHE RIGHT Io IIIIIIT nunIIIIIs l7 ox iinl va2n 827 eAIIIIIII ST AT III LIMITS Ill Itser 0011111900 MONDAY IIIstrut INCLUSIVE UNTll