rem BARR EXAMINER SATURDAY DECEMBER 21 ms 111m thm tits led all the rest when saniptlng of boys and girls tea to tilteen were asked If you were to get Christmas present costing $15 or its what would you WIN or lets who would you want The Intenth were united to give ï¬ve choices in order of pretereace Percentagewnse the voting was or photo equipment 107 for record players and for recorth to for clothes as The camera people who made the survey were naturally pleu at in this interest in photogra phy Howctcr they point out in all honesty that some oi the answers were so divers as to be impossible to tsbulate pal track shoes sluiled animals lineluding one request for stuticd tigcri piccolo tnim pct moulhplcce There was surprise in the tact that more cats wcre listcd than dogs 33 per ccnt versus per ccatt There was one order for te maic cat and one tor cat lic cnsc cat license However thcrc was request for dnghottse Some realists or PENETANGUISHENE Ont CF The ancient story of BoZhoo the Ojibway of pagan Iegcnd who retoundad the world alter the grcat flood was relat ed as part at lhrcecuiture proChristmas festival here The festival Noel Camaradct is the fourth in series of public entertainments presented by Club Camaradcrie begun D9 Dunlap El High On Young Set GiltList Cameras Ilnd Record Players mercenaries cash ttseli Alter finding out their prcier eases the survey asde the younger some speciiic qucs tions How many cameras are there in your house The an flier was walloping 435 per iamlly Who Is in charge at them Sixty pet uni replied The whole family The range at equipment was also impres site Not only did every family have one or more still cam ras almost half also had movie cameras Ten per ccnt had development equipment Al so mentioned were cnlargcrs floodlixhts light mttcrs close up equipment triopds etc All this and they want more photo cquipmcnt for Christmas Carefree cameras it uonld appear are in order land on order this December in every group at presents theres always at least one item of such an irregular shape that its impossible to wrap it ncat ly For these problem gills try making paper sack trom bright red paper using plain groccry bag as your pattern voted or the Laue Relief in sight relation In New Year LONDON CPI Lurching llttie truth it at home said tram crisis to crisis swing ing Britain is staggering into 1968 without much relief Lrom spartan tile Hope flickered that trade books might at last be bal anced and surpluses produced to pay olt mountain of or cian debt But this was roul llcd by the possibility that the wobbly pound could falter agalln under international at tac Opinion polls suggested Prime Minister Wilsons Labor government is highly unpopular and dcspita some personal disinterest in Ed ward Heath the public would rally arotind tha Conserva tivcs Old Labor Iricnds now dis enchanted accused the ad ministration staggering Irnm disastcr to disaster They nolcdthat while Itoy Jenkins chancellor ot the ex chcaucr predicted the coun try would gct out of trouble in too yaars his predecessor llorne Sccrctary Jamcs Caiia ghnn lalcr predicted it would take live There is little conï¬dence in the governntcnt abroad and Pagan Legendary Character Recreatecl In Penetang Festival OLhahwaskogczhik also calicrt inhn fclcrs who finally had it trilten down its dictated Its several thou sand words in friend William llodgsnn Ellis proicssor of chemistry at University of Toronto and the narrative then passed to the professors grand daughter Grace Crooks Oril lias chic librarian The table at Indians animals and the grcat deluge with lio Zhno the Ojibway rccrcnting the earth was prcsanlcd at Pout less than year ago by room scntativcs oi the three cultures In the areaindinn anch and English The unpublished darrfllivc was conceived by the Ojibways before Europeans introduced are iACHANCE NorthAmartean Lite Giristianity to North America It was passed from generation to generation until it reached 19th century ibway named May True Joy Be Yours This Day 7185986 ishcnc school The holidays are here thank you for your patronage and wish you the bust that this happy season has to oilerJ KlDD ACCOUNTING SERVICE 169 Dunlap west 52440 Hinduth Lord hawcross inrmer labor attorneyzeneral and now an independent peer SOME GOT OUT But grumbling and opinion taking meant little in terms of political power Wilsons mm date doesnt run out until 1971 and anything can happen before then The averste Briton could only soldier on though many more tools wing and flew to Canada Australia and other faraway places where the financial grass looked greener Others adoptcd devil maycars attitude spending all they earned and more thereby helping to heat up the economy while the govern ment desperately tried to cool it oil Higher laxcson booze smokes gasoline and other goods seemed to do little to head all the traffic to roads shops and pubs While the central bank ward cd nil continuing international potvshots at the poundmany factory bosses felt bit more comforted sheltered by the now import deposit schcme This forced imp orters at many goods to make tempo my payment to the govern rncnt equivalent to onehaii the cost at imports The governments hope is that this trill help discourage imports especially of those goods which displace home productionliut even if this gtVdoesnt do the trick the for eign accounts may benefit as importcrs wilh homo credit restricted rush abroad in ï¬nd loans to cover the import de posit import curbs combined with another big push on exports may perk up home iaclories and bring bit more prom ise to an austere liic But old and chance to 726823 complaints still bagged the exporterslagging salesman ship slow deliveries turmoil on the factory floor RIDDLED WITH BPATS British industry unlike its German competitor was rld died with too many unions quarrelllna too many times over who had the right to turn an oil valve or tune amotor It appeared to the public that it took only the most trivial incident to trigger massive walkout crippling production and earnings The British must undergo fundamental changesatd one veteran Canadian observ er But though the government predicted grout changes and moderrtlristiaa the country still seemed to be plowing deep in old lurrnws Rivalry at diilcrcntjlad is threatening trouble inwhu Wliliam Blake described as this green and pleasant land With more than atom nunwhites hatinflwt tied in Britain Tory right wiager Enoch Powell scatva an anguished cry that old England wouldsoon become an alien country its called or repatriation oi the colored people in words which sent tha government nuhlng to see whcther he had breached the new nondiscrimination law While the law clearly states there should be nopublic so tion to stir up racial hatred CHRISTMAS TO THE FULLEST WE WILL BE CLOSED NOON DEC 14 T0 AM BERTRAM BROS 429 Blake noorst YARDLEY MEMOIRE CHERIE EVYAN WHITE SIIIOULDERS TIMBERLINE QUELQUE FLEURS CREPE DE CHINE wan THANKS TO our MANY rairnosk WE SAY HAPPY HOLIDAY TABU icHANEL gtCllRON TWEED JADE EAST BliRLY 48Collier litIDuniopW For Cosmetics 1266434 7285959 the government mncluded Powell should not be prosecu ted in many Labor quarter there was the convlulon that Powell was rallying personal power to lake ovar Conservr the leadership from licalhi But opinion polls again HOLI 40 Essa Rd HAPPY Iofiasï¬nsHappiness come in bright and clear tartan sronr sauna showed that the ecbolulyi Wolverhampton HP had gained much support especial ly in the overcrowded cities where landladlcs no longer could place cards in their win dows saying nonwhites were not wanted 72808 JOYS at THE YlIiETIDE SEASlIN To EACH AND Eviaronrwr Know NINA Hii itAiiATE ENGLISIII rsitnu fPUB grow SPICE BittTtSH STEIiiiNG NUMERO um fluchtlitiiuij fill Ricci LiihTIIER so