Tofcoon initiati lids In Avoiding insulin Reaction rnosrasoN Ito Dear Dr nioatmn Our dghtyearold daughter has had iwo insulin injections day time she was three Her Irms 815 etc are caving in 1mm tho cheats and now herdlumpi are forming under the shin Would you know any way to prevent this7FM0 This tormatlnn oi hollow spots coiled insulin Mooatrophy Fortunately it never bothers many Insulin users but becomes problem or some The exact cause is not known but it occurs chiefly in Iemalrs or In small boys There are various suggestions tor avoiding the trouble and shine olthom work and some dont in particular case ilera Iare the once which am Iamii if lUse the Insulin at room temperature tax Is usuait it Is kept in relrigerator take it out long enough In advance to let it come to room lemperI ture 2Using Inner needle thence living the loiection lit tie deeper may help more concentrated Insu lin hence smaller volume can be tried you are using Uto try U40 more concentrat ed The type oi synnae used should correspond to the strength at the insulin Dont guess at this it have even one to vooo strength tchanae insulin it she Is on NPH try train or vice versa sSomeiimea special Insu lin Irvin pork sources will help Most insulin is Item mixture oi pork and heat sources sThe site at Injections should be changed Do not use the same place too oItcn since that may be tartar in causing lumps This readinn Ir disconcert ing complication in the use oi Insulin beou or the disllnire rnent It produces and It should be emphasized thIt it does not occur in liitlui when the condition begins to appear It shouldhe combattcd at once Sometimes in some cases the patients weiaht Increases the hollow spots may flout but this cannot be prom DeIr Dr Ihosteson year ago went to the doctor with Iunzus condition on my nails Elie me prescription which could have tilled Ilve times and they got better but never entirely cleared up al though the nails do not mire all They act sore around the base but in tow days they are bet ter again will they ever get well and is it advisable to let them to am on limited budgetmm Mingus iriiccilons are by na ture stubborn and they tend to recur unless they are entirely eradicated Limited Income or not South dealer North South vulnerable mam eam CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER would advise you to keep In touch with your doctor periodi cally Your ï¬rst course oi treIt menl made lot or prunes hinher treatment Iliouid brine Iurther improvement Ind mioi mire rink atlhe infection tinin up again Dear Dr Ibostesoa have sinus trouble Am data urong when let thatierrlble pain In the bent over my rlaht eye to tie haadanna tiabtly around my head and put hot water bottle on my Iorehcadt Pills dont help me and an Ice pack makes It worsoMn LG Pllislllle usually relieves pains at this sort so dont think you era doing urona since you get relief Are you sure you have sInuI trouble Not all headaches are ï¬nite lrhcs it me be neuralaia or vascular rdcr Note to BVS You In war rying necdiessly Gelatin does not thicken the blood or cause blood clots JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK second round oI clubs HId he done this West could not have gone wrong and Soth ould hay Ieilcd by It least two trio According to Ihe Rule oI Eleven East can tell from the TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARRIE BUFFALO TORONTO 84 QQIOII only one card in diamonds him BUFFALO TORONTO it HAMILTON 12 QIODSB or than the seven which was led 12 PETERBDROUGH A108 Alter declarer produces the king Q108 East should discard the queen SQUID SATURDAY mm EVENING at diamonds at his first oppor When pauseanon dead an Inn KNOWING WT HAPPENED TO MK COXRIEAN DID HE OUTFIGHT VON axon me set axeui izoueit 700 HBlvefl jiiihbfliï¬hem tPuIIall To iiimule tone izBIrriI Ind Comomy ieJo 7nrovlu 11 or 1264 Ind wm ï¬g Summer Place Ime ZAdlm 12 Made more um son 3301 Love Lucy zarotustonela llToday The Loet 5mm lZllo Hockey mo iiCountrv cina warie anowlinr Announced oNeuu oww Snflr 1125mm Hockey 4m llvoyIae sso Hollexe aowl Lanai Ind sin iiuir dMv Son 30 7rnnrrnce Weik tMoilr 2SilVln Vth the aaiovia All That Huien All ald of alum iltoineo Ind Juliet WI zMovle IlGunarrioko Him Alien amo Pocketful oi hllrIclesl 35 JMDVI gsgioaana Heron IGnld at in Saints Molina Talent BMovle Nlllonl auiinui FPWIN Juntlhn Act One gSonrta Hot Seat 7Holiwoed Palm Dhiuvll iiCnlien Sports izTaA iozrs tatnnlx liuPiIaolllr Price of Arms ilAlovia lIclr The Ripper SUNDAY DEC 29 MORNING IND AFTERNOON too 30 4Tom er Jerry 13m iiuoo 6Pleoio l4alctmm 1P0noyaGllmhv kFIcD the Milan izoo JNatlons Businesi Inoon riuhauu 7Di5covew dG iffcatheomi Chimes owm You Wm 243524 Hare 2Faith or lsnei Es Km tsuufrmlnSv cu 7itouckctshio illtallln Journal gjfï¬fflrï¬m airs Tomorrow iii 1576udcnlnl 200 acnnrcn invlhtlon 4smiii World 11min 1m bNtvi Sptclal gt Football 31The Aiéswirs Lira Vlnn nu lochrlstrnas Oratoroi Ylnne Moi at LAmu DThundorbirds ifjï¬lx £332 iiiJo 21m is an Lile 15 lCiniirnce mi llan Red nMovle The For Story llTeachln mo 54mm of mm SThe 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points which would have been his lot had Vest cash ed his ï¬ve diamond tricks it is not diiticuit to assess the blame lor the slip in the de Icnse East should have discard the king South led club to tunity In order to clarity the diamond situation for West who may think that declarer has that card This highly illuiriinotina play would have prevented West from going wrong WHVEBLEY ay rims REG unnuan Mrs Clarke French and son Douglas motored to Gelarl Satur day and attended the Iunerai in Mlnden ot cousin Ted Fran CSr Fred Wood returned home Irom Pencteng General Hospital Mr and Mrs Ernest Comm ings otiViIIowdale spent low days with the latters mother Mrs Herman Trew The Womens institute met In the Anglican church with lii members and one visitor pres ent Exchange of gifts and utiet lunch followed Mr and Mrs Elba Brown of Willowdnle and Mrs George Bar low of Unionvllle visited rela tives and Iriends here recently Missrhladellne Tmthï¬efl spent the weekend with her par enis Mr and Mrs Roy Truax Mrs Elmer French visited In Toronto with her son and dnuw terinlaw Mr and Mrs Ger aid French and iniant son MAJOR ASSET American torm assets total summoned equal to iwodiiinis ot the value of current assets at SECRET AGENT X9 GRANDMA GOSHthHvts iTVoucAN sit IN narrows WA ROOM FQR AGES AND HIS NURSE DOESNTCALL row NAME ed the queen of diamonds on the all corporations in the country 00 dBuitaio noundtlhll arm War It 15 Written THERES wmaaw tifï¬idiim OFFCE HOURS DOING Haas AT sciioocs ALWAYS ATTHE wean or HIS cuss the vaelrs weather tone Luncuvaau 7Th DuhIsl rather SPOILI izGieen Acre llMUVIB Mhlvl YEMIW Hounds oi Christmas W5 HIDADWHAT no You izchuren Service zui championship one 7Bull Inklc ilCoiitinIIIIIl flight gflggflgï¬m IM on THE sciloo Miniatures WARMHMEMBEP SUNDAY DEC 29 EVENING 2Checkmlie Sports illDrama lLittltnt Hobo 14 at the GiAnLI 94m 911 Vail Disneys 12NEWI EAeT llTiny Talent Time Worm 51M 4Gtritle Ben zsteve AIM tï¬ccg the Press 9smhihurs Brother Aanle Mary diary 7NetVl world lEducltlnn For illGenï¬e am Phynicilna sun eae suilliIn hFllm 1star 15 Gentle Ben aEe cl Plon tNFL rooteail too 12Hvirm sin 2itetiieisinst 14ml oi Drum or Jelnnll 1155 You lihdnireody uit when we shook hands cod mum in the Hunt layered dont exgect compensation if you 113 gt WHAT WOULD WELLAFTER Dowm Youwons IT ilyglilï¬giï¬ in Git ti Ham iiiévllg non broken flugem TCKET IAMINIK new TIMES gt iLshéizneiiiimuiir mamnan Store F0 00k you COULD Fartnere in Crime 7Movle IZUnner Attack ilzinii cm one ii wiltoisneyi lama £533 116 ZIlitioberio nomiinli Valentino AWOSS 42 Don ri Fin 35 iiwzkroiimy srn= iiiinniiimb cities inmnouoe Inn Hunter irlzyton Piece SMeta equipment itseer speech MONDAY not so manuoou 533 44 3233 151 1200 sMovie mi 9Vacattori noww Ziggy than on Delivery retreat Home or trig Wm Him 10Aiariate MohileBa omena world 51153515 IGuldinl Lloht httplineal rune llBlnao It nom im PIXIPM Gena mpgmgr momma zneiaumi glib BPerrys mn 13GaIncontrot uioswrx 19Pioy mtflgagllh lzlov inimdhlltuon loreatozn 33extnp tiling humr T£Emd ï¬ï¬mihn 333m WinM iii 2113 itï¬ï¬fnw moi IABYS room rrs Monzoryoua BliSiNESS WWW Wm 35124 30 155m mm mum gt atsnkaw SMAILXFIKVOUK wuvvou aurirvoumusrxnovtxwts iiauuaunny vwiï¬ï¬‚flgï¬m mountain smeared gunmen seenii er MR 331315 tmï¬lï¬giï¬ï¬‚wm Leeann in Conflict latte 6Famoua place charges Minute cfam or nnrnim ROOM muttered Lena uncrpntr enrmenge HM my gï¬gilgggetaï¬amm dondum 11mm mandarin adiPnrtota Mcet The Miller soiroaoien Tlilng 1Commandcr Tm floor Chirp 21 Listening weekend tbtlltlncgihm hammuigrggin ofloeFmronoiia 17Calclllm 9Waterlall device Ibhr symbol 11TlieTwen 29Engadiere tummy MONDAY DEC io EVENING renamed tiesor symbol 42ower critically thatlmu 315uperlltive min airing ugh Emuralside speaking Iona 325hahby lilbr wring JMv Three Song i2cmi Burnett 20Horritied FEW Pm 4Truth or Conae FFImilv Muir zzMlku Fl Love Lucy town choice Weather Hï¬rnl Burnett 25Duos in Take Thief MiZDBcrviile ii Gnu zetaiii or 4clllnans Island 356135 doughnut 3131 asain 12 shamanism mm Escape vSFelonv soun 2QWelgliu ll Mill 01gt It Merry Mason $233313 min vouva 5mm nanacre 30 Couain or males out Lilia onuwumnd irnriin abennbnll mamas 12cartaons swimmer gflwm znnwrn Ind Martin 19 2N th 9ygere Ill In ifflmh rhea aiiiiiin ï¬ghting iiuTnPith or mm mm or xiuminisrn commercial ï¬anscqucnccr tï¬gflkino 11 lHclos Luck DIM 14am PM true at Operator tNewa 3tZNewa BPle WMIUO moo Quagmire suickugfl om 151mg WWI sanenun Me iiriirreaerton ZUlhln CrtILr ine NIkad Truuii namaot mi PM ï¬ï¬ï¬‚nflrge Diligivefllty ot the 1876 Sport honoraryhrp 14min VvaY on ve Maude BLONDIE izuo oo Buzz sdwvan azto mammm iiimemo iiih5ilÂ¥iédiiur