EXAMINER TELEPHONE wearaea Classified mum 7283414 AuotborDopartrnenu lbrfictberdetailrupont mu an No no TOGETHER rFOR THE HOLIDAYS Actress Elizabeth Taylor and her daughters Marta llurton left and Liza Todd it are pictured in Paris The girls who are going to school in Switzerland joined their mo ther in the breach capital for the holiday season AP wire photo by cable from Paris Western Nations Black African Expulsion UNITED NATIONS CF Western countries mustered blocking third Friday to stop an AfroAsiari move to exact South Africa from United Na tions agency ending one of the most constitutional questions before the General As sembly in recent times After tensa day of debate in which Canadian Ambassador George Ignatietf failed in an at tempt to stop what amollnlcd to racial confrontation resolu tlon tthwould have dropped South Africa from the agency was defeated The vote which closely fol lowed racial lines was 55 for so Againstincluding Canada the United States Britain France and most of the rest of the West and to abstentions The Com munist bloc abstained twothirds majority was re quired for passage Thus the term blocking third is applied to countries that vote against resolution requiring the substan tial majority Tension Is High InMexico City MEXICO CITY Reuters Tension rose today as troops surrounded university buildings and armed police patrolled the streets in reply to studentculis for reign of terror in Mexi co City llnticipate Viet Terrorism US Troops Put Under Curlew SMGQN AP curfcw was slapped on United States troops in the South Vietnamese capiml military district today in anticipation of new wave of terrorist attacks and possible North Vietnamese winter offen clvc 852 bombing raids around Saigon also were given top priority and the plancsdropped Loco tons of explosives to blunt any advances on the capital American military men were ordered oft Saigon streets at pm Officials said the curfew mCJiPS would last until am Sunday Saudi Vietnamese troops in the capital military district were placed on full alert awcek ago Sources said there was no firm evidence the North Viet namese would attack Saturday night but the step was taken as precaution because the Com munists traditionally have launched attacks on weekends when they feel the US and South Vietnamese are off guard An offensive against Saigon last May began on Saturday nightu Amt NEWS Soviets Launch Unmanned Satellite MOSCOW AliThe Soviet Union launched today its 59th unmanned satellite of the Cosmos series Tass said it was design ed to carry on the Russian space exploration program The satel lite was in cigarshaped orbit ranging miles above the earth from 135 miles to Diet Says Liberals Throttle Govt orrawn CPIFormer prime minister John Diefenbalrer charged in the Commons Friday that the government was trying to throttle Parliament and pave the way for republican system on the United States model Mortgage Rates Expected To lump OTTAWA CHA continued slump in longterm government bond prices during the next two weeks could push the ceiling in terest rate on National Housing Act mortgages up cent for the first three months of 1969 to 93 per Ilsian Flucontributes To 132 Deaths none KONG APtDoctors say Hong Kong or has run its course here after killing 32 least 100 other deaths persons and contributing to at Pakistan Rioting Continues DACCA heron tired twice into rioting moor Friday and arrested nearly 400 persons in East Pakistan where one lday Strikevlrtuslly paralysed the region Hope To synchronize FBIliCMP monomer WtWilliam Sullivan assistant director of the united States Federal Bureau of investigation announced Friday night the FBI hopes to synchronim its national opera thins with the adore Barth Ontario Canada Saturd Doc 14 l9 The Barrie Examiner Not Moro Than to one 14 pm CHARGE count IN GIRlS DEATH Would Cut Canada Into Five Regions VKOIORM CP Premier Bennett called Friday for redrafting of the map of Canada The Social Credit premierdls tributed at news conference the opening brief which British Columbia prepared for the now postponed federal provincial constitutional conference The conference originally had been scheduled for next week in Ottawa The brief said Canadas in provinces should be Consollv dated into five viable units to face economic and social reallt ity The Maritimes would be con Thc vote was on ratification of resolution passed earlier in the session by the assemblys economic committee it would have dropped South Africa from the UN Conference on Trade on Development commonly known as UNCTAD UNCTAD isdesigned to help developing countries with trade and tariff matters and is open to all 126 members of the UN From the start it was fight between the Weshsupported by the opinion of the legal counsel of the UNand the AfroAsians withsomoasslstaace from such countries as Yugoslavia and Ve nezuela solidated into one Atlantic rev glon Quebec and Ontario would remain as now the three Prob rle provinces wouldbe amal gamated Into one unit stretching from the United States border to theArctic Ocean taking in most of the Northwest Territo rics and EC would he expand ed likewise through acquisition of the Yukon and part of the Northwest Territories The brief also proposed Economic eouality for all Canadians Rctcction of constitutional amendment making French on offgtalrlnnguogeg Appolatrnent of provhicial law reform commissions to guard lfuadamental rightskn lastcad of amending the consti tutlon Hints Military Role To Continue WINNle CF Prime Minister decau said Friday most informed Canadians with whom he has discussed foreign policy believe in the retention of collective security arrange ments The Liberal leaders comment at student meeting was inuné diately interpreted as tipotf that Canada will retain mill Two Bomb Scares In Montreal Ilrea MONTREAL CF Police used bull horns to evacuate 000 Christmas shoppers Friday night after an anonymous caller said bomb had been planted in westend shopping plaza No bomb was found however and the Alexis Nihon Plaza in Westmount was reopened 45 tary role in NATO and NORAD the countrys two securityalli ances During sometimesboister ous questionandanswer session in the University of Munitobb gymnasium Mr Trudeau said have had several meetings already with university people with teachers with journalists trying to see their views on this And by and large think most of the informed Canadians have discussed foreign policy with believe in some form of collective security In other words they dont think Canada should withdraw completely from its internation al obligations Mr Trudeau hastened to add that his govatnmeut in the midst of comprehensive for eign policy review has not yet accepted the proposition At the same time without precisely saying so he seemed to hold out little hope for any minutes later reduction in defence spending CzechsAiirait Word On Talks PRAGUE AP Czechoslo yaks waited uneasily today to ï¬nd out who will lead them and what concessions their Commu nist party has made to the So viet Union At the end of twoday meet ing thepartys central commie too said itwould announceits decisions Monday on the make up of the new federal govern mmgmmmmzrmanm Wm Shopping Days til Christmas merit and economic plans for the new year An announcement from the of ficlal 0th news agency said the leim in committee had been informed of discussions between Soviet and CmchosloJ yak leaders at secret meeting in Kiev last weekend Details of this meetingalsoimay be includr ed in the announcement Mon day There was nothing in the CM Npont to indicate the committee had made diangcs at the top in party leadership Quaiifived were no such sources said there changes Instead it was slitd discus sioos were confined to new federal structure that takes ef fect next year It calls forsep aratc Cm and Slovak govern ments an or federal cabinet lnrl7rogue1 The sources sbid Dldrich Cer nik the present premier would head the government as federal premier other members were named to the cabinet to the Czech government in Prague andthc Slovak government in Bradslava they said Tax rciorm with the right to levy income tax reverting to the provinccs from Ottawa Reform of the Senate to re fleet their political parties in power in the proposed fire can graphic regloru The brief said EC does not Wifli to minimize the impor tance of such matters as lan guage culture hnd constitutiou at review But it said unless the prob lems of tho glaring discrepan cics in standards of living and economic opportunities for low incnme citizens are met then the consideration of many of the matters which are being discussed during these days may prove to be little more than academic The brief said the constitution review under way may be an exercise in futility since in we the federal and provincial gov ernments were unable to formu late an acceptable way to amend the current constitution Mr Bennett said the federal government had no objectionto the release of the BC bri He had uutificd Prime ltlinis ter Trudeau Thursday of his try tenlions and the prime minister had telephoned him is minutes prior to Fridays news confer bride to indicateapprov The Examiner TODllY Ann Loaders1 Churchesll City Newsz Classified12 14 Comics10 Deathsid EtlllorluI4 Sports8 Theatre45 rv Listingsill Weather2 it Womens5 may Vamp Wm llrrest Follows inquiry Intd Death Of Theresa MCIntoshi TORONTO tCP The in quest Into the Oct to death of tbrceycarold Theresa Mc Intosh ended suddenly Friday when her mother and Michael Manctll were arrested in the building whcre the Inquest was being held Dianc McIntosh 10 and Ma nclli 42 were charged under the Criminal Code with aban doning or exposing child under to so that its life or health couldbc endangered and with conspiracy to commit the offence They were arrested during lunch break at Fridays inquest later released on $2500 ball each and are to appear in court today for trial date to be set Theresa died at home in bed of brain hemorrhage Mrs McIntosh Said the girl had suf cred head lnlury after neighbors child pushed her down flight of stairs During Fridays inquest which was resumed after Vietnamese Arrive For Talks ruins are The South Vietnam National Liberation front deicg on to the Paris talks on mom will arrive here about noon Monday North Vietnamese Sources said today VivflnriounaeFinalJlgreement In Air Canada Dispute MONTREAL 0P Labor Minister Bryce Mackusey an nounced early today that settle merit over new contract had been reached by Air Canada and the Canadian Air Lines Em ployees Association The announcement by Mr Mackasey followed 12hour of discussion to renegotiate certain causes in contract drafted in bargaining session that ended early Thursday Mr Mack said that differences that came up after an apparent settlement had been reached Thursday were ironed out in bargaining late Friday and early today He considered the contract very fair one and hoped rati fication by the 2200 errrployces involved in the dispute would follow rapidly Charles Eyre Air Canadas director of personnel and indus trial relations and John Hayes vicepresident of the Canadian Air Line Employees Associa hon expressed agreement er the contract ch callstorvan eightpercent increase plu fringebengflts including vaca tion and statutory holidays pro visions Brazilian Govt llttacks Opponents RIO DE JANEIRO AP Armed with sweeping new pow ers the militarydominated gov ernment of President Arthur da Costa Silva today began massive crackdown on its oppo sition Congress wasigiven an indefi nlte vacation censors moved into newspaper offices and po licc began making widespread arrests Among the first report ed in custody were former president federal deputy and some journalists Mr fiayes however itarned that the signing of the agree mentwas dependent upon ratifi cation by the union member ship HELPS FROM ED An Air Canada spokesman said Labor Minister Mackasey negotiated the last four hours from his bed He had to take rest some time Aftcr all hed been up for more than 24 hours The spokesman said Mr Mackasey held court with six union and company negotiators gathered around his bed from about 11 pm to 250 am when agreement was reached The association ordered re Vsumption of workstorulo slow down by its 2200 members fri day after charging that Air Can ada had made series com ploter unacceptable changes in the verbal settlementreached early Thursday twoweek odlournment frenr Michulowlu wlio lives next door to restaurant coolsnod by Manelli said that In August she saw Theresa locked in Mar ncllts carter about two hours on hot day The child tried to open th doors but couldnt could sgo hcr crying and banging on the windows and calling Mumnry Mummy Another time she said she saw the child in the cor arid asked Manclti why he didnt remove her lie told me to mind my own business Mrs Mlchaiowlcz said sfre threatened to call police and later saw Mrs McIntosh unloélr the car and take Theresa out Mrs lllclntosh who Is trangcd from her husband Ian worked in the restaurant Before the arrest she was to testify at the inquest for 019 first title since it began NM inspiration The delegation headed by Tran auu Kiem of the can trot committee is due to arrive in Moscow today from Peking CEmposcd of about 10 per sons thedelegattonhasspenr two days in Peking and Klem had atallrFriday with Prcmier Chou Enloi North Vietnamese officials in Paris meanwhile accused th United States and SoulhVtet namese delegations of secklng to delay the opening of peace conference They denied me of suggestions that meeting Fri day between the deputy head of the US and North Viet namese delegations had nar rowed down at the differences over seating are rangemcnts One official sai The Amer icans and the Sargon puppets the South Vietnamesedolcga tiun are still sticking firmly to the idea at twosided confer once gt The North Vietnamese low is that the conference shotle be foursided onewith the NET and Saigon delegates having the same official status as those of the US and North Vietnam The official added The Americans and the Soi con representatives have pro posed tables of all possible shapes with the only intention of delaying the opening of the cob terence This stubborn attitude which they have also shown in the question of the order speakers at the opening session shows the lack of good will of these delegations START cuntsrivins snip roan roe BIiirmi Fivefmembevrs of Parlia ment have established what they call Christmas ship fund or help the peoplevof roari pmeuce in Nigeria The incur hers shown at news con ference held today in the corn riders of Parliament at of Ralph Stewart Libsrai 0n aria Cochrane Fainveother Conservative Fundy Royal Lorne Nys short Eiatra the breakaway tawa are left to right tram NDP Yorkton Mel David Macdonald Coo servative Egmont The fifth Andrew Brewin NDP Toron to Greenwood ls notshown Mr Stewart is the chairman