ESTASLISIIEo Anna St ESTABLISHED THIS YEAR ESTABLISHED 39 Dunlop ESTABLISHED Erna Road ESTAIILISHEII L6 Dunlap ESTABLISHED 58 Dunlop ESTABLISHED lS Baylleld ESTABLISHED 39 IIIGII 51 ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED 29 AnnaSt Men BAll BUILDING CENTRE 1855 Your Allan DOIIIr SIMMONS to WEBBS JEWELLERY ii Home of Fine lmlleryland Glita IIEEvEsiIEWEIIEIIS JEWELLEas settlement tnuuueu InsuraucE AGENCY 11902 barrio pulilic IIilIiiesI commission BAll PLANING Mlll CO 7262496 Goldwater Ont 1m 715401 891 mam 399 7103745 899 7161815 1937 35 HIGH DENNIS MORAN Genoral Trucking Exuvbtlnp ParkingtohPlowod Back Hoe Work 1i rounder ling PRATT MOTOR SUPPLY 1T0 Automotive and Marine run Equipment and Down 958 NARDINSUPPLY no Industrial Supplies Ind row Transmission Equipment 940 mam 1968 News Highlights By TEE CANADIAN PRESS JANUARY 18 VIAILSIIIP lDr Philip Blnberz 5a wlite dentist remlves heart of Olive Haupt colored lee tray worker at Cape 1mm in worlds third heart transplant eMtlre Kasperat 55 Steel vrorhc under goer heart transplant at Pate Alto Calif but dies Jan 21 Soviet Union defeats Canadaar on at team to to will Canadaa world hockey tournament IRetired fireman lnuis Block 58 receives heart in transplant operation in New York butdlea Jan to rtuSeaatflr John Carton new Iaberal party leader he eomea Australian prime min later succeeding Harold Holt drowned Doc 17 niVidor Ernest Hellman 21 round not guilty by mason oi insanity at Battlelord Sask on noncapital murder charges arising from rifle alaslag of nine members of James Peterson lamlly at 5th Lake Sash Aug 15 1967 ISEanhquakel in Sicily hill at least 410 and injure more than 1000 13111 Master tall 29 centre with Minnesota North Stars at National Hockn ey League dies of brain dam age after hitting head on ice in some Jan 11 WRussELI iIonsnunoII lrtleared Ianusseil Horsburgh to former United Church minis ter cleared of five charges of contributing to juvenile delin quency at new trial ordered by Suprame Court ot Canada ItoGeorge Forrester Da vidson 50 secretary at Treas ury Board named president olCBC 21Bank of Canada in creases bankerate to seven per cent trom six in move to bolster Canadian dollar US Air Force Bv52 bomber car rying our hydrogen bombs crashes into ice Greenland coast bombs break inioirag merits but no explosion 22055 Pueblo intelligence collection ship and its crew of 83 captured by tour North Ko rean patrol boats on Wonsan North Korea claims Pueblo within territorial waters Hharles Wilson 37 member at gang held respon sible lor major British train robbery in 1963 arrested in Rigand Que he esoapcd prison in August 1964 21French submarine Mia nerve missing with 51 menolt south coast or France day after lsraell Submarine Dakar missingin eastern hiediterra nean with crew of about 65 iJiJliet Cong strikes at many cities in South Vietnam including attacks in Saigon suicide squad seizes and holds part oi US Embassy ior six ltoLrs gt reappear TAX BILL DEFEATED 1Canadian Army Royal Canadian Navy and RCAF unified as Canadian Arrned Forces krill four aboard killed when ruinengined Grumman submarine tracker crashes in Toronto backyard IThreeday federalprovin cial constitutional conference ends in agreement on es tablishing continuing constitu tional conference of heads of government General Motors or Canada employees go on strike JAKE GAUDAIJII CF14 Commissioner Illake Giu aur elected commissioner of Canadian Football League isReport to government calls lor action now to stop erosion of Canadian sovereign tyraused by foreign control of industry Nancy Greens o1 Bossland 80 wins Olympic Winter Games gold medal in womens giant slalom isQuehec Superior Court judge washes mint ruling ordering that children In care of the Apostles of infinite Love be taken away from the breakaway led iIGeorge Knudsen of To roiuo wins Phoenix open golf tournament with 271 Norway wins Olympic Winter Games with 122 points Canada 14th ltussla wins Olympia hockey tournament with Czechoslovakia sewnd and Canada third lSLiberal minority gov ernment defoated H82 in Common rote tor ï¬nal approval of government bill to increase taxes lsGcorge Knudson or To ronto wins Tucson open golf tournament his second in row with uGovernmeni wins conti deuce motion 130419 MARC IIIO PRICES Nit GOLD sOil tanker Ocean Eagle splits apart at San Juan Peer to llleo tCanoda suspends diplo matic relations with Gabon because inan bypassed Otta wa and invltcd Quebec to an international education eon fercncc Slteport oi Ilcliuer royal commission on civil rights in Ontario would drastically llmitrightto stop and detain holds that power to search the person should not conlcrred under provincial law and urges tight control of powers of expropriation MITCHELL SllAlil Proposes Surcharge BFiriance Minister Sharp in revised finance bill pro poses threepcr cent sur charge on personal income and threepercent surcharge on corporationtar retroac murderers hanged in Rhode sia despite reprieve by Queen lFederal government and Bank of Canada arrange to borrow $00000000 from US Germany and Italy if needed to Isupport Canadian dollar against Speculation EIAlberln wins Canadian curling championship lZOntorio budget raises taxes on tobacco gasoline fees on ear registration and steps up hospital insurance rates 134 yr of goldbuying sweeps London market MFinance Minister ltliteli ell Sllalp ups hank rate to 7r per cent lrom imposes tcm parary freeze on gold trading In Canada 315llneome tax sureliarge hill given third reading In Columns Foreign Secretary George Brown resigns from British cabinet succeeded by llllcllael Stewart 15Seiialm Robert Kennedy announces he will seek Demo cratic party nomination for Us presidency i7Cenfral bank governors of15 countries announce two prlce system for gold present price at $35 an ounce turbo maintained in transactions be tirecn central banks andinter national monetary authori ties price of individual pur chases to be determined by supply and demand 21Philip Gaglardi resigns as British Columbia highways minister remains in cabinet as minister without portfolio ZZGovernment names 15 to new Canadian Radio TeleA vision Commission to replace Board of Broadcast Governors April chairman is BBG Chairman Pierre Juneau 23Canada wins interna tional curling title dethronlng Scotland 27Gcneral Motors of Can ada Ltd and United Auto Workers settle sevenweek strike LYNDON JOHNSON Wont BunAgala nounees he wont run or ol Iloman Catholic tive to Jan 71 Three African tiPresident Johnson an flee again announcer halt to air and naval bornharthnent olmost of North Vietnam APRIL ELECTION DATE SET Ilicv Martin hither King Jr 19 rights leader allot and lulled in blemphll sMotlng and burning break out in Washington Gli eago and Detroit In wake of King slaying Nancy Greene ot Rossland BC wine world Ski title lor second line IllJIIIIE TRUDEAU New Prime Minister BPierre Elliott deeau elected leader of national Lily eral party succeeding retir ing Lester Pearson 7Rioting and looting spread to Baltimore and Pitts burgh in US ONew haland interislnnd terry capsim in cyclone death toll about 50 lOGen Creighton Abrams named to succeed Gen Wil liam Vestmoreland as com mander of US lorecs in South Vietnam Vestmore land to be US Army chief of staff 12Darnatte from riots and looting in US cities set at $145500000 by General Ad justment Bureau II American insurance alion ltBol Goanby wins Itas lcrs Goli Championship with under par 2T lSUSSili reports mie cesslul linkup of two un manned Soviet space ships itsYvon Dupuis 41 cleared ot three corruption charges at his second trial inUSCanadian expedi tion travelling in snowmobiles reaches North Pole alter six week trek across Arctic ice titPierre Elliott Trudeau sworn in as prime minister JrPrime Minister Trudeau dissolves Parliam Trill election for June ZtGeorge Ball succeeds Arthur Goldberg as US chief representative at United Na lions l1Heart transplant opera tion in Paris on Clovis Roblt lain 06 but he diesthrce days later MAY STRIKES GRIP FRANCE Stllranilt Airlines Interna tional Electra explodesover Texas on ilight lrom Houston to Dallas all Bi aboard killed tDancers Image wins Kentucky Derby but disquall lied May when drugs found in routine urine check race awarded to Forward Pass second to linish oMobile riot police and 10000 students clash on boule vard St Germain in Paris llMontreal Canadiens win Stanley Cup defeating St Louis Blues in tour straight games JOSEPH SMALMVODI DismisseaJtltnfster liPremier Smallwood of Newloundland dismi sse Health Minister John Crosbie lolloiving Crosbie criticism of Smailwoods economic poli cies Minister without Portio lio Clyde Wells resigns in pro test Students occupy most of Frances in universities in protest against conditions in universities isLung transplant per formed in Edinburgh on Alex Smith 15 but he dies May 28 zitNearly 0000000 workers on strike in France bringing country elose to economic paralysis ZIRobert Bonner resigns as BC attorneygeneral to take executiv post with ltlaeitliltnn Bloedcl Ltd Mont real and San Diego awarded National league baseball franchises for 1909 JOPresldent do Ga ulle calls election in France raya he will stay in olilee to com bat countrys economic up heaval Cecil King forced to resign as chairman of Inter national Publishing Corp publisher Motion Daily Mirror and Sun JlCanï¬aredï¬m ï¬eart transplant arm ora real on Albert Murphy 59 he dies June Simon Fraser Untrareity board governors places Prartd ant Patrick hlcTaggart Cooan on ex tended lure ot absence Bobby tinser of Albuquerque NM wins ileum mile race Eagle Menbauear JUNE LIBERAL WIN ELECTION lSugeDoor Johnny in Belmont Stakes eIrench government bor mwa 6000000 USl from international ltlonaary Fund to bolster trans lionsur RE NEDY Shot In llaarl 5Senator Robert Kennedy shot in head in in Angeles hotel dies June Sirhan Bis hara Sirhan arrested in shoot ing Dr Olilton lilaeKay of Montreal elected Moderator of Presbyterian Church oi Can ada US Navy announces nu clear submarine Scorpion lost in Atlantic with crew or 99 lScnutor Robert Kennedy buried in Arlington National cemeiery James Earl Ray til arrested In London on sus picion oi slaying Rev Martin Luther King lZcheping educational relorms proposed by Ontario Committee on the Aims and robjectives of Education lsEnglisti womens tennis team will Wigthman Cup in matches with US at Wimble don tsLce Texan wins US open got tourna ment l7US Court rules that housing discrimina tion againStNegroEsisiilegaii 13About 100000 workers in France return totheiljobs zitBeer strike starts in On tario 21St Lawrence Seaway lock attendants maintenance men and administrative per sonnel go on strike more trapped in seaway 2Zlticrger owned by Max Bell and Frank McMahon wins Queens Plate ZaBoh Charles wins Cana dian open goli championship at St Georges course in To ronto with 274 24Separatisls battle police in Montreals St Jean Bap tiste Day parade 290 taken into custody Sandra Post of Oakville Ooh wins US La dies Professional Gull Asso ciation title at Sutton Mass tsLiberals under Prime Minister Trudeau win general election with 155 seats Con scrvatives 72 ND 22 Credig tisle 14 independent 28Canadas second heart transplant performed at Montv real on Gaetan Paris 49 efnoucLIis Announces Resignation 291C Douglas defeated ingeneral election announces nresignation as NDP leader ei icetive July 1960 0Cauliists score sweeping victory in elections to French National Assembly JULY SIIIIKE IIALI5MAIIL 1Bnnk of Canada eute bank rate to Seven per cent horn 7s zILaw widenlng grounds for divorce in Canadavgoes into effect JPremier Daniel Johnson of Quebec suitors mild heart attack IAlex Rose 50 reaches Portsmouth England com pleting ï¬stday solo voyage around worl in teioot yaw SPrime Minister Trudeau reorganizea cablne adds eight new memberr Rod Laver deteais Tony Roche in allAustralia ï¬nal of iirst Wimbledon open tennis tour nament ft ESTABLISHED srrcoE DISTRICT OOPERATIVE SERVICE friendly place to deal 159 lnnlotll St ESTABLISHED 74 Blake St ESTABLISHED 71665 1947 rEIIIIIEis FLOWERS 7205975 vvaa established Muleulor at the bayl ESTABLISHED 152 Huronla Rd Barrie ESTABLISHED H127 Bayfiald ESTABLISHED 728505 usual Joe250 1940 1947 cirrrinirrs CARTAGE Then in 1957 In the urn location FtASHMUFElER SERVICE 1943 SIMCOE CARPET CLINIC Formerly Simeoa Rug Upholstery Cleaners 1949 terrier FUNERAL HOME at riIIIIIE UPHOtSTERl Lorna Carter Mar 141 creators ESTABLISHED ai Bradford SI pug 7263072 tuner Your Goodyear Dealer 1951