EXAMINER TELEPHONES Emulation Classified Advertising 7mm All Other Departments moan flu outbreak to make 0anan Itw so lMth Your No JOIO Fuel Strike Flu Frigid Temps Cause Crisis NEW YORK AP Bitter cold weather and lack of fuel oil combined with mounting miserable for thousands of New Yorkers who shiveiui and soil fled in unheated apartments The citys health commission er Dr Ward ORourke up pealcd to Mayor John triad say today to urge the oil lilth try to speed up emergency fuel deliveries ihe temperature at arm was 13 degrees above rcro Despite the heavy number of calls rcccived from seriously ill persons lving unheated apartmcn an ou it apokesmansaid less than 13 per cent of the required amount of emergency fuel oil dellte were made during the day Wednesday The city received 2431 heat complaints in one 12hour period Wanesday Eioodbank supplies in While were reported danger ously low because of illness of both potential donors and blood bani personnel Were still under the state of BRADFORD Pa AP An Allegheny Airlines twinengined heat mated that 2400 New Yorkers would die in the week ending this Friday and that almost half timid die of complications re sulting from fl 20 Die in crust On Christmcts Day imminent peril proclaimed Dec 20 the citys aotiu health conuniï¬loner Dr Ab ah Abrahnmson said earlier He said Wednesday that an estimated l00000 New Yorkers were living in apartments with no heat because drivers of fuel oil tundra who ended their strike Sunday had not been able to fill backlog of orders City officials had asked driv ers to work overtime Girlstmas Day to ease the problem Abrahamson said lot In the day that deliveries were very very spotty Existing fuel oil supplies meanwhile were drained rapid ly as temperatures dropped into the teens during the day Many of thosewithout heat were stiffering with the flu and health officials wanted that some pcopieIniight die from ill ness complicated by lack of The health department esti Waiting in Camp Hill Pa for Wo proplet carrying 47 persons many of them on their way for Ch ri for family reunions crashed Christmas avc killing hi ThethmeIplderIlGngjhiitiienL rclatlvé said arrived earlier 20 Another 27 persons were in lured when Flight No 736 struck mountain while ap proaching Bradford Regional Airport step away from the reunion The airllner slammed into an icy marsh midway up the mountain and overturned Volunteers in ambulances trucksjeeps and snowmobiles hurried to thedowned craft oOne oft he survivors Ron Van Pelt 7rd ofCalnpilill Pa start ed bonï¬re to keep himself and the odiers warm in the lo de gree temperature and its light helped guide the rescuers Pueblo Crew Faces Interrogation litter Greeting Their Families SAN DlEGO Calif AP lhe US Navy begins interro igaiing the Pueblo crew today about all phases of its conduct from the time of North Koreas seizure of the intelligence vessel until the crews release last Sunday The 62 crewmembers will be restricted to two buildings dur ing an estimated lo days or de brieï¬ng and Medical examina tions One building is their sleeping quarters The other 20 yards away is the pinkhued RX Club the cafeteria lounge where they and their families have spent most of their first two days at the Us Naval Hospital here sitting in small family groups around the vast room rcmawa11mtaa wt ILlva Truce is Over Ki SAIGDN AP US forces after Mour liristmas ceasefir Cong troops on the move northwest on with bombs rockets and artillery Heart Transplant is ll Failure An attempt to transplant hinnan heart failed early today when the recipient an eightdnyold infant died ouroaoo during the olmation lirab Terrorists littaclr Airliner ATHENS AP he tried to flee Kill160 llirican SALISBURY mm 160 African terrorist larger number Security infiltrating ll nuns Defence Minister Jack Howman reported todIay Joseph King were his wide and Mr of his five GibbonThe rmh l7yoaroid Christine King was riding in the plane with from Michigan and Detroit for Cluistmas gathering tilting 52yearbld sales man nger for ajcorpet company was killed in the mm His daughter was injured and taken to Brad ford Hospital our WIFE nnucurnn Lewis Angel Jr 44 and his son Lewis CyAngel iii 21 were in the same room Wednes day at Bradford Hospital The bodies of Angels wife and daughtcrwere resting in the same funeral borne 30 miles away The navy refuses to describe the debrieï¬ng procedure except to say the crew will be duos tloncd about all phases of its conduct from the time oi the capture last Jan 23 to the crews release until the completion oi the de briefing and subsequent in quiry described by the navy as routine crew members have been advised to discuss no de tails of their experience with outsiders and to be guarded in what they tell their families Consequently their relatives rnain impressions thus far have been that despite reports of bru tal treatment by the North Ko reans the crews spirits are high NEWS liing Resumes resuming offensive operalions caught more than zoo Vict of Saigon and killed at least the us cormtand reported grenades today as the plane An lsraeii passenger was windows and the plane out on the landing strip and the other as forces have killed more than hodesia and captured on even thony Erthell Williams under stand youre looking for me man said therewas not doubt No Arab terrorists attacked an Israeli jet hnar wrth machine guns and hand moved to take of from Athens Airport killed after bullets poured through the caught fire Greek airport police hurried clubbed one of the terrorists on the head childstealing after Pamela the daughterotllfr and Mrs Mer vsaid Ackerman of Williams react after hearing that do polio spacecraft had en tered trans earth injection They are shown at console in Coliplellead in Ottawa Fire OTTAWA CE An Ottawa couple diedin Christmas night fire that destroyed their house while their twoteenvngcd sons looked on helplessly from the street in subzero weatherr One of the teenagers was able to rescue his sixyearold brother Dead are Martin French 53 and his wife IElilabeth 49 Bus Crash Kills TWO BEAVER FALLS Pa AP charter bus en route from Chicago to church convention in Washington ran off the Penn sylvanla Turnplke and plunged over an embankment today killing at least two persons Police said the driver and 35 of the other approximately Al persons aboard were injured and taken to hoSpitals Most of the passengers were only slight ly injured DAVENPORT Iowa AP Anthony Ertheil Williams charged with abducting blonde 10yearold Pamela Powers on Christmas Eve surrendered to police today but the girl re mained missing1 Sgt Ernest Lester said young man walked into the po lice station and said lm An Detective Lieut John Acker the man was Williams self prociaimed minister with an arrest record which includes our sex charges Police charged Williams with Iin Powers of Des Moincs dis appeared from junior high school wrestling tournament at the Des lioinea YMCA lfcs very calm and cool dressed and clean And hes Hes very polite and well windsi NASA officials 77 knows his rights and has de Barrie Ontario ned Spacecraft Centre in Hiloustou Wednesday Leftio right are George Low Man ager Apollo Program Dr OTTAlvAvlCP lnliis first Christmas message to Cana dians Prime Minister Trudeau has called on his fellow country mento resolve decisive internal conflicts and find ways to en rich thelives of the deprived and ignored Even in this prosperous and peaceful country there are human beings who need our help said the illy ii if prime minister LSome Canadians do not enjoy their share of our mote We must learn to rmlvc the internal conflicts which have tilAI titled us and Which have ab sorbed so much of our time and energy and we must find ways to enrich the lives of those among us who have been de prived or igno In world which cries out for generosity and compassion there is work for all those who lKidndp SttISpéotIiSurrendIersI Girl Victim StillMissing PAMELA IPDWEILS gentleman to us anyway He cided to remain silent duodenum at tho Mon Wor1lt eedyLi Canadians Meanwhile about 50 officers eles of clothing as those of his daughter Eh limit Examimr Thursday December 26 1963 Robert Gilruth diremor of the Manned Spacecraft Cen tre andGeorge Trlmbiede puly director of MSG AP Wirepholo from NASA wish to serve their fellow man think that the humanitarian feelings of Canadians are deep and strong We must find the means to give positive and ef icctive expression to thoseIieeli WI The Examiner TODllY Itnn Landon6 City News2 Classifiedl2 it Comics16 Deaths13 District15 Editoriall Sportsill Theatre5 rv Linings16 Mather72 Womens6 Vemcnmrsm resumed thesearch in snowI covered countryside near IGrin ncll lower 40 miles east of Des Molnesf whore bloodied orange stretch pants and white bobby sox were found in roadside waste receplabie IDENTIFIED cnorrnuc Pamelas distraught father on Wednesday identified the uni Davenport police said Wil liams had four cents in his pock et when he turned himself in and police paid his Si taxi bill from Rock island lll across the Mississippi River The search for Williams had entred in Davenport where his car was found abandoned Christmas Day Williams told ofllccrs he had telephoned lawyer in Des Moines who advised him to turn himself in Williams asked to sega minister when he ar Ihours after his rdtIurnfrom liOLlSmN AP Eager to return home after their historic orbit of the moon the American Apollo explorers streaked to wards the earth today on per foot course that is to land them in the Pacific Ocean Friday morning Were happy in report tha earth is getting larger flight commander Frank Bormnn said this morning roars litre yours going to hit the earth instead of Venua joked astronaut Gerald Carr the ground communicator At that iimeIApcllaIIBIJvaa 58000 miles from earth zip ping along at 3600 miles an hour Col Borman Capt James Lovell Jr and Mn William Arr ders roportcd they were well rested alter lengthy sleep no riods it is the best shape they have been in since they started their momentous Jouniey last Saturday They were extremely tired after completing lo orbits of the moon Wednesday and were told to get as much rest as possible for lridnya crlti lrreentry through the earths Itmnsphere lha astronauts were in good By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Christian world went back to work today after Christmas holiday made me morable by the successes of the three US astronauts aboard the monncircling Apollo spacecraft With much 0f the world watching on television the as tronauts conducted lumioute tour of theirhomewardbound moonship dn that included demonstration of how they ate Topping the menu was turkey Christmas Eve they had broadcast prayers and Bible readings back to the Earth The wurldalsonvent back to its wars as éoulhern allied troops in Vietnam resumed of fensive operations after 24 hour ceasefire The 15 command said two Americans and 34 guerrillas were killedin the smallscale Back spirits as they chatted with Carr this morning receiving the daily news report and hearing the latest about their families When Bormun told the ground that certain equipment was sen sitive to jerks in the spacecraft he said he was scolded by his mates Thatsall right we on the ground thought of it too Carr said Lovell reported that his star women lire snot Dead In Toronto TORONK CF llarold George Chamberlain 39 of To ronto has been charged with three counts of noncapital mur der in connection with the shoot log deaths early Christmas Day of hiswitc molherdnlaw and sisteriniaw Police said man burst into westend home occupied by Chamberlains wife and five children shortly after midnight Tuesday night andputliva or six bullets into the three women that are common during the hol iday rospites battlefield meeting between US and Viet Cong represents lives to discuss the release of three American prisoners cndcd inconclusively ltlAY MEET AGAIN Evcryone hopes for another meeting but we have no indica tion of when or where it will be US spokesman said In the Holy Land only 20 miles Ieast of where pilgrims worshipped at the shrine of Jesus in Bethlehem Israeli and Jordanian troops exchanged mortar fire north oflhc Dead sea ley rain and the threat of Arab guerrilla attacks kept mnny away from the hilltop town where Jesus was born Pope Paultooknole of the troubles andrconrlict of the world as he gave his annual blessing urhi et orhito the POPEPAUL vr just enn rived at the police station celebrating Midnight Mass skirmishes and shelling attacks city of Home and the worldto at Tarantojn sou stands on the loggia of Si Peters Basilica in Vatican City Wednesday to give his ltaly WEATHER Mostly cloudy with occasional snow hurries snow Frklay Low tonight live high Friday 25 trackingnavigation checks were Copy Spldshdoum Is Scheduled For Tomormw Morning matching ground computations extremely well Apollo was on such an ach rate course that sccond mid courso correction manoeuvre planned for today was can celled Controllers said the craftI wuuld make slight adjustment just two hours before reentry lhe astronauts are to slam into the heaviest part of the at mosphera Friday at 24700 miles an hour if the crattcomcs at too steep an angle it could break apart from the tremendous IlorCCS excdedon it if the angle ls too shallow it could skip off theatmosphcrc flinging the65 tronauts deep into spam to point where they wouldnothava enough oxygen to survive anoth er return trip The strip must hit triode grne reenlry corridor 16 miles in diameter at an altitude ol 400000 feel To maintain relatively coni slant buildup ofgravily forces aftcr nearly slxIdays of weightlessocsslhe astronauts will make 30000foot lskip from poserroom lent back up to ZilJJlOOsfccl before nosing over into their final descentr cil hristmcts was aimed at promoting toler hood starting with individuals can reconcile rivaicomn1u ties conflicting religions differ annual Christmas blessing to tha city of Rome and to the world iAP iWirepboto by ca ble from Rome 80000 persons crowded into SL Peters Square in Vatican City Our wish Ilhal peace and concord may be born again among men who are still en gaged in unending conflict is wish for the church wish for the whole world said the lead er of the Roman Catholic Church The Queen also had Christa mas message of peace but it once at home among opponents of immigration of colored pc0lt pie from Commonwealth mama bcrs The message of Christmas the Queen said is still that we all belong to the great brother hood ol manShe added that the word brotherhood had no meaning unless the brotherv ing traces and the dividedand prejudiced nations of the world