USE FOR THE Bride the lorrner Daisy Brun wearing silk sheath culotic designed by Paris cou turicr lcan Bouquin leaves the Paris Sainie Hypolite IN CROWD church with her husband pop singer Serge Lama alter their wedding Monday She is press attache for record company AP Virephowl St Marys Observes Session The airistmas atmosphere prevailed at the meeting of St lilnrys Catholic Womens lAs gue with carol singing by all present and solo renditions l7 airs liloors and Mrs De Vries Piano accompaniment was provided by Mrs Wih son President Mrs Fetrimoulx presided at the business session Among the reports given was that presented by htrs hic Cann Convener of Citizenship and immigration she comment ed on the aslstanco given the Czechoslovakian immigrants in Sande by the St Vincent do Paul Society One oi the many ways the society helped was linding lurnishings for their newly established homes in the city To date 11 of these lamb lies representing it people have settled hen Relerem was at so made to the manner in which young Philiploo mother and her baby were assisted alter having been involved in an ant omohilo accident near Barrie Mrs hlcCann also reported that 15 members had helped at the recent Blood Donor Clinic Hospital Convener Mrs Honsellaar reported 62 visits had been made to hospital patients in the past month On behalf ol the ladies Mrs Petrimoulx presented dieoue ior 31000 to litsgr lit Clair which it is understood will be directed to the building itlttd dessert bullet luncheon pro Vidal by members oi the execu tive closed out the evetunx COUNTRYS ODE The United States Military Academy at West Point NY is the oldest engineering school in the country Pciper AccesSories Assisi oliday Party Hostesses Gala pariics lcsliie family meals and refreshments for all who call are part at the joy at the holiday season But if you have to serve with limited simply oi china and crystal and have to cope with constantly growing backlog of dishesto bcdonc these problems can turn hosiess delight into di lemma and curb the spirit of hospitality And yet handsome paper service can turn hand to make light work at big events and little ones For trimmetres party fea ture one superb disha paeiio hearty soup or spicy chili and keep it holjiong with the coliee with the main dish have salad Serve assorted breads and with the entice fruit cake Arrange on pearlyawhiie paper plotters Set the bultct with paper bowls for the main dish while gaily colored paper plates hot drink cups or the accompa niment and stack of napkins white or colorful Keep it neat and easy and when the iamily stations thereli be no dish washing cares Make Christmas morning merry with special iamin breakfast Dress the table with paper accessoriesa bright table cover and centerpiece arrangement oi paper cups mad with fruit nuts and necta rincs and perhaps low tiny stockingstutter gilts for fun Do it up right though Wrap each gift with clearplnsiic and tie with tinsel and ribbon Set the table with paper plates cups and dishes for the menu you choose and to comple ment your holiday color scheme The gilt tor the family is welcome to breaklast and to you iwllh no dishes to dot time to enjoy Christmas morn ing merriment and to get ready ior church Then comes the holiday din ner ll there are youngsters and what Christmas dinner is Tl Ml mum MAY Wit OutI Animated Film For Children With Message For All People MONTREAL CF Evelyn Lambert says she is working on an animated film tor children which will speak to everyone all over the world locked away in the National Film Board saturation depart ment this particular childrens delight is tentatively called he Hoarder its nil about greedy bird who steals everything ex plained the artist who Joined the iiirn bond in 1012 He even stuck the urn The sun with an expressive lace has dozens oi little colored rays esch painted separately on thin metal Heads and huh and wing and lat bird bodies gaiiy squiggled and striped In scattered over Miss anharts drawing table each place care lully manoeuvnd into place on black paper with wuurs ready to be ï¬lmed There wont be any dillngua with the film aha says No Vacations For PartTime Nurses lOliONlY CF Parttime nurses working in Ontario my ohiatric hospitals are not enti tied to vacation or vacation pay under provisioru oi the Public Service Act Health htio ister Matthew Dymood said ltreaday In reply to legislature ques tion from lilac Makorehuk iNDPBrantlordi Dr Dymond said the department hires 273 parttime nurses who can work upiio three and half days week as natured employees Since lulltime nursing work is readily available they usually seek parttime employ ment as personabpreiarence he said No Parttime nurses now em ployed are qualified for vaca tions under the New Ontario Employment Standards Act but it individualelaims are made they will be reviewed by the do partment of labor complete without themgive the ditldren their own table and serve them neatly with paper lood trays Your best china and crystal wont mean much to them ior gaily colored paper service will be more pleasing Youth Dew Art Nouveéu Soapand Dish Kc Â¥outh Dew Boutique IrfarlumSpray cl Min Lambart worked closely tor 10 years with Norman itc Laren artist and illm maker It the NFB But lor the last lite years she has been working In dependently ol licLaren within the conilnes of the animation department The tall greyhaired woman admits that sometimes think dont really even know what the rest at the world is like GOES TO 05AM Another ol herililms Fine Feathers eight minutes long took one year to make and now is balng Considered for the Chil drens Pavilion at the worlds fslr in Osaka in mo again with lust music so it can be under stood In other cultures Miss Lambsrt contesses the likes tnaklng films for children that are clever enough ior adults to cntoy Recently the snimater com pleted we short physics films using animals to explain the five basic ideas ihese physics filmsvvtere the llrst ld done on my own lit Hut was afraid of making my own decisions but now am ae eustomed to it and enjoy it She maintains that having fun is important Thats why like short pm jects want to keep it simple work it out You have to keep your enthusiasm hate overloaded things theres too muchoi that in the world Born in Ottawa not La bart went to the Ontario College of ArtI in Toronto knew wanted to draw and paint and use photography so came to thumb Long lasting Poinsettia that will add to your Christmas Dear All Lenders Please tell me if am being mod ior nothing am Girl Scout and love it or maybe should be honest and say loved it belore we gotthls weird subsiituiedor Scout leader Our regular lead or had to have an operation so her assistant is taking over The assistant has decldodthat too many girls get married these days without knowing the first thing about housekeeping For the last three meetings aha hu had the whole troop to her horse cleaning it irom top to bottom didnt join Scouts to scrub floors and wash walk lcan do that at home Today litre an nouncod that next week we are going to learn how to line cup boards and shrqu with oilcloth and make old pots and pans look like new by using elbow grease already know how and its hard work Pour girls plus myseil are so mad we may quit Scouts until our old leader comes back What do you think about this WEAltY BONES Dear Bones think Mrs issoing to have veryclean house and some very shiny pots Have you and the other girl told her you believe she is tak ing hdvantage ot the situation It not you should CONFIDENTML Dear Ann Landers am 15yearold girl who has grown up reading your column have written in you at least live times and youve always given me good advice decor and brighten your home for many months to come Save now as never before halfprice offer Moon during this tremendous Compare or stab noon Compare at $399 atom Ccmpcrs ct $499 ANN LANDERS liDVISES ScoutS Elbow Grease Creates Clean House NN MNDERS Yesterday my mother lound letter addressed to you illlc letter was in my purse which should give you an idea at what go on around our house lllom put fake hurt look on her face and asked Why do you have to write to Ann Lon ders dear Why cant you talk to me about things that bother you lied and told her was bet ter at writing than talking But here are the real reams cant talk to her hope she and other mothers whose teenage douch icrs dont talk to them see iEs in the paperr Several ot niy trlcnds have the some com pioint lily mother cant keep her tonguc still he heard her tell her bridge club things that should have been kept in the lamily The iimcsl tried to talk to hlom she put me down and made me feel as if my prob See ourwiden selection of Christmas Floral Decorations lems were childish and tab portal My mothervkeeps collim iag me to hcrselt when she III my age She doesnt realize that these are not the olden days am living in ditterent on than when she grew up Thanks for your help Ana lll GLAD THERES YOU Dear Glad That makes two oi us Thank you ior writing Conildrnllll to FillHI care You cant ask your cats to throw out the TV out your little brothers Ind shoot the dog Surely hen is one room where you can go and close the door it not ll school and do homcwork adore You Bay Inn Compare As To guanin wgnï¬tamiv trovenu m3 Llrgl ï¬lletton II II sun nvita vans nettle No Olliu as asrunnm nunurto coon none aiurtmina durum WilliilliS runs itsrrles Exclusive Farrier who make sells lilll nlr Santa Im Dunlap Si IDent Forget To Fill OurYour Ballot In bur URKEYDRAW grass NO PURCHASE NECESSARY no oanw rakes PLACE sir osc 1m ion COStliETICS 48 Collier 7265434 14 Dunlop 7285959